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  • av T. Arun Kumari

    Energy production by utilizing solar power is being improved tremendously nowadays. The PV generated output is less and to boost up the voltage DC-DC converters are utilized and hence it plays an important role. There are many types of converters; here I have utilized Single Ended Primary Inductor Converter (SEPIC) with Voltage Tripler (VT) technique. Then the converter is tested with DC power supply as input under open loop and closed loop applications. And finally the converter is tested with Photo Voltaic (PV) source as input. The proposed converters operating principle, design consideration, performance analysis, simulative results and hardware analysis is detailed.

  • av D. Kausthub

    Yoga is a form of mind-body fitness that involves a combination of muscular activity and an internally directed mindful focus on awareness of the self, the breath, and energy. oOne of the main goals of yoga is to achieve tranquility of the mind and create a sense of well-being, feelings of relaxation, improved self-confidence, improved efficiency, increased attentiveness, lowered irritability, and an optimistic outlook on life.

  • av Jafari Fatemeh

    The working capital has an effect on the liquidity as well on the profitability of the firm. So, it is important to study the role of working capital in the profit generating process. If the firm desire to improve liquidity, increases the size of working capital of the firm. On the other hand, if a company is interested to obtain a greater risk for greater profits, it decreases the size of working capital in relation to its sales. The firm should trade off between its profitability and liquidity and decide the size of its working capital requirement. The objective of any firm is to maximize the profit. But, maintaining liquidity of the firm is an important objective also.

  • av Parul R Shrimali

    Organic agriculture is a productive system which strictly prohibits the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, growth regulators, preservatives and livestock feed additives etc. Agriculture practices rely to the maximum extent on crop residues, animal manures, crop rotations, cropping pattern, green and green leaf manures, mulching, off farm organic wastes and bio-fertilizers to supply plant nutrients and adopt biological control methods to control pest. Organic farming is not merely a production process, doing away with chemical pesticides and fertilizers, but it is also about substituting them with organic alternatives.

  • av Ravi D

    This type of unit charging is compatible with all of the electric vehicles and plug-in electric hybrid vehicles. These types of charger having a cord which will be plug directly into the vehicle in the same connector as used in level 1 charging. It usually takes 4 to 6 hours to get a complete charged. The charging time may vary depending on the weather conditions as in cold temperature. These type of chargers are found usually in residential areas, public parking's, in commercial settings and at places of employment.

  • av Rohini Pandit

    As products contain various inputs and crosses several boundaries of jurisdiction it becomes more and more difficult for regulators to propose and create laws and legislation that safeguard and covers not only all aspects of consumer protection but also social, cultural and practical obstacles. Globalization and increase in global trade, has led to a great influx of import of goods, food products; however, there is little to no information made available to the consumers about these goods, food products etc.

  • av Jyoti Kaushal

    The importance of health is described in the proverb: 'the first happiness is health, the second is a full stomach', which means that one cannot enjoy food if one is not healthy. It is one of the important aspects that help to develop capabilities, sustainability to work long and to contribute to the economic growth2. It is man's most precious possession. It influences all his activities and shapes his destiny. It is a foundation on which his happiness rests.

  • av Venu Sangwan

    As per the report of the International Energy Agency (IEA), approximately 14% of total energy-related CO2 emission (the primary cause of thegreenhouse effect) occurs from automobile industry [2]. The urgency for clean energy has raised concern among government, automobile manufacturers and researchers. To promote electrification of transportation, Electric Vehicles (EVs) are a potential alternative to the internal combustion engine (ICEs) automobiles.

  • av Jaspreet Singh

    Transformer is believed to be failed when component of transformer is unable to withstand operational stresses. Transformer has to withstand electrical, mechanical thermal, chemical and electromagnetic stresses throughout its normal working life and during transient conditions. The insulation of transformer starts deteriorating right from the installation, which results in reduction in mechanical strength, dielectric strength, electromagnetic and thermal integrity. Transformer fails when operating stresses exceeds the withstand capacity of the parameters discussed in this section.

