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  • av Ken Kammal
    156 - 290,-

  • av Karl Weber

    If books didn't matter, nobody would try to ban them.In a nation struggling to cope with polarization, disinformation, acrimony, the power of books-to inform, enlighten, and inspire-is more important than ever. To honor Joyce Meskis, the legendary bookseller who founded Denver's Tattered Cover and became a champion of First Amendment freedoms, a team including some of today's leading publishers, booksellers, authors, and free speech activists offers reflections on the vital role of books in our nation's cultural, civic, social, and economic life. Why Books Still Matter includes:U.S. Senator John Hickenlooper on bookselling as a mission-driven form of entrepreneurship-a way of nurturing communities and enriching culture while helping city economies flourishFreedom of speech activist Chris Finan on a century of battles against censorship and the crucial role of books and booksellers in defending libertyBook marketing guru Carl Lennertz on how a generation of innovative booksellers transformed the magical process by which authors and readers discover one anotherBookseller Clara Villarosa on creating one of the nation's greatest Black-owned bookstores-and why representation on the printed page is so important for Americans of every backgroundLibrarians Nick Higgins and Amy Mikel on why they decided to make banned books available to young people from communities across the U.S.-and how they did itCivil liberties attorney Steve Zansberg on a new way to think about the right to free expression and its vital role in a democratic societyBookseller Carole Horne on how independent bookstores from Cambridge to Austin to Salt Lake City pioneered the "buy local" movement, glorifying what makes every city and town unique. . . and other noteworthy figures from the worlds of publishing and bookselling providing unique insights into the glorious past, the embattled present, and the essential future of books. All proceeds will be donated to the American Library Association Office for Intellectual Freedom.

  • av Daria Platonova Dugina

    The meaning of life is a lifelong endeavor, a constant quest and task to live up to. Philosophy, poetry, existential self-questioning, and sacrifice are all part of the art of living. In special cases, one person's life - and death - can be meaningful and even life-changing for many others.For a Radical Life brings together a unique selection of Daria Platonova Dugina's meditations on a young life lived in deep thinking and persevering struggle. Drawn from her philosophical writings, interviews, social media, and personal diary, the words that speak from the pages of this book offer an unprecedented glimpse into the life and mind of Daria Platonova Dugina. Presented in the form of a pocket-sized quotebook, For a Radical Life is an everyday companion to thinking and living through our perilous age.

  • av Iris Saraiva Russowsky

    O século XX foi marcado pela facilitação de circulação de bens, capitais e pessoas entre países. A integração regional desenvolvida a partir dos blocos de integração regional como União Europeia e Mercosul acabaram por desenvolver economicamente os países que deles fazem parte, havendo ainda, na União Europeia um avanço grande no bloco com a instauração da moeda única. Toda essa facilitação de circulação a partir da relativização das fronteiras acabou também por trazer alguns efeitos nefastos, como o desenvolvimento da criminalidade transnacional e o deslocamento de bens, valores e pessoas ligados aos crimes, o que faz surgir a necessidade de desenvolvimento e aprimoramento dos meios de cooperação jurídica internacional em matéria penal com a finalidade de evitar ao máximo a impunidade e a máxima de que o crime não deve compensar.

  • av Metropolitan Youssef

    This Orthodox Christian commentary is derived from a series of sermons given by His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef of the Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States, where His Eminence has been serving since the early 90s. ABOUT THE BOOK: Corinth was a very important commercial center which made it easy for it to be a place for all sorts of vice and evil. Also, its closeness to Athens added the problem of intellectualism. Greece was known for its philosophers and philosophy. St. Paul established the church of Corinth during his second missionary trip.Unfortunately, the immoral environment found in the city adversely affected the church. Reports of the problems within the church reached St. Paul's ears, and so he wrote an earlier letter (1 Corinthians) to answer these reports, correcting sinful practices and refuting false doctrine.In this second letter, written only a few months after the first, St. Paul, as a caring father, wanted to make sure that his rebukes in the earlier letter were received positively, and that it actually encouraged them to repent. He also focuses his letter on defending his apostleship, rebuking ungodly behavior that still persisted in Corinth, and to encourage them to collect money for the needy in Jerusalem. This letter is one that is quite beneficial to those serving others for God, as it explains how service should be, as we learn from the example of St. Paul.

  • av Metropolitan Youssef

    All of us, without exception, have gone through one period or another in our life wherein we felt lonely. Loneliness is a sweeping feeling of isolation, despite the person's being in the midst of a crowd. The feeling of loneliness does not require that a person be far from people, for a person might be living with others, and he nevertheless feels lonely. And a person may be surrounded by many people, yet his feeling of loneliness increases. For the feeling of loneliness springs from within. His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef, in this book, sheds light on loneliness, its definition, causes, and treatment.

