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  • av Myron Montgomery
    387 - 631

  • av Adalberto García de Mendoza

    Estudio analítico de las 32 sonatas de Beethoven escritas entre los años 1782 y 1822.Las interpretaciones de las obras de Beethoven, hechas por Hans von Bulow, alemán, pianista y director de orquesta, fueron modelo para toda una generación. Sus ediciones de las obras para piano de Beethoven y otros compositores, se caracterizan por la abundancia de anotaciones ilustrativas de gran valor pedagógico. El le llamó a esta colección de sonatas"El nuevo Testamento de la Literatura Pianística".

  • av Tamara V Gozzi

    Las trágicas cifras dicen que 1 de cada 2 matrimonios acabará en divorcio en Estados Unidos. Las mismas estadísticas se aplican a países como Bélgica, Italia, Canadá, Países Bajos y Australia. Mientras que países como España y Portugal alcanzan el 90% cuando se trata de matrimonios que acaban en divorcio. Esto significa que las posibilidades de seguir casado para la mayoría de las personas en esa sociedad son casi nulas.La horrible verdad revela que el círculo cristiano se ve afectado por esta epidemia tanto como el secular. Entonces, ¿qué estamos haciendo? O mejor aún, ¿qué no estamos haciendo? ¿Por qué ha cambiado tanto nuestra sociedad en las últimas dos o tres décadas? ¿Por qué el "divorcio" apenas se practicaba en los años 50 o 60, mientras que hoy en día ocurre todo lo contrario?¿Por qué nos preparamos para la escuela, para una competición deportiva, para una profesión, para el carné de conducir, etc.? Sin embargo, nadie parece prepararse para el matrimonio... ¿No es cierto? La gente tiende a pensar que "el amor" es más que suficiente. Pero, ¿realmente es así? ¿Estamos escuchando a las fuentes correctas? ¿De dónde sacamos nuestra información? ¿No deberíamos prepararnos para una tarea como el matrimonio, que es el pilar de la sociedad? El Camino del Maestro expone la intención de Dios cuando creó el matrimonio; Su propósito para la humanidad como Él declaró: 'el matrimonio es entre un hombre y una mujer que se convierten en una sola carne para toda una vida'.Estas páginas están llenas de información esencial si tienes pensado casarte y tener éxito en tu proyecto, querido lector. Quien creó el "matrimonio" sabe cómo hacerlo funcionar. ¿Amén? ¡Y esa es la vía del Maestro!

  • av George G Zimmerman
    271 - 347

  • av Tim Payne

    This Poetry is Genuine and sincere. It transcendsTime and Space, it moves you to another place and time, with every word. Thisbook is about love, being in love, and losing True Love. The author takes youon a journey to a land far, far away, and long, long ago. Every Poem, everyilluminating word, every feeling is shared; thrusting you into the pit of doomor the nest of happiness.

  • av Lynn B Schramek

    They Stole Our Chocolate Factory documents Hans Schramek's memories from his prosperous childhood, the Holocaust, and his efforts to receive compensation for his family's business.This book recounts a true story about a little boy who enjoyed Sunday rides in the family's limousine with a chauffeur, gourmet specialties prepared by the family cook, and days in the park with his private nanny. Hans' life as he knew it unraveled when Hitler stripped him of his dignity and his family's business. Hans shares his dreadful experiences and how he survived the Auschwitz and Ebensee concentration camps.Since being liberated in 1945, Hans has built a new life for himself in America. Occasionally, he has a glimmer of hope that he will be able to claim his inheritance, some compensation for his family's multi-million dollar chocolate factory still in operation today.

  • av James McClain

    Learn about the Holy Spirit- His names, titles, symbols, attributes and works. Find out about his role in creation, Old Testament, New Testament, Tribulation and The Millennium.

  • av A. Williams

    There' no information for now. Will provide once available.

