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  • av Jeri Lu Heen

    Do you appreciate the way the roosters wake you up each morning? Do they sing you a duet, or crow a quartet? Enjoy this lovely tale and learn how the dominant male is the maestro of this neighborhood chorus.

  • av Shedrick Crosby

    Shedrick Crosby recalls his journey toward faith in this memoir that gives glory to God and shares insights from the Bible.As a child, he remembers going out to sit on the porch alone and asking God, "Why did you make me?" Even at that young age, he was seeking answers instead of spinning a top or playing horseshoes.The devil, however, was after him from a young age, encouraging him to steal, lie, and misbehave. One morning, when everyone was asleep, he ventured out to the front steps and hit a bullet as hard as he could. There was a loud bang, and he looked around to see where the bullet had gone. It was only later he realized that the bullet could have hit him or a neighbor.Later, he joined the Marines, serving his country from 1976 to 1980. While stationed at Camp Geiger down the road from Camp Lejeune in Jacksonville, North Carolina, he participated in a vibrant and sinful nightlife.Join the author as he looks back at a lifetime of searching for answers, the mistakes he made along the way, and the lessons he learned from the Bible and by walking with the Lord. Read the authors take on Daniel Seven about the Fourth Beast, The Mark of the Beast and the Son of Perdition.

  • av Cheri Magnuson

    Heart is my big, beautiful, intelligent, Leadersheep that lives on Coldstream Icelandic Sheep Farm. It took me three years to figure out why she never lambed. I just thought she was just waiting for her Prince Charming. Four different rams came through the farm and left without a lamb for her. I know that she loved lambs because she was present for each one's birth. After the lambs were born, Heart would continually watch over them and protect them. All the lambs love their Auntie Heart and played around her every day. They often showed off in their lamb races. Sometimes Auntie Heart would spring along with them as if her legs were Pogo Sticks. It was hilarious watching a 200-pound ewe bouncing around with the lambs. I had a veterinarian examine her a few years ago to try and figure out why she never lambed. She told me that Heart could never lamb because her gender was not defined. After that revelation I took her name off the ewe breeding list and gave her the position she had deserved all along. Heart the Leadersheep Protector of all things small.

  • av Daniel McLinden

    Mary, a twelve-year-old middle school softball pitcher is murdered in a school shooting along with all her classmates and teacher in Alexandria, Virginia. Mary's father, grandfather and a family friend, steeped in grief and anger, fixate on the real culprit, NRA poster boy Senator Mitch McConnell. Mary's grandfather (Tony), a Vietnam vet and ex-CIA operative, tells an old FBI buddy he's thinking about writing a political novel and asks the buddy how he would go about killing a senator. The buddy sees through Tony's literary smokescreen and tips off the FBI that taps Tony's phone and puts a listening device and tracer on his car.The FBI captures Tony and his son-in-law (Richard Wallace/Mary's dad), following Mitch McConnell's car to a five-star restaurant. In Tony's car there are face-hiding covid masks, weapon-hiding long coats, and a new AR-15 rifle. The federal court trial for conspiracy for attempted murder underscores the government's dead-to-rights evidence against the co-conspirators, on the one hand, and temporary insanity, driven by the tragic loss of an innocent child, on the other. The plot twists and turns along the way. The characters are real and memorable. Despite the gravity of what happened, there is still room for humor and romance under a constant umbrella of gun politics and legal maneuvers. Then in the end, the totally unexpected happens.

  • av Brian O'Madigan

    A story that follows the adventures of a young college student named Doug Taylor. He gains extra sensory abilities from coming into contact with a mysterious probe in space and is transported to an alternate reality. There, he must struggle to learn how to use his new abilities and finds out that they offer him the chance to feel more deeply than he ever thought possible.

  • av West Hand
    266 - 410,-

  • av West Hand

    The Sparrow is a beautiful tale of freedom. It teaches you about how captivity can be more dangerous than anything, where even the things you love feel like a chore.When a little bird with a beautiful voice is captive for her most prized possession - her voice, she begins to lose it. Eventually, she is left with the no purpose of happiness left.From here, she makes things turn for her, and proves that when freedom is involved, all things are better. The story does end happily, but its worth finding out how!

  • av West Hand
    266 - 326,-

  • av West Hand

    The Sparrow is a beautiful tale of freedom. It teaches you about how captivity can be more dangerous than anything, where even the things you love feel like a chore.When a little bird with a beautiful voice is captive for her most prized possession - her voice, she begins to lose it. Eventually, she is left with no purpose or happiness left.From here, she makes things turn for her and proves that when freedom is involved, all things are better. The story does end happily, but it's worth finding out how!

