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  • - La guia definitiva para influir y comprender el comportamiento humano, incluyendo tecnicas de manipulacion y formas de potenciar su inteligencia emocional
    av Mark Dudley

  • - Una guia esencial para crear multiples fuentes de ingresos y construir un imperio de riqueza utilizando la inversion en propiedades de alquiler e ideas de negocios en linea
    av Stephen Huber

  • - Los secretos para mejorar su inteligencia emocional, habilidades sociales, carisma, influencia y autoconciencia, y consejos de comunicacion efectivos para persuadir a la gente
    av Mark Dudley

  • - Lo que necesita saber sobre influencia, manipulacion, psicologia oscura, inteligencia emocional, comportamiento humano, engano, negociacion, PNL, control mental y aptitudes sociales
    av Mark Dudley

    Si siempre ha querido ser influyente en el ámbito social y profesional, pero constantemente lucha por mantener el interés de los demás, entonces siga leyendo...¿Está harto de intentar siempre hacer lo correcto y tener éxito en los entornos sociales?¿Ha intentado un sinfín de soluciones, pero nada parece funcionar por más de unas semanas?¿Quiere finalmente decir adiós a las relaciones fallidas, a las ventas perdidas y a las luchas profesionales, y descubrir algo que funcione para usted?Si es así, entonces ha llegado al lugar correcto.Aprender a persuadir a otras personas para que lo aprecien o para que hagan lo que usted pide no tiene que ser difícil.Incluso si ya intentó ser una persona agradable y siempre escucha lo que dicen los demás y trata de ser la persona más agradable.De hecho, es más fácil de lo que usted piensa.Un informe realizado por el Business News Daily ha demostrado que la inteligencia emocional lo puede llevar al éxito en entornos sociales y profesionales.Y otro estudio afirmó que la persuasión puede obtener los resultados que desea, incluso al hacerlo de forma ética y justa.Lo que significa que usted puede obtener el éxito que desea en el trabajo sin renunciar a su integridad o su propia voluntad.Esta es solo una pequeña fracción de lo que descubrirá:Todo sobre la comprensión de las emociones y la empatía, y cómo son relevantes para obtener lo que deseaUna guía para leer el lenguaje corporal de otras personas con facilidad y claridadUna comprensión de lo que es la psicología oscura y cómo puede usarla para persuadir a otrosUna guía sobre la inteligencia emocional y cómo la información puede enseñarle a tener éxito profesional y social.Qué es la PNL y cómo se está usando para cambiar las mentesEl análisis del comportamiento humano y lo que esCómo influenciar y persuadir a otrosCómo evitar la manipulación, el engaño y el control mentalCómo negociar con éxito y cuándo no negociarCómo las habilidades sociales reales y su desarrollo pueden ser mucho más beneficiosas que cualquier otra cosa cuando se trata de conseguir lo que deseaY mucho, mucho más¡Tómese un segundo para imaginar cómo se sentirá cuando finalmente sea capaz de realizar su trabajo con éxito y destreza con sus recién descubiertas habilidades de persuasión e interacción social, y cómo reaccionarán al final su familia y amigos cuando su confianza se dispare!¡Adquiera este libro ahora para aprender más sobre la persuasión!

  • - La guia definitiva del estilo de vida escandinavo para vivir una vida equilibrada llena de bienestar y felicidad
    av Barbara Hayden

    Dos manuscritos en un libroHygge: Descubre el arte danés del bienestar y la felicidadLagom: Lo que necesita saber sobre el arte sueco de vivir una vida equilibradaAntojos de comodidad, de calidez, de satisfacción: todos sienten el deseo de una vida más feliz, menos estresante y más serena.Hygge, la filosofía de origen danés, es una forma comprobada de lograr una vida así. Hygge significa bienestar en el nórdico antiguo y encarna una filosofía que es tanto un modo de pensar como una forma de vida.Las actividades específicas están diseñadas para animarte a cultivar la unión y la alegría en las cosas más pequeñas y sencillas de la vida diaria.Este libro ofrece una explicación en profundidad del estilo de vida hygge y da numerosos consejos prácticos sobre cómo practicar el hygge en el día a día.Algunos de los temas y preguntas cubiertos en la primera parte de este libro incluyenUn profundo conocimiento del arte danés del hygge, un estilo de vida equivalente a abrazar un abrazo de adentro hacia afuera.Las ocho formas de incorporar los aspectos prácticos del hygge en todos los ámbitos de tu vida diaria, desde la chimenea y el hogar, hasta la comida y las manualidades.Las cuatro cosas que debes saber sobre el fomento de relaciones felices y serenas con los niños, padres, parejas y amigos.La razón por la que vivir la vida con prisas y estrés constantes, aunque parezca materialmente lucrativo, no es el camino hacia la felicidad definitiva. En su lugar, dedícate a las cosas simples de la vida con gratitud y placer.La forma de lograr la armonía del hogar sin sacrificar a los amigos y al cuidado personal.La forma de fomentar un sentido de la felicidad acogedora durante todo el año, con ideas simples para todas las temporadas y para la época de vacaciones.Cómo hacer todo lo anterior, rodeado de familia y amigos, que son el secreto de una vida feliz.Aprender a adoptar lo hecho en casa y lo encontrado, para crear regalos reflexivos e interacciones significativas en todos los aspectos de tu vida.Cómo hacer todo lo anterior de manera ahorrativa, ecológica y, sin duda, entretenida.¡La comprensión fundamental de dónde viene la verdadera felicidad y cómo puedes embarcarte en tu viaje hacia la alegría hoy mismo!¡Y mucho más!Algunos de los temas y preguntas cubiertos en la segunda parte de este libro incluyen:¿Qué es el lagom, y por qué es importante?Algunos de los beneficios que vienen con el uso del lagomCómo implementar el lagom en su casa y en su vida laboral¿Puede añadir lagom a la celebración de festejos?Añadir lagom a su estilo de paternidad, a su relación con los demás, e incluso a las relaciones románticasCómo el lagom puede ayudarle a comer bien, realizar suficiente actividad y sentirse más felizManeras en que puede usar el lagom para ayudarle a ahorrar dinero y trabajar en mejorar sus finanzasY mucho, mucho más¡Adquiera este libro ahora para aprender más sobre Hygge y lagom!

