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Böcker utgivna av Children

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  • av Novice McDaniel

    "Positive Affirmations for Children"- a delightful and empowering book filled with uplifting messages to inspire young minds. Each page is brimming with colorful illustrations and cheerful affirmations that encourage children to believe in themselves, embrace their uniqueness, and cultivate positive mindsets. With heartfelt words and captivating imagery, this book aims to nurture self-confidence, foster resilience, and promote a healthy sense of self-worth in children. "Positive Affirmations for Children" is a treasure trove of positivity that will illuminate the hearts of young readers, guiding them towards a bright and promising future.

  • av Gabrielle Ross

    "Bj's First Haircut" is an expressive story filled with pictures and the journey of a little boy spending a day with his dad.It's an important reminder that the narrative around fathers, especially in the black community, is of the utmost importance and highly valued. Read this book to your youngster and prepare him for his first haircut!


    Catastrophe in the City is a children's book that follows the escapades of Catastrophe, an inquisitive cat, as he explores the city, inadvertently leaving a trail of chaos in his wake. Young readers will find humor in Catastrophe's blunders, which are cleverly depicted by contrasting Catastrophe's innocent appraisal of each situation alongside visuals of complete turmoil caused by his decisions.

  • av Ariyana Randolph Miles

    Join Ella as she embarks on an unforgettable adventure exploring the vibrant city of Chicago during Summertime Chicago. As she hops on and off different colors of the iconic "L" train, she is transported to an array of fascinating neighborhoods and breathtaking sites. From the stunning architecture of the Magnificent Mile to the picturesque street art in Pilsen, Ella's journey is filled with endless excitement and wonder. Get ready for an incredible experience that you won't soon forget!

  • av Marcy Schaaf

    Title (English): Mole's Marvelous AdventuresTitle (Arabic): مغامرات الطارد الرائعةEnglish Intro: Welcome to the whimsical world of "Mole's Marvelous Adventures"! In this heartwarming tale, follow Mole, a playful dog, as she explores the wonders of a magical forest and encounters a host of fascinating wildlife. Join her on a journey filled with friendship, discovery, and joy that will captivate readers of all ages. Get ready for an enchanting adventure that celebrates the beauty of nature and the power of friendship.Arabic Intro: مرحبًا بكم في عالم السحري لـ "مغامرات الطارد الرائعة"! في هذه القصة المليئة بالدفء، تابعوا الطارد، الكلب المرح، وهو يستكشف عجائب الغابة الساحرة ويواجه مجموعة مذهلة من الحياة البرية. انضموا إليه في رحلة مليئة بالصداقة والاكتشاف والفرح التي ستأسر القراء من جميع الأعمار. استعدوا لمغامرة ساحرة تحتفل بجمال الطبيعة وقوة الصداقة.

  • av Marcy Schaaf

    Title: Jenny and the Fruit Fly Fiasco / 珍妮和果蝇的混乱Introduction: Welcome to the delightful world of Jenny and her mischievous adventures! In this bilingual children's book, "Jenny and the Fruit Fly Fiasco," readers will embark on a journey filled with laughter, friendship, and a little bit of chaos.Meet Jenny, a curious and energetic girl with a love for exploration. She lives in a cozy neighborhood where unexpected surprises are always just around the corner. One sunny day, Jenny's peaceful afternoon is disrupted by an unexpected visitor - a mischievous fruit fly!As Jenny tries to shoo away the pesky insect, her attempts only seem to make matters worse. With every swat and swoosh, the fruit fly leads Jenny on a wild chase through her house, leaving a trail of chaos in its wake.But amidst the commotion, Jenny discovers that sometimes the most unexpected friendships can blossom from the most chaotic situations. Join Jenny as she learns valuable lessons about patience, kindness, and the importance of embracing life's little surprises.With vibrant illustrations and engaging storytelling, "Jenny and the Fruit Fly Fiasco" is a heartwarming tale that will captivate readers of all ages, whether they're fluent in English, Mandarin, or both. So, come along and join Jenny on her whimsical journey - you never know what delightful surprises await!

