av Lisa M Sondag
All dogs are special. However, in the woods by Blue Marsh Lake lives a beautiful, unique, cuddly dog who is one-of-a-kind. Dance, play, and sing along with The Amazing Aida Bella, a fun-loving, cuddly, agility dog who loves children.The Amazing Aida Bella was born on December 19, 2016. She is a Lagotto Romagnolo, an Italian breed from the Romagnolo region of Italy. She is an emotional support animal, a therapy dog, and an agility dog. Her favorite activities are cuddling, training, swimming in her pool, playing hide and seek, going for long walks, hanging out with her best friend Biscuit, and eating. She loves all people who are kind and loving! The Amazing Aida Bella lives in Penn Township, Pennsylvania, with Lisa, Mark, and a rescue cat named Odyssey Kit Kat.Sing along with The Amazing Aida Bella as she visits children around town. Musical score and QR code included.