  • - Descubre el arte danes del bienestar y la felicidad
    av Barbara Hayden

    Si quieres descubrir una increíble sensación de felicidad y bienestar, entonces el hygge es justo la filosofía que buscas...Antojos de comodidad, de calidez, de satisfacción: todos sienten el deseo de una vida más feliz, menos estresante y más serena.Hygge, la filosofía de origen danés, es una forma comprobada de lograr una vida así. Hygge significa bienestar en el nórdico antiguo y encarna una filosofía que es tanto un modo de pensar como una forma de vida.Las actividades específicas están diseñadas para animarte a cultivar la unión y la alegría en las cosas más pequeñas y sencillas de la vida diaria.Este libro ofrece una explicación en profundidad del estilo de vida hygge y da numerosos consejos prácticos sobre cómo practicar el hygge en el día a día.A medida que leas este libro, encontrarás lo siguiente, ¡y mucho, mucho más!Un profundo conocimiento del arte danés del hygge, un estilo de vida equivalente a abrazar un abrazo de adentro hacia afuera.Las ocho formas de incorporar los aspectos prácticos del hygge en todos los ámbitos de tu vida diaria, desde la chimenea y el hogar, hasta la comida y las manualidades.Las cuatro cosas que debes saber sobre el fomento de relaciones felices y serenas con los niños, padres, parejas y amigos.La razón por la que vivir la vida con prisas y estrés constantes, aunque parezca materialmente lucrativo, no es el camino hacia la felicidad definitiva. En su lugar, dedícate a las cosas simples de la vida con gratitud y placer.La forma de lograr la armonía del hogar sin sacrificar a los amigos y al cuidado personal.La forma de fomentar un sentido de la felicidad acogedora durante todo el año, con ideas simples para todas las temporadas y para la época de vacaciones.Cómo hacer todo lo anterior, rodeado de familia y amigos, que son el secreto de una vida feliz.Aprender a adoptar lo hecho en casa y lo encontrado, para crear regalos reflexivos e interacciones significativas en todos los aspectos de tu vida.¡La comprensión fundamental de dónde viene la verdadera felicidad y cómo puedes embarcarte en tu viaje hacia la alegría hoy mismo!¡Y mucho más!Tómate un segundo para imaginar cómo te sentirás cuando empieces a practicar el hygge y cómo reaccionarán tus familiares y amigos cuando empiecen a experimentar la alegría de una vida pacífica, acogedora y feliz. Incluso si sientes que tu vida está demasiado ocupada como para ir más despacio y disfrutar de todos los beneficios del hygge, sin duda puedes alcanzar un estado del hygge gracias a los consejos y las técnicas que se ofrecen en este libro.Para poder empezar a practicar el hygge en tu vida, simplemente necesitas el deseo de crear una atmósfera que te permita sentirte cómodo y tranquilo, centrarte en la unión y la familia en lugar del trabajo y el estatus, y creer que la riqueza material y los productos de consumo no son sinónimos de felicidad. La felicidad es más bien un sentimiento intrínseco que proviene de llevar una vida reconfortante de autocuidado y bienestar. El éxito, que proviene del hygge, no queda definido por lo material. Más bien, el éxito se basa en el equilibrio entre el trabajo y la vida; la creatividad y la productividad en tu vida, y la comodidad y la felicidad en tu hogar.¡Consigue este libro ahora para aprender más sobre el hygge!

  • - Lo que necesita saber sobre el arte sueco de vivir una vida equilibrada
    av Barbara Hayden

  • - A Comprehensive Guide to Learning the Swedish Language Fast
    av Lars Svensson

    The Ultimate Resource for Mastering the Swedish Language FastDo you want to learn the Swedish language in the fastest way possible?In this book, you'll get the information needed so you can start speaking Swedish fast.First, we'll go over Pronunciation, Greetings, and goodbyes. After that, we'll take a look at some common phrases and questions. In chapter three, you'll learn how to count in Swedish. Then after that, we'll dive into the 1951 most common words in the Swedish language. In chapter five, you'll get Swedish Pronouns to practice on. Last but not least, you'll receive some final tips for learning Swedish fast.Inside this book, you'll learn about Pronunciation, Greetings, and Goodbyes Some Common Phrases and Questions Proven Swedish Icebreakers Swedish Numbers 1951 Most Common Swedish Words Swedish Pronouns Essential Tips for Learning Swedish Fast And much more!Get Your Copy Now To Benefit From this Incredible Resource

  • - The Best ways to Grow Aquaponic Plants
    av Sheila Brown

    Discover The Best Ways To Grow Aquaponic PlantsAquaponics is a great way to grow fish and food together, but the biggest question for most people is how to grow. Since so many plants do well with aquaponics, it's easy to get over enthused and try and grow everything! With the right set up, you can do this, but it's also going to be much harder to have healthy plants if you're a beginner, so it's a good idea to start out small. Similarly, even if you've picked out plants already growing them in a system that fits your space can be the bigger challenge.In this book, we'll look at a few creative ways to grow your plants and tackle the common problems that plague many growers so that your plants will be the best they can!Within this book, you'll find the answers to these questions and more. Just some of the questions and topics covered include Creative Growing with Aquaponics The Basic System What Plants? Grow Beds Strawberry Towers Freestanding Z Guttering Wall And much more!Scroll to the top and select the "Add to Cart" button to learn more about the best ways to grow aquaponic plants