  • av Marcy Schaaf

    Willkommen in der bezaubernden Welt von "The Curious Cow Commotion" - einer Geschichte voller Neugier, Gemeinschaft und ein wenig Chaos. Begleite uns auf einem Abenteuer mit Frau Jenkins, deren Entschlossenheit, eine Überraschung zu teilen, zu einer komischen Katastrophe führt, die niemand erwartet hätte. In dieser herzerwärmenden Geschichte entdeckst du die Magie, die entsteht, wenn Nachbarn sich zusammentun, um ein ungewöhnliches Problem zu lösen. Mach dich bereit für eine Erzählung, die dich zum Lachen, Staunen und die Freude an der Neugier schätzen lassen wird. Also, schlage die Seiten um und lass das Abenteuer beginnen! Welcome to the enchanting world of "The Curious Cow Commotion" - a story full of curiosity, community, and a touch of chaos. Join us on an adventure with Mrs. Jenkins, whose determination to share a surprise leads to a comical calamity that no one could have expected. In this heartwarming story, you'll discover the magic that can happen when neighbors come together to solve a peculiar problem. Get ready for a tale that will make you giggle, wonder, and appreciate the joy that curiosity can bring. So, turn the pages and let the adventure begin!

  • - A pH Guide for Girls
    av Marcy Schaaf

    Welcome to the bubbly world of "pHishy pHenomenon," discover that using the wrong pH balance can turn a bath into a bubbling blunder. Get ready for a hilarious adventure filled with slippery slides, hay bale hair, and a superhero's skin suit gone wrong! Find the secret to perfect pH, or be caught in the soapy shenanigans of the pHishy phenomenon? Dive into this bubblicious tale, and let the laughter and learning begin!Fun Fact!Did you know that your skin is like a superhero cape? It's the largest organ in your body, covering you from head to toe! Mia and Luna want you to know that taking care of your skin is like giving your superhero sidekick the love it deserves. So, let's celebrate our skin, the mighty protector, and keep it happy and healthy with the magic of perfect pH!

  • av Marcy Schaaf

    Welcome to the bubbly world of "pHishy pHenomenon" - a laughter-filled journey that speaks both English and German! Get ready for a bilingual bonanza as our delightful characters explore the magical mysteries of perfect pH. Join the giggles, bubbles, and learning in two languages, making skincare fun for everyone!


    Title: Bingos Magische WeltIn einem kleinen Dorf namens Glückstadt lebte ein ganz besonderer Hund namens Bingo. Doch Bingo war nicht nur irgendein Hund - er war ein Zauberhund mit einer magischen Welt ganz für sich allein. Jede Nacht, wenn die Sterne am Himmel leuchteten, öffnete sich ein geheimnisvoller Portal in Bingos Hundehütte, und er trat ein in seine magische Welt voller Abenteuer, Freunde und Zauber.Eines Tages beschloss Bingo, seine kleinen Freunde aus dem Dorf mit auf eine Reise durch seine magische Welt zu nehmen. Gemeinsam würden sie aufregende Orte entdecken, wundersame Kreaturen treffen und die erstaunlichsten Dinge erleben. Die Kinder von Glückstadt ahnten nicht, welch fantastische Abenteuer vor ihnen lagen, als sie sich auf den Weg machten, Bingos magische Welt zu erkunden.Tauche ein in die zauberhafte Geschichte von Bingo und seinen Freunden, entdecke eine Welt voller Magie und lass dich von den bunten Abenteuern verzaubern. Bingos Magische Welt wartet darauf, von kleinen Entdeckern erkundet zu werden!

  • av Marcy Schaaf

    为孩子们提供悲伤支持 永远的朋友:爱与失落的故事 (MANDARIN) Forever Friends a Tale of Love and LossIn a whimsical world where love knows no bounds, and laughter dances on the breeze, we find a town nestled by a gentle stream, where furry friends become family and every day feels like a dream. In this enchanting place, our story unfolds, where a pup named Benny and his best friend Tim will teach us lessons that are golden. join us now in a heartwarming tale, "Forever Friends: A Tale of Love and Loss," where love and friendship will set your hearts afloat, and where even when goodbyes are said, the bond of love will never fade, we'll always hold it close.

