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  • av Colet Abedi

    Lost in Seoul is a standalone new adult romance set in the competitive world of K-pop from bestselling authors Rachel Van Dyken and Colet Abedi.A meet cute is supposed to be cute.Ours was sexy. Chaotic. Not normal.Less than 10 minutes after we met, I realized we could never be. She was forbidden to me.She held my hand behind his back.I gripped hers, knowing it was wrong.I was on the cusp of superstardom-and still I held her fingertips because it felt right.Knowing that when it all went wrong, we would be done-the media would destroy us.After all, not only was she was four years older than me, she was the leader of SWT's sister-my best friend-and someone who could wreck everything we'd worked for.But I still held on.I'm lost. So lost.I'm the youngest in the group, the one everyone sees as the most innocent.But they don't know the stolen moments with her.The kisses.The touching.They don't know any of that.So I keep acting as if I'm pure as the driven snow when really all it took was one chance meeting.To make.Me.Sin.Hi, I'm Sookie, Maknae of SWT, the most famous K-pop group in the world.And I'm pretty sure I'm not just lost... nah, I'm about to fall.

  • av Kim Ramsey-Winkler

    Spring is around the corner, and so is Ostara, the Spring Equinox. Kestrel Wallace and her cousin Bran are looking forward to warm weather and more sunlight, and to celebrating the Sabbat with the rest of their family. But Bran can't completely enjoy the change of seasons while he's dealing with older kids who are bullying him because he has two fathers, and Kestrel doesn't know how to help him. When a new student, Jamie, joins their class, Kestrel discovers that the older boys aren't the only bullies at school. Her friend Sohana insists that Jamie is "a girl pretending to be a boy" and tells others that Jamie is lying about who he is. Kestrel can't stay friends with a bully! Can Kestrel figure out how to help Bran and Jamie? Or will she be the next target for the bullies?

  • av Darryle Purcell

    HERO FROM THE PAST The year is 2022 and the government has created a secret science branch that has developed a working time machine. Agent Dave Custer is sent back to 1942 to save the life of Western movie star Buck Jones and bring him into the future. Upon their arrival, Custer and Jones are confronted by an unknown, well-armed enemy in the mountains of western Arizona. The inventor of the time machine-Prof. Zack Delaney-and his beautiful, blonde assistant-Sky Blue-join the battle against an organized cabal capable of coordinating mob riots, industrial espionage, and political assassinations. Veteran writer and editorial cartoonist Darryle Purcell lets his imagination soar to new heights of pulp action and adventure. Not only spinning this fast-paced tale but also providing all the art from cover to interior illustrations.

  • av Shilten Joseph Palathunkal

    The story of Daisy is a true story of a French bulldog meant to convey to the reader that a loving and familial environment can heal wounds from the past. The reader is meant to recognise the significance and power of familial support and love. The vivid illustrations and engaging narrative create an endearing world that is certain to capture the hearts of young readers.

  • av Cyril Kahn

    The book follows the narration of the main character, Neil, who is studying part-time to be an accountant while holding down a full-time position as an Articled clerk at an accounting firm. Upon performing his duties diligently at one of the audits, he finds an error in the transactions, and ultimately discovers that an unknown person has been embezzling money secretly out of the company. Therefore, it is up to him now to take his discovery to his supervisors and find ways to link the transgressor to the embezzlement. What happens along the way is a story of love, unity, celebration, disappointment, shock, mystery, and surprise all in one. Follow Neil and ride along for his adventure in uncovering the mystery of the stolen money.

  • av Echo Philippe

    Tout ce que vous savez était autrefois nouveau. Ne laissez pas la peur de l'inconnu vous arrêter. Le monde est meilleur avec vous dedans.

