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Böcker utgivna av Authors Press

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  • av William A. Stricklin

    It is another exciting Mary Eliska Girl Detective whodunnit, with less romance than usual. The plot is that a couple had a room in which all walls and items are white. One day when they were away, a police officer walks in front of their house, he listens to a beautiful song. After some events, the officer enters the house and a lady wearing black is found dead in the white room. There are a lot of characters, about 15 suspects, and the plot twists many times "Eleven o'clock and a windy night!" might have been the cry of medieval watchmen at that hour on the 24th of July. Constable Mulligan was more reticent, as it formed no part of his duties to intimate publicly the time or the state of the weather. Nevertheless, the bells of the Anglican Church, Troy, London, S.W., chimed the hour through the clamor of a high wind; and those people who were not in bed must have decided to retire. Not that anyone appeared to be stirring. The lights were extinguished in all windows within the range of Mulligan's vision, and the flashing of his lantern on the doors and gates in Achilles Avenue showed that they were discreetly closed. Not even a tramp or a cat enlivened the roadway. Mulligan was apparently the sole waking person in a sleeping world. Few readers will anticipate the ending of the story.

  • av Belinda McClinton

  • av Gary Ziskovsky
    170 - 280,-

  • av William A. Stricklin
    200 - 300,-

  • av Rodney Perry

  • av Linda Hansell

  • av Tim Scott

    It's 1971, and Jack Higgins has just graduated from college. For him, it means the beginning of his adult life, but it also means he's eligible for the Vietnam draft. Jack is certain he will die if sent overseas but feels he has little control over the course of his life. His parents want him to interview for career-oriented jobs, just like his father, but this is not the life Jack seeks. In order to find his way-his own way-he must get away from his family and land on his own two feet. Jack leaves the United States and goes to live in Berlin with a college friend. He yearns to find out who he is and what path his life should take. Experience becomes Jack's teacher when he buys a BMW motorcycle and drives from Berlin to the south shore of Crete. To become his own man, he resolves his personal demons and faces challenges, all with the help of the open road.

  • av Richard E. Vatz Ph. D.
    310 - 416,-

  • av Mariama K. Sangarie
    170 - 280,-

  • av Richard H. Grabmeier
    200 - 326,-

  • av Richard H. Grabmeier
    336 - 430,-

  • av Richard H. Grabmeier
    416 - 530,-

  • av Braj Sinha

  • av Freda Dehoff

  • av Editha Maria Flossmann

  • av Rosie M Elder

  • av Hyveth Williams

  • av Thomas Masters

    No More follows a conservative president for the first one hundred days he is in office. Each day, the president delivers a speech to the American public confronting a prevalent issue affecting the country and offering a viable solution. The solutions are guided largely by the Bible and the Constitution. In such a politically tumultuous time, Dr. Masters offers concrete solutions to the nation's many problems.

  • av Ivo Vukcevich

    Tearful, trembling, and moaning declarations of Ante "Vlah" Starcevic's secular martyrdom and sainthood are primarily a 20th-century phenomenon.Greatest Croat, Greatest Croat Thinker, Croatia's Aristotle, Father of the Fatherland, Hitler before Hitler, and other glorious titles place Starcevic alone at the top of Croatia's national pantheon.CROATIA 5 book attempts to reconcile Starcevic's martyrdom and sainthood with highly credible 19th-century Croat sources that tell a different story.More Croat contemporaries than not, including patrons, friends, associates, and followers, consider Starcevic an eccentric, repulsive, evil, divisive, destructive, and dangerous illiterate creep.CROATIA 5 also presents solid evidence that 1) Starcevic is less a Croat patriot and more a willing and compliant agent of Hungary's policies as scripted by Ban Levin Roach, and 2) teammate Eugen Quadroni Kvaternik is a looney-tubes political scoundrel of the lowest order.PurposeThis book does not pretend to be anything other than it is: an altogether preliminary attempt to identify the basic ethnic, genetic, educational, social, political, psychological, lifestyle, and situational factors that influence and shape Ante Vlah Starcevic's fundamental social and political ideas.