  • av W D Foster-Graham

    The time is 2012; the place is Minneapolis.Darrell Edwards, first grandchild of Elijah Edwards, Sr., bears the legacy of the wealthy and powerful Edwards branch of the Christopher family, a family that sets standards rather than follows them. In keeping with the legacy, he answers the call of the ministry, in spite of the attitude of peers viewing him as a spoiled, entitled trust fund kid, which was far from the truth. Recently widowed after 18 years of marriage to his beloved wife, he faces the challenges of raising three children and the ongoing responsibilities as a straight associate pastor of a predominantly LGBT church. But is he as straight as he thinks he is?Cesare Morelli-Montgomery is the product of a modern family, deeply loved by his sister and his two fathers. His extended family is loving but sometimes overbearing. Taking over his grandmother¿s successful practice as an adoption attorney, it is a labor of love for him to help create forever families in the LGBT community. His cat, Shazam, always keeps him on point. But why does he keep getting involved with men who don¿t share his own dream of love, marriage, and most importantly, children?Will Darrell be able to find room in his heart for a second chance at love with Cesare? Will Cesare accept the adage, ¿Be careful what you wish for¿you may get it¿ and go for a man who not only belongs to his kids, but a congregation?

  • av Shane Nichols

    YOU WILL BURN YOURSELF OUT, FOREVER LIMIT YOUR POTENTIAL,ALWAYS DREAD MONDAYS, AND NEVER GET RICH IF COLD CALLINGIS YOUR ONLY STRATEGY FOR FINDING NEW BUSINESSAnd, if you can invest a tiny amount of time and read my book, here's what I promise you:You'll realize new business development (due to various factors, mainly because of increased competition) now requires more effort than in the past, and cold calling (on its own) won't get you to your goal. See Chapter 2.You will also realize that getting a high-value prospect's attention now requires marketing and specialized effort; smart employers recognize this and are adapting. See Chapter 4.How? Those smart employers invest in lead generation marketing, and if you work for one who doesn't, whose sole NBD strategy is to hire more salespeople and make more cold calls, eventually their growth will stall or slow to a trickle. And they'll have an increasingly tough time attracting and keeping talented people like you! See Chapter 10.If you don't work for someone who invests in lead generation... it's okay, don't panic. You can learn how to generate your own leads and develop valuable skills that will turn you into a selling assassin for the rest of your life, and reading this book is a good start! See Chapter 11.Also, you will discover at least one new book (I mentioned several that had a big impact on me) that will end up having a big impact on your future. See Chapter 20.Just imagine, you will go from cold calling to following up or responding to client inquiries. While also positioning yourself as not just another salesperson, but as an authority in your field. You will not spend any of your precious time prospecting, rather, you will be implementing and testing different marketing campaigns. And most importantly, you will have more time to dazzle those clients already willing to meet with you and existing customers; which represents your greatest source of growth and profit.

  • av Stephen Holden

    Leela Drake, a 16 years old schoolgirl , begins a friendship and some years later a love affair with an 18 years old A-level student, Edmund Rice. He is already in a relationship with a woman, Dorothy, somewhat older and more mature than he, but for a short while he retains his attachment to both of them. He is restrained in his sexual desire for the young girl as he feels she needs to mature more before she makes the "ultimate" commitment of physical love. It also becomes clear that while the backgrounds of Edmund and Leela are middle-class in terms of income, their parents have very different styles of life, and different perceptions of their relationship.They are parted when Edmund is called up to do his two-years National Service, which takes place in Austria, and so he sees little of Leela while he is away. He has a comparatively interesting time in the Army, and in some ways reluctantly decides to return to civilian life. For her, the waiting is romantic and magnifies her desire and love for him. He too finds his feelings for her have not diminished. Soon after his return they make love for the first time.It soon becomes clear that Leela and Edmund also have views of their affair which are widely apart. Edmund, who likes to picture himself as an idealist, believes in the seriousness and permanency of anything of worth. Leela feels that the moment is just that - and cannot be captured again, however deeply she or Edmund felt at that moment. She is fiercely passionate and sensual, and lives her love through her sexual love as much as in any other way. Edmund is just as physically involved with her, but wants more than merely the experience they have at the moments of intercourse. This incompatibility is heightened when Leela discovers she is pregnant, and eventually the couple decide to end their intimacy. Their baby, a boy, is born and Edmund takes much interest in him and spends time looking after him. He is fascinated by having his own child, although he still hankers after some greater, wider experience and plans to go abroad again. Their families are affected by their affair, but in a great variety of ways, reflecting their differing outlook on life and morality.This Book1 ends with the marriage of Leela's brother, John.

