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  • av Gabriel Cohn

    The demands and difficulties of civilized and republican life in a context such as the Brazilian one form the core of the articles collected here, written at different times. This applies from the first and most comprehensive of them, on civilization, citizenship and barbarism, to the more specific one on fascism in its possible Brazilian version, through the treatment of the theme of development from an unusual angle, that of the civilizing process, and through a mixture of more theoretical reflection and very concrete references when speaking precisely of the theme that identifies the book, the "difficult republic". Finally, two essays on Florestan Fernandes and Raymundo Faoro and two final articles, both marked by attention to a basic problem such as temporality, the mode of presence of time.

  • av Milton Santos

    One of the greatest and most active Brazilian intellectuals intellectuals, geographer Milton Santos has achieved international recognition for his original thinking. This book brings together, in the form of interviews, his thoughts about modern geography, globalization, and the role of the intellectual and the university in society. "I call globalization globalitarianism because we are living a new phase of totalitarianism. The political system uses contemporary technical systems to produce to produce the current globalization, leading us to forms of of economic relations that accept violence, that do not accept discussion, that demand immediate obedience."

  • av Plinio Marcos

    Em 1968, a peça "A navalha na carne", de Plínio Marcos, que relata a relação abusiva entre uma prostituta e o seu gigolô, é proibida pela ditadura militar de ser encenada em público. Como resposta, o diretor e os atores realizam um livro, inspirado na edição especial de "The bold soprano", de Ionesco, com fotografias em alto-contraste, criando uma versão impressa da encenação da peça. Este livro, aqui reproduzido fac-similar, é uma experiência única de versão gráfica para uma performance teatral, além do registro de uma das mais marcantes peças brasileiras dos anos 1960, criada por um dos mais provocativos dramaturgos do país.

  • av Florestan Fernandes

    Florestan Fernandes is an obligatory reference for sociologists, anthropologists and all those engaged in political and social issues in Brazil. This volume of the collection Encontros brings together his main interviews for the first time, presenting his trajectory, interventions and ideas."I have never been afraid of being simultaneously a sociologist who seeks to serve the search for truth the search for truth through scientific meansand the propagandist who seeks to convince others to see what they take from this reality to transform the world."

  • av Ricardo Aleixo

    Ricardo Aleixo unites artistic research and creation with a deep reflection and intervention on contemporary culture. His poetry works with the encounter of languages: performance, visual arts, cinema, music, sound art, and corpography. In the present volume of the collection Encontros, Aleixo, one of the great names in contemporary Afro-Brazilian poetry, talks about his trajectory and the thought that accompanies it. "I believe that artist is a word that already carries in itself an in itself an extraordinary stock of creative possibilities. Artist and that's it. Or, better yet: poet is the fairest word to speak of this person who organizes his work through the attempt to know as deeply as possible the deepest possible knowledge of the microstructures of each artistic language as deeply as possible. That is what I am, in short, that I try to be: a poet."

  • av Cildo Meireles

    Edited by Guy Brett. Text by Moacir dos Anjos, Guy Brett, Okwui Enwezor, Maaretta Jaukkuri, Bartomeu Mar', Lu Menezes, Suely Rolnik, Sonia Salzstein, Lynn Zelevansky.

  • av Frede Abreu

    This special volume of the Encontros collection brings together for the first time the main interviews with the great capoeira masters of Brazil. More than an essential document for the understanding of Brazil's cultural richness, this book is a demonstration that the masters not only played and taught capoeira, but reflected on this art that for them is, among many things, a philosophy of life. Mestres: João Mina, Pastinha, Bimba, Canjiquinha, Waldermar, Sena, Arthur Emídio, João Pequeno, João Grande, Curió, Decânio, Jelon Vieira, Acordeon, Itapoan, Nenel, Camisa, Nestor Capoeira, Suassuna, Russo, Moraes, José Carlos, Cobra Mansa, Angolinha, Janja, Roberto Freire e Leopoldina.

