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  • av Jayakar Dalavai
    1 321

    "International Business" offers an insightful and comprehensive look into the world of international business. With the rise of global competition and the ever-increasing importance of economic autonomy, understanding the complex landscape of international trade has become more critical than ever. This book delves deep into various aspects of IB, including its origins, theories, and evolving dynamics, with an emphasis on the changing landscape of modern trade. The authors, both academic experts and seasoned practitioners, offer a nuanced and honest view of how globalization has impacted various nations and economies worldwide. From the tectonic shifts seen in the rise of China and India's economic power to the dominance of multinational companies, this book offers essential insights for anyone looking to navigate the complicated and rapidly changing world of international business. With a blend of academic rigor and practical perspectives, this book is a must-read for students, scholars, and practitioners alike.

  • av R Sri Hari Babu

    Moringa/drumstick (Moringa oleifera Lam.) is a versatile tree vegetable crop, long neglected and rediscovered in recent times. It is indigenous to North India but gained firm foot hold in South India. Much of the information on production technology of drumstick was generated in South India. Many varieties were developed in South India. Its area under commercial cultivation has increased much during the past 30 years particularly after the release of annual types like PKM-1 and PKM-2 from Tamil Nadu. However there is no comprehensive book on drumstick production technology in India including all the accumulated information at one place. This has long been felt as a lacuna. This book "Production Technology of Drumstick (Moringa oleifera Lam) fulfils the long felt need of the book. It covers various aspects of production technology gathered from different sources and is presented in a simple and comprehensive manner. The information presented in this book will be quite useful for students, teachers, researchers and finally and principally to the enthusiastic moringa farmers and those farmers who intend to take up moringa farming in future.

  • av E Srinivas Reddy
    1 057

    "Signals & Systems" is a comprehensive textbook designed for undergraduate courses in electrical and electronics engineering. This essential guide covers fundamental concepts and techniques of signals and systems that are of critical importance in diverse engineering disciplines such as computer science, information technology, and more. The book lays out a parallel analysis for continuous and discrete-time signals and systems, providing insight into their similarities and differences. The presentation is clear, concise, and engaging with numerous examples to help readers better understand the theoretical concepts. It is the perfect book for students studying for their GATE/IES exams, as it covers all the topics according to their syllabus. The book is also packed with GATE previous papers' solved problems and chapter-wise objective questions at the end of each chapter. "Signals & Systems" is the go-to book for students who want to excel in the field of electrical and electronics engineering.

  • av P Venugopal Reddy

    Although several books on nanoscience and nanotechnology are available in the market, most of them deal with the research-level areas, whereas a few of them deal with the fundamentals of the subject. However, every effort is made by the authors of this book to cover all the topics needed for a beginner. Some of the important topics covered in this book are preparation, properties along with the applications of the materials. Nanotechnology is a multidisciplinary subject representing the convergence of various subjects. Therefore, explaining the subject is a big task and needs a proper approach so that the students may not be distracted. The book also provides a strong conceptual foundation of fundamentals of nanoscience and Nanotechnology upon which the engineering and technological applications are built.

  • av Anji Raju Raju

    In today's competitive world, most of the young and the elderly are restless due to unreasonable expectations of their parents, children, partners, relatives, friends, colleagues, leaders and subordinates. We are afraid of failures, impatient and eager to quickly move up in our career, crave recognition, and money and have better standards of living. In the process of these rampant challenges and desires, most of us are missing the joy of life. This book takes the readers on how to lead a comfortable life despite existing discrepancies and unpredicted behaviour of the people in the society in the form of Dharma (good and bad), Artha (livelihoods and career), Kama (desires and happiness) and Moksha (satisfaction and fulfilment) with one's principles and values.

  • av Ramesh Babu V

    "Basics of Electrical Energy for Engineers" is a must-have guide for all aspiring engineers and students of electrical engineering, computer science, and information technology. Authored with the aim of simplifying complex concepts, the book provides an easy-to-understand exposition on key topics such as Electric Circuits, Circuit Reduction Techniques, Electric Machines, and Transducers. It also includes important topics related to Electronics Devices, Op-Amps, and Remote Monitoring and Control principles. The book follows a well-organized structure with six units and includes short and long answer questions at the end of each unit to aid the learning process. "Basics of Electrical Energy for Engineers," students and faculty can have a single resource that caters to all their requirements, thereby making the study of electrical engineering easier and more enjoyable.