  • av Roland Wauer

    We know by the calendar when spring officially begins, but how does nature tell us spring has come? In Heralds of Spring in Texas Roland H. Wauer walks us through Texas, from the Rio Grande to the Panhandle, as spring arrives.In addition to offering us his own special memories of spring in Texas, Wauer brings together the thoughts of other Texas naturalists, professional and avocational, and details and background information about the particular herald being considered. Each chapter is also illustrated with a beautiful pen-and-ink drawing by Ralph Scott. Harbingers of spring explore birds, trees, flowers, mammals, and even the night sky.For many along the Gulf Coast, the arrival of the first purple martin signifies the season. As Petra Hockey of Port O'Connor says, "e;I run outside to welcome them, and they seem just as happy to be back as I am to have them. Now spring has arrived."e; In the Trans-Pecos, two welcome signs of spring are the blooming of the Big Bend bluebonnets and the arrival of Cassin's kingbirds in the Davis Mountains. But for Mark Adams of the McDonald Observatory, "e;as the Earth swings closer to spring,... Pegasus, the Winged Horse, emerges from the solar glare into the predawn sky...My spring herald."e;For many in Central Texas, spring has come when the Mexican buckeyes and redbuds begin flowering and the golden-cheeked warbler arrives. But for Burr Williams, in the Panhandle and Western Plains, "e;spring is best expressed by the myriad of invertebrate tracks that he finds on the sand dunes at Monahans State Park."e;Anyone who loves outdoor Texas will relish this delightful celebration of spring.

  • av Roland H Wauer

    Raptors include 42 species of hawks, eagles, kites, falcons, and owls. All illustrations are in full color. Habitat preferences, life histories, and personalities are included. Many are common species that can be found most days, such as red-tailed hawks and great horned owls, but others are more secretive species such as hooked-billed kites and elf owls. Several are magnificent creatures such as bald and golden eagles, swallow-tailed kites, and ospreys. A few can be found only in special habitats in various areas of the country. Examples include Harris's and zone-tailed hawks, spotted and snowy owls, and great gray owls.

  • av Roland Wauer

    The Golden Crescent of South Texas, a fifteen-county region along the central Gulf Coast, is often called "e;the Crossroads"e; because of its natural diversity. Located in the heart of the coastal prairies and marshes, the area also encompasses the edges of the South Texas Plains, Post Oak Savannah, and Blackland Prairie. This confluence of ecological zones makes it a wonderful place for birding and for observing the changing face of nature, especially during seasonal transitions.In this book, Roland Wauer describes a typical year in the natural life of South Texas. Using selected entries from his weekly column in the Victoria Avalanche newspaper, he discusses numerous topics for each month, from the first appearance of butterflies in January, to alligators in July, to Christmas Bird Counts in December. His observations are filled with intriguing natural history lore, from what sounds mockingbirds will imitate (almost any noise in their neighborhood) to how armadillos swim (by inflating themselves to increase their buoyancy).

  • av Joyce Meyer Jones

    Embracing the Law of Attraction was written with the hope that the reader will be able to relate to the stories and scriptures. The book is designed to help the readers identify areas of their lives that need changing. By using the workbook, affirmations, scriptures, and the journal, the diligent student will begin to experience small changes, or perhaps large changes. By documenting their growth over time, the student will really begin to see how the Law of Attraction works and see their lives improve. The people who can help along the way, the opportunities that will be offered because of the change in thinking patterns, will impress them. Change and Light will become a regular part of life. Life is supposed to be FUN! Have fun with your life! Start laughing at all the little gifts that are sent your way.J.M. Jones enjoyed every moment that was used in connecting thoughts and ideas, finding relevant quotations, and Bible scripture. Her belief that each person creates their own life by the thoughts they think, has completely impacted the message of embracing the law of attraction. Since her own life has changed and has been greatly impacted by being conscious of her thoughts, it was only natural for her, a teacher, to want to share it. Part of the change includes finding daily small things to bring joy. The attitude of daily gratitude keeps the sun shining. J.M. Jones is surrounded by natural opportunities to embrace all that is beautiful in the lakes, mountains, and people, and embracing nature, honesty, and goodness, because Life is meant to be fun!

  • av Ardyce Miller-Templeman

    This historical novel spans the reigns of the Roman Caesars Tiberius through Nero. It tells the story of the fledgling early church and how they were impacted by Roman law and rule. The apostle Paul traveled extensively throughout that world, visiting metropolitan cities, fearlessly taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ straight into the heart of pagan worship. He suffered hunger, stoning, prison, flogging, beating, being shipwrecked three times, and being in constant danger of bandits. Yet throughout all of these reverses, he courageously and fearlessly defended his message and his God-given calling. Interwoven throughout the pages of this story are two Roman soldiers, Marcos and Gaius, who walk the Jerusalem wall, observing from their Roman viewpoint all that is going on in the Jewish world. They observe the persecutions led by Saul and, later, the puzzling change in his life. Eventually, because of the impact a changed Paul has upon their lives, they come to know his Christ. This very real and human Paul, along with the electrifying, heart-stopping world in which he and the early church lived, is sure to keep the reader on edge, wondering what can happen next. Paul and this early church were willing to give everything, including their lives, for the truth of the good news that Christ had come to set up his kingdom in the heart of man.