  • av Hélène Barnekow

    HÉLÈNE BARNEKOW is one of Sweden's most recognized business leaders. In her book, she shares her experience of driving change in large, international organizations. What is required to create a movement towards an adaptable, communicative and innovative culture? When the world around is changing at an increasing pace - we need to question old behaviors, demolish old structures and create new norms. Then we need leaders who dare to lead in new ways and who build their organizational cultures based on true values. We need leaders who drive positive change inside and outside their organizations. We need leaders who use their power with meaning. This book answers: What is required to cope with a profound transformation and at the same time secure growth? As a leader it is time to take on the challenge and make your organization a Supermagnet.

  • av Michelle L Bailey

    When Mama Was God: These are serious lyrics -Funny and Conscious, Riddim and Rhyme that have come from the pen of Michelle Bailey. She is one of those persons who sees cultural traditions as being evolutionary and should be passed from generation to generation not only orally but by the pen. She strongly believes that her cultural traditions and mores should not become extinct but should be valued and preserved as a result she has invested heavily in writing so that generation yet unborn along with the present generation can have a deeper appreciation of culture from an afro-centric perspective.In Michelle's seminal work, this book is not fluff. It is simply profound. The poems, properly read and understood show her academic depth and her grasp of the vernacular which she effectively weaves in her creations to tell her stories. Her use of rhetorical questions, similes and anthropomorphism do add color, create suspense and make the reader want to say yes, yes 'you right'. It points to issues relating to race, gender, religion, the Jamaican dialect and folk culture and Jamaicans' attitudes towards life andwork, roots and culture.I also find this to be a potpourri of literary delight well-seasoned and well balanced and well served. I am opined it will have a cross sectional appeal to the target audience. Very appealing to me also were the poems : Somebody's Child, Ugly Truth, and If You Only Knew. Michelle is a true Jamaican cultural icon when you read her poems you develop nostalgia, and you are drawn right back to your roots. Read these serious lyrics, funny and conscious, riddim and rhyme, laugh till your belly 'bust', or cry till your gland runs out of tears, or bow your head in agreement till you develop your own literary riddim.Dr. Burnett L. RobinsonAuthor, Pastor, Professor

  • av Rita Weyls

    In the second book about Angie's adventures, she makes two brand new friends who are in need of her help. Amazing Angie's Adventures With Savvy Wastina and Mighty Raccoon are about saving two homeless pets who have nowhere to else to turn.

  • av Judith Krieger Macpherson
    287 - 527

  • av R Paul Robertson

    R. Paul Robertson is a recently graduated American physician and medical scientist when he is sent to Egypt as a United States Naval Medical Officer. His life and that of his young family are met with a fascinating and challenging culture in Cairo as he focuses on his medical work, which involves caring for pediatric patients with typhoid fever by using new experimental antibiotics. An important part of his experiences involves a several month assignment to Meknes, Morocco where encounters yet another new culture filled with political interactions with local French physicians and Hassan II, the King of Morocco. This book focuses primarily on the impact of the 1967 Arab-Israeli War on Dr. Robertson's research and his forced evacuation out of Egypt. During this time, he carried his valuable collection of typhoid fever bacteria which required strategic maneuvering with Egyptian police and custom agents. His telling of these experiences is filled with poignancy and gentle humor. After finally boarding his flight to Boston, he successfully completes his laboratory research under the tutelage of several famous infectious disease scientists, followed by his first publication in the New England Journal of Medicine.

  • av Jo Ann Schmitt

    My book is a gift for all children, showing them the value of keeping their word. Inthis life that is so important. If a child begins always keeping their word, what a wonderful gift and example they teach others. It is my belief that others will follow. Being known as a person who keeps one's word is such a good example and can only influence others to do the same.But the secret to the above is for parents, grandparents and great-grandparents to instill the values of "keeping your word" at a very young age. You certainly won't regret it. After all you are your child's first teacher!

  • av George Waas

    Since the attack on the Capitol on January 6, 2021, I have posted numerous essays and other commentaries on Facebook. They are of varying length on matters of politics, law, history, personal matters, and other subjects as well. My first book on social musings contains 142 Facebook posts. My second book is a continuation of my posts, an additional 118. My third book adds another 104 to my list. My fourth book adds 78 more. My fifth book adds another 85. My sixth book includes another 116. Book 7 adds 106 more; Book 8 adds another 82 for a combined total of 834 essays, commentaries, notes, etc., all taken together as social media musings.As I've said throughout this series of books, I believe in an informed citizenry that relies on facts, logic, critical thinking, and reasoned judgment. At a time when too many people rely too heavily on social media and the misinformation from those sources; at a time when anger and rage too often replace common sense and critical thinking, it is hoped that the essays and social commentaries in this series of books on social media musings will inspire dialogue and further citizen involvement in their communities.