  • av P Jayarama Reddy

    Energy storage is central for the entire grid, improving resources from wind, solar and hydro to nuclear and fossil fuels, to demand side resources and system efficiency benefits. Energy storage can be performed as a generation, transmission, or distribution asset, and times in a single asset.Energy storage is an enabling technology. When the sun isn't shining or the wind isn't blowing, energy storage can support. When demand shifts and baseload resources can't react quickly enough, again energy storage can support. It saves consumer cost, improves reliability and resilience, integrates generation sources, and helps reduce environmental impacts. This book discusses these aspects while comprehensively covering several energy storage technologies in operation and the ones under demonstration and development. Numerous references are cited for the reader to hunt for more details and if interested in research further. It serves as a text/reference book for students and as a manual for those in the industry and for policy makers. About the Energy Storage: United Nation's Secretary-general António Gueterres, speaking at the launch of the World Meteorological Organization's state of the global climate report on 18th may 2022, said: "First, renewable energy technologies, such as battery storage, must be treated as essential and freely available global public goods. Removing obstacles to knowledge sharing and technological transfer is crucial for a rapid and fair renewable energy transition. Storing renewable electricity is often cited as the greatest barrier to the clean energy transition. I am therefore calling for a global coalition on battery storage to fast-track innovation and deployment - a coalition led and driven by governments, bringing together tech companies, manufacturers, and financiers." "VRE resources such as wind and solar depend on daily and seasonal variations and weather fluctuations; they aren't always available to be dispatched to follow electricity demand....... Energy storage can help VRE-dominated electricity systems balance electricity supply and demand while maintaining reliability in a cost-effective manner...." Says MIT Energy Initiative Director Robert Armstrong, Chevron Professor of Chemical Engineering and chair of the Future of Energy Storage study.The MIT Energy Initiative report confirms that energy storage makes deep decarbonization of reliable electric power systems affordable. "There is no better solution to achieve energy security at present other than the solar and wind energy solutions, coupled with storage systems such as batteries and pumps......." Says Ajay Mathur, Director General of International Solar Alliance.

  • av Ganti Prasada Rao

    This book presents well-established modern methods of representation and quantitative evaluation for a variety of entities, constants, functions, vectors, random quantities, fuzzy sets, and abstract entities such as relationships, cooperation, dependence, etc. and reveals striking similarities between these modern concepts and the Hindu-Arabic Decimal Number System. We regularly work with them without realizing these similarities perhaps because the centuries old Indian Number System became so commonplace today that these connections are not evidenced either by citations in the literature. It is hoped that this book will serve to throw some new light on the INS which is held in high esteem by great minds. The size of this book, its presentation in simple terms devoid of mystifying jargon, and its capture of the basic elements of the vast subject of mathematical concepts, especially in the field of systems and signals, are expected to be attractive to both teachers and students.

  • av G. Lakshmi Narasaiah
    1 041

  • av Bhargava
    1 017

    Most households all over the world take electricity for granted: one flick of a switch on and a room is illuminated or a fan starts running or hot water begins to flow from a geyser. In reality, the entire process of generation of electricity in power plants and its journey to houses or wherever else at the point of use, is quite complicated, involving various stages. It is important for all users to know some aspects of electricity for its safe and cost-effective usage. Likewise, it would be very desirable to have some idea of working of commonly used electrical gadgets in a typical household for their proper use over years. The present book, based on decades of experience of the author as a professional electrical engineer, describes all aspects of electricity into a house, including its safe use, and working of a multitude of electrical appliances, from simple illumination devices, fans, ACs, geysers togadgets in kitchens such as a mixie, oven and induction stove, that would ideally need some knowledge of their working for their efficient and trouble-free operation.An important feature of the book is the detailed discussion concerning renewal sources of electricity generation, esp. electricity from the Sun and how this is going to be THE energy of future in a matter of a few decades.

