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  • av West Hand

    En un hermoso día bañado por el sol, Bea se preparó ansiosamente para embarcarse en una nueva aventura en el mercado. Con su pasión por la repostería, imaginó traer alegría a todo el pueblo con sus deliciosos dulces. "¡Mami, papá, me voy a reunir ingredientes y hornear unos adorables pasteles de té!" La pequeña Bea exclamó con pura emoción, una amplia sonrisa se extendió por su rostro. Mientras se dirigía al mercado, Bea no pudo evitar sentir una sensación de anticipación y asombro. Las multitudes bulliciosas y los colores vibrantes del mercado solo alimentaron aún más su entusiasmo. Después de un tiempo, Bea echó un vistazo a su lista de verificación. "Hmm, harina, cheque, azúcar, cheque, leche, cheque, huevos", miró dentro de su bolso y luego volvió a la lista. "Huevos, necesito comprar huevos". Después de recorrer el mercado durante horas, las esperanzas de hornear de Bea se desvanecieron cuando todas las tiendas se quedaron sin huevos. Desanimada, comenzó a caminar de regreso a casa. Pero fue entonces cuando se topó con una vista peculiar. Tres mujeres vendían huevos, pero estos no eran huevos ordinarios. Eran de un tono vibrante de azul y verde, y la gallina que los puso parecía tan misteriosa como sus dueños.Picada por la curiosidad, Bea se acercó a las mujeres y preguntó por los huevos. Poco sabía ella, estas mujeres no eran las vendedoras de huevos promedio. Eran brujas, y su respuesta a su pregunta estaba lejos de ser ordinaria. "¿Cuánto por una docena?" Con un tono siniestro, una de las brujas susurró: "El costo puede ser tu vida". El corazón de Bea se aceleró al darse cuenta de la gravedad de la situación. ¿Bea arriesgaría su vida por una docena de huevos? ¿O se daría la vuelta y abandonaría su sueño de hornear? Solo el tiempo lo diría...

  • av Jessie Dunson

    You have so much more to learn and obey from God's word than I have written. As you read this book, you will read the word TRUTH 640 times.I do not know anyone who doesn't want the TRUTH. In this book, I cover the past, present, and even some of our future. As you read this book, I believe you too will be able to see the past, present, and future, as the Lord opens the eyes of your understanding. Most likely, you will learn a lot more than you already know, and you and your family will be blessed.My only request is that as you read and learn, I ask that you live what you learn and share this book (knowledge) with others. Again, may the Lord bless you and your family with the TRUTH.In Matthew 7:13-14, Jesus said, "Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat. Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it."

  • av West Hand

    My Little Pumpkin es una de las historias para niños más intrigantes, estimulantes y cautivadoras de West Hand. La historia trata de un niño de tres años. George, que no quería una calabaza cualquiera, sino una pequeña calabaza, para ser precisos, para Halloween. Entonces sus padres lo llevaron con sus abuelos, quienes son dueños de campos de calabaza. George no solo puede ver los grandes y hermosos campos de sus abuelos, sino que también pasa tiempo de calidad con ellos. Aprecian el tiempo que pasan juntos con risas, cariño, amor incondicional, risas interminables y, sin olvidar, calabacitas para Halloween. Este es el mejor cuento para dormir para niños, este libro infunde la belleza de las relaciones, los fuertes lazos familiares y emociones intrincadas como amor que nutre su alma con la riqueza de los sentimientos sinceros y la profunda compasión, formándolos como mejores adultos.

  • av West Hand
    291 - 341,-

  • av West Hand
    261 - 341,-

  • av West Hand
    261 - 341,-

  • av Tavia Lynn Kallison
    401 - 407,-

  • av Clinton Laird

    This book explains with what went wrong in Mr. Laird's early schooling and the effects that teachers and parents have on one's ability to learn. It shows the difference between a mother that had great expectations for her child John McCook (who played Eric Forrester on "The Bold and the Beautiful") and a mother that felt that the school and teachers should set these expectations. The book reveals the background of some of his fellow cadets including Joseph Bonanno Jr., the son of a mob boss used as the bases of the movie "The God Father". The book tells how the discipline of a Military School prepared him for his career and life. The book expresses the positive effect on his career advancing to a management position in Silicon Valley Power without a college degree through what he learned in a Military School. He discusses what he believes were the school's negative effects on his social life and marriage. A brief history of Hollywood with Clint's acquaintance with silent film actor Snub Pollard (Keystone Cop) along with some interesting vacations that Mr. Laird took including a short history of the Royal Caribbean Cruise line. The book gives some basic rules to follow to advance in your career.

