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Böcker utgivna av Authors Press

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  • av Bernie L Calaway
    296 - 390,-

    Bernie Calaway is a retired Navy chaplain and biblical scholar, positions attained not without some struggle. He's a native Texan who quickly learned he'd be a happier minister than a cotton farmer on the high plains. Now, in active retirement, he writes, draws, takes regular naps, and tries to keep the squirrels oi the back stoop. Bernie is the author of eight nonfiction books and two collections of entertaining fables. Titles in the marketplace today include Revealing the Revelation, Discernment from Daniel, Revelation for Regular Readers, Operation Revelation: A Teen's Guide to Earth's Final Curtain (with a co-author), and Oracles from Olivet: The Eschatological Jesus. The latest is a five volume encyclopedia of biblical terms entitled History and Mystery: The Complete Eschatological Encyclopedia of Prophecy, Apocalypticism, Mythos, and Worldwide Dynamic Theology. 101 Fun Fables is a treasury of animal fables, stories that are both practicable and whimsical. Other publications include over 100 newspaper and magazine articles, poems, and essays in such periodicals as Reflections, Pulpit Digest, The Navy Chaplain, The Harbor Watch (New York City area), and The Bluejacket (Memphis, TN). He has variously served as editor and stai writer for several chapel and church newsletters. In addition, he's written and directed three locally produced plays. Several poems have been published over the years.The author holds a BA degree from Baylor University majoring in English and religion with a minor in history followed by a Masters of Theology from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Supplemental coursework includes Marriage Counseling, Rape Crisis Counseling Certification, and Psychology of Personality and Adjustment. He is a graduate of the Institute of Children's Literature and has received an honorable mention in the Writer's Digest 73rd annual competition. Let us not neglect to mention avocations like lecturer, teacher, and biblical consultant.Bernie served as a pastor for two years prior to joining the U.S. Navy. Military experience as a Navy chaplain spanned a 28 year career until retirement in 1995 in the grade of Captain. In the process he served Navy, Marines, and Coast Guard billets. Along the way he has taught junior high, high school, and adjunct college courses in religion, history, psychology, and business ethics. He was a pastor for many years. Retirement years have left time for writing, drawing cowboy pictures, painting, and goofing oi .

  • av Bernie L Calaway

    Everybody knows Revelation is a weird writing. Grasping its message is not often easy and probably not the first choice for a night's fireside reading.Nevertheless, most inquirers recognize the book's insights and prophecies as crucial to our lives. We need a guide to ease us through the complexitiesand out the other side with understanding and inspiration. Look no further. Revelation for Regular Readers tumbles out page after page of dependable discernment with engaging entertainment. None of us are "e;dummies"e; who want weak scholarship to push us through Revelation; most are "e;average"e; readers who would simply welcome a little help along the way. Revelation for Regular Readers is logically organized, solidly written, and glazed with humor and common sense. You won't regret plunking down a little change and settling in. Revelation speaks to the new millennium and now, thankfully, we can hear it clearly.

  • av Bernie L Calaway

    Finding material concerning any end-of-the-world-tinged subject is easy. But what information is reliable? Which theories are faith-based andbiblically sound? Does everything have to be complex, scary, or sensational? To harvest the best answers, doubtless, we should look to the best source. There is none better, of course than Jesus Christ himself. His discourse from Mt. Olivet, near Jerusalem, was the final and most detailed revelation given during his earthly ministry. As a fortunate bonus, the book you are holding will help clarify the intricacies of the end-time message fortoday's generation. Oracles from Olivet could easily become your primer for futuristic thinking. Every page offers reasoning that is clear, concise,and - yes, even entertaining. Paraphrases tame the tough theological words and illustrative fables flavor the text.You won't be disappointed - you'll be thrilled.

  • av Chuck Champlin

    "e;Wand"e;: What magic can we make in this crazy world?Chris Walkman has an unusual problem: he's just been given $20,000 to make the world a better place, starting right in his hometown, Los Angeles of the 1990's. He'd better try something for real, or a not-so-little indiscretion at his previous job might become a bigger issue. So, fueled by the magic of the money and his overactive imagination, he sets to work, hires a homeless man as a co-pilot, and sets out to change things for the better. His key insight: the pen and television broadcast antennas are wands that can still make magic in our time.