  • av Emanuel Israel Negron
    290 - 496,-

  • av West Hand
    266 - 410,-

  • av West Hand
    266 - 346,-

  • av West Hand

    En un hermoso día bañado por el sol, Bea se preparó ansiosamente para embarcarse en una nueva aventura en el mercado. Con su pasión por la repostería, imaginó traer alegría a todo el pueblo con sus deliciosos dulces. "¡Mami, papá, me voy a reunir ingredientes y hornear unos adorables pasteles de té!" La pequeña Bea exclamó con pura emoción, una amplia sonrisa se extendió por su rostro. Mientras se dirigía al mercado, Bea no pudo evitar sentir una sensación de anticipación y asombro. Las multitudes bulliciosas y los colores vibrantes del mercado solo alimentaron aún más su entusiasmo. Después de un tiempo, Bea echó un vistazo a su lista de verificación. "Hmm, harina, cheque, azúcar, cheque, leche, cheque, huevos", miró dentro de su bolso y luego volvió a la lista. "Huevos, necesito comprar huevos". Después de recorrer el mercado durante horas, las esperanzas de hornear de Bea se desvanecieron cuando todas las tiendas se quedaron sin huevos. Desanimada, comenzó a caminar de regreso a casa. Pero fue entonces cuando se topó con una vista peculiar. Tres mujeres vendían huevos, pero estos no eran huevos ordinarios. Eran de un tono vibrante de azul y verde, y la gallina que los puso parecía tan misteriosa como sus dueños.Picada por la curiosidad, Bea se acercó a las mujeres y preguntó por los huevos. Poco sabía ella, estas mujeres no eran las vendedoras de huevos promedio. Eran brujas, y su respuesta a su pregunta estaba lejos de ser ordinaria. "¿Cuánto por una docena?" Con un tono siniestro, una de las brujas susurró: "El costo puede ser tu vida". El corazón de Bea se aceleró al darse cuenta de la gravedad de la situación. ¿Bea arriesgaría su vida por una docena de huevos? ¿O se daría la vuelta y abandonaría su sueño de hornear? Solo el tiempo lo diría...

  • av David Blair

    "Daddy, where does lightning come from?" An epic adventure that takes place during a time period when Dragons were alive and freely roamed the land. The people during this time were getting eaten by a vicious species of Dragons. The ruling King finally orders the total annihilation of all living dragons. A powerful wizard, named Merlinius, who is a friend to the king, does not agree with the King's order, for Merlinius knows that all Dragons are not what they seem. So he does what he must to protect a family of Dragons that he had befriended. And to protect his Dragon friends, Merlinius performs the spell of weightlessness and tells the Dragons to fly up and hide in the cover of the Clouds. He then gives the Dragons strict instructions to live within the clouds and to only come down at night to eat. An apprentice to the wizard who has grandeur of his own has a plan for Dragons that he has hidden deep within a mountain cavern. Now enters a young boy, who had also befriended a dragon, though a very young one, suddenly finds themselves caught between the King's order and a battle that has begun between two species of Dragons. A battle that would determine control of the skies above the Kingdom of Albion. This Apprentice's plan has consequences that may bring the Kingdom and perhaps the very world we live in today to a devastating end.

  • av Sarah Catherine Smith
    346 - 456,-

  • av Clifton E. Stine
    266 - 346,-

  • av Mabel Moyano

    Learning to Be Oneself has two stories and two authors.¿¿Good Providence! by Mabel MoyanoOn a tiny farm in the countryside of old Spain, a boy is already showing promise in his young life when his father suddenly takes ill. As Peter embarks on an unexpected solo journey to take his family's vegetables to market, he must call upon their Good Providence to help as he faces an unforeseen obstacle. Now only time will tell if Peter can learn to rely on his inner wisdom in enough time to solve a big problem.Sarah and Ravi by Daniella Barbery Ravi is doing his best to adjust to his new country and 3rd grade. Unfortunately, he does not understand much of anything about the American culture. While his teacher discusses the Thanksgiving holiday, Ravi is mentored by a fellow student, Sarah, who teaches him about the traditions of this special day. After Ravi tells Sarah about a similar celebration in his homeland of Sri Lanka, there are two cultures that soon intertwine in a beautiful celebration of acceptance.

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