  • - A Comprehensive Guide to the Hindu Religion, Hindu Gods, Hindu Beliefs, Hindu Rituals and Hinduism History
    av Cassie Coleman

  • - Simple Diet Guide with Delicious Recipes for Rapid Weight Loss
    av Sheila Brown

    Simple Diet Guide with Delicious Recipes for Rapid Weight LossThe world holds as many diets as there are food types. Fad diet after fad diet comes out causing a stampede of people headed for the gym or the supermarket for the next best ingredient. They all have one goal - healthy wellbeing and weight loss. Why should the Mediterranean diet be any different?Because it does not place many restrictions on its followers. Instead, it encourages the enjoyment of life. Most fad diets promise fast results, whereas the Mediterranean diet promises longevity and a richer life without the assistance of supplements or pills. Throughout this book, I will give you an introduction to the Mediterranean diet, some basic information and a handful of recipes to get you started.By the end of the book, I hope you'll find the Mediterranean diet appealing and easy to integrate into your lifestyle. As with everything, healthy living means healthy choices. I hope to encourage you toward healthy choices or confirm your current healthy lifestyle while giving you fresh inspiration for your meals.I trust that you will find this book informative and inspiring. Living a healthy lifestyle helps each of us to experience life to the fullest. Life is meant to be lived, enjoyed, and experienced.Within this book, you'll find the answers to these questions and more. Just some of the questions and topics covered include All About the Mediterranean Diet The Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet The Mediterranean Diet - Some Fundamentals Getting Started Recipes And more!Buy the book now and learn more about the mediterranean diet

  • - Adopting Hinduism as a Way of Life + The Ultimate Guide to Hindu Gods, Hindu Beliefs, Hindu Rituals and Hindu Religion
    av Cassie Coleman

    2 Hinduism books in 1: Hinduism: Adopting Hinduism as a Way of Life Hinduism: Hinduism for Beginners - The Ultimate Guide to Hindu Gods, Hindu Beliefs, Hindu Rituals and Hindu ReligionBook 1: Learn How To Adopt Hinduism as a Way of LifeHinduism is the oldest and the third largest religion by population. There are more than a billion Hindus in India, Nepal, Indonesia (Bali), Mauritius, Canada, New Zealand, Kenya, and elsewhere in the world who practice the faith. However, many scholars and practitioners believe that Hinduism is not a religion at all - it is a way of life, as Hinduism explains the purpose of human life, what you should and shouldn't do, how you should behave with others, and how you should carry out your duties and responsibilities.There are many aspects of Hinduism that makes it distinct from any other religion. For instance, there is no founder. Hinduism developed from the faiths and traditions of the earliest people who practiced it, and it is still evolving. Hinduism believes that God is within us, and everywhere in the universe.This book contains detailed information on the Hindu way of life. You will learn about Dharma and how to lead the life in a dharmic way so that you can achieve self-awareness, realize the true potential of your atman or soul, find God, and become free from the cycle of life and death. I will introduce you to the concepts of atman, moksha, sanatan dharma, the Hindu theories of evolution, and the duties and responsibilities of all Hindus. I will show you how faith, devotion, dharma and artistic expression are a way of life. You will learn about the teachings of the Vedas, Upanishads, and the Bhagavad-Gita. Finally, I will explain the meaning of life, and show you how to find God within you and in the outside universe.Within this book, you'll find the answers to these questions and more. Just some of the questions and topics covered include Understanding Hinduism Atman or the Eternal Soul Theories of Evolution in Hinduism Hinduism is Not a Religion Hinduism as a Way of Life Top Reasons That Makes Hinduism a Way of Life Living According to Dharma for Self Realization The Hindu Way of Life - Ten Duties Distinguishing Features of Hinduism And more!The Ultimate Guide to Hindu Gods, Hindu Beliefs, Hindu Rituals and Hindu ReligionIn this book, we will explore numerous beliefs held by this diverse group of people. We will look at some of the legends of the divine "angels" which serve Brahman. Also, we will delve into some of the rituals which are common within Hinduism.In addition, we will do some comparative religion, looking at some of the similarities and differences between Hinduism and some other philosophies. This will allow us not only to gain greater insight into Hinduism but see the common threads of philosophy found in many of the great religions of the world.Within this book, you'll find the answers to these questions and more. Just some of the questions and topics covered include The Meaning of Hinduism Brahman and Atman Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva Indra and other Key Gods and Godesses Durga, Kali and Mariamman Karma Reincarnation Hindu Rituals Hinduism versus Other Belief Systems Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva Tales of the Brahmin And more!Get your copy now and learn more about Hinduism

  • - An Ultimate Step-By-Step Beginner's Guide to Living in a Shipping Container Home Including Ideas and Examples of Designs
    av Matt Brown

