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Böcker utgivna av Bookside Press

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  • av Paul Ciaravella

    Paul was born in southern Italy where the weather is warm and fruits and vegetables taste great. Since 1987, Paul has learned all he could about nutrition. He's mastered foods inside and out and he's also learned what it takes to have a vibrant body.Too many people are left in the dart when it comes to organic foods. They want to keep their family healthy but are overwhelmed with nutritional information and don't know where to begin. This book offers a solution for people who are seeking practical ways to help their family get healthy without getting lost in a sea of conflicting information.This book contains over thirty years of hard-earned nutritional knowledge. In 1986, two of Paul's children fell ill, and since then he has dedicated most of his time to learning how to get healthy through nutrition and back yard and gardening.Paul has banked thousands of hours of nutritional courses and working one on one with clients and in workshop settings.

  • av Michael W. Dymond

    The Sail Needs the Wind has to do with what has occupied my thoughts for my entire adult life...and that is quite simply, life itself. How we move through its maze; how its essence enters us and how we deal with its moment to moment ¿ood and simply survive...and in no cursory way, thoughts about the Creator. I also have to ask, who are we...why are we, and where exactly are heaven and hell?Humanity is not easy and it appears we have little faith in ourselves... which I ¿nd unbelievably sad. We have been lulled into this state by the patronizing and the greedy and to some degree by those who would readily seek compromise to avoid meaningful collaboration.We have been in a state of war since our consciousness ¿owered, nothing has been gained, and we continue to believe, sans proof, that prayer will do more than just comfort the disparately praying soul.My notes are reactions to people and situations, both on the job and in personal relationships. I am not naive enough to believe that living is not complicated...and that everyone lighting just one little candle would create a brighter and more welcoming world. But I am also smart enough to know that retaliation never works; that at some point someone much brighter than anyone who exists today must say "no" no more and that offering the light and warmth of that one little candle may just start a revolution for the one thing that we so disparately want, but for the life of us cannot ¿nd...peace.

  • av Jj Janice

    As author JJ Janice reflects on her surprise connection with a mother-daughter duo, she finds herself, an outsider, overwhelmed by mysteries regarding the short time it took for her to become a new member in this tight-knit family with a complicated past. How did she get here? What forces are at work? Why was she chosen to be a witness?Using her diary as guide, she sifts through layers of her imagination and shares her story in Entwined Hearts. It chronicles the ascent of forgiveness by and for three women who perhaps least expect it--all in two short years. Through the stories of Anita, who suffers from Alzheimer's; Lynn, Anita's daughter who struggles with bipolar disorder; and Janice, a friend to both, it investigates how relationships change and endure through challenges.Though this memoir touches on the difficult topics of Alzheimer's, bipolar disorder, stress, drugs, incarceration, and alcoholism, it also looks at the world with kind generosity and love--a love that connected three unlikely women.

  • av Amanda Allen

    Sally and Sammy squirrel are the main characters in these rhyming books that teach children God's ways on topics that every young child faces in daily life. Sally and Sammy are friends who live in tree houses in the forest. They go to church together, are close play pals, and give a great glimpse into what God intends family life to look like. There comes a point in each story where the mom, dad, grandma, teacher, and others teach them what God says in His Word. It always goes right along with what Sally or Sammy happen to be facing. Sally and Sammy teach kids how to learn, follow, and grow in God's Word. Proverbs 22:6 says, "Train a child in the way they should go and when they're old they won't depart from it."