  • av Anjaneyulu Yerramilli & Valli Manickam
    1 347

  • av B G K Murthy
    1 621

  • av G Lakshmi Narasaiah

  • av Ravi Kumar Sharma

  • av Vivekananda Mandal & Kavi Bhushan Singh Chouhan

  • av Satish Kumar P & Chandra Sekhar P

  • av G Lakshmi Narasaiah
    1 107

  • - (Non-Timber Forest Products of India)
    av T Krishna Murthy
    1 981

  • av Ajay Semalty
    1 041

  • av S Rajagopal & S K Roy
    1 481

  • av Vallabhaneni Satyanarayana Rao

  • - A Comprehensive Approach
    av N V S Raju
    1 857

  • av S P Deolalkar
    2 611

  • av G Nageswara Rao
    1 291

    The second edition of the book "Statistics for Agricultural Sciences" was well received by students and staff for whom it was intended. The author has thoroughly revised and updated the second edition and included SPSS data analysis Procedure for all the popular statistical methods and experimental designs in view of the latest trend of using statistical packages in data analysis using live examples.The author also included new chapter 21 on "Econometrics" to cater to the needs of M.Sc. and Ph.D. students of Agriculture Economics and Business Management/Administration.This book is also useful to all the P.G. and Ph.D. students of Biology and Bio-technology students. This book also serves as useful reference book to staff members for guiding M.Sc., Ph.D. students in statistical analysis for their thesis work and also for their personal research projects.Salient Features of Third EditionNew chapter on Econometrics is addedData Analysis using SPSS Package is presented for most of the popular statistical Methods and Experimental DesignsThe entire text is thoroughly revised and updatedSome more new worked out examples are included for the benefit of students

  • - Theory and Practice
    av D K Sarkar
    2 487

    The book is designed for the undergraduate and postgraduate students of agriculture and biology and the analysts of the laboratories of the line Departments who need to undertake the analysis of soil, plant and water samples. Basics of analytical chemistry are adequately dealt, primarily because the analysis of soil, plant and water comes under the domain of the subject of analytical chemistry, and a command in the subject stated is certain to add to the mastery on the skill of the task.           The book has been divided in six Parts of which the first one is for the fundamentals of quantitative analysis. The second and third ones are on different aspects and preparation of standard solutions of the reagents that find frequent use in a soil plant water analysis laboratory, and spectrophotometry, respectively. The remaining three Parts are devoted to the analysis of soil, plant and water samples in the sequence as mentioned. Each Part is again divided into Chapters, wherever warranted.        Derivation of a formula used in calculations following an analysis is explained in lucid terms. Illustrations are adequate for the purpose of comprehension. A good number of model calculations with worked out solutions is aimed at enabling the users of the book in handling such problems at ease.

  • av K Ravichand, T Bala Narsaiah & V Ramesh Kumar

    Modeling and Computational simulation applied to engineering is a field that brings together the power of computers, physical sciences and engineering practices. To solve different problems in engineering using computer simulation, it is necessary to model them, which represents a real-world phenomenon as a set of mathematical equations. This book deals with models involving simple Algebraic equation(s), Single & multiple nonlinear equation(s), Single & Multiple Ordinary Differential Equations and Partial Differential Equations of parabolic type, is intended for UG/PG students, Researchers and faculty.          The collection of numerous problems from various sources aimed to apply different numerical methods in the subject areas such as Heat transfer, Fluid flow, Thermodynamics, Mass transfer, Reaction engineering, equipment design and process simulation.           This book gives hands-on exposure on procedures and solutions using various computational tools such as MS-Excel┬«, MATLAB┬«, CHEMCAD┬« and COMSOL┬« dealing with chemical and pharmaceutical applications.

  • av Raghavendra M Reddy, Sathish A & Prasad Siva P N

    Soil science and Agricultural chemistry is one of the major subjects in Agricultural Sciences. It became a deciding subject to become candidature for most of the aspirants for competitive exams in Agriculture.

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