  • av Dianne Edgett

    Times were good for Ben and Tommy. The best friends just graduated from elementary school and had an entire summer full of adventures ahead ofthem. Or so they thought...until Tommy was killed by a drunken driver on his way home from their last day of school. Ben heads into the wildernessalone, grieving, blaming himself for Tommy's accident, and wondering what happens to people after they die. Walking the path to their tree house, he meets kind and friendly Jonathan, who proves to be a good listener. Ben begins to share his feelings about Tommy's tragic death with his new friend. Jonathan begins to tell Ben about prayer and explains that God has a plan for everyone. He gives Ben the greatest news he could possibly hear: He will see Tommy again someday, not here, but in Heaven. How does Jonathan know so much about God's word, the Bible, Heaven, prayer, and guardian angels? Why hasn't Ben met him before? Could he be a guardian angel sent to help Ben understand his friend's death and discover God's love?

  • av Johan Zwaan

    A kid's memories of war and postwar I wrote this book on June 6, 2019, 75 years after D-day, the greatest invasion the world has ever seen. Seven thousand ships, 150.000 troops, 4,000 American and British deaths on the very first day! The courage of the men, who jumped from the landing ships into the sea, sometimes drowning with their heavy equipment, and stormed the beaches under heavy fire from machine guns, rifles, and artillery salvos, is unimaginable. I can't stop thinking about it today with a sense of awe and gratefulness

  • av Pradeep Berry

    Everything changed for Pradeep K. Berry on February 28, 2015.That was the day his wife of forty-one years, Constance A. "e;Connie"e; Berry, died. He's been mourning ever since, and he seeks to cope with his loss in this tribute to his beloved spouse.In My Connie, he celebrates their love-a love that would have never happened if he hadn't left India to go to the United States. He only had seven dollars at the time, and he could not have dreamed that he'd meet a beautiful, intelligent, American wife.The author's family embraced Connie as soon as they realized she was polite. Smart and self-made. In short, she became the star of the family.Berry lovingly describes Connie's qualities, character, and ethics as well as her professional career. He observes that even though he's been in tremendous pain since she died, he would have never had such a long and happy marriage if he and Connie had not loved each other so much. Connie and Pradeep, both consider themselves as two bodies and one soul. Now, Pradeep is hoping that they will be again two bodies and one soul in the next life.Join the author as he shares lessons on enjoying a happy marriage and honors the woman who made his dreams come true. His only hope is to make some difference in other women's lives and how their husband can make a difference in their lives.

  • av James Gbanaglo

    Both small and greater beginnings are all good and appreciable, nevertheless, not all may have enough resources to start big. However with time God will make all things possible in his own time. There is possibility that someone may start small and grow to become great in the near future. Someone can also start big at an initial stage and remain at that same level. All depends on you preparedness and the faith you have towards your dream goals. Many at times, greater beginnings may cause loss. That is the reason why it is so expedient to start little to test your ability first and see how much you can cope with your God given dream. All the same, both small and big beginnings are all good and welcome.

  • av Bernie Calaway

    Armageddon. Judgement Day. Apocalypse.You're curious about the "e;end times,"e; but isn't the Bible's book of Revelation a little too weird to understand?Your world is a topsy-turvy mix of social strife, political controversy, natural disasters, and terrorism. It's easy to feel threatened and anxious about life's challenges and opportunities.Yet Revelation provides solid answers to those who choose to look. Authors Calaway and Ledford have managed to tame some of Revelation's fear factor and provide a fast-paced script to its mysterious character and plot. Still, the meat of the Revelation messages (and hope for the future) comes through.Note: Designed expressly for the teens themselves, Operation Revelation's evangelistic appeal makes it ideal not only for teenaged Christian(including those new to the faith) but also any who are seeking spiritual roots. (P.S. The book does include a leader's guide so that the material can be taught as a youth study if desired.)

  • av Marche' Scott
    170 - 280,-

    Chanel is a bright 19-year-old college senior with an amazing future ahead of. She does it all, school, community service, entrepreneurship, and high-end living. At just 19, she is approved to move into a condominium complex not too far away from her school. Everything seems to be looking good for Chanel until she meets her neighbor Trey.Trey is a 35-year-old single bachelor who lives upstairs from Chanel. The two, had a rough start when first meeting. After several attempts on Trey's part to befriend Chanel, Chanel finally decides to play nice and give Trey a chance.Everything is going well with the two of them, until Trey begins to ask Chanel for "e;favors"e;. Chanel, being inexperienced with older men, says yes to Trey and his strange "e;favors"e;. Before you know it, Chanel is sucked into a manipulative friendship filled with sexual desires that even she can't say no too.As Chanel tries to navigate through Trey's demands, old demons from her past start to reappear and so her seemingly perfect world starts to fall apart at that hinges. Chanel desperately wants out, and to be free, but will it come with a cost.As Chanel struggles to heal from her violent past and Trey's "e;favors"e;, she begins a friendship with Jesus, and discover what truly means to be loved, and experience God's favor.

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