  • av William A Stricklin

    Mary Eliska Girl Detective The Mystery of the Yellow RoomThe Mystery of the Yellow Room (French Le mystere de la chambre jaune) by Gaston Leroux. One of the first locked-room mystery novels, it appeared serially in France first in the periodical L'Illustration from September 1907 to November 1907 and as a book in 1908 The Mystery of the Yellow Room. Rouletabille solves an attempted murder in a locked room mystery. As re-written by William A. Stricklin in this version Rouletabille is the nickname of 18-year-old journalist Mary Eliska Girl Detective. Sent by her newspaper to investigate, she goes to the Chateau du Glandier and takes along her friend and niece Jacqueline Gray ("e;Jax"e;) who narrates. Marlow Ray is a 30-something daughter of the castle's owner, Professor John Stricklin a renowned French scientist, Marlow Ray is heard to utter a piercing scream while supposedly alone in her room. Her father and other rush to the scene and find a room so securely locked and barred that no one could have entered or made their escape. She is placed under medical treatment while detectives are called in on the case. Each has their pet theory of the crime, all of which seem to be based on logic. Marlow Ray was found near-critically battered in a room adjacent to the laboratory on the castle grounds, with the door still locked from the inside. She recovers slowly but can make no useful testimony. First one and then another member of the household and those associated with it are placed under the light of suspicion. Marlow Ray's fiance is placed in prison to await trial when most of the evidence points to him as the criminal. Rouletabille interrogates several characters: the castle's concierges, Mr. and Mrs. Bernier, the old servant Daddy Jacques, an unfriendly inn landlord and a womanizing gamekeeper, and begins a friendly rivalry with France's top police detective Frederic Larsan, who has been assigned to the case. Larsan suspects Marlow Ray's fiance, a scientist Robert Darzac, to Rouletabille's dismay. More attempts are made on Marlow Ray's life despite Rouletabille and Larsan's protection, and the perpetrator appears to vanish on two occasions when they are closing in on him, echoing Professor John Stricklin's research of "e;matter dissociation"e;. The game-keeper is murdered during the second attempt. Larsan arrests Darzac who is charged with attempted murder. Rouletabille suspects that Darzac has secret reasons not to defend himself and she disappears to America in order to investigate. Two-and-a-half months later, Darzac's trial opens and Rouletabille reappears sensationally from America just in time to tell the court the name of the culprit and to disclose many mysterious details that few readers will have anticipated.

  • av Fred Beck

    "e;When God Works Incognito"e; is a collection of fast readingvignettes arranged into smooth larger stories of the author's lifeand thirty-three years of ministry, as a missionary in Indonesia,India and surrounding countries.The first third of the book is a personal biography, with a fewshort historical vignettes inserted to set the stage for the author'searly life, marriage, family, education and ministry throughthree pastorates.The last two thirds of the book, still written in vignettes, beginswith the author's call to overseas missionary service, family lifein Indonesia and how they evangelized, planted new churches,developed leaders for those new churches, etc.The book will give readers a true glimpse into the joys andchallenges of one missionary family's life and work overseas.It is a lot more than what God did through the Becks. It revealsGod working in them to make them more Christ-like. God oftenworked in and through their struggles too.

  • av Debbie Hickman

    In The Exasperated Clock, the 12 numbers on the clock are silly, noisy, andirresponsible. Consequently, the Clock decides to throw each of the numbers off whichbecomes quite a problem because the numbers are on their own and are clueless.Eventually each number finds a better job than working on the clock. Kids will giggle theirway through this book laughing at the antics of the numbers and their gainful, whimsicaland surreal employment.

  • av Eileen Pruett Jephson

    Do you ever wonder what it would be like working in a prison? Eileen Pruett was married and raising eight children, until she found herself divorced. Then came a job inside the prison. On her first caseload was a man who claimed he was innocent of the crimes he came to prison for. Eileen didn't know how to help him, but she tried. Then she found herself locked in a cell with a male inmate. What was she supposed to do? There were plenty of other inmates, all with their own problems. The guards told them, "e;Go ask the caseworker."e; The inmates were always glad to tell Eileen how things in prison worked, but she was seldom sure if she ought to believe what they said. Asking different caseworkers, she got different answers. Then she quit asking others and did what she wanted to.

  • av Dustina Respecki

    This is a book about a woman that met this man at work. He preyed on her like an animal to get what he wanted from her. He earned her trust on top of everything. She had a hard time getting away from him. Now she is away from him; it puts her into a deep clinical depression from all the trauma he put her through, along with mental abuse. Now years later, she is having a hard time getting on with her life when she always feels that he might be around the corner, waiting. She has to watch her back alone to keep herself safe in the city she lives in. He still walks the streets, finding ways to get even with her, even if it means killing her. He has come close a time or two. There are those possibilities he is up to something to get even. Like in this case, he has tried killing her in her car but failed, but he will come up with some new ways of getting back for what he thinks is her fault or reasoning for him getting into trouble, but you got to remember, he is a sociopath. In a sociopath's mind, it's everybody else's fault that they are in trouble. She has to keep an eye open all the time because he may be closer than she thinks to harming her-or even kill her to get her out of the way.

  • av Vaughn DeVaughn

    Through divine intervention, The God of Jesus Christ was given by God to Bishop DeVaughn to bring proper understanding to the Jews and Christians alike of the true identity of Jesus Christ of Nazareth according to the scriptures. This Godsent book serves the purpose on bringing recognition unto the people of God that the church and it's gentile dispensation is coming toward its end, for the fulfillment of that which was spoken of is now fully at hand, "e;that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in"e; (Rom. 11:25).No one can escape God's truth, whether we be Jew or Gentile, rich or poor, intelligent or ignorant. The God of Jesus Christ gives an additional light to the messianic, a helping crossover for the orthodox, and a better understanding to the Christian believer. And he saith unto me, seal not the sayings of the prophecy of the book: For the time is at hand. He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.

