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  • av Mary Taylor

    Beautiful songs with beautiful lyrics. Chords are added above the melody line. Easy to play

  • av Adam C Lord

    Колись казали, що Україна була вигадана Леніном і СРСР у 1920-х роках, але насправді її історія почалася більше 1000 років тому. Книга "Формування нації" пропонує глибокий погляд на роль географії та обставин у формуванні національної долі України. Історик і педагог Адам Лорд проводить розмову про переваги та недоліки націоналізму і веде читачів через ранню історію українського народу, спробу Петра Великого привласнити їхню історію для власної легітимності та підйом соціалістичних симпатиків у 19 столітті. Ця робота зосереджується на підйомі українського націоналізму в Австрійській та Російській імперіях. Історія української нації - це не лише історія мови та землі, релігії та регіоналізму, мобілізації та марксизму, але й історія відкриття своєї справжньої ідентичності.

  • av (&

    الشاعر موضوع الكتاب هو أعذب وأرق شاعر قرأنا شعره في بلاد شنقيط، موريتانيا، بلاد المنارة والرباط، وقد يعود ذلك إلى عوامل التربية والتعليم فالرجل ولد في بيت سيادة وعلم وحسب، في بيت جمع الدنيا والدين؛ الدنيا بكل ألوانها تنيخ أمام خيمته وعلوم الدين وغيرها متضافرة في تناسق جميل وعجيب... ولذلك فهو حريٌّ بالإمارة وملاعق الذهب، والدراسة والتحليل طبعا...

  • av Raveena Ratan

    The role of data scientists and analysts in data-driven decision-making cannot be overstated. Flexibility is a must when it comes to handling large datasets. This abstract introduces a Python library that optimizes critical stages of the data science workflow. It simplifies data loading and preprocessing, facilitates exploratory data analysis (EDA), and streamlines feature engineering, machine learning modeling, and output visualization.

  • av Mary Taylor

    Songs of faith are easy to play. Piano and Violin Duets have beautiful lyrics and chords added. All songs can be played as duets for special music or congregation.

  • av Mary Taylor

    Piano and Oboe Duets have beautiful lyrics that are fun and easy to play.

  • av Maya Nicholls

    The Rainbow Warriors is a story of wonder, magic, mystery and adventure where your child will learn to become a warrior alongside the characters in this story. A journey of self-discovery and empowerment, where we bridge the gap of the spiritual and physical worlds and give hope a place to thrive in the hearts and minds of the children, our only true hope for the future. The Rainbow Warriors have been given a mission to help all humans remember their connection to the Earth, how to be happy, and how to listen to their hearts once more. The Rainbow Warriors are just like you and me. In fact, we can all choose to become a Rainbow Warrior. We are hoping you will join us!

  • av Barbara Hobens

    Yes, Shakespeare did NOT write the plays! Did you grow up thinking the man from Stratford-upon-Avon wrote the plays and sonnets? So did Barbara Hobens until she studied his works in college, went to his hometown, and researched his life story. It just didn't mesh! Barbara denounces William Shakespeare as the writer and offers convincing evidence that Edward de Vere, the 17th Earl of Oxford is the true author. Note: This book is based on a PechaKucha (TM) lecture she presented in 2014.

  • av Jodi Morel

    Unveiling the Digital Landscape: Explore the latest trends, tools, and transformative shifts shaping the digital sphere in 2023. Gain a deep understanding of the rapidly evolving online marketplace and harness its potential for your business's success.

  • av C Hayavadana Rao

    Indian Caste System: A Study by C. Hayavadana Rao In issuing this little book on a subject of great complexity but of considerable practical value, I have been guided mainly by two considerations: first, that what has been said on it by observers and writers of some authority should be more widely known among those who are desirous of seriously studying it; and secondly, that the lines that research into it should take here after should, if possible, be clearly grasped before any tangible results could be hoped for from it. While no originality whatever is claimed for what is contained in the volume, readers will perceive that no pains have been spared to state the theories concerned in as clear a manner as possible and to limit their discussion to the barest dimensions possible.