  • av Elena Martini

    Entra nel mondo saporito e salutare della cucina senza sale con Elena Martini e il suo libro, "Cucina Senza Sale: Gusti Deliziosi, Salute Eccellente." Questa straordinaria guida culinaria ti porterà in un viaggio alla scoperta di piaceri gastronomici privi di eccessi di sodio.Elena Martini, un'appassionata sperimentatrice di cucina a basso contenuto di sodio, ti condurrà attraverso un percorso culinario che celebra il sapore autentico degli ingredienti, senza il bisogno di aggiungere sale in eccesso. Con "Cucina Senza Sale," avrai accesso a una varietà di ricette e tecniche che ti mostreranno come mantenere una dieta a basso contenuto di sodio senza rinunciare al gusto.Questo libro non è solo una raccolta di ricette; è una celebrazione della salute attraverso il cibo. Elena Martini condivide con te non solo le ricette, ma anche le ragioni dietro una dieta a basso contenuto di sodio e come essa possa contribuire a una vita più sana e soddisfacente.Sia che tu sia un cuoco esperto alla ricerca di opzioni salutari o un principiante desideroso di abbracciare uno stile di vita a basso contenuto di sodio, "Cucina Senza Sale" ti guiderà attraverso un'esperienza culinaria che migliorerà la tua salute senza rinunciare al piacere del cibo. Preparati a scoprire il benessere attraverso il gusto e a gustare il sapore autentico dei piatti senza sale aggiunto con l'aiuto di Elena Martini. Con questo libro, la tua cucina diventerà un luogo di salute e piacere culinario.

  • av Constantino Cesar

    BOOK INTRODUCTIONWelcome to the Star Martial Arts School, where Master Tiger and his students have exciting adventures while learning valuable life lessons and Taekwondo techniques.In this captivating tale, we follow the journey of the Rabbit, a young white belt who lacks faith in his abilities.Master Tiger and his friends teach the Rabbit the value of manners, teamwork, and self-assurance by engaging in interesting and fun activities.

  • av Hunter Publishing

    Are you looking for a good way to stimulate the mind while relaxing and having fun?Did you know that crossword puzzles are a good way to work on improving our cognitive health?Some of the benefits include: stress relief, memory preservation, boosted vocabulary, and improved brain health.Here is a peek of what you will find inside this book: - 100 crossword puzzles- Large print text with one puzzle per page- Solutions for each puzzle at the back of the book- Varying levels of difficulty- Premium paperback cover

  • av W R Rosche

    Imagine all animals having the power of speech; species cooperating with each other to build rich societies; others equally determined to tear them down! This is a tale of such a world, in an 'hour of need.'Great burdens may be by unlikely heroes borne. And few heroes are more 'unlikely' than the arrogant young Donkey who hopes to tread in the hoofprints of his Grandsire, the illustrious Donkie Otie. Yet the fates have decreed that the naïve young Jack is destined to save the One True Realm from a devastating and ruinous war . . . or die trying! Can he do it on his own? Obviously not!After an absence of ten generations, an Immortal Guardian has been called back. The Guardian (resembling an enormous panda and possessed of two distinct personalities) grudgingly takes up the burden of keeping the young fool in one piece long enough for him to be thrown into the fray. Along the way they assemble a small cast of supporting characters: A tormented three-legged Chihuahua with an agenda of their own; an amoral, cynical Japanese Macaque; an orphaned young 'bald ape' with strong survival skills and a powerful female gorilla with a mysterious past. The story moves through a world that is very different from and yet uncomfortably similar to our own. The narrative can be whimsical, funny, touching, ironic, heartbreaking and (occasionally) a little bit romantic as it races to a dramatic and exciting conclusion.

  • av Charlie Nottingham

    A witch librarian, a werewolf bar tender, a dead girl, and a detective who's determined to make someone pay.Brooke and Declan have been inseparable since their one-night-stand unlocked an ancient myth confirming that they're soulmates. A librarian and a bar tender. They shouldn't work, but they can't imagine life without each other now.But they just might have to. Because a dead woman was found outside Declan's bar, and all the evidence points to him.As more bodies surface, and more evidence stacks against Declan, he and Brooke have to decide.Find who's framing him themselves, or run before the nosy cop exposes their supernatural origins to the human world.