  • av L. Malungu

    This story, as with the other books in the Marcus series, invites youngreaders to explore their natural world and experience its wondersthrough the eyes of its loveable protagonist.The syllabic highlighting of text provides young readers greater easein applying phonetic understanding to decode new vocabulary. Therich vocabulary is intentional, and awakens the mind to an excitinglinguistic adventure that will be experienced by the young readeras a challenge overcome. It is the author's heartfelt desire that thisstory be an initial spark igniting a life-long passion for reading andunlocking the power of literacy for its readers.

  • av Steven M Wuebker
    267 - 527

  • av Nivia Dina

    This book is a reminder of the beauty, peace and love in the universe.

  • av A V a Treks

    Travel with Ava to seven countries, while she flies B-747s and rescues a kidnapped teenager. Circumnavigate the International dating scene, while evading prostitution and human trafficking. From flying as an aerial firefighter to operating heavy jets, this is your ticket to experience being a woman pilot in a male dominated profession. This book is your boarding pass, and your adventures globetrotting with Ava, begin now.

  • av Marni Hill Foderaro
    257 - 347

  • av Downtown Women's Center
    297 - 711

  • av Karen Marie Watney

    The gospels in the Bible provide stories of people having different physical issues. Jesus healed them all, including the ones bound by demons. His compassionate heart wanted each one free from pain and suffering. The book takes a close look at these personal stories so we can learn from each one.

  • av Cannio Cardozo

    No one is a pond of stagnant water. If that were the case, we'd dry out and any life inside of us would die. To thrive, we must be like the running water of a river, which mingles with others and promotes life.All I Have is You is about how we are all rooted together. Each one of us plays a vital role in the lives of those who surround us. From womb to tomb, we must help each other.The first part of this book highlights the negative, highlighting how it is human nature to be envious of the physical features, talents, and possessions of others.The second part of the book explores the importance each one of us plays in the lives of those around us. Each chapter includes a poem that delves deeper into thehuman condition.The author also explores the concept of self-realization, which is the starting point of inner happiness. When a person identifies his or her strengths, it shows in their level of contentment."This is a thought-provoking work that invites reflection as well as discussion."- Rev. Silvestre D'Souza, OCD, provincial superior

  • av Kit Kenzie

    What would a map of your life look like on paper? Maybe that's a little scary to think about, but it doesn't have to be. You see, your life has been orchestrated by a benevolent God, by grace, for your good and His glory. Your life is truly epic and you have Ebenezers to raise.What's an Ebenezer, you ask? Simply put, it means a place where God helped. And as believers, we are called to record it. Scripture proclaims, "Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story." That's just what this guidebook will assist you in doing.Kit Kenzie uses her story of candid sinfulness, betrayal and renewal to explain how to map your walk with God in a step-by-step fashion. Using this process, Kit will help you:¿ Remember key events in your life¿ Plot your highs and lows¿ Recognize God's goodness¿ Trust Him moreRaise Your Ebenezer reminds you who actually is the author of your story.

  • av James B Polson

    James Polson was once a skeptic who believed that God, heaven, and hell did not likely exist outside of his imagination. He was satisfied with his views until he was involved in a car accident that forced the realization that death can occur at any time. Was he wrong about heaven and hell? If they really existed, where would he be? While these complex questions remained in the back of his mind, Polson embarked on a quest to discover any truth about the existence of God, heaven, and hell.In a recounting of his spiritual journey as a skeptic turned believer, Polson intertwines his personal experiences with his questions and revelations as he explored whether God, heaven, and hell truly existed, and also whether there is anything one can do to change their eternal destiny. While disseminating these truths and their implications, Polson leads other spiritual seekers down a scriptural path to discover inspiring truths for themselves. Included are fundamentals of Christian life as well as other insights that guide believers to take advantage of the blessings that only God can provide.Discovering the Reality of God is an uplifting narrative that reveals a skeptic's spiritual journey to learn the truth about God, heaven, and hell.

  • av Elizabeth Bravo
    241 - 487

  • av Elena Dror
    271 - 541

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