  • av Marcy Schaaf

    Title: "Hurensohn"Introduction: Welcome to "Hurensohn," an adult coloring book designed to take you on a transformative journey of self-discovery and resilience. Before you dive into the intricate illustrations and patterns, it's important to understand the meaning behind the title."Hurensohn" is a German term that translates to "son of a whore" in English. While this phrase may carry a negative connotation, this coloring book aims to reclaim and redefine it. Instead of perpetuating negativity, "Hurensohn" is an exploration of overcoming challenges, embracing personal growth, and finding beauty in the midst of adversity.Through these pages, you will encounter a tapestry of designs that reflect the complexities of life. The title serves as a reminder that even when faced with harsh words or difficult circumstances, we have the power to rise above and create our own narratives.So, embark on this coloring journey with an open heart and a willingness to explore the depths of your emotions. "Hurensohn" invites you to color your way to resilience, embracing the beauty that emerges when we transform adversity into strength and self-discovery.

  • av Pastor Lennie Miles

    On an autumn day when you mix love, laughter, and fun, with falling leaves it takes on a whole new character! This book will take the reader to places not seen before and on the other side, it will be a fall to remember and cherish! All children will have fun with their journey inside! A remarkable journey with a grandfather and two of his grandchildren. How their love has encouraged so many else where to become imaginative and useful when and where needed!

  • av Marcy Schaaf

    Title: Jenny and the Fruit Fly Fiasco / Jenny et le désastre des mouches à fruitsWelcome to the delightful world of Jenny and her mischievous adventures! In this bilingual children's book, readers will join Jenny on a whirlwind journey filled with laughter, friendship, and a few unexpected surprises.Meet Jenny, a curious and spirited young girl who loves exploring the wonders of nature. Join her as she embarks on an exciting quest to solve the mystery of the fruit fly fiasco. With her trusty magnifying glass in hand, Jenny sets out to uncover the truth behind the buzzing commotion in her garden.But things take a hilariously unexpected turn when Jenny's investigation leads her to an unlikely culprit. Along the way, she learns valuable lessons about problem-solving, teamwork, and the importance of embracing diversity.With charming illustrations and engaging storytelling, "Jenny and the Fruit Fly Fiasco" is a delightful tale that will captivate young readers and language learners alike. Whether you're fluent in English, French, or both, this bilingual adventure promises to inspire curiosity and ignite imaginations.So, come along and join Jenny as she embarks on a bilingual journey like no other. Get ready for laughter, fun, and a few surprises along the way!

  • av Marcy Schaaf

    Title: Jenny and the Fruit Fly Fiasco / Jenny e o Fiasco da Mosca da FrutaWelcome, bem-vindos, to the delightful tale of Jenny and the Fruit Fly Fiasco! Prepare to embark on a bilingual adventure filled with laughter, curiosity, and a sprinkle of chaos.Meet Jenny, a spirited young girl with an insatiable curiosity for the world around her. Jenny loves spending time in her grandmother's garden, where she discovers the magic of nature and the wonders of science.Jenny's world takes a whimsical turn when she encounters a mischievous fruit fly named Freddy. Together, they embark on a journey through the garden, encountering a host of colorful characters and unexpected challenges along the way.Join Jenny and Freddy as they navigate the ups and downs of friendship, learn valuable lessons about teamwork, and uncover the beauty of the natural world.So, come along and join the fun as Jenny and Freddy dive headfirst into the Fruit Fly Fiasco! Prepare to be enchanted, entertained, and inspired by this heartwarming bilingual tale.---Bem-vindos à encantadora história de Jenny e o Fiasco da Mosca da Fruta! Prepare-se para embarcar em uma aventura bilíngue repleta de risadas, curiosidade e uma pitada de caos.Conheça Jenny, uma jovem espirituosa com uma curiosidade insaciável pelo mundo ao seu redor. Jenny adora passar o tempo no jardim de sua avó, onde descobre a magia da natureza e as maravilhas da ciência.O mundo de Jenny toma um rumo caprichoso quando ela encontra uma mosca da fruta travessa chamada Freddy. Juntos, embarcam em uma jornada pelo jardim, encontrando uma série de personagens coloridos e desafios inesperados pelo caminho.Junte-se a Jenny e Freddy enquanto navegam pelas altas e baixas da amizade, aprendem lições valiosas sobre trabalho em equipe e descobrem a beleza do mundo natural.Então, venha se juntar à diversão enquanto Jenny e Freddy mergulham de cabeça no Fiasco da Mosca da Fruta! Prepare-se para ser encantado, entretido e inspirado por esta emocionante história bilíngue.