  • av João Donato

    João Donato (1934) is one of the most recognized Brazilian musicians in the world. Pianist, composer, and singer, he created a unique style of playing that influenced the bossa nova beat of João Gilberto's guitar and marked several generations. "I consider João Donato the greatest musician in Brazil. A musician of musicians, where everyone went to learn. He is a genius." (Tom Jobim) The collection Cadernos de Música presents an essay on his life and work along with an exclusive interview (2020) and his discography.

  • av Luiz Carlos Maciel

    Luiz Carlos Maciel has been called the guru of Brazilian counterculture. His column Underground, published in Pasquim at the turn of the 1960s-70s, was a generational milestone, updating the thinking of Brazilian youth with the most compelling issues of the time. Maciel participated in practically all the cultural events of the period, from the new cinema to the alternative press, and tells his trajectory and ideas in the interviews gathered in this volume of the collection Encontros."When the counterculture emerged, this libertarian perspective was very strong. The counterculture had no primer. Where is the Bible of the counterculture? Where is the "Communist Manifesto" of the counterculture? Where is the "Interpretation of Dreams" of the counterculture? It doesn't exist. The counterculture was a group in fusion. Without ideological or philosophical predetermination of any kind."

  • av Rogério Sganzerla

    Cadernos de Cinema é uma coleção de livros sobre grandes cineastas em atuação no Brasil e na América Latina. Cada volume sempre traz uma longa entrevista, um ensaio sobre a obra e o pensamento do autor homenageado e a filmografia, tudo isso acompanhado de uma rica iconografia. O presente volume é dedicado a Rogério Sganzerla, considerado um dos maiores nomes do Cinema Marginal da segunda metade dos anos 1960 e autor de clássicos do cinema brasileiro, como "O Bandido da Luz Vermelha" e "A Mulher de Todos".

  • av Sergio Cohn

    Este volume especial da coleção Cadernos de Cinema traz uma reunião de entrevistas, depoimentos e ensaios dos protagonistas do Cinema Novo brasileiro, escritos entre 1961 e 1966. É a primeira reunião destes textos seminais, que permite entender a criação de um dos mais importantes movimentos culturais da segunda metade do século XX. São textos e depoimentos de nomes como Glauber Rocha, Nelson Pereira dos Santos, Joaquim Pedro de Andrade, Cacá Diegues e Leon Hirszman. Um livro fundamental para todos os interessados na história da sétima arte.

  • av Karin Ainouz

    Cadernos de Cinema é uma coleção de livros sobre grandes cineastas em atuação no Brasil e na América Latina. Cada volume sempre traz uma longa entrevista, um ensaio sobre a obra e o pensamento do autor homenageado e a filmografia, tudo isso acompanhado de uma rica iconografia. O presente volume é dedicado a Karin Aïnouz, considerado um dos mais importantes cineastas brasileiros do século XXI, autor de clássicos como "Madame Satã" e "A Vida Secreta".

  • av Ruy Guerra

    Cadernos de Cinema é uma coleção de livros sobre grandes cineastas em atuação no Brasil e na América Latina. Cada volume sempre traz uma longa entrevista, um ensaio sobre a obra e o pensamento do autor homenageado e a filmografia, tudo isso acompanhado de uma rica iconografia. Este volume da coleção é dedicado ao cineasta moçambicano radicado no Brasil Ruy Guerra, um dos grandes nomes do Cinema Novo, autor de filmes clássicos como "Os Cafajestes" e "Os Fuzis".

  • av Paulo Freire

    It is impossible to disassociate Paulo Freire's thought, the practice and the trajectory itself of his life. This coherence, together with a political position that has always sought to build a freer and more just world through the constitution of the autonomy of its individuals through education, is portrayed in an exemplary way in the interviews and testimonials gathered in the present volume of the Coleção Encontros."I can see that school is terrible. But I don't that it is disappearing and is going to disappear. This is why I appeal to us, who have escaped the death of the school, change the school. My point is not to end it, it is to change it completely, to radically make it that a new being is born from it, as current as technology. I continue to fight in the sense of putting the school at the height of its time."