  • av Charles O. Wing

  • av Sarah Catherine Smith
    337 - 481,-

  • av Michael T. Flanigan

    Michael T. Flanigan has epilepsy. As a result, he has had grand mal seizures since the age of twelve. The condition is unwanted, he didn't ask for it, but the reality is he will have the potential for seizures for the rest of his life. Will difficult situations arise? Yes. Do you run away from life or do face it with the tools you have been given? By sharing his real-life experience in "Epilepsy Will Never Beat Me", Flanigan wants to educate and motivate the reader with a simple playbook on how to deal with epilepsy. Stay close to your friends, trust your family, and have true faith in God and you will find that no problems get in your way. Flanigan's personal philosophy? "Bring it on!"

  • av MBA Billy Randal Maynard

    The 2nd Edition of this book is a compilation of writings over a fifty-year period. Billy wrote poetry and short stories since his days in high school. He took a break until he was inspired again in the early 1980s and 90s. Some of the poetry was a tribute to friends and relatives. Others were meant to be songs (which the author sings from time to time). In 1982 Billy entered a writing contest, from which came the short story "Incident at Walkertown". It won first place. Billy gives credit to the Lord for the works he does. Some are parables that have a deep meaning, others are based on dreams or visions of the author. Billy felt a need to compile some of his work for others to enjoy and share with their own family. He believes in a strong family unit. You can tell the author believes in God and promotes the Golden Rule. You will see old manuscripts and new stories as he has never lost his love of writing. Billy Maynard will soon be 71 years old and still feels "the call to write."

  • av Elizabeth Len Wai

    We wrote this book as a companion to our book on parenting to; encourage parents and potential parents to daily use the Bible as a manual for the guidance and wisdom required in raising a child into a follower of Christ Jesus and a productive successful adult, as well as our manual for living a full, joyful and productive life while here on this earth in preparation for an eternal life with Him after his return. A friend of mine told me that in his opinion the Bible is; Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth, that has stuck in my mind, and I like that perspective even more as I unpack all of the information the scriptures reveal to me. Unlike most manuals, this one tells us how it all started, what the intent was, what happened to change things from the initial intent, our history of rebellion, and what will have to be done to restore both us and this earth to its intended state and purpose. Like most manuals, it is seldom opened until a problem arises and malfunctions occur. This manual is most useful when read on a daily basis and in preparation for all we plan to do instead of after we have done it. As a manual - the Bible is filled with promises from our Creator, guidelines, warnings, and examples to help us become the people we were created to be, it overflows with a historical review of His love, goodness, mercy, sacrifices and forgiveness as well as proofs of his desire to enjoy life-long fellowship with us.

  • av Angela Dellafiora Ford
    307 - 401,-

  • av Nancy Przybylowicz

    If you decide to read Fluffies, you will be taken on a pseudo-summer vacation. Fluffies are what occur when Fluff gives birth to her first litter of puppies. They are adopted and the story goes into what occurs as they are raised into working pups. First they all meet up at a neighborhood party and while going on walks. But will they help and rescue their owners?, or cause a near catastrophy? Read on to find out if the summer days are really long, or just too hot and bothersome to not be the dog days of summer.

  • av Charles O Wing

    Many years ago, I had thought about what would happen if an asteroid did hit the Earth and who would be involved in making sure Mankind would survive. After over two years of research, I was stunned by what would be involved. The things that had to happen depended on strong people. I began this story with the obvious beginning of the weather first. With each following chapter, fear grew within me and it was very hard to stop writing. I couldn't use just one or two main characters with this story either. Each page had its own impact but followed a well-defined storyline too. It is my hope that the readers come away with an education in our sciences and a promise of our continued existence.

