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  • - Lessons on Faith
    av Alonzo T Jones & Ellet J Waggoner

    Alonzo T. Jones and Ellet J. Waggoner present a series of articles demonstrating the simplicity of faith. Graciously they outline the simple steps in order to find the perfect balance between faith and works.

  • av John Bunyan

    Christ pleads with God, he pleads with a just and righteous God, and therefore he must plead law, and nothing but law; and this he pleaded in both these pleas-First, in confessing of the sin he justified the sentence of the law in pronouncing of it evil; and then in his laying of himself, his whole self, before God for that sin, he vindicated the sanction and perfection of the law. Thus, therefore, he magnifies the law, and makes it honourable, and yet brings off his client safe and sound in the view of all the angels of God.

  • av Uriah Smith

    During the 1800's, Uriah Smith engaged himself in the monumental task of deciphering the prophecies of Daniel and the Revelation.Guided by the Holy Spirit, historical events unfolded to his mind in the prophetic context of the word as he studied deeply into the writings and accounts of reliable historians. Step by step, a foundational platform of truth was established and solid principles of prophetic interpretation were plainly set forth.Ellen G. White was shown that this book in particular was written under inspiration and would prove instrumental in spreading the light of the third angel's message to the world. She emphasised the necessity of strictly adhering to the interpretations of these prophecies as laid out by Uriah Smith in this book.

  • av John Bunyan

    John Bunyan's epic story of the life of the Christian pilgrim and his experiences told under the similitude of a dream. UnabridgedIn a loathsome dungeon crowded with profligates and felons, John Bunyan breathed the very atmosphere of heaven; and there he wrote his wonderful allegory of the pilgrim's journey from the land of destruction to the celestial city. For over two hundred years that voice from Bedford jail has spoken with thrilling power to the hearts of men. Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress and Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners have guided many feet into the path of life. Ellen G. White, The Great Controversy, 1911

  • - to the Chief of Sinners
    av John Bunyan

    A faithful account of the life of John Bunyan, or a brief relation of the exceeding mercy of God in Christ to him; namely, in taking him out of the dunghill, and converting him to the faith of His blessed Son, Jesus Christ.Here is also particularly showed, what sight of, and what trouble he had for sin; and also what various temptations he met with; and how God hath carried him through them. Corrected and much enlarged by the author, for the benefit of the tempted and dejected Christian.

  • av John Bunyan

    'Thus saith the Lord, The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool, where is the house that ye build unto me? and where is the place of my rest? For all those things hath mine hand made, and all those things have been, saith the Lord: but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word' (Isa 66:1, 2). Mark, God saith, he hath made all these things, but he doth not say, that he will look to them, that is, take complacency and delight in them; no, there is that wanting in all that he hath made that should take up and delight his heart. But now, let a broken-hearted sinner come before him; yea, he ranges the world throughout to find out such an one, and having found him, 'To this man, 'saith he, 'will I look.' I say again, that such a man to him is of more value than is either heaven or earth.

  • - and with the understanding also
    av John Bunyan

    The soul that communes with God attains an aptitude in prayer which no human learning can give; "A man that truly prays one prayer, shall after that never be able to express with his mouth, or pen the unutterable desires, sense, affection, and longing that went to God in that prayer". Men ought always to pray," and to "continue in prayer." This does not consist in perpetually repeating any form of prayer, but in that devotional frame of mind which enables the soul to say, "For me to live is Christ." Bunyan, speaking of private prayer, keenly inquires, will God not hear thee "except thou comest before him with some eloquent oration?" "It is not, as many take it to be, even a few babbling, prating, complimentary expressions, but a sensible feeling in the heart." Sincerity and a dependence upon the mediatorial office of Christ is all that God requires. "The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon him-in truth" (Psa 145:18).

  • - The Law & the Promises
    av Ellet J Waggoner

  • - The Third Angel's Message
    av Alonzo T Jones

    The following 26 sermons were given by A.T. Jones at the General Conference of 1895 and presented to a live audience of ministers, as recorded in the General Conference Bulletins.This material has been reformatted, but not re-edited for the reader's enjoyment. The spelling, punctuation, and grammar remain unchanged. Chapter titles have been added to provide a brief summary of each sermon.The first seven sermons present the Righteousness of Christ in the context of Religious Liberty. To provide some contextual background, in 1888 the religious freedom of America came under threat with the introduction of the Blair Bill. The intent of the Blair Bill was to recognise Christianity as the religion of the nation and Sunday as the Sabbath. A devout Bible student, Alonzo T. Jones astutely identified this as a major step towards the union of church and state in direct fulfilment of Revelation 13:15 in Bible prophecy. Jones commented that "when this is done, its influence in favour of the papacy will be inestimable."Although the Blair Bill was not officially passed in Congress, the ruling in the case of the World Trade Fair set an irreversible precedent which placed the Government in the hands of the churches. Conscientious Americans became concerned as they saw the protective framework of the 1st Amendment corrode away.Jones draws an interesting parallel between the Roman siege of Jerusalem in 67A.D. and the spiritual siege of America in 1892 through the World Trade Fair. He identified that although the Roman siege of Jerusalem subsided for a time, the armies returned with a vengeance.EXTRACTED FROM THE PREFACE