  • av Puran Singh

    Unstrung Beads by Puran Singh first published in 1923. This is the second book in which Puran Singh has distilled his Indian essences for the English reader. It is natural to use something of his own figurative mode in considering his apothegms and poems, and to use that reference in parti¬cular, because of his other work as an analytical chemist. For his writings often suggest the imagination of one who has carried over into the spiritual region his investigation of the physical properties of the kindred elements, - earth, air, fire and water. Yet his purpose in his poetry, however trained upon concrete instances, is far from analytical. He takes a flower, a flame, a water-drop; but not to break its atoms. Rather he seeks to recreate it by the subtle alchemy of the imagination.

  • av Sophia Dobson Collet

    An Historical Sketch of the Brahmo Somaj by Sophia Dobson Collet first published in 1873. The following Sketch was written at the desire of Dr. Max Krenkel of Dresden, as an Introduction to a German translation which he is about to publish of the " Lectures and Tracts" of Babu Keshub Chunder Sen. Its publication in India at the present time having been thought desirable by friends in Calcutta, Dr. Krenkel has kindly permitted the Sketch to appear there in its original English form. The statements of the narrative have been drawn from innumerable Brahmo authorities, public and private. For the earlier portions I am almost wholly indebted to an unfinished treatise entitled " Brahmo Somaj or Theism in India," which appeared in the Indian Mirror at intervals from December 1864 to September 1866. (I regret that I am not sufficiently advanced in Bengali to make use of the " Brahmo Somajer Itibritta," published at Calcutta in 1871, the fullest History of the Brahmo Church that has yet appeared.) For the rest, I could not crowd so condensed a narrative with specific references, but I have taken every possible means to obtain strict accuracy in my statements of fact. For such judgments as I have ventured to give or imply concerning characters and events, no one is responsible but myself.

  • av M S Purnalingam Pillai

    RAVANA The Great King of Lanka BY M S PURNALINGAM PILLAI first published in 1923. If the hasty Reader, who has professed himself to be a highly discerning critic and to be endowed with the indispensable technique of the proverbial Indian 'annam' or swan, should chance to come across this little book, he would certainly play to the gallery with the blazing head-line Rakshas ! Excelsior ! It is hard to expect that men who have moved in particular grooves for years will ever easily get out of them or that the deep-rooted prejudices consecrated by time and circumstances will die an easy death. The much-maligned Ravana of the earliest Aryan Chronicler and purana writer and of the thoughtless Dravidian echoer of subsequent times cannot have his merits-and virtues duly recognized until English education, now pursued merely as bread-study, broadens and liberalizes the cramped and idea-obsessed Indian mind and wipes out his slave mentality altogether. If this booklet will provoke thought on the subject, its author will feel amply repaid for his labours.

  • av K. Massie

    Through heartfelt poetry and diary entries, Diaries of a Sad Girl dives into the depths of self-discovery, exploring the power of love, courage, and acceptance. This collection of poems is an honest and intimate account of one girl's journey to find her voice and strength in a world of sadness. It is a journey of healing, a path of self-love, and an acknowledgement of reality. Through this book, the author encourages readers to find their own inner strength and courage, to seek solace in the love of self, and keep faith when it comes to overcoming life issues.


    مسئله شفاعت یک موضوع قدیمی است که گروه های مختلف اسلامی به آن پرداخته اند وانسان های متفکر، از تمام جهت ها آن را مورد بحث قرار دادند. وعلت وجود مشکل این است که قران کریم در برخی از آیات روشن وواضح شفاعت را به طور کامل رد می کند ودر آیاتی دیگر آن را مشروط به اجازه وموافقت الهی بیان کرده است. در حالی که روایت هایی از پیامبر نقل می کنند که پیامبر اکرم در روز قیامت برای گناهکاران وصاحبان گناهان کبیره از امت خود، شفاعت می کند وخداوند شفاعت ایشان را می پذیرد. چنین احادیثی متواتر ومتوالی با صیغه های متفاوت در بخاری وغیره بیان می شوند وبه این سبب مسلمانان سر دو راهی قرار می گیرند وبین نفی موضوع در قرآن وآنچه در سنت آمده با انتخاب سختی روبرو می شوند.