  • av Hélio Oiticica

    Encontros is the largest and most prestigious book collection of interviews with Brazilian artists and thinkers. With more than 50 published titles, it provides a broad panorama of Brazil's cultural and intellectual wealth. Hélio Oiticica is internationally recognized as an artist of the first magnitude. His work and thought continue to influence the best of our cultural production. By bringing together his main interviews and statements in an unprecedented way, this book is a fundamental document for understanding his trajectory and our recent history.

  • av Erica Casado

    Palavbras Andantes es una innovadora colección de poesía iberoamericana contemporánea, en amplias antologías bilingües (portugués y español). Este volumen dedicado a Colombia rinde homenaje a los poetas María Mercedes Carranza y Raúl Gómez Jattin, además de traer a 18 poetas contemporáneos, creando una mirada múltiple y amplia sobre la poesía colombiana del siglo XXI.

  • av Teresa Arijon

    Palavbras Andantes es una innovadora colección de poesía iberoamericana contemporánea, en amplias antologías bilingües (portugués y español). Este volumen dedicado a Colombia rinde homenaje a los poetas Francisco Madariaga y Susana Thénon, además de traer 18 poetas contemporáneos, creando una mirada múltiple y amplia sobre la poesía argentina del siglo XXI.

  • av Sergio Cohn

    Palavbras Andantes é uma inovadora coleção de poesia ibero-americana contemporânea, em amplas antologias bilíngues (português e espanhol). Este volume dedicado ao Brasil homenageia as poetas Hilda Hilst e Stela do Patrocínio, além de trazer 18 poetas contemporâneos, criando um olhar múltiplo e amplo sobre a poesia brasileira do século XXI.

  • av Sergio Cohn

    En 1925, el poeta modernista brasileiro Ronald de Carvalho escribió el libro "Toda A América", con poemas sobre diferentes países del continente. En homenaje, esta antología reúne a 18 poetas contemporáneos de diversos países latinoamericanos, en edición bilingüe portugués-español, actualizando una amplia mirada sobre el continente latinoamericano.

  • av Maria João Cantinho

    Palavbras Andantes es una innovadora colección de poesía iberoamericana contemporánea, en amplias antologías bilingües (portugués y español). Este volumen dedicado a Colombia rinde homenaje a los poetas Herberto Helder y Fiama Hasse Pais Brandão, además de incorporar a 22 poetas contemporáneos. creando una mirada múltiple y amplia sobre la poesía portuguesa del siglo XXI.

  • av Nise Da Silveira

    Encontros (Meetings) is the largest and most prestigious book collection of interviews with Brazilian artists and thinkers. With more than 50 published titles, Encontros provides a broad panorama of Brazil's cultural and intellectual wealth. Nise da Silveira is one of the most fascinating and restless Brazilian personalities. As a psychiatrist, she started a revolutionary work based on her non-conformism with the psychiatric practices used in the 1950s, such as electroshock, insulin therapy, lobotomy and confinement. Humanistic and libertarian, her work has achieved international recognition for the creation of the Museum of Images of the Unconscious and the Casa da Palmeiras. This book brings together, in the voice of Nise herself, her ideas and personal trajectory.

  • av Sergio Cohn

    Encontros (Meetings) is the largest and most prestigious book collection of interviews with Brazilian artists and thinkers. With more than 50 published titles, Encontros provides a broad panorama of Brazil's cultural and intellectual wealth. In the flower month of year 176 of the Revolutionary calendar, a series of rebellions took to the streets of Paris. They echoed radical changes and countercultural movements that were taking place around the world, such as the Situationists, the Provos, and the Diggers. This period is remembered in this book through the voices of some of its protagonists, often speaking in the heat of the moment, in a book in honor of the 55th anniversary of this uprising that radically changed Western culture.Interviews and testimonials by Daniel Cohn-Bendit, Jean-Paul Sartre, Edgar Morin, Henri Lefebvre, Roel Van Duyn, Rudi Dutschke, Herbert Marcuse, Theodor Adorno, Alan Watts, Allen Ginsberg, Gary Snyder, Timothy Leary, Barry Miles, Peter Berg, Peter Coyote, and Abbie Hoffman.