  • av Brian L Murphy

  • av Carrolyn Foster
    136 - 260,-

  • av Barbara Ten Brink
    170 - 266,-

  • av Michelle Cristantiello
    150 - 266,-

  • av Beatriz M Robles
    200 - 310,-

  • av Debi Toporoff

  • av Zimany Roland Zimany

  • av Roland Zimany

    Before considering the important part of the sermon, let's take a look at today's Gospel lesson and ask, what's wrong with this picture? What takes place in our Gospel story that does not reflect the way things usually happen in the world?If were teaching a class, I would now stop talking, and there would be a long period of silence, while you look through the biblical text on your bulletin insert, to try to find something unusual. But to ensure that this sermon ends before it's time for Sunday School to begin, I'll save some time by pointing out that it is highly unusual for two pregnant women to meet and for one to say to the other, "You're going to be the mother of someone whom I'll be calling 'Lord.'" Normally, Elizabeth--or anyone else--would not know such a thing in advance. Right? The reference is to Jesus, of course. Elizabeth calls him "Lord," and that fact provides a clue to what is going on here that you, as an average person-in-the-pew, would not even begin to imagine. At least, I didn't, until I went to seminary.You see, among the Jews of Jesus' day, Jesus was called "Master," or "Rabbi," or "Rabboni." He wasn't called "Lord." "Lord" was a title used by Greeks, and it was a popular title applied to Jesus when Christianity spread out of Palestine into Greek-speaking areas. But it wasn't a title that people who actually knew Jesus called him. So when you see Jesus being called "Lord" in the Gospels, that is a clue that that passage reflects the practices of the early Christian Church and does not come from Jesus's own time. (In case you didn't realize it, the Gospels were not written by people who took notes while the events of Jesus life were taking place. For better or worse, the Bible was developed through a much more complicated process).

  • av Richard H Grabmeier
    390 - 480,-

  • av Minnie L Ransom
    156 - 280,-

  • av Dave Courtney-Shore
    200 - 326,-

  • av Dr Braj Sinha

  • av Bass Craig Bass
    170 - 270,-

  • av Huguette Castaneda

    Huguette Castaneda is a graduate of Delphi University in Metaphysical Healing and Transpersonal Spiritual Arts, and of Thomas Edison Universityin Liberal Arts. She is Author of Ignite Inner Knowing, Sophie' Gifts from the Fairies, Messages of Love, Light, Wisdom, and Autumn LeavesDancing in the Wind. Music Child of the Stars She lives in Naples, Florida enjoying nature, the sea, music, and creative expression.

  • av Hunter Beebe
    186 - 310,-

  • av Mason MacVicar
    170 - 270,-

  • av Carter Aaron L Carter
    286 - 370,-

  • av Sangarie Mariama K Sangarie
    140 - 200,-

  • - A Political Fantasy in Three Parts
    av T C Owen
    360 - 436,-

  • - The Depth of American Medical Malpractice
    av Pradeep Berry

    This excellent diversified book covering a American Born Educated Girl who had married a Delhi, India born boy in Chicago, IL USA on January, 28, 1976 after the boy the husband Pradeep Berry migrated to Chicago IL USA on January,15, 1976 and after meeting him on the January 24, 1976 in Gateway to India Restaurant at 1543 North Wells Street Old town, Chicago, IL USAThe book covers the Medical negligence and Conspiracy behind My wife' death on the early morning of February, 27, 2015 at 1.10 AM in the morning of February, 2015.The Medical Fraternity in USA is very very strong and prosperous and help doctors to make sure none of them are sued. They cover each other in anyway, especially when they know that someone has filed a lawsuit against a Medical Doctor, on the wrongful death.Untold secrets of my Connie my first and last love with medical Negligence and conspiracy. Written by the husband of his wife Mrs. Constance Ann Berry- who was born in a wealthy suburban family and was educated at the top elite universities in USA. She was a professor of English, German and French in USA and US Army in Germany, France and Spain.After her death On February 27, 2015 at 1.10 AM in morning at the fourth floor of the ICICU units of cardiac arrest in the Evanston Hospital, In Evanston, IL USAPradeep Berry tried to file a law suit against the previous head and neck oncologist Dr. Bruce Brockstine who was my wonderful wife' oncologist until he ruined my wife' cancer including the Plumery doctor Christopher Winslow MD and before that it was Dr. Douglas Merkel MD a breast cancer specialist who was my wife's Cancer doctor in August, 2002 .Later in 2004 Mrs. Berry had a ear infection and went to see him or Dr. Merkel MD who after seeing her told her he had no concerns in January 2005. However My wife Connie- (going back to the book, I would use Connie)

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