  • av Maryan Ben Kim

    Новая книга, которую вы так долго искали, уже здесь! Волшебная Зима рассказывает об очаровании зимней поры, счастливых детях и прекрасных видах. Иллюстрации полны праздничного настроения, с изображениями рождественских елок, снеговиков и множеством подарков. Книга для детей, которая поможет им открыть для себя многообразие волшебной зимы и весело провести время.

  • av Maryan Ben Kim

    당신이 찾고 있던 새로운 책이 여기 있습니다! 마법의 겨울 는 겨울의 매력, 행복한 아이들, 아름다운 풍경을 이야기합니다. 일러스트에는 크리스마스 트리, 눈사람, 수많은 선물 등 명절 분위기가 가득합니다. 마법같은 겨울의 다양성을 발견하고 즐거운 시간을 보낼 수 있도록 도와주는 어린이를 위한 책입니다.

  • av Maryan Ben Kim

    探していた新刊がここにあります! この素晴らしい本は、冬の季節の魅力、幸せな子供たち、そして美しい景色について語ります。 イラストにはクリスマスツリーや雪だるま、たくさんのプレゼントなど、ホリデー気分が満載です。 魔法の冬の多様性を発見し、たくさん楽しむのに役立つ子供向けの本。

  • av James Huntelar

    Sicher! Hier ist eine kurze Beschreibung auf Deutsch für ein Ausmalbuch, das zwei Bären zeigt, die zusammen spielen und freundliche Momente erleben: "Spaß gemeinsam erleben: Malbuch-Abenteuer mit zwei verspielten Bären!" Tauche ein in die herzerwärmende Welt dieser beiden entzückenden Bären, während sie gemeinsam auf 50 einzigartigen Abenteuern unterwegs sind! Von spielerischen Spielen in üppigen Wiesen bis hin zu herzerwärmenden Momenten unter dem Sternenhimmel fängt dieses Malbuch die charmante Kameradschaft zwischen diesen pelzigen Freunden ein. Jede Seite belebt bezaubernde Szenen ihrer verspielten Streiche, ermutigt junge Künstler dazu, die Seiten mit Leben zu füllen und ihre eigenen lebhaften Geschichten zu kreieren. Lass deine Fantasie fliegen und fülle diese Seiten mit der Freude und Wärme der Freundschaft, während du gemeinsam mit diesen liebenswerten Bären Malst!

  • av Maryan Ben Kim

    Красивая зимняя книжка-раскраска - идеальный способ провести уютный зимний вечер в помещении. Эта книжка-раскраска с красивыми иллюстрациями снежинок, зимних пейзажей и очаровательных животных перенесет вас в зимнюю страну чудес. Так что хватайте мелки или маркеры, проявите творческий подход и приготовьтесь ощутить волшебство зимы совершенно по-новому!

  • av Raw

    The Santa's Helpers spent the winter months preparing for their journey, honing their skills and refining their plans. They studied maps and holiday traditions from around the world,

  • av Nathan Ijala

    Three siblings who are now young adults set out on a quest to explore space. They will have to stick together to overcome the challenges they will face. In this first of a series Luis, Lucas, and Lucy set on a quest to get into the Orbit of the Earth after being given a rocket as a gift by their Uncle Mike who is a wealthy astronomer. Will they succeed in this quest and venture further into the Universe?

  • av Maryan Ben Kim

    美しい冬の塗り絵は、室内で居心地の良い冬の夜を過ごすのに最適な方法です。 雪の結晶、冬の風景、愛らしい動物の美しいイラストが描かれたこの塗り絵は、あなたを冬のワンダーランドに連れて行ってくれます。 色鉛筆やマーカーを手に取って創造力を表現し、まったく新しい方法で冬の魔法を体験する準備をしましょう。

  • av Maryan Ben Kim

    아름다운 겨울 컬러링북은 실내에서 아늑한 겨울 저녁을 보내는 완벽한 방법입니다. 아름다운 눈송이 그림, 겨울 풍경, 사랑스러운 동물이 담긴 이 컬러링북은 여러분을 겨울 원더랜드로 안내해 줄 것입니다. 그러니 색연필이나 마커를 들고 창의력을 표현하세요. 완전히 새로운 방식으로 겨울의 마법을 경험할 준비를 하세요!