    2 Popular Shipping Container Homes Manuscripts in 1 Book: Shipping Container Homes: The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Living in a Shipping Container Home and Tiny House Living Including Ideas and Examples of Designs Shipping Container Homes: The Step-By-Step Guide to Shipping Container Homes and Tiny house living, Including Examples of Plans and DesignsManuscript 1: The Ultimate Guide to Shipping Container HomesOut of all the possible building materials available for homes, the last thing you might expect to hear about is shipping containers - yes, the same steel, rectangular containers seen on trucks and ships going across the world to deliver goods.While it might seem like a new trend, the truth is, shipping containers have been used for nearly two decades and have transformed into various multi-purpose living and working spaces. What are some of the reasons why the best-selling author Matt Brown among so many others advocate the use of this type of structure for a home? Well, open this book now to find out, and you will be amazed at all the opportunities!Here are just some of the questions and topics that are covered within the first part of the book: Shipping Container Homes: Pros and Cons What about Costs? New or Used? Living in Tiny Spaces Buying a Used Shipping Container How to Inspect your Container Home Permits and Building Codes Finding an Experienced Contractor Your Conversion Basics Insuring your Tiny Space Avoiding Mistakes Ideas and Examples of Designs And much more!Manuscript 2: Discover How Shipping Containers Can Become HomesThe trend to make shipping containers into fantastic homes has been a concept that's been used for almost two decades now. They are a convenient design concept that works well with the tiny home movement. The idea of minimizing and having pre-made deliverable homes that fit easily onto the back of a standard truck has a lot of appeals. There's a lot of flexibility when it comes to designing one of these homes, whether you are going for the tiny home or a unique modern design concept.This book is not a positive mumbo jumbo letter that is here to sell you on the idea of shipping container homes. Instead, this book expects that you are an adult who can make your own decisions as long as you are given the correct facts. Therefore, this second part of the book will start out by giving you the good and the bad of shipping container homes so you can be aware of the potential challenges that can arise when building with this material. After that, it will give you a great deal of useful and practical information in regards to building shipping container homes.Here are just some of the questions and topics that are covered within this second manuscript: Pros and Cons Designing Your Home Your Containers Inspecting the Container Where to Purchase Preparing the Land Crafting the Container Connecting Containers Interior Considerations Windows and Doors Insulation And much more!Download this Bundle Book Now and Discover the Ins and Outs of Home Construction Using Shipping Containers

  • - A Comprehensive Guide to Aquaponic Gardening
    av Sheila Brown

    Master a System that Can Feed You, Your Family, and Even Give You More than Enough to Sell Afterward if You WantThis book contains information on my experiences on aquaponics. I've included the successes and the failures so you can learn about this amazing method to grow your own food.Popular writer T. L. Campbell said that "you're not an aquaponics farmer until you've killed fish," well you can be, but if you're going to learn to set up a system bigger than a bucket and a few goldfish this is true. You'll kill plants and fish; you'll have days when you wonder why you've sunk so much money into something that is driving you nuts (especially those darned nitrogen strips). But at the end of the day, you'll master a system that can feed you, your family, and even give you more than enough to sell afterward if you want.Within this book, you'll find the answers to these questions and more. Just some of the questions and topics covered include Why I Chose Aquaponics In Depth: The Nitrogen Cycle & Aquaponics Designing Your System Before You Start Getting The Bacteria Right Choosing Living Creatures Troubleshooting and Maintenance And much more!Like most comprehensive books we'll start with the basics and go from there. I've tried to make this information make sense even if you've no previous science or agricultural knowledge. Even if you've never so much as had a goldfish you can still master aquaponics.

  • - 39 Delicious And Nutrient-Rich Whole food Recipes
    av Sheila Lawton

    Introducing the 39 Most Delicious and Nutrient-Rich Whole Food Recipes DiscoveredAre you looking for recipes that offer real food - whole, fresh, in-season foods - that tastes good?This book contains some of my favorite whole food recipes that have become much-loved staples at our house. They are easy to learn and offer a lot of variety, both day-to-day and season to season.Eating whole foods means eating a heterogeneous diet that relies on a wide variety of food sources to achieve the key benefit: combinations of nutrients from diverse sources acting synergistically to provide optimal protection against diseases of all kinds. A whole food diet can also boost energy, memory function, and physical performance. It leaves people feeling better naturally, without the need for dieting in the conventional sense. And it provides better nutrition than a traditional diet with added vitamins and dietary supplements, due largely to micronutrients that come only from plants.Here is what's included in the book: A Breakfast Fit For Champions Guilt-Free Starters & Snacks Salads With Substance Sandwiches & Wraps Easy Entrees Simple Side Dishes Dressings, Sauces & Spreads Sensible, Delectable DessertsThese 39 recipes that are included have the possibility to maximize your health, boost energy, memory function, and physical performance.Buy the book Whole Food: 39 Most Delicious and Nutrient-Rich Whole Food Recipes Now - You'll be Glad You Did!

  • - The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Living in a Shipping Container Home and Tiny House Living Including Ideas and Examples of Designs
    av Matt Brown

    The Ultimate Guide to Shipping Container HomesOut of all the possible building materials available for homes, the last thing you might expect to hear about is shipping containers - yes, the same steel, rectangular containers seen on trucks and ships going across the world to deliver goods.While it might seem like a new trend, the truth is, shipping containers have been used for nearly two decades and have transformed into various multi-purpose living and working spaces. What are some of the reasons why the best-selling author Matt Brown among so many others advocate the use of this type of structure for a home? Well, open this book now to find out, and you will be amazed at all the opportunities!Here are just some of the questions and topics that are covered within this book Shipping Container Homes: Pros and Cons What about Costs? New or Used? Living in Tiny Spaces Buying a Used Shipping Container How to Inspect your Container Home Permits and Building Codes Finding an Experienced Contractor Your Conversion Basics Insuring your Tiny Space Avoiding Mistakes Ideas and Examples of Designs And much more!Get your copy of the book now and learn more about shipping container homes

  • - A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing a Name Including 3000+ Baby Names
    av Ross Murray

    Discover Simple Ways To Picking the Perfect Name As Well As Thousands of Baby NamesSelecting a name for your baby can be overwhelming. So much to consider and the clock is ticking. Perhaps your friends and family will start offering you suggestions - whether or not you asked for it.Do you feel stressed about choosing the perfect name?Well, stress no more! This book aims to make the process of choosing the perfect name insanely easy and surprisingly fun!Unlike other baby name publications, this is not an obnoxious book that is about lecturing you or giving you the author's personal opinions. This is a trustworthy book that contains facts, and its primary purpose is to give you ideas - not opinions.Now, that does not mean that you will go without practical guidance throughout this book. But it's created to keep the "advice giving" to a minimum. Like most other readers, we are sure that you will appreciate that once you start reading this must-have book for parents.This is the kind of useful information that you will find in this book: How to Successfully Choose a Name for Your Baby Crucial Mistakes to Avoid Girl Baby Names that Mean Beautiful Girl Baby Names that Mean Angel Girl Baby Names that Mean Peace Girl Baby Names that Mean Happy Girl Baby Names that Mean Love Girl Baby Names that Mean Princess Boy Baby Names that Mean Handsome Boy Baby Names that Mean Strong Boy Baby Names that Mean Man Boy Baby Names that Mean King 3000 Baby Names Top 100 Girl Baby Names of 2016 Top 100 Boy Baby Names of 2016 And more!Buy the book now and learn the little-known secrets to choosing a perfect name for your baby