  • av Sf Dickson

    Do you have an older family member showing the need to transition to a facility that can better support them and you don't know where to start?This is exactly where I was and I was lost. Why I put my mother in Assisted Living on Mother's Day Weekend chronicles the emotional and medical challenges encountered along with where to look for solutions with a driving purpose to alleviate confusion and stress on the caregiver's part. Not only providing the financial, legal, medical and VA routes discovered prior to making the move, this book documents the post-move challenges. Relocation challenges included anxiety, hospitalizations, and varying levels of trauma with a realization that trauma doesn't always include drama.Why I put my mother in Assisted Living on Mother's Day Weekend is written with two different mindsets. One mindset brings the hopefully relatable narrative, including a mildly chagrined nudge to always check your calendars, finishing with the other mindset drawing from a checklist driven personality with a goal of leaving nothing undone. It is the anticipation that providing two mindsets connect and assist readers in their journey.

  • av Jeana E Mann
    190 - 250,-

  • av Arthur M Mills

    Whether or not you believe in ghosts, the true-life experience of Arthur Mills deserves consideration. Find out who Candle Face was, her taunting behavior, and how she turned a boy's childhood into a living nightmare in The Empty Lot Next Door.The Empty Lot Next Door storylineIn an Austin neighborhood, Ray (Arthur's childhood name) and his family excitedly moved into a small house in the midst of a big, green lawn. Beside their house is a strange, vacant lot where a house once stood, and a huge hole in the back lies mysteriously. As a young boy with many new friends, Ray considers the empty lot an exciting playground. But the tale behind the lot keeps the boy intrigued and frightened as he learns that the house that was once there was burned down years ago, leaving a girl dead amid the fire. As the neighborhood kids say, the little girl will haunt anyone who dares to jump into the hole. Determined to validate the authenticity of this tale, Ray daringly and mistakenly challenges the ghost, a challenge that he will forever regret. Soon, he becomes haunted by the little girl, whom he named Candle Face, due to her charred face and body. The apparition began visiting his dreams and leaving handprints and other signs around the house, even when Ray was awake. The Empty Lot Next Door is more than a ghost story. It's also a story of the desperation, pain, and helplessness experienced by children whose parents work long hours away from home, necessarily leaving them to fend for themselves against real and imagined evils. It's about sibling abuse and the scars that such abuse leaves on the victims and the abusers. The Empty Lot Next Door is also a story of an intense struggle of a child to make sense of the world without communicating his fears and thoughts to the adults in his life since he doesn't want to add to the family's problems.What the critics are sayingCritics agree that The Empty Lot Next Door is a ghost story at its finest, perhaps all the more so because it's a true story. Professional book critic Lisa McCurley says, "After the first night of sleeping with the light on, I ended up taking off two afternoons from work to finish it which is all it took because I couldn't put this book down." Kirkus Reviews agrees, "In a coming-of-age story that's well paced and layered with emotion, Mills creates moments of true suspense through guileless prose as he unearths a family tragedy." Anyone who enjoys being scared or wants to investigate whether ghosts are real will add The Empty Lot Next Door to the must-read list.Award-winning bookWhen Arthur Mills wrote The Empty Lot Next Door, some neighbors and family quit speaking to him; they didn't want to acknowledge the local element of his true-life story of ghosts, suicide, and bullying, but that didn't stop his new book from winning awards.Reader Choice Awards (First Edition)Kids Award for Best Teen / Young Adult Book of the YearTeen (12-16) - First PlaceRegional South - First PlaceParenting, Family, and Relationships - Honorable MentionHow can The Empty Lot Next Door contribute to your personal and intellectual growth?The Empty Lot Next Door immerses readers in an intriguing mystery laden with supernatural elements that provoke thought and challenge perceptions. The coming-of-age story offers a unique lens into the multifaceted nature of growth, while the exploration of trauma fosters deeper emotional comprehension. With its engaging writing style, the story captures attention and encourages reflective thinking. Moreover, the weight of it being a true story amplifies its impact, enhancing both personal and intellectual growth.

  • av Abu Bakr Ibn Bajjah

    Explore the depths of self-knowledge with 'Ilm al-Nafs' by Ibn Bajjah, thoughtfully translated by Hassan Masumi. This philosophical treatise, divided into four faculties with eleven chapters, delves into the intricacies of the human soul. Masumi's translation opens a gateway to Ibn Bajjah's profound insights, offering readers a rich exploration of the mind and spirit. Engage with timeless wisdom as you embark on a journey through the pages of 'Ilm al-Nafs,' a captivating work that transcends cultural and temporal boundaries.