  • av Janet Young

    On Maverick's quest to find the mythical gemstones in Glacier National Park, he is met by seven animal friends who share heart-warming and powerful messages as he makes his way to the Sacred Pools. Maverick learns about the rainbow colors, and what they represent: RED-Safety, ORANGE-Creativity, YELLOW-Confidence, GREEN-Love, BLUE-Communication, INDIGO-Intuition, VIOLET-Connection. Although Maverick is on a journey searching for treasures, he learns that HE is the most valuable treasure of all. And he is LOVED!

  • av Maryan Ben Kim

    Ένα όμορφο χειμερινό βιβλίο ζωγραφικής είναι ο τέλειος τρόπος για να περάσετε ένα ζεστό χειμωνιάτικο βράδυ σε εσωτερικούς χώρους. Με όμορφες εικονογραφήσεις νιφάδων χιονιού, χειμερινά τοπία και αξιολάτρευτα ζώα, αυτό το βιβλίο ζωγραφικής θα σας μεταφέρει σε μια χειμερινή χώρα των θαυμάτων. Πάρτε λοιπόν τα χρωματιστά μολύβια ή μαρκαδόρους σας και εκφράστε τη δημιουργικότητά σας, ετοιμαστείτε να ζήσετε τη μαγεία του χειμώνα με έναν εντελώς νέο τρόπο!

  • av Maryan Ben Kim

    Красивата зимна книжка за оцветяване е идеалният начин да прекарате уютна зимна вечер на закрито. С красиви илюстрации на снежинки, зимни пейзажи и очарователни животни, тази книжка за оцветяване ще ви пренесе в зимна страна на чудесата. Така че вземете вашите цветни моливи или маркери и изразете своята креативност, пригответе се да изпитате магията на зимата по съвсем нов начин!

  • av Maryan Ben Kim

    첫 번째 동물 색칠하기 책은 동물을 발견하는 재미있는 방법을 제공합니다. 그들의 다정한 얼굴이 이 책을 훌륭하게 만들어 주고, 어린 아이들은 기뻐서 계속해서 열어서 안에 무엇이 들어 있는지 알아보게 될 것입니다. 어린 아이들은 이 책에 나오는 재미있고 아름다운 동물들을 색칠하는 것을 좋아합니다. 첫 번째 색칠 공부 책으로 적합하며 어떤 경우에도 훌륭한 선물이 됩니다.

  • av James Huntelar

    Sicher! Hier ist eine kurze Beschreibung auf Deutsch für ein Ausmalbuch, das zwei Bären zeigt, die zusammen spielen und freundliche Momente erleben: "Spaß gemeinsam erleben: Malbuch-Abenteuer mit zwei verspielten Bären!" Tauche ein in die herzerwärmende Welt dieser beiden entzückenden Bären, während sie gemeinsam auf 50 einzigartigen Abenteuern unterwegs sind! Von spielerischen Spielen in üppigen Wiesen bis hin zu herzerwärmenden Momenten unter dem Sternenhimmel fängt dieses Malbuch die charmante Kameradschaft zwischen diesen pelzigen Freunden ein. Jede Seite belebt bezaubernde Szenen ihrer verspielten Streiche, ermutigt junge Künstler dazu, die Seiten mit Leben zu füllen und ihre eigenen lebhaften Geschichten zu kreieren. Lass deine Fantasie fliegen und fülle diese Seiten mit der Freude und Wärme der Freundschaft, während du gemeinsam mit diesen liebenswerten Bären Malst!

  • av Veenix

    Fun, bright green spackle art design notebook. 72 grid-ruled pages. Softcover.

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