  • av Corine Allen

    Bleeding in the Pews is a riveting must-read for anyone who has been molested and/or raped. The author chronicles her trauma of being molested as a child by three adult male family members and, finally, being raped by a high school senior. Dr. Allen further shares her devastating paths to finding love while on her journey to healing. The author highlights the cycle of heart-breaking failures of relationships due to the effects of being sexually abused. She underwent each adverse event as she sat faithfully in the church. In her book, she enlightens others on how God healed the deep wounds while she sat bleeding in the pews as a faithful minister of the Gospel. The blueprints of her deliverance are found in the pages of this book. God healed her, and He will heal you. Healing begins when we reveal the hidden secrets of our pain and shame.

  • av Les Ball

    This book emerges from an extensive research project into the area of transformative learning in theology in the Australian context. The project was stimulated by the recognition of the rich prior life experience of the typically older students enrolling in undergraduate theological degrees and the common claims made by various theological colleges that they provide a transformative educational experience. It set out to test these elements against the actual experience and aspirations of students, educators and stakeholders. Over 50 teaching campuses and 700 people provided input into the research by means of interviews, surveys, focus groups and documentary analysis.While located in the Australian context, the book reviews the wide global literature emerging recently in the field of transformative education as it pertains to theological education and analyses key concepts in relation to data derived from current institutional documents and individual observations. Accordingly, it educes principles governing transformative learning and identifies examples of innovative practices that facilitate such learning. The principal emphasis of the book is the crucial area of curriculum design and delivery that will take genuine cognizance of the students' prior life experience and facilitate authentic transformative learning.

  • av Patricia Easteal

    Meet Triple F who is traversing the puzzle-like phases of her existence Daddy's Princess Franny, the precocious child abuse survivor; Frankie, whose extended adolescence is spent numbing trauma in unhealthy ways; and Francine, the adult

  • av Alan Horsfield

    Grant discovers a Speed Devil Aurora advertised for sale on a village noticeboard - an unbelievable bargain. He must have it, but he doesn't have the money. What can he do? Come up with some money-making schemes, obviously!

  • av Saxon James

    RushWhen I show up to surprise my boyfriend in a barely-there festive outfit, I'm expecting him to be alone.Not hosting family. His fiancé's family. Down one boyfriend and up a lot of embarrassment, I flee with my tail between my legs. The broken heart will fade. My humiliation, not so much, but my saving grace is the fact that I never have to see either of them ever, ever again. Until I walk into work and come face to face with my new boss. HunterI never, in a million years, would have guessed the man hiding under his desk at work would be the one person I hoped to never see again.My ex-fiancé's side piece. Apparently I can't fire the guy because of personal issues, so I try to play nice, which is a whole lot harder to do when I find out my ex is still texting Rush. The same ex I haven't heard from since I walked out on his begging. Rush tells me he didn't know about me. He tells me there were others. He also tells me our ex still wants him and so, we come up with a plan. To show him what it feels like when you want someone who doesn't want you back. All we need is a camera. His number. And one shared kiss. Revenge has never been sweeter.

  • av Ama Lee

    The middle of the night is for many things-binging a show, playing your favorite game, crying out the hurt, even writing the insomnia away. Like most things, Slowburn was born in the middle of the night, inspired by both the joy of the media Lee loves and the joy of discovering love for themself. These poems are for those whose doubts haunt their every step, for the people whose emotions feel too big or too small. Most importantly, this prose is for those who don't feel like they fit in at all. Ama Lee manages to walk readers through a year in their life, inspired by a mix of real events and fandom, showing how much a year can really change. This is a story of love and loss, but more importantly, it's a love story above all else-a Slowburn.

  • av Philip Antony

    There is an old tale that speaks of a beautiful baby with skin as white as snow and blonde hair like corn silk. Her name is Luci. She was born in the deep Amazon jungle in a tribe that saw her difference from the other children as a curse. They demand that she be abandoned in the jungle to appease the Shadow god.Luci's father consents and takes baby Luci to the deepest part of the jungle to be left to her fate. Hearing the cries coming from a cave, a troop of monkeys takes Luci to their treetop home. Luci falls from the tree and is about to be attacked by a jaguar when she is rescued by fairies and taken to Mab, the Queen of the fairies.Over the years, Luci grows into an intelligent young woman educated by the fairies, and beloved of the animals in the jungle, including, most especially, by Kisha, the jaguar that was about to eat her when she fell from the tree.We follow her adventures with the fairies and the animals. She is introduced to humans like her - "people" - at the jungle clearing where workers are clearcutting the forest to make way for farming. The men attempt to take Luci as a prize, but are thwarted by the jungle animals and Queen Mab.Luci undergoes a life-changing transformation in a dramatic ceremony. Luci now sets about to find a woman who was seen wandering the jungle. Could it be her mother in search of Luci?

