- Goran Therborn - A Critical Appraisal
Soon, Cities of Power: The Urban, the National, the Popular, and the Global by Göran Therborn will be on the market. In between Science, Class and Society (1976) and The Killing Fields of Inequality (2013) Göran has consistently challenged received wisdom in politics and the social sciences. His Between Sex and Power (2004) is the current global map of family relations and gender equality. With the 1968 article 'From Petrograd to Saigon' he laid the foundation for his worldwide reputation as an innovative public intellectual. His critique of the Frankfurt School had repercussions around Europe. Today his work is spread across six continents, Latin America in particular, and has been translated into more than twenty languages.This book is a critical appraisal of the themes Göran Therborn has pursued up till now, and is introduced by Robin Blackburn, for almost twenty years his editor at New Left Review.'Göran's continual alertness to different paths to or through modernity, and to varieties of capitalism, will very soon be tested in a dramatic way.' - Ian Gough, London School of Economics'This is a very important project and Göran richly deserves it.' - Michael Burawoy, UC BerkeleyCONTENTS:INTRODUCTIONSRobin Blackburn, 'Göran Therborn and the Old Mole'Sven Hort & Gunnar Olofsson, 'A Portrait of the Sociologist as a Young Rebel'SECTION I. Class, Politics and RevolutionsAnders Stephanson, 'On Geopolitics in Therbornism, Early and Late'Risto Alapuro, 'Finnish Demonstrations as Confrontations'Per H. Jensen, 'Origins of Danish Flexicurity'Robin Blackburn, 'From Miliband to Corbyn'Aliaksei Lastouski, Nikolay Zakharov & Sven Hort, 'Belarus - Another "Iceberg Society"?'Elisabeth Özdalga, 'Islam-Oriented Trajectories and Turkey's Fluctuating Encounters with European Modernity'Åsa Cristina Laurell, 'Structural Adjustment, Social Exclusion and Violence'Lena Lavinas, 'The Untold Battlefields Against Inequality in Latin America'Chang Kyung-sup, 'Post-Socialist Class Politics with Chinese Characteristics'SECTION II. Sex, Gender and PowerAnita Göransson & Karin Widerberg, 'Göran between Sex and Power'Eric Hobsbawm, 'Retreat of the Male'Perry Anderson, 'Atlas of the Family'SECTION III. Global ModernitiesImmanuel Wallerstein, 'Empire: Dangerous Slippage of a Concept'Habibul Haque Khondker, 'Entangled Globality'Gabriella Elgenius, 'The Principles and Products of the Identity Market'Zhanna Kravchenko, Lisa Kings & Sven Hort, 'Power Ideology and Transformations of Space'Bo Rothstein, 'Manufacturing Social Solidarity'Erik Olin Wright, 'The Capitalist State and the Possibility of Socialism'