  • av Liz H Richardson

    Trahie ! Par deux fois ! Certes, la première fois avait été sanglante et psychologiquement éprouvante. J'avais changé, évolué, pour devenir petit à petit cette créature sortie tout droit de mes cauchemars... Je m'étais vengée, et contre toute attente, j'avais survécu ! Mais lui... Falcor, le seul homme que j'avais laissé m'approcher en dix ans, que j'avais appris à aimer... Mon mentor, mon sauveur, il m'avait menti, pendant toutes ces années. Présent à mes côtés du fait d'une sombre prophétie annonçant la venue de Méduse, ma venue. Un griffon, sous les ordres d'un autre. On me dit de pardonner, mais j'en suis incapable. La créature qui m'habite ne le permettra pas, son coeur est plus froid que la glace, son mot d'ordre est vengeance et sa volonté est forte. Gare à ceux qui voudraient nous contrer ! Venez découvrir le dernier tome de cette duologie et savoir qui, de Méduse ou de Maé survivra !

  • av Billy Wellman

    Let's travel back in time to learn about ancient Egyptian mythology!

  • av Daniel Barry

    1. Sketching is a painters identity2. Where the pen pauses, colors fly. 3. The process involved is that of an Artist in making. 4. A blank page or book is perceived to be a prized gift, in invisible ink, by one who is creative at heart. 5. Capture the expression on thy face, in a canvas, and let others tell the story. 6. Don't take pills, instead write and paint.7. Seekers find answers within, when the set out to write, sketch and paint. 8. If ever words fail you, try illustrating it in a picture you sketch, canvas you paint or graffiti. 9. Let the light of the sun add variance to your words and visions. 10. If ever you sought paradise, then you've surely been led to the gates of an artist. 11. Graffiti gifts life to a wall lying forlorn, unnoticed, almost never receiving praise or gratitude. 12. If your life has reached a standstill, write your way through. Authors - - JGillRoyKindelbergerMrinzEllisFavourOkechiSterlingScarlettDanielBarryDelaneyWilliamsCrystalBarker

  • av L K Ryan

    Can I make Nyla mine and secure my place in the family business?

  • av Steffanie M a Costigan
    296 - 480,-

  • av Adão José Gonçalves Da Cruz

    Psicólogos e terapeutas devidamente capacitados podem orientar seus pacientes para que façam diariamente os exercícios científicos de Retrospecção e Concentração ou a Terapia de Retrospecção e Concentração - TRC, com o objetivo de elevar as consciências e despertarem as faculdades psíquicas, mentais e espirituais ainda latentes dos seus pacientes, bem como que seus pacientes possam determinar durante o atendimento psicológico, de forma objetiva e intensa aquilo que almejam. Por exemplo, adquirir poder mental, clarividência e visão espiritual, libertar-se do etilismo, do vício de drogas, de ideações suicida, de alguma enfermidade grave; libertar-se da entropia psíquica, de terrores noturnos, da depressão, ou de alguma condição anormal de ordem psíquica, mental e espiritual. Com essa intervenção psicológica qualquer pessoa poderá comprovar que os fundamentos de psicologia esotérica são verdadeiros, com procedimentos científicos, pois, esses profissionais da saúde serão compelidos a confirmar a eficiência e eficácia dessa intervenção apresentada pela Psicologia Esotérica. Todavia, caso algum terapeuta, psicólogo e outras pessoas que não estejam dispostos a seguir e impender as necessárias instruções para a execução do método de Terapia de Retrospecção e Concentração, poderão permanecer tão pouco convencidos da verdadeira recuperação dos seus pacientes, bem como da realidade da natureza da psique do sujeito.

  • av Enchanted Tones

    This is a fashion coloring book about Boho Hippie Girls. There are 45 original illustrations with beautiful models, clothing & accessories.