  • av T. Chellatamilan

    Individualized self-paced e-learning - online refers to situations where individual learners access learning resources like database or course content online through Intranet/Internet. Individualized self-paced e-learning - offline is about a learner using learning resources like database/computerassisted learning packages.

  • av Bejjipurapu Gowrinaidu

    Health is composed of several dimensions including physical health, mental health, social health and emotional health. Today however the emphasis is on holistic health. Holistic health is based on the premise that an individual's health is affected by practically all aspects of an individual's life. Physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual, environmental, genetic and social factors all interact to influence an individual's state of health. In order to achieve optimal health, all these factors must be considered.

  • av Kumar Shukla Niraj

    An electromechanical device that is used to transform electrical energy into mechanical energy to transmit motion to various mechanisms of machines for different kinds of process control is termed as electrical drive. A drive that employs electric motors is termed as electrical drives. It comprises of an AC or DC source, a power converter, motor load, control unit and detecting or sensing unit.

  • av K. T. Muhammed Rafeeque

    The elements of management system include aspects such as policies, plans, operational procedures, management system objectives, targets, action plans, defined roles, responsibilities, authorities, documentation systems and information and communication systems. ISO defined 'quality' as the degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfils requirements (ISO, 2005b). Ansari et al. (2013) stated that quality characteristic of food that is acceptable and satisfactory to users can be termed as quality and it includes external aspects (such as physical look, texture and taste) and internal aspects (physical, chemical and microbiological parameters). Antle (2013) opined that safety is one of the quality parameters of foods similar to many other aspects such as taste and nutritional parameters.

  • av Dinesh Kumar

    Cardiac diseases around the world are a common cause of death. The ECG signal is the measurement of electric heart activities and plays an essential role in diagnosing heart diseases. Various neurological disorders are relatively common, and it occurs due to the disorders in the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. There are currently numerous machine learning techniques used to determine the heart abnormalities in ECG signals and detect the seizure in EEG signals.

  • av Sohini Chakraborty

    The scholar's work and process of using Dance Movement Therapy (DMT) received very positive feedback in terms of participants' responsiveness to DMT as a support. This is the impetus that led the scholar to start Kolkata Sanved along with five survivors of violence and trafficking. Kolkata Sanved uses Dance Movement Therapy for psycho-social rehabilitation of survivors of sexual violence, trafficking, abuse and exploitation.

  • av S. Sagaya Doss

    Inspite of such concentration of health facilities in the cities compared to rural areas and relative proximity of hospital and other facilities, standards of health care seem to have fallen far below reasonable minimum levels for those who live in slums. There is a phenomenon of an "inverse care law", whereby, those who are in greatest need of medical care have poorest access to it. While the principles of delivery of primary health care are equally applicable to urban health system as to the rural health, the slum population remains ignored on this account to this date.

  • av P. Mahabala

    People prefer nowadays, treatment through natural ways like yoga all over the world. Therefore yoga has got importance in this era. Most of the diseases originate in the mind. Mind and body are closely associated according to yoga15. Any disturbance in the mind is expressed in the body. Mind influences different body functions if mind is not taken care of. They will result in the manifestation of various diseases in the body, if these disturbances continue to be there.

  • av Ranjit Mukherji Kumar

    As the economy globally is expanding and moving ahead, multiple challenges are been faced by the companies and enterprises to maintain their profitability and operational viability. In this scenario, if some enterprise is competent enough to go ahead a little in relation to satisfying its customers and delighting them, than it shall have superiority over its competitors.

  • av Priya Soni

    The processed organic food products contain only organic ingredients. Foods which are organic must be free from artificial food additives, and processed with artificial methods, materials and conditions, such as chemical ripening, food irradiation, and genetically modified ingredients only non-synthetic pesticides are allowed. Organic food may or may not be healthier than food that is not organic.

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