  • av Teresa Nan Travis
    176 - 256,-

  • av Barbara Linick

  • av Pat Parsons

    The Great American Rabbit Chase is the first part of several books revealing the attractions a little boy had for little girls and their body parts. His deep driving desire is to explore one body part in particular added fuel to his fire. The magnetic powers of this body part caused his desire to explore to grow with such intensity it almost became a necessity in his daily activities. This very special body part had once been referred to as a rabbit. His love and attraction for the rabbit soon became an addiction that controlled his mind for the better part of his childhood, youth, and young adulthood. Learning more about this body part began to open doors and he became enlightened and educated on certain other body parts. Living through the pleasures of these body parts filled his heart and mind with the desire to become more educated in the direction his addiction was leading him. As a young man, he found himself purposely becoming involved with older women. Sometimes he would solicit them to provide a training program for him in the art of making love. As he became more proficient at his craft his sexual escapades or rendezvouses mounted to some unknown number. They became written or tape-recorded memoirs for future reference. His addiction consumed him to the point it had become somewhat of an aura that was projected with almost every sound and move he made. This provided him with mental and physical satisfaction, but sometimes heartfelt pain. When his marriage failed, he decided to make it a lifelong dream to try to please every woman that he possibly could, to make up for the one he could not. Having achieved a large part of that lifelong dream, he felt the obligation to convey many stories of the happiness and pleasure he received along the way. The Great American Rabbit Chase and the books that follow have achieved just that. They portray actual accountings of the sexual nature for a period of between 45 to 50 years of the author's life. Sometimes the sexual encounters are explained in a very explicit, blow-by-blow, color and flavor added manner. This process does not and should not detract or diminish the parties involved in the lovemaking sessions these stories reveal in any way. They were all very special and wonderfully beautiful ladies. Some of them I can happily say became lifelong friends.

  • av Lynn Luick
    256 - 316,-

  • av Tracy Emerick Ph. D.
    156 - 270,-

  • av Tracy Emerick Ph. D.
    156 - 190,-

  • av Robert N. Eckert
    256 - 320,-

  • av Irvin Stapf

    WHAT IS OUR PURPOSE IN LIFE? The purpose of a painting is to convey the beauty, or meaning in the artist's mind. The purpose of a cabinet is to serve the useful function it's maker intended. The purpose of a space exploration is to complete the mission it's scientists sought for. In every case the Purpose is determined by the original designer. The same is true for every human being. We are the most complex of all systems. Our purpose is determined by Almighty God our creator. Every person takes a different path in life, but their purpose is guided by the loving, redeeming hand of our Creator. He has revealed Himself to us in Jesus Christ. He works in many and various situations throughout our years to mature us in the self-giving love of Jesus. Even to fulfilling His words to love an enemy and go a second mile with one who has compelled us to go the first mile. It is this kind of sacrificial love that changes hearts bringing an enduring peace and joy for this life and into all eternity.

  • av Joseph Kinnebrew

  • av Alexander Bailiff

    The Apostle John was the most venerated Christian leader throughout Asia Minor, particularly around Ephesus, where he had been the pastor for much of the last half of the first century. He outlived all the other apostles, in fulfillment of Jesus' prophecy in John 21 v.20-24. The gospel that bore his name (written about 85 AD) was an instant success among late first-century Christians so that a book by him about ten years later, given almost totally to prophecy and graphically different, was nonetheless accepted and used in the churches for over 300 years.

  • av Glenda Jensen

    Gabby Lee aka Glenda Jensen is a retired English teacher who attributes her imaginative and creative writing to the many family stories that her grandparents told her while she was growing up. Not only family has inspired her to write but also her former students. She also gives some credibility to her own imagination while growing up whether it is playing cowboys and Indians with her neighbors using bicycles as horses or pretending to swing through the jungles on a swing set. Glenda is currently a freelance writer who also has had two poems and one novel published. Glenda currently resides in Mesquite, Texas along with her dog, Ricky., her husband, John, and his two dogs, Maddie and Abby. She is the mother of three grown children and six grandchildren who also have been an inspiration for her writing.