  • av Silvia Mesa

    Step into the extraordinary life of Prada, a beautiful golden retriever who shared love and adventures with her family and friends. From her playful puppyhood to overcoming cancer and becoming a therapy dog, Prada's journey is a testament to resilience and the deep connections that are fostered with a canine companion.Author and Prada's mom, Silvia Mesa, warmly recounts their experiences, showcasing the challenges and joys they faced together. Through Prada's Facebook Page, "Prada's Bunch and Friends," their heartwarming story reached hearts across the world, leaving an unforgettable impact.Amidst struggles and successes, Mesa unveils a tale of survival, kindness, and companionship. Prada's legacy shines as a beacon of love that touched the world profoundly.Whether you are part of Prada's Bunch and Friends or have cherished a furry companion, this tribute to the bonds we share with our pets is a must-read. Join the journey of Walking with Prada to discover the enduring power of friendship and a pet's lasting imprint.It is time to come Walking with Prada.

  • av Kwaku Edem Damanka

    WOMAN interrogates the different layers in the two creation stories of the Bible, its impact on gender relations, the personhood, womanhood and dignity of women. "WOMAN takes a focused approach, and Edem's ability to delve into the multiple layers of the Genesis narrative is truly captivating.Rather than simply reciting existing beliefs, Edem guides readers towards nuanced interpretations, which underpins the core themes of the book.>The Genesis account in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) provides two different creation stories.>Woman stimulates contemplation about God's purpose for humanity, particularly women, womanhood, human dignity, marriage, and its origins.."-Excerpt from FOREWORD by Prof. Mercy Amba Oduyoye, First African Woman Theologian, Educator and Poet

  • av Elfar Skáld

    "Les mots d'un excentrique" est un recueil de poésie.Dans ce livre, vous pourrez découvrir quarante poèmes inédits de l'artiste.Vous traverserez les affres du genre humain, ses beautés mais aussi ses déviances.Elfar SKÁLD écrit ses poèmes dans une singularité déconcertante.Si vous aimez les vers "Skaldiens", vous retrouverez ce style direct et décalé, façonnant son oeuvre littéraire unique.À mettre entre toutes les mains.

  • av John Randall Meulman

    Shattered Wings is more than a suspense thriller about a brutal rapist and his victim. It is a hard look at the courts and our legal system. This intense, fast paced novel takes you into the mind of Julie Stevenson whose world is shattered by horrifying violence, and Raymond Carter, a tormented misfit who knows only desire, disappointment and hatred. Beautiful young Julie becomes part of an intricate contest within Dallas' legal community. Fighting against the very system that created him, Captain Frank Evans declares "...what we really need is a death squad," while he exercises his flair for getting criminals off the street. The battle rages as this hard-nosed cop matches wits with a disillusioned DA in an effort to uncover truth and administer justice. Emily Jorgenson has definite reason for her tenacious defense of Carter, leading to fight and conquer David McRay. Once lovers, now adversaries, they meet again in the courtroom. Using every ounce of energy, David McRay builds his case before judge and jury. The spine-tingling conclusion will stun you. From page 1, this novel will grab you with raw honesty and will pull you deep into the world of sexual violence and court room rivalries. Don't read it on a work night;you'll be up way past your bedtime.

  • av Tj Green

    Midwinter brings new enemies to White Haven.

  • av Josh Steve

    In "AI in Healthcare Revolution," a gripping and suspenseful thriller, follow the journey of Dr. Olivia Miller, Dr. Marcus Rodriguez, Agent Sarah Mitchell, and the enigmatic hacker Cipher as they unveil a sinister conspiracy behind a deadly silent epidemic. With courage and determination, they expose the truth, only to discover that they've unmasked a shadowy organization known as The Council. As they pursue the puppeteers from the shadows, the alliance faces danger, intrigue, and the relentless pursuit of justice. In a world where secrets and conspiracies thrive, "Silent Epidemic Unmasked" is a relentless race against time to uncover the ultimate puppet masters and bring them to light.

  • av Stephen Black
    290 - 400,-

  • av Evan Eichler
    1 650,-

    Special Ops Readiness: BUD/S - 12-week periodized guide for candidates. Tailored training, testing, and online support. Elite Operator prep.

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