  • av Lauren Fleming

    A fun rhyming children's book guaranteed to make kids smile while learning to match words to pictures. A fun rhyming children's book guaranteed to make kids smile while learning to match words to pictures.

  • av Edward Lloyd

    A gentleman traveller's account of tour of Dublin via North Wales. Complains about the food, the slothfulness of the locals, the women's legs, the drunkards' racket, the fopperies of popery, and the blush-inducing displays of public indecency.

  • av Joanne Nolan

    Can you imagine Elliot's dismay as he has to move from the Emirates to the UK? Elliot embarks on an unwanted relocation from the sunny shores of the Middle East to the heart of the UK. His world turns upside down as he confronts new challenges and a very different way of life. Struggling to adapt to his new surroundings, Elliot is confused as he tries to piece it all together. He refuses to accept that home is where the family is and sets about forming an ambitious 15-year plan to return to the sunshine and what he knows as 'home'.

  • av Joanne Nolan

    Read this little star's diary about his adventure on Earth as he explores some of the world's natural wonders, all designed by Mother Nature, who, without a doubt, is the world's most spectacular creator.

  • av Sue Johnson
    1 260,-

    This narrative delves into the health and healing practices of indigenous tribes across the United States prior to the arrival of settlers through to the present day. Focused on physical, social, emotional, spiritual, and intellectual well-being, the book traces each tribe's origins and their current locations, shedding light on their economic and social issues today. The book explores the impact of interactions with settlers, explorers, and neighboring communities on the health of these tribes then and now.Uniquely, it provides a comprehensive examination of traditional health and healing methods, addressing the repercussions of cultural interactions from early dealings to contemporary times. In a landscape where few works focus on the health aspects of individual tribes, this book stands out by offering a nuanced exploration of the diverse indigenous societies and their evolving health paradigms influenced by interactions with White culture.

  • av Farnaz Bordbar

    Farnaz Bordbar is a model with a unique sense of style...

  • av Chester Alfonso

    Six separate compositions reflecting on different elements of society and the people wherein. 1) "The Secretary and the Pain," is about the U.S. Secretary of State's outstanding speech at the United Nations, the subsequent troop deployment of U.S. troops to Iraq and the suffering that followed. 2) "The Poor and Decrepit Old Men," looks into the minds of the poor, seemingly lost, and forgotten older men of America. 3) "Monument Avenue," speaks to the fact that there was a major thoroughfare in Richmond, Virginia, honoring the Confederate and how that avenue was the proud gathering site for many who worshiped the Confederate.4) "New Black Martyrs and New Black Heroes." In search of symbols of greatness, Black Americans create martyrs and heroes out of those who rarely deserve such a status. 5) "AWOL: Absent Without Leave." Black Americans have continually gone into battle for this country in an effort to allow others to be free, all the while enduring segregation, racism and brutality back home. "AWOL," looks at a Black soldier in Vietnam and his simplistic attitude. 6) "Eight to the Tenth Power," reflects upon abortions. This is one of my most controversial works. The questions raised and statements made are sure to generate anger, debate, obscenities, name-calling and denunciation.

  • av Jordan Allen

    The ravaged wasteland that was once the United States of America is more dangerous than ever. The slavers are looking for their next prize, the raiders are looking for their next loot and the seemingly endless roaming mutants are looking for their prey. Jason and Sniper wander the road north in search of a survivor from Jason's fallen hometown of Shackford when they come across a man named Camlorn who speaks of a group who claim to be able to reverse the transformation of a human into a mutant. This leaves the lingering question in their mind. Could this nightmare world finally be turned back? Jordan Allen returns with the highly anticipated sequel to his first book, Mutagenesis: The New World. Human Regression is an action-packed, post-apocalyptic tale that's blend of sci-fi and dark mystery will leave you questioning just how far is too far for revenge.

  • av Kwaku Ka-F Amoateng

    Kwadan and Jorku are back in the third installment of "The Magic Umbrella." This time they meet someone who seems very interested in them; where did this person come from? And is this person a friend or an enemy?


    Join the great adventure with Zoey, So many stories and friends just waiting for you, is it just all one big dream or is it real life, well don't we find out on Zoey's great adventure.