  • av B. James

    Debbie Lytle Meads had gone through a traumatic sexual abuse by two drug dealer brothers and put into prostitution during her teenage years. She tells her brother, Leon. He takes her to get an abortion. He is sentenced to life in prison when he kills the brothers. When she turns eighteen, their friend, Allan Meads marries her and they move to New Jersey.Brian, the drug dealers younger brother fi nd them and forces Allan go to New York every weekend to sell his drugs threatening to take Debbie back to New York. Allan gets sick with cancer and Debbie won't leave his side and refuses to go to New York and Brian starts beating her. Allan dies and Debbie takes a photo to his sister, Josephine who was married to Samuel Palts and who knew nothing about his existence. Sam fi nds out Josephine had gotten an abortion at eighteen, had her tubes tied and he gets an annulment and he and Debbie then fall in love.Vanetta, Samuel's older sister has a best friend named Tanya Tamms, and Tanya with her mother, Sharon who want her dead because Tanya wants Samuel.Debbie takes things into her own hands to try and stop Tanya and Sharon so that she can finally relieve herself and Sam of the two burdens in their lives.

  • av Margaret Liu Collins
    310 - 396,-

  • av Richard Rezendes

    The pink blob is the venom from the devil's scorpion-like tail, and it comes out of her claws, mouth, and porcupine hair, releasing a venom that looks like a Portuguese Man of War jellyfish. There's a hot spot inside this jelly venom called the orange sand, and it's a deadly slime when released. It forms a liquid jelly substance that traps animals, and the venom becomes live and stings, burns, and electrifies. When people or animals come in contact with this pink blob slime jelly orange sand, it deforms them into demons. In book one, the devil was a female and delivered 14 demons. In book two, some of the demons had siblings, and all these demons carried this venom. In book three, there's a story of the pink blob slime jelly orange sand. This substance comes alive and goes dormant. When the venom comes alive, it moves along the ground or in water like a jellyfish. It can also get in the air and live underground, just like the devil in book one. The devil was a fire-spraying dragon in book one, but her demons and siblings didn't spray fire because they were born on earth. The devil came here from Venus in book one. The venom hides and disappears when it's dormant, then it reactivates and becomes electric, triggering fiery lightning bolts when it becomes live.

  • av Barbara Linick

    Zinnia Frisch - born (1947) and bred in Manhattan, the middle daughter of two physicians - is a 22-year-old Music & Art/CCNY honors graduate in French and English Literature. She's also a free spirit. At a career/identity crossroads, she decides to roam Europe and discovers Ibiza, Spain. There, she rents a native-style farm house or finca, which she shares with about 30 sheep who inhabit the adjoining corral. Like most of the country homes on the island, it is without electricity, plumbing or phone. But to her, it is luxury in a special sense of the word: freedom.The magnificent, exotic environment and crazy, sexy cast of international, eccentric characters make Zinnia happy. She becomes a French and needlework teacher, and is writing and illustrating a children's book on astrology. But she is enchanted by a drug-dealing, jet set lot and falls in with them. Part of the initiation involves smuggling hashish across the Moroccan border and she is busted and spends a month in prison. Eventually, Zinnia marries her Prince Charming, a hashish kingpin, the charismatic yet jaded Dutchman Berend van Bos. Together, they travel back and forth between Tangier, Nassau, Amsterdam, Ibiza and New York City, coordinating a several-ton hashish deal.Baby Boomer Blues opens and closes with that deal and the way it finally goes down. In the end, everyone does what they have to do, including Zinnia Frisch.A novel based on fact, the names and dates in Baby Boomer Blues have been changed to protect both the innocent and the guilty.

  • av Margaret Liu Collins
    310 - 406,-

  • av Janet Martin

    My book revolves around two young children who join the Barnum and Bailey elephant act. The children, Jacob and Rachel, are friends, classmates, and neighbors. Do you have adventures in your life? This story proves that you can accomplish anything in your life, with some planning, encouragement, education and support. Happy reading!

  • av Ofir Sanchez

    Exploring the world of the publishing industry came true after many years. Working as Paralegal, Administrative Assistant, life experience and education strengthened her character and developed the courage to do what she was afraid to do during her youth. Her book "I fell in Love with East Harlem" is about the history of a neighborhood settled by Europeans, Puerto Ricans, and Afro-Americans. In living here, she has learned and studied the culture, history, and development of East Harlem.