  • - The Third Angel's Message
    av Alonzo T Jones

    The year 1893 was an important year in the history of Protestant America, and hence also for the church. The world had been invited to attend the "World's Columbian Exposition" or commonly known as the "World fair" which was a showcase of the world's leading technologies and manufactures. During the six months in which it was open, being the 1st of May until the 30th October, 27,000,000 visitors had paid the 50 cent admission price, which means that nearly half of the American population at that time had travelled to Chicago to see the fair.The Presbyterian churches and other religious groups saw the Fair as an opportunity to promote the principles of their faith, and through petitions signed by millions of people, they lobbied the US Government to close the Fair on Sundays. The Senate conceded, and passed legislation stipulating that the appropriation of funds which the Government would provide to the Chicago World Fair would be contingent on the Fair being closed to the public on Sundays. This was a direct violation of the 1st Amendment of the Constitution which stated that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion..." Protestant churches within America had successfully gained a controlling influence over the Government of the United States of America.Jones had been active representing the cause of religious liberty to the Senate in direct opposition to the Presbyterians. But a few months later, during the 1893 General Conference, he confessed the reality of the matter: "The government of the United States is now in the hands of a hierarchy and no longer in the hands of the representatives of the people. Government as our forefathers established it, is gone, irretrievably gone now. Government of the people, by the people and for the people is gone. The authority of the government from the people, expressed in the Constitution, and the government to be conducted according to the Constitution is gone. The constitution has been overridden, and now it is ignored..."That action has put the government of the United States into the hands of the churches. It has established the mark of the beast as the Sabbath of the nation and for all the world, and it has done it in place of the Sabbath of the fourth commandment in express words in the legislation. "And what is this now in our own nation? The image of the papacy." (Chapter 3 of this book)This fact is established in the first few chapters of this book as Jones gives the account of his representation before the Senate. These first discourses may at first seem a bit dry, and you may be tempted to pass them by, but we encourage you to persevere in their reading that you may become familiar with the historical context in which these important studies were given. If it was imperative that the church received these messages in the year 1893, how more readily should we be welcoming them into our hearts and lives today?If you will read the following pages with a teachable spirit and a willing heart, they will change your life. Our experience today is no different to that of Seventh-day Adventists in the years surrounding 1888. We are either making too much of the law and becoming legalistic Pharisees trying to save ourselves by our own works, and busily looking over our shoulders in judgment upon our fellow men, and either living in constant fear of the condemnation of God or exalting ourselves as "holier than thou"; or we have become altogether blasé about our accountability before God and His requirements. Jones presents faith and works as a synergistic means of salvation with a harmonious balance that is greatly lacking in the ministries of the churches of today. Whilst setting men free from the condemnation of the law by the gift of the righteousness of Jesus Christ, Jones shows how it is that through that same gift, we may meet its claims in our practical lives.EXTRACTED FROM THE FOREWORD

  • - IV
    av Milian L Andreason

    M. L. Andreason takes an indepth look at the fourth commandment: "Remember the Sabbath to keep it holy." He identifies that the Sabbath question is greater than following this or that day, it is a question of following the Master.

  • av John Bunyan

    This literary classic by Bunyan describes the internal Christian battle that rages between the spirit and the mind. This battle occurs because when a repentant sinner becomes born-again, while the spirit is converted, our soul - that is our mind, will, and emotions, is still in the process of being converted. The remedy to winning the battle over our mind, is to believe upon the faith that Jesus Christ already worked out for us when He lived upon this earth (Isa 26:12; Rom 3:22). When we are weak in faith and stumble, look to His faith, and believe that God the Father sees us through the filter of Christ's faith. It requires great discipline of mind, decided action, and strength of faith each day, to read the good promises contained in God's Word, and to wield them as a sword to cut down the lies of the enemy against our soul and against our identity as a child of God. But believe these good promises we must because the Word of God guarantees that if we will do this consistently, we will not become debilitated by unbelief, discouragement and despair so that we are put out of the race. Though there may be difficulties, hardships and perplexities in this life, Apostle Paul assures us of winning the spiritual battle waged against our mind and soul if we persevere in faith in patient continuance. Using the analogy of the town of Man-soul and the struggle for supremacy over the town between Prince Emmanuel and the wicked Diabolus the internal christian experience is perfectly described Victory in such warfare can only be gained by faith in the righteousness of Prince Emmanuel.

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