  • av Haan Palcu-Chang

    A short, heartfelt ode to traditional Romanian recipes from a critically-acclaimed chef of mixed Taiwanese and Romanian heritage.

  • av Sallie F Arnoult

    Charlie has a great imagination!>This delightful children's picture book will take your young child on one adventure after the other along with brave Charlie, and will help children aged around 2 to 6 years old to learn the power of allowing their imagination and creativity to run wild and give them the encouragement to dream big! Author, Sallie Arnoult, was born into one of the first families of Louisiana and enjoys blogging at Bella Musings by Sallie, writing, gardening, cooking, reading, crafting and flipping the occasional piece of furniture in her home in New Orleans. Sallie has always loved children, having helped raise her younger brother, and having poured many fun hours into the lives of her wonderful nephews and nieces, who provide inspiration for her children's stories.

  • av Pat McDermott Michener

    When she ran away in 1947, Jasmine Holmes was beautiful. Now she's back: sick, broke, divorced, her life in ruins-a perfect project for her aunt Emma Madison, master meddler. But small-town secrets live long in darkness, and the ones that Jasmine Holmes guards might be the darkest of all. How to fix Jasmine? True, her reputation as the town tramp was well deserved. When she fled tiny Medford for Las Vegas nine years ago, it was in a cloud of scandal. Once Emma rescues Jasmine from a hospital bed and her niece's eight-year-old daughter from foster care, townspeople are dismayed at their return. And when Jasmine, after she recovers, begins nursing the dying wife of her once-supposed lover, Medford erupts in a veritable volcano of gossip. Lovers from a decade ago appear, then a new suitor. Soon emotions of desire, jealousy, spite and fear roil the once-peaceful community. During her brief stay, Jasmine sets the lives of many on trajectories they never could have expected. And although her own journey may be long and arduous, love and joy wait at the end, thanks in large part to an elderly lady with the remarkable ability to take things gone wrong and set them to rights. Subtly influencing the course of events-watching, waiting, and then pulling the strings with perfect timing, is Jasmine's sage and savvy aunt-the redoubtable Emma Madison.

  • av Heather Lynn

    Every year, Charlotte faithfully performs her Samhain ritual, anxiously awaiting her visit with Jessica. But Jessica has not appeared for the past eight years. What could possibly have happened to prevent her from being there?As a stormy night sets in, Charlotte's friends arrive entangled in a web of theft and murder. When an old adversary resurfaces with plans of their own, the situation becomes more complicated, and secrets begin to unravel.In the aftermath, Charlotte and Ben establish the "Doctor's House", offering comfort to the ailing. An obscure summons leads them to a stranger being held in the gaol-his presence in the schoolhouse a mystery, the turpentine and striker in his possession leading to more questions. Who is this man? What secrets does he hold? And what does he seek from Charlotte?

  • av Andrew Kaplan

    In this wise, warm-hearted, witty, and hilariously funny true account, New York Times bestselling author Andrew Kaplan tells what it's like when he, his wife, and two-year-old son decided to chuck it all and live the fantasy in a villa by the sea in that extraordinary corner of the world - part international café society, part billionaires' playground, part provincial France - that is the French Riviera.Whether it's matching wits with French bureaucracy, searching for the perfect bouillabaisse, encounters with con men, eccentric ex-pats, and Monaco's royal family, partying with the international set on Onassis' yacht, playing chess with a philosophical police chief, or adventures and friendships with the rich and famous and the presumably standoffish French, Once Upon a Villa will transport you to a fascinating and shrewdly-observed world that you will savor like your first-morning bite of pain au chocolate.So pour yourself a glass of wine, open the book, and Santé!

  • av Tara J Stone

    The follow-up to 6 Blocks Home is a powerful story about confronting old wounds, embracing new possibilities, and the triumph of unrelenting love.Evie is a musical prodigy who has a habit of running away when things get hard. Or messy. Or just plain awkward. Like the time she ran away from home when she discovered the devastating truth about her past.Now, at twenty-three, Evie is content with the quiet life she's carved out for herself-working at a music store, teaching violin lessons, and joking around with her coworker and best friend, Finn-but her world is about to get hard and messy and awkward again.A chance encounter with a handsome stranger sets Evie on a crash course with the very past she's spent years running from. An old flame reappears. And most terrifying of all, she's beginning to suspect Finn is more than just a friend.As events beyond her control force Evie to choose between running and risking it all, she will discover the heartache of betrayal, the strength of true friendship, and the unbreakable bonds of unconditional love.

  • av Grace Lockhaven
    200 - 496,-

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