  • - An Essential Guide to Shipping Container Homes with Examples and Ideas of Designs
    av Matt Brown

    Turn Your Dream of Living in a Shipping Container Home Into RealityThis book contains everything you need to know to turn your dream of living in a home constructed from shipping containers into a reality.Chances are you've seen them on the road or on a freighter pulling into the port - but did you ever imagine that one of those shipping containers would one day make a home for someone? Whether you live in European countries such as Poland, Norway or Spain, or even across the globe in locations such as the United States, New Zealand, China and South America, shipping container homes are cropping up in a number of housing developments.Discover the Ins and Outs in this Essential Guide to Shipping Container Homes:In this book, you will learn all the ins and outs of home construction using shipping containers. You will discover what you need to know about building codes and zoning and how that will factor into the construction of your new home. You will learn all the advantages and disadvantages construction using this alternative material and why it is so popular all over the world. You will find out how to buy a shipping container suitable for home construction and what you need to know before you purchase one. In this book, Shipping Container Homes: An Essential Guide to Shipping Container Homes, you will discover advice and tips that will help you every step of the way. With this book, you will be ready to tackle any challenge and will ready to turn your dream of living in a shipping container home a reality.Within this book, you'll find the answers to these questions and more. Just some of the questions and topics covered include: Seriously: A Shipping Container Home? Pros and Cons Getting Started Design Options Rules and Regulations Preparation The Container Has Arrived - Now What? About Window Openings and Doors Roofing and Insulation Transforming your Container into a Home And much more!

  • - An Essential Guide to Tiny Houses with Examples and Ideas of Design
    av Matt Brown

    Turn Your Dream of Living in a Tiny House Into RealityThis book is your definitive guide to realizing the dream of one day moving into your own tiny house.With the recent global downturn in the real estate market and the desire for minimalism, tiny home culture has grown exponentially and become a tangible alternative for those living on a budget or choosing to keep material possessions to a minimum. A number of people want to live in tiny houses because they view the smaller floorplan as environmentally friendly, practical and more ethically responsible.Tiny Houses: An Essential Guide to Tiny Houses with Examples and Ideas of Designs is your ultimate guide to the ins and outs of planning the best tiny house for your budget. Whether you plan to purchase or build your house from the ground up, this book will be your guide every step of the way. Full of advice and recommendations to guarantee your success, this is the book you need to read before you get started building your own tiny house.Within this book, you'll find the answers to these questions and more. Just some of the questions and topics covered include A Few Basics About Tiny Homes Global Trends How Much Does it Cost? Different Types of Tiny Houses Benefits and Drawbacks of a Tiny House Deciding on a Foundation Framing Options What about Building Codes? A Word about Expenses Protecting your Tiny Home from the Elements What about Windows and Doors? Put a Roof on it! Utilities And much more!Buy the book now and learn more about Tiny Houses

  • - The Guide for Making Money with Options Trading
    av Lars Dreyer
    357 - 461

  • - The Comprehensive Guide to Living in a Tiny House with Examples and Ideas of Designs
    av Matt Brown

    Your Ultimate Guide to Living in a Tiny House with Example and Ideas of DesignsThis book is a comprehensive guide that will help you to move into your own tiny house.Because tiny living has a way of keeping you focused on what really matters to you, your life becomes richer, fuller and more meaningful. While you may own fewer possessions, your relationships, and quality of life improve dramatically. One of the results of tiny house living is the emergence of a group of people succeeding in life because they are having fun doing what they love to do.Out of this view and belief, this comprehensive guide on tiny houses was birthed. It is a means of teaching people what they need to get started in pursuing the life of tiny house living. A life where you can live fully. Leaving the past behind you to start a lifelong adventure of living the life you have always wanted to live but never knew you could.By reading this comprehensive guide to tiny houses, you will be able to get started on your journey to living in an amazing tiny house. From exploring tiny house living to the types of tiny houses available and getting ready to live in your own tiny house, we will cover the essential areas.Within this book, you'll find the answers to these questions and more. Just some of the questions and topics covered include Tiny Houses and the Tiny House Movement Debunking 7 myths surrounding tiny living Financing your Tiny House Meeting the legal requirements Designing your tiny house Moving into your tiny house Tiny House Space Hacks And much more!Buy the book now and discover more about Tiny Houses

  • - A Guide to Big Data Trends, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Predictive Analytics, Internet of Things, Data Science, Data Analytics, Business Intelligence, and Data Mining
    av Richard Hurley

    If you want to learn about big data, then keep reading...Do you want to understand what big data is all about, but you don't get all the hype?Are you intrigued by the idea of building a career around big data and data science, but you just don't understand it?If so, this book could be what you are looking for.In this book, we will explore the hot concept of big data and explain it for beginners like yourself.If you know nothing about big data now, you will come away with a good overview of the subject and how it integrates into the other hot technologies of the day widely adopted by business, such as artificial intelligence, predictive analytics, and machine learning.Even if you don't intend to get directly involved in big data, understanding it will be very important in the coming years. It is one of the most important phenomena to hit in many years. It took some time for technology to catch up so that big data could be analyzed and processed, but now we are in the midst of a data revolution.Big data powers many of the world's most powerful companies, including Facebook, Amazon, and Google, among others.In this book, you will learn: What is big data, and why is it important? The five V's behind big data How big data is already impacting your life, and where big data may be headed How big data and your everyday devices and appliances will come together in unexpected ways via the Internet of Things How companies and governments are using predictive analytics to get ahead of the competition or improve service How big data is used for fraud detection How big data can train intelligent computer systems The many ways large corporations are benefiting from big data and the tools that use it like machine learning, AI, and predictive analytics Upcoming trends in big data that are sure to have a large impact on your future Artificial intelligence, and how big data drives its development What machine learning is and how it is tied to big data The relationship between big data, data analytics, and business intelligence Insights into how big data impacts privacy issues The pros and cons regarding big data And much, much more!If you want to learn about this new, exciting, and rapidly developing technology, then download this book right now! You will not be baffled by big data any longer, and you will understand the behavior of large companies far better than you ever did before.

  • - An Essential Beginner's Guide to BI, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, Machine Learning, Data Science, Data Analytics, Social Media and Internet Marketing
    av Richard Hurley

    Do you want to learn about business intelligence but don't feel like reading a boring textbook?In the modern business world, the pace of action continues to quicken. Businesses need to be able to get actionable insights from their data in order to make the right decisions to act rapidly and effectively.In this book, you will be introduced to the concept of business intelligence. Business intelligence is closely connected to data, and so as part of our journey, we are going to see how modern companies are using big data, together with artificial intelligence, machine learning, and pattern recognition in order to build systems of data-driven decision making.After we get a handle on what business intelligence is, we will learn how it ties together with the next computer revolution (happening right before our eyes). We will discuss the use of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and pattern recognition to retrieve insights from the large amounts of data that companies are routinely collecting, storing, and using.We will also explore the roles that social media and internet marketing are playing in the growth of business intelligence, and how companies like Facebook are helping other companies act on data in powerful ways.Here's just a tiny fraction of what you'll discover: An Introduction to BI, Big Data, AI, and More An Overview of Business Intelligence BI and AI BI and Big Data BI And Machine Learning Data Science Cybersecurity BI and Data Mining BI and Social Media BI and Internet Marketing And much much more!So if you want to learn more about Business Intelligence, click the "add to cart" button!

  • - The Ultimate Guide to Transforming Negative Thinking into Positive Thinking and Skyrocketing Self-Esteem, Confidence, Productivity, and Mental Toughness, Including 500 Daily Affirmations
    av Mark Dudley

    If you want to reach your fullest potential and feel better about yourself, then keep reading...Many of us go through life followed by that little voice in our head, who is our own worst enemy. We spend our days bullying ourselves, putting ourselves down and telling ourselves that we can’t do this, that we aren’t good enough, or that people don’t value us. That nasty little voice in your head may be telling you that you are stupid and not capable. You know differently, but it is hard to run away from it and the message it keeps telling you.Sadly, the negative little voice in our heads is a result of years of negative programming that started in our childhood. It might seem impossible to undo it; how can you possibly combat the decades of programming that your personality went through? Your parents, your teachers, your friends, and your siblings—they all played a role. This started in infancy and probably continues all the way to this day. Think of the way that it cuts emotionally when someone tells you that aren’t good enough or smart enough.In Self-Talk: The Ultimate Guide to Transforming Negative Thinking into Positive Thinking and Skyrocketing Self-Esteem, Confidence, Productivity, and Mental Toughness, Including 500 Daily Affirmations, you are going to learn the specific steps that you need to adopt in order to overcome the negative programming that has been holding you back for years. In this book you’ll learn:Where negative self-talk comes from, and how we form habits and behaviors from it that are holding us back.Why self-love matters – how to have a positive attitude without being a narcissist.The levels of self-talk – learn how to step from negative to positive levels of self-talk.Stop the blame game – are you always blaming yourself or others for your circumstances? Learn how to stop using blame as an excuse and make real progress.Confronting negative self-talk – learn how to recognize negative self-talk when it happens, and learn how to replace it with positive self-talk.Fostering self-esteem – learn how to see yourself as worthy and important.Emotional intelligence – find out how you can use emotional intelligence to erase negative thoughts and feelings.Strengthen the mental muscle – get tough and have your own back, and learn how to fight through adversity.500 affirmations – this book includes 500 affirmations that you can select from to use daily, in order to foster positive thinkingAnd much, much more!If you need to overcome the negative self-talk that has been keeping you from living the most fulfilled life that you can possibly lead, then click the add to cart button now!

  • - An Essential Guide to Transforming Negative Thinking Into Positive Thinking and Increasing Your Confidence, Self-Discipline, Success, and Productivity
    av Mark Dudley