  • av Tim L. Cox

    You will find in this book that Psalm 23 is not just for funerals. This book has seven powerful promises out of the Word of God that when taken in and acted on will swallow up fears and conquer anxieties. Learn how to trust the Lord, walking with Him daily, and therefore live a life with your prayers answered. Live in victory and in the miraculous with the peace that passes all understanding in our Great Shepherd, Jesus! Learn how to have that intimate relationship with Jesus as your Lord in all of your life struggles and victories! He wants you to live in peace, prosperity, and healing as you live life with Him as your Lord and Great Shepherd! It is my prayer that if you do not know our Lord Jesus Christ, this book encourages you to give yourself to Him to get the new life discussed in the pages of this book. Find a good Bible-teaching, believing, and Holy Ghost-filled church to get involved in. If you do know our Lord Jesus, it is my prayer that this book will help strengthen your relationship and walk with Him! Jesus said that in this life, you will have trials, but be of good cheer. He has overcome them, and you can walk in confidence and victory in overcoming faith with Him! Nothing is impossible with God!

  • av Xiomara Rodriguez

    A New Beginning, Maybe? is a fast-moving crime drama and is the 3rd installment of the adventures of the crime-solving team of twin sisters, Captain Jane Sparks of the SFPD and Special Agent Fran Morris of the FBI. This book takes the sisters into the world of stolen art and antiquities, that takes them into different roads in their lives.

  • av Kenyatta Dacosta

    At one time or another most people ponder the question of where they came from, how the universe came into existence and what it's all about. The information presented in these pages is designed to clear away common beliefs and assumptions one might have and offer different and rather radical perspectives. By doing so it gives the reader a clear sense of that which is ultimately incomprehensible.Disclaimer: This book is mostly blank pages. If you're looking for a "gag" gift or perhaps a journal this could be the book for you.

  • av Rum Charles
    176 - 300,-

  • av Theresa Shields

    Lilbeebye was a regular little girl that had a secret power to sting honey love into the hearts of those who bullied and picked on other children who were afraid to defend themselves.

  • av Josie Townsend

    Can't See Around Corners is a story about two fraternal twins, Sharon and Annie who are born into opulent wealth and are the only children of Edna and Warren Karce. The girls have accomplished studying for their degrees and look forward to their once-in-a-lifetime trip to Europe. The sisters' love for one another is obvious to the bystander, but a sinister undercurrent of malicious feelings dwells profoundly beneath their façade of shared contentment. Once abroad and with their hypervigilant parents absent, penetrating treachery, deceit and wickedness develop intensely between the girls and their relationship advances into the vilest possible nightmare, changing their lives forever. The discovery of an ancient mysterious pendant formerly owned by Vlad the Impaler from Dracula's Castle begins an epic spiral of demonic incidents that traumatize not only the twin's lives while in Romania but has the ability to penetrate their family's existence back home in Australia.How will the highly famed socialite dynasty survive the unforeseen satanic impacts created by the menacing pendant, integrated with the discreditable exploits from the once idolized and respected daughters of the Karce Empire?

  • av Terry Bosgra

    The 561 people featured in these 4 books are those who went the extra mile and accomplished all or a great deal of their dream.On these pages Terry tells their story and presents people who reached the pinnacle of their career. You will meet leaders who did what othersassumed to be impossible.The popular song of the 1960 written by Joe Darion and composed by Mitch Leigh has continually inspired me: " To dream the impossible dream, to fight the unbeatable foe; this is my quest to follow that star no matter how hopeless no matter how far, I'll always dream the impossible dream and yes I'll reach the unreachable star." As a young child, his family was trapped in the clutches of Adolph Hitler and his Gestapo; it was leaders such as Winston Churchill who modeled these words and never let us be discouraged as the troops inch by inch re-captured freedom. Churchill said: "I do not listen to what people say, I watch what they do....Success is not final, failure is not fatal, its courage to continue that counts....A pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity an opportunist sees opportunity in every difficulty. Although I have been a leading fan of Churchill, as I got to know the561 people in these four books, all of them have inspired me to do better and I hope that will be you as you learn about their lives.

  • av Margaret Liu Collins
    336 - 406,-

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