  • av Gilberto Gil

    Encontros (Meetings) is the largest and most prestigious book collection of interviews with Brazilian artists and thinkers. With more than 50 published titles, Encontros provides a broad panorama of Brazil's cultural and intellectual wealth. Gilberto Gil is one of the most active Brazilian artists. Besides his recognized work as a musician, he actively participates in the great contemporary political and cultural debates. His trajectory and his ideas about the democratization of information, new technologies, and behavioral revolutions are amply portrayed in this collection of his main interviews.

  • av Rogério Sganzerla

    Encontros (Meetings) is the largest and most prestigious book collection of interviews with Brazilian artists and thinkers. With more than 50 published titles, Encontros provides a broad panorama of Brazil's cultural and intellectual wealth. Rogério Sganzerla, besides being the creator of some of the greatest Brazilian films, such as "O Bandido da Luz Vermelha" and "A Mulher de Todos", was an active thinker about the modern cinema. His controversial interventions, fundamental to the creation of contemporary Brazilian cinema, are brought together in this volume, in the form of his most important interviews.

  • av Darcy Ribeiro

    Encontros (Meetings) is the largest and most prestigious book collection of interviews with Brazilian artists and thinkers. With more than 50 published titles, Encontros provides a broad panorama of Brazil's cultural and intellectual wealth. Darcy Ribeiro was many: the anthropologist who, in addition to original theoretical thought, turned to the defense of indigenous peoples; the educator, creator of the University of Brasília and the CIEPs (the schools that revolutionated the Brazilian education); the revolutionary politician; the passionate man. In this volume of the Encontros Collection, we review his trajectory and his interventions, in his best interviews.

  • av Jorge Mautner

    Encontros (Meetings) is the largest and most prestigious book collection of interviews with Brazilian artists and thinkers. With more than 50 published titles, Encontros provides a broad panorama of Brazil's cultural and intellectual wealth. Composer, writer, filmmaker, creator of Kaos, the mythology and the movement, Jorge Mautner is one of the most important and influential thinkers of our counterculture. In this volume of the Encontros Collection, we have gathered his most important interviews, portraying his ideas and his trajectory.

  • av Vinicius de Moraes

    Encontros (Meetings) is the largest and most prestigious book collection of interviews with Brazilian artists and thinkers. With more than 50 published titles, Encontros provides a broad panorama of Brazil's cultural and intellectual wealth. Vinicius de Moraes was, beyond being a poet and a passionate composer, a man who lived intensely the culture and the history of the 20th century, taking part in its changes and living intimately with its protagonists. This book sheds light on his trajectory, showing in his own voice his thoughts and memories and illuminating important moments in Brazilian history, such as modernism and Bossa Nova.

  • av Zé Celso Correa

    Encontros (Meetings) is the largest and most prestigious book collection of interviews with Brazilian artists and thinkers. With more than 50 published titles, Encontros provides a broad panorama of Brazil's cultural and intellectual wealth. In over 50 years of trajectory with Teatro Oficina, Zé Celso Martinez Corrêa has established himself as one of the most important names in Brazilian culture, influencing some of the main cultural events of that period, such as Tropicalism and counterculture. This unprecedented volume of his interviews takes a broad look at his life and work, from the early 1960s to the 2000s.

  • av Flavia Cesarino Costa

    Este livro oferece ao leitor a oportunidade de entender os primeiros anos do cinema, que nasceu em 1895. Possibilita o acesso à mais recente bibliografia sobre o assunto. É útil tanto para o iniciante como para o estudioso ou profissional de cinema, interessado em ampliar seus horizontes sobre a história do audiovisual.

  • av Silvio Da-Rin

    É salutar que a bibliografia sobre o documentário no Brasil esteja dando os primeiros passos a partir da edição de textos nacionais. Em Espelho Partido - Tradição e Transformação do Documentário o cineasta Silvio Da-Rin recupera o sinuoso caminho que a ideia do documentário percorreu ao demarcar seu território no continente do cinema.

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