  • av Marcy Schaaf

    Title: Jenny and the Fruit Fly Fiasco / Jenny y el Fiasco de las Moscas de la FrutaIntroduction:Welcome to the whimsical world of Jenny and her delightful adventures! In this bilingual children's book, you'll join Jenny on a journey filled with laughter, learning, and a dash of chaos. ¡Bienvenidos al mundo caprichoso de Jenny y sus encantadoras aventuras! En este libro bilingüe para niños, te unirás a Jenny en un viaje lleno de risas, aprendizaje y un toque de caos.Meet Jenny, a curious and imaginative young girl with a knack for getting into amusing predicaments. From her cozy home to the bustling market, Jenny's world is brimming with excitement and opportunity for discovery.Conoce a Jenny, una niña curiosa e imaginativa con un talento para meterse en predicamentos divertidos. Desde su hogar acogedor hasta el bullicioso mercado, el mundo de Jenny rebosa de emoción y oportunidades para descubrir.In "Jenny and the Fruit Fly Fiasco," Jenny finds herself in a sticky situation when an unexpected swarm of fruit flies descends upon her kitchen. With determination and creativity, Jenny embarks on a mission to rid her home of these pesky pests, leading to a series of hilarious misadventures that will have readers giggling along.En "Jenny y el Fiasco de las Moscas de la Fruta", Jenny se encuentra en una situación pegajosa cuando una inesperada plaga de moscas de la fruta desciende sobre su cocina. Con determinación y creatividad, Jenny se embarca en una misión para deshacerse de estas molestas plagas, lo que conduce a una serie de divertidas desventuras que harán reír a los lectores.Through Jenny's escapades, children will learn valuable lessons about problem-solving, resilience, and the power of ingenuity. So, come along as Jenny tackles the Fruit Fly Fiasco with gusto and a sprinkle of español!A través de las aventuras de Jenny, los niños aprenderán valiosas lecciones sobre la resolución de problemas, la resiliencia y el poder del ingenio. ¡Así que únete mientras Jenny aborda el Fiasco de las Moscas de la Fruta con entusiasmo y un toque de español!

  • av Marcy Schaaf

    "Aloha ke kahi i ke kahi!" Welcome to the enchanting tale of "Rory, The Rooftop Raccoon," where cultures collide in a delightful bilingual adventure. Set against the charming backdrop of Genesee, Michigan, join Rory, the mischievous raccoon with a knack for mischief, as he embarks on a rooftop escapade like no other. With Hawaiian and English intertwined, young readers will be whisked away on a journey filled with laughter, friendship, and the joy of embracing diversity. Get ready to soar high above the rooftops and dive into the heartwarming tale of Rory and his unforgettable escapades! E komo mai (Welcome)!

  • av Marcy Schaaf

    Title: Jenny and the Fruit Fly Fiasco / Jenny e la Follia delle Mosche della FruttaIntroduction / IntroduzioneWelcome to the whimsical world of Jenny and her misadventures with pesky fruit flies! In this bilingual children's book, you'll join Jenny on a journey filled with laughter, friendship, and a whole lot of fruity fun.Benvenuti nel mondo fantastico di Jenny e delle sue disavventure con le fastidiose mosche della frutta! In questo libro bilingue per bambini, viaggerete insieme a Jenny in un'avventura piena di risate, amicizia e tanta divertente fruttosità.Follow along as Jenny navigates through unexpected challenges, all while learning valuable lessons along the way. Whether she's trying to save her precious fruit bowl from invasion or finding creative solutions to her fruity conundrums, Jenny's resilience and determination will inspire young readers of all ages.Seguite Jenny mentre affronta sfide inaspettate, imparando preziose lezioni lungo il cammino. Che sia nel tentativo di salvare la sua preziosa ciotola di frutta dall'invasione o nel trovare soluzioni creative ai suoi enigmi fruttati, la resilienza e la determinazione di Jenny ispireranno giovani lettori di tutte le età.So, buckle up and get ready for a bilingual adventure that will tickle your taste buds and warm your heart. Let's dive into Jenny's world and see how she turns a fruit fly fiasco into a fantastic feat!Quindi, allacciate le cinture e preparatevi per un'avventura bilingue che solleticherà il vostro palato e scalderà il vostro cuore. Tuffiamoci nel mondo di Jenny e vediamo come trasforma una follia delle mosche della frutta in un'impresa fantastica!

