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Böcker utgivna av Amber-Allen Publishing,U.S.

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  • - A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship, A Toltec Wisdom Book
    av Don Miguel Ruiz

  • av Jr. Ruiz, DON MIGUEL & don Jose Ruiz

  • av Don Miguel Ruiz & Janet Mills

  • - Seth Book - Specific, Practical Techniques for Solving Everyday Problems and Enriching the Life You Know
    av Jane Roberts

    The words of Seth, the personality channeled through Jane Roberts, show readers that they possess hidden powers within themselves that have the potential to transform their lives. By learning to control their own experiences, they can create a new, fulfilling reality.

  • av Deepak Chopra

  • - Inspiration and Guided Meditations for Living in Love and Happiness
    av Don Miguel Ruiz

    In The Circle of Fire, bestselling author, don Miguel Ruiz, inspires us to enter into a new and loving relationship with ourselves, with our fellow humans, and with all of creation. Through a selection of beautiful essays, prayers, and guided meditations, Ruiz prepares our minds for a new way of seeing life, and opens our hearts to find our way back to our birthright: heaven on earth. The result is a life lived in joy, harmony, and contentment.In my teachings, “The Circle of Fire” ceremony celebrates the most important day of our lives: the day when we merge with the fire of our spirit, and return to our own divinity. This is the day when we recover the awareness of what we really are, and make the choice to live in communion with that force of creation we call “Life” or “God.”  From that day forward, we live with unconditional love in our hearts for ourselves, for life, for everything in creation.This book, first published in 2001 as “Prayers: A Communion with Our Creator,” will remind you of what you really are. It has always been my favorite book, and now in honor of my favorite prayer, it has been appropriately renamed “The Circle of Fire.”    — don Miguel Ruiz

  • av Deepak Chopra

    “Este libro captura la esencia de todas mis charlas en los últimos 20 años. Es la destilación de casi todo lo que he enseñado hasta ahora. "- Deepak ChopraDeepak Chopra considera el misterio de nuestra existencia y su importancia en nuestra eterna búsqueda de la felicidad. ¿Quién soy? De donde vengo ¿A dónde voy cuando muero? Chopra se basa en la antigua filosofía de Vedanta y los hallazgos de la ciencia moderna para ayudarnos a comprender y experimentar nuestra verdadera naturaleza, que es un campo de conciencia pura. Cuando entendemos nuestra verdadera naturaleza, comenzamos a vivir desde la fuente de la verdadera felicidad, que no es mera felicidad por tal o cual razón, sino verdadera alegría interior. Cuando sabemos quiénes somos, permitimos que el universo fluya a través de nosotros con facilidad, y nuestras vidas están impregnadas de poder, libertad y gracia.

  • - A Practical Guide to Inner Peace
    av Don Miguel Ruiz

    The bestselling author of "The Four Agreements" explores the concept of "impeccability of the word" as a simple yet potent prescription for countering the judgmental inner "voice of knowledge."

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