  • av Bill Copeland
    281 - 341,-

  • av West Hand
    291 - 341,-

  • av Rev. Kenneth Klaman

    "FOLLOWING THE LIGHT" is a guide in practical theology. Theology pertains to the field of study and analysis that examines the God-consciousness: its attributes and relationship to the universe. Included in this book are examples of divine happenings, which establish religious truths or enlightenment. Finally, this book discusses how "FOLLOWING THE LIGHT" can help enrich our understanding of Theology as it applies to our daily lives. "FOLLOWING THE LIGHT" describes how everything we do or experience is intertwined and affects our personal development. It discusses how metaphysics, psychology, physics, paranormal activity, and parapsychology interact with each other as they relates to our Divine-essence, or Spirit, from its beginning through completion. Further, we examine some common beliefs and misconceptions as they relate to modern scientific studies that follow metaphysical principles and practices. The author has included some of his personal experiences as examples. Rev. Klaman had been meditating, praying, and studying --with a burning desire for the answers to his questions: Who or what is God? Why are we here? Moreover, how do Jesus, Moses, the Bible, parapsychology, paranormal activity, and science fit into this puzzle? He devoted his life to finding the answers, but little did he know he was about to receive them in a big way! More than ever before, people today are asking important questions about theology that need and deserve answers. Identifying and answering those questions is the purpose of this book. This book provides the reader an opportunity to receive the benefit of learning the truth about God and our purpose in life, including how science, the paranormal, and other pieces of the puzzle all fit together. You will learn that this life is your creation; enjoy it while "FOLLOWING THE LIGHT"!

  • av Yank Shi

    Le protagoniste a des souvenirs extraordinaires - du bébé dans le ventre de la mère avant la naissance au fantôme d'Hadès après la mort. Le protagoniste s'est réincarné trois fois, étant un chat avant de se réincarner en humain, une sage et belle dame de la classe supérieure dans la 1ère vie humaine. Un jeune homme juste issu d'une famille paysanne pauvre de la 2e vie humaine et un jeune professeur de tempérament artistique et un écrivain prometteur qui écrit le livre actuel de la 3e vie humaine. Les trois vies du protagoniste couvrent respectivement la République de Chine avant 1949, la RPC après 1949 et les États-Unis dans la décennie actuelle. ou il) expérimente, entend et témoigne dans différents pays et époques. Certains personnages des différentes vies de l'écrivain interagissent, créant de temps en temps des intrigues étonnantes et dramatiques.

  • av Anthony Newman-Miriam

    The first part of the book, the large part, explains the many terms that occur in Tibetan Buddhism, they deal with the approach of Death, the various ocular events that occur when death is approaching, and the events that one experiences right after the occurrence of body death. They are varied indeed! Depending on the kind of life that has been led there can be pretty lights and the approach of relatives and ancestors, usually benign, and sometimes the actual appearances of great Buddhas or Christlike figures to help the entity get through the process . In the case of negative lives, the Spirit falls into suffering states in which he or she becomes the same as the victim of the one that he or she afflicted. There is no end to the variety of events following death. Death is not an event of terror, unless the entity has terrified people in the previous life.There are 12 levels to attain, usually achieved in several thousand lives, and since most entities are around level one, their spirit guides can be accessed to ask for ways of reaching the higher levels, which always involve future reincarnations. The second part of the book is information about the universe and incarnation that is taught by an entity at the 11th level and nearly finished with the whole process.

  • av West Hand
    327 - 387,-

  • av Gregory Harris

    How I Got Off That Tree Limb is based on an experience that I had when I was 22 years of age and a preacher that I had worked with in a revival in Little Rock, Arkansas said to me, "Get off that Limb" He explained to me that if I wanted to make an apple pie I would have to get the apples off the tree to make a delicious Apple Pie. This book shares early beginnings of my childhood. It takes you through my journey of getting off of the tree limb. I have had lots of highs and lows in my life but I have learned how to push myself forward. And today I continue to push forward to be the very best that I can be and try every day to make a positive difference in myself and others.

  • av Larry Wooten
    267 - 341,-

  • av West Hand
    307 - 501,-

  • av West Hand
    307 - 591,-

  • av Harvey J. Coleman

    This book examines America's status as a nation of immigrants. Defining "Mainstream America" as the final melting point highlights that all cultural groups and their members must decide if and how far they may want to travel down this road. Many Americans choose to remain on their physical and/or mental cultural reservations; but for those who choose to move their careers and lives into the American mainstream, this book will guide you through the many mental and emotional challenges for which they should prepare. From the first to the fourth generation of the immigrant-status of individuals, from the Mexican immigrant of one month living in a Mexican-American community to the White Jr. Executive living in an American suburb, all may not yet have mainstreamed. This book will tell you why they have not and the pros and cons of them continuing their journey.

  • av Nancy Przybylowicz
    291 - 451,-

  • av Brandon Terry

    A father of five, four daughters one son, and a loving husband. A retired Soldier after 21 years of active-duty service. Molding and honing this craft since he was an adolescent when he discovered it at fifteen years old. He has performed and been featured in many venues spanning the coast even to Hawaii. Knowing a reader will enjoy his works as much as he poured into creating them.

  • av Patrick B. Cage
    311 - 401,-

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