  • av Marcy Schaaf

    Introducing "Yaldah": A Coloring Adventure with Jewish Dolls!Welcome to "Yaldah," where creativity meets tradition in the vibrant world of Jewish culture! Inside this enchanting coloring book, you'll discover a delightful array of Jewish dolls waiting to be brought to life with your imagination and artistic flair.From celebrating holidays like Hanukkah, Passover, and Purim to exploring everyday scenes steeped in Jewish heritage, each page offers a unique glimpse into the rich tapestry of Jewish life. Whether it's dressing up for Shabbat, spinning dreidels with friends, or journeying through ancient tales of wisdom, "Yaldah" invites you on a captivating journey through Jewish traditions, customs, and stories.Grab your favorite colors and let your creativity soar as you fill these pages with joy, beauty, and the timeless spirit of Jewish culture. "Yaldah" is more than just a coloring book-it's a celebration of diversity, tradition, and the boundless creativity of young minds.Get ready to embark on a colorful adventure that will inspire, educate, and delight children of all ages. Welcome to the world of "Yaldah"-where every stroke of your crayon tells a story, and every color reflects the beauty of Jewish heritage.

  • av Marcy Schaaf

    Aloha, little explorers! Get ready for a hilarious journey in "pHishy pHenomenon - A pH Guide for Girls." But here's the twist-this bubbly adventure is bilingual! Dive into giggles and learn the magic of perfect pH in both Hawaiian and English. Get ready for a splash of laughter and a sprinkle of 'oli'oli (joy) as you read through the pHishy wonders in two enchanting languages. Let's make a splash in the tropical waters of learning and laughter!

  • av Marcy Schaaf

    Get ready for a bubbly bilingual adventure that will tickle your senses and leave you giggling! In "pHishy pHenomenon," our lively characters dive into the soapy world, sharing the secrets of perfect pH in both English and Spanish. Get ready for a sudsy ride filled with laughter, learning, and a sprinkle of language fun! ¡Prepárate para una aventura burbujeante y bilingüe que hará cosquillas en tus sentidos y te hará reír a carcajadas! En "pHishy pHenomenon," nuestros personajes animados se sumergen en el mundo jabonoso, compartiendo los secretos del pH perfecto en inglés y español. ¡Prepárate para un paseo espumoso lleno de risas, aprendizaje y una pizca de diversión lingüística!

  • av Marcy Schaaf

    Welcome to the world of bubbly hilarity, where skincare meets giggles in "pHishy pHenomenon"! This tale isn't just soap and bubbles; it's a bilingual bonanza, splashing through Portuguese and English with a dash of pHun. Get ready for laughter, learning, and a whole lot of bubbly language magic!

  • av Marcy Schaaf

    Welcome to the bubbly world of "pHishy pHenomenon," where giggles and bubbles speak two languages-Italian and English! Get ready for a soapy adventure that'll make you laugh in both languages. Join our playful friends as they navigate the sudsy mysteries of perfect pH! Buon divertimento (Have fun)!

  • av Marcy Schaaf

    Introduction:Welcome to the enchanting world of "Bingo's Magical Adventures" - a bilingual journey filled with joy, laughter, and a touch of magic! This special book is presented in both English and Portuguese, inviting young readers to explore the delightful tale of Bingo, the playful pup with a unique gift.Introdução:Bem-vindo ao encantador mundo das "Aventuras Mágicