- Energize Your Body, Engage Your Brain, Explore Your Creativity
av Kathleen H Bulger
We all have things we see as barriers to overcome, but after time reflection and by working through the situation we can usually find the gift in it all. I am here to help you unwrap your lessons, reveal some of your gifts and learn to love the journey of becoming the Optimal Being that you are here to be. All the aspects that contribute to your health can’t be separated. You have to think of working towards optimal being as improving your lightness of being,or brightness, and ask yourself, “What feels amazing to me in my body? What are the risks and vulnerabilities I have to face?”Make the commitment to really take the time and steps toward loving yourself. Embrace developing your optimal being, your physical health through food and movement, your mental health though awareness and creativity by being with meditation and colour all to stimulate the body mind and soul.Everyone has to eat. You must eat to survive but, more importantly, you should eat to thrive andbecome your optimal self. You deserve it. No, I mean it, you really deserve it; in fact, you owe it to yourself.All food contains energy, and you convert that energy in your body and use it to complete your daily tasks. Optimal Being is about the right balance of real food for every organ in our body.There is no one perfect fitness program for everyone because we are all unique in our skill, physical abilities and genetics. This is all about lifestyle changes, raising your awareness, eating the rightbalance of real food, and keeping in motion. The key to wellness is movement. Movementstimulates many of our bodily systems to function properly. Your heart needs movement to encouragepositive circulation. Your lymphatics need movement because it is what helps your lymphatic fluid move,as it has no independent pump. Your lungs depend on movement for the expansion and contractionexercise to keep oxygen freely flowing though your entire body. Your muscles need exercise to stimulatetheir growth and sustainability to keep you functioning.Movement is important, actually critical,to your survival.Essence Art is an artistic means of expression. It allows people to visit a part of themselves they either havenever seem before or will see in a new way. An artistic medium can remove an artist from therational common world and place them in a space that allows them to experience a new concept. Theseconcepts can pull us deeper and deeper into a place that allows us to connect with our truest reality ofthat moment in time.Exploring all aspects of your personal wellness will allow you to Energize your Body, Engage Your Brain and Explore your creativity as become your Optimal Being.