    If you've always wanted to achieve greatness in your life, but you struggle with negative thoughts or productivity, then keep reading...Two manuscripts in one book:Mindset: Unlocking the Power of Positive Thinking: Skyrocketing your Confidence, Success, Self-Discipline, Productivity, Focus,Self-Esteem, Mental Toughness, Social Intelligence and Leadership SkillsSelf-Talk: The Ultimate Guide to Transforming Negative Thinking into Positive Thinking and Skyrocketing Self-Esteem, Confidence, Productivity, and Mental Toughness, Including 500 Daily AffirmationsAre you sick and tired of not feeling successful?Have you tried, but nothing seems to work for more than a few weeks?Do you finally want to say goodbye to long hours with no results? Do you want to discover something that works for you?If so, then you come to the right place.You see, success and greatness don't have to be difficult. Even if you've tried other methods of productivity or focus,you will find that the methods included in this book are easier than you think.An article in the US National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health speaks to how adopting a new mindset can improve your motivation and increase your success rate.Another article written at Stanford University discusses how changing your mindset is going to affect your ability to learn and improve your outcome in life.Some of the topics covered in part 1 of this book include:Unlocking the power of positive thinking through learning how to approach each day with joy and enthusiasmSkyrocketing your confidence by learning how to control your own destiny and take responsibility for your successSuccess by learning to take responsibility for your life to decide how you want to live and what you believeHow to use the Law of Attraction to manifest wealth, health, and powerSelf-discipline that enables you to focus and improve your life, making it possible for you to manifest your destinyIncreased productivity by learning how to control your life, work, and relationshipsLearn how to completely reorganize your life to increase productivity and improve your outcomesIncrease your focus so that you are able to work more efficiently and effectivelyBoost your self-esteem so that you can gain the confidence that you need to take life in strideLearn how to be happier and less anxious by utilizing the effectiveness of visualization in your core beliefsUnderstand the concept of mental toughness and how by developing this skill, learning habits that boost your chances of successLearn how social intelligence gives you an advantage in the workplace and in lifeLeadership skills; What type of leader are you? What is your superpower?And much, much more!Some of the topics covered in part 2 of this book include:Where negative self-talk comes from, and how we form habits and behaviors from it that are holding us back.Why self-love matters – how to have a positive attitude without being a narcissist.The levels of self-talk – learn how to step from negative to positive levels of self-talk.Stop the blame game – are you always blaming yourself or others for your circumstances? Learn how to stop using blame as an excuse and make real progress.Confronting negative self-talk – learn how to recognize negative self-talk when it happens, and learn how to replace it with positive self-talk.Fostering self-esteem – learn how to see yourself as worthy and important.

  • - A Comprehensive Guide to Data Science, Data Analytics, Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Big Data
    av Richard Hurley

    If you want to learn about data science and big data, then keep reading...Two manuscripts in one book:Data Science: What You Need to Know About Data Analytics, Data Mining, Regression Analysis, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data for Business, Data Visualization, Database Querying, and Machine LearningBig Data: A Guide to Big Data Trends, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Predictive Analytics, Internet of Things, Data Science, Data Analytics, Business Intelligence, and Data MiningThis book will discuss everything that you need to know when it comes to working in the field of data science. This world has changed, and with the modern technology that we have, it is easier than ever for companies to amass a large amount of data on the industry, on their competition, on their products, and their customers. Gathering the data is the easy part, though. Being able to sort through this data and understand what it is saying is going to be a unique challenge all on its own. This is where the process and field of data science can come in.There is so much that we can explore and learn about when it comes to the world of data science, and this ultimate guide is here to help you navigate through these specialties. You will see just how important the ideas of data mining, data analytics, and even artificial intelligence are to our world as a whole today.Some of the topics covered in part 1 of this book include:What is Data Science?What Exactly Does a Data Scientist Do?A Look at What Data Analytics Is All AboutWhat is Data Mining and How Does It Fit in with Data Science?Regression AnalysisWhy is Data Visualization So Important When It Comes to Understanding Your Data?How to work with Database QueryingA Look at Artificial IntelligenceWhat is Machine Learning and How Is It Different from Artificial Intelligence?What is the Future of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning?And much more!Some of the topics covered in part 2 of this book include:What is big data, and why is it important?The five V’s behind big dataHow big data is already impacting your life, and where big data may be headedHow big data and your everyday devices and appliances will come together in unexpected ways via the Internet of ThingsHow companies and governments are using predictive analytics to get ahead of the competition or improve serviceHow big data is used for fraud detectionHow big data can train intelligent computer systemsThe many ways large corporations are benefiting from big data and the tools that use it like machine learning, AI, and predictive analyticsUpcoming trends in big data that are sure to have a large impact on your futureArtificial intelligence, and how big data drives its developmentWhat machine learning is and how it is tied to big dataThe relationship between big data, data analytics, and business intelligenceInsights into how big data impacts privacy issuesThe pros and cons regarding big dataAnd much, much more!So if you want to learn more about data science and big data, click the "add to cart" button!

  • - Unlock Unconventional Habits for Real Productivity, Focus, and Self-Discipline and Discover How to Beat Procrastination Once and For All
    av Mark Dudley

    If you have always wanted to increase your productivity but are plagued with constant procrastination, then keep reading…Are you sick and tired of not getting things finished when you would like to?Have you tried an endless number of solutions, but nothing seems to work for more than a few weeks?Do you finally want to say goodbye to procrastination and missed deadlines and discover something, which works for you?If so, then you have come to the right place.You see, managing your time wisely does not have to be difficult.Even if you have tried waking up earlier, setting multiple reminders or alarms, multitasking, and any other procrastination ‘solution’ that did not work.In fact, it is easier than you think.A study in Personality and Individual Differences demonstrated that procrastination is not a lack of willpower, but depends on if a person feels that something is important enough to do.And another study in The Journal of Psychology stated that time management training can help to lower avoidance behavior in employees.When means you can get more work done during the day without having to sacrifice your free time to make up for missed tasks.Here is just a tiny fraction of what you will discover:The 10+ ways to track how you use your timeThe 5+ best ways to pick your priorities for the weekWhy adding more things to your to-do list is hurting your progress–and what to do insteadHow to get more work done without using more time9+ ways to set up your environment to increase your productivityHow to save time with just one simple change in your routineA cool trick used by Mark Zuckerberg which helps you plan a productive workdayThe biggest mistake people make in trying to beat procrastinationThe 10+ best apps to help you with your productivity journeyAnd much, much more!Take a second to imagine how you will feel once you get tasks done one time, and how your family and friends will react when you are not always running late for things.Therefore, even if you are constantly procrastinating to the point that your work and family life is suffering, you can overcome your procrastination with the solutions found within these pages.In addition, if you have a burning desire to manage your time wisely and live a stress-free productive life, then scroll up and click “add to cart.”

  • - Unlocking the Power of Positive Thinking: Skyrocketing your Confidence, Success, Self-Discipline, Productivity, Focus, Self-Esteem, Mental Toughness, Social Intelligence and Leadership Skills
    av Mark Dudley

    If you've always wanted to achieve greatness in your life, but you struggle with negative thoughts or productivity, then keep reading...Are you sick and tired of not feeling successful?Have you tried, but nothing seems to work for more than a few weeks?Do you finally want to say goodbye to long hours with no results? Do you want to discover something that works for you? If so, then you come to the right place.You see, success and greatness don't have to be difficult. Even if you've tried other methods of productivity or focus, you will find that the methods included in this book are easier than you think.An article in the US National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health speaks to how adopting a new mindset can improve your motivation and increase your success rate.Another article written at Stanford University discusses how changing your mindset is going to affect your ability to learn and improve your outcome in life.Here's just a tiny fraction of what you'll discover:Unlocking the power of positive thinking through learning how to approach each day with joy and enthusiasmSkyrocketing your confidence by learning how to control your own destiny and take responsibility for your successSuccess by learning to take responsibility for your life to decide how you want to live and what you believeHow to use the Law of Attraction to manifest wealth, health, and powerSelf-discipline that enables you to focus and improve your life, making it possible for you to manifest your destinyIncreased productivity by learning how to control your life, work, and relationshipsLearn how to completely reorganize your life to increase productivity and improve your outcomesIncrease your focus so that you are able to work more efficiently and effectivelyBoost your self-esteem so that you can gain the confidence that you need to take life in strideLearn how to be happier and less anxious by utilizing the effectiveness of visualization in your core beliefsUnderstand the concept of mental toughness and how by developing this skill, learning habits that boost your chances of successLearn how social intelligence gives you an advantage in the workplace and in lifeLeadership skills; What type of leader are you? What is your superpower?And much, much more!Take a second to imagine how you'll feel once you achieve success and how your family and friends will react when you start living life on your own terms.Even if you are an unsuccessful, shy individual, you can achieve success with your mindset.If you have a burning desire to achieve success and live life on your own terms, then scroll up and click “Add to Cart”.

  • - Unlock the Secrets to an Emotional and Powerful Presentation, Overcome Fear, and Develop your Confidence, Communication Skills, Social Intelligence, Persuasion Ability, and Charisma
    av Mark Dudley

    If you want to master public speaking, then keep reading...You’re standing in front of a room full of people.The spotlight is on you. The crowd is waiting in pin-drop silence to hear what you are about to say. Your heart is pounding. You begin sweating.You’ve never felt so paralyzed with nerves and anxiety —this moment, here, when you are faced with the prospect of public speaking.Do you think you are the only one who feels this way? Guess again.Not everyone has natural public speaking skills, but it is something everyone can learn and master by practicing the right techniques.The answer is through a lot of hard work, countless practice sessions, plenty of experience, and having the right techniques up their sleeves. In other words, everything that you are about to discover throughout this book!Feeling at ease on stage is not an impossible dream if you long for it badly enough and put your mind to it. You will become a powerful, emotional public speaker full of confidence, communication skills, ability to persuade with charisma; audiences are not likely to forget you anytime soon.Here's just a fraction of what you'll discover:Being One with Your BreathPrepping Your Mind, Body, Soul, and VoiceTwo Power P’s – Pace and PauseHave You Been Listening to Your Tone?What’s Happening with Your Hands?The Language of the EyesGetting Over the Stage Fright HumpPush Without Being PushyYou’re Nearly ThereAnd much, much moreSo if you want to become an amazing public speaker, then scroll up and click “add to cart”.

  • - Unlock the Danish Art of Coziness and Happiness
    av Barbara Hayden

    If you wish to discover a stunning sense of happiness and well-being, then hygge is just the philosophy for you...Cravings for comfort, for coziness, for contentment: everyone experiences the desire for a happier, less stressful, and more serene life.Hygge, the Danish-born philosophy, is one proven way to achieve such a life. From the Old Norse for “well-being,” hygge embodies a philosophy that is as much a mindset as it is a way of life.Specific activities are designed to encourage you to cultivate togetherness and joy at the smallest and simplest things in everyday life.This book provides an in-depth explanation of the hygge lifestyle, as well as numerous bits of practical advice on how to practice hygge every day.As you read this book, you will find the following, and much, much more!A thorough grounding in the Danish art of hygge, the lifestyle equivalent of embracing a hug from the inside outThe eight ways to incorporate practical aspects of hygge into every part of your daily life, from hearth and home to food and craftsThe four things you should know about nurturing happy and serene relationships with children, parents, partners, and friendsWhy living your life in a constant rush and stress - even if it feels materially lucrative - is not the path to ultimate happiness. Instead, engage with the simple things in life with gratitude and pleasure.How to achieve household harmony without sacrificing friends and self-careHow to foster a sense of cozy happiness throughout the year, with simple ideas for each season and holidayHow to do all the above, surrounded by family and friends - the hallmark of a happy lifeLearning to embrace the homemade and the found, creating thoughtful gifts and meaningful interactions in every aspect of your lifeHow to do all the above in frugal, environmentally responsible - and undeniably entertaining - waysThe fundamental understanding of where true happiness comes from and how you can embark on your journey to joy today!And much, much more!Take a second to imagine how you’ll feel once you start practicing hygge, and how your family and friends will react when they start to experience the joys of a peaceful, cozy, happy life. Even if you feel that your life is too busy to slow down and enjoy all the benefits of hygge, you can certainly achieve a state of hyggelige with a little assistance from the tips and techniques offered throughout this book.Beginning to practice hygge in your life simply requires a desire to create an atmosphere conducive to comfort and calm, a focus on togetherness and family rather than work and status, and a belief that material wealth and consumer products do not equal happiness. Rather, it is an intrinsic feeling that comes from leading a comforting life of self-care and well-being. Success, following hygge, is not defined via one material thing. Rather, success is about work-life balance, creativity, and productivity in your life, comfort, and happiness in your home.If you truly wish to unlock the secrets of serenity and happiness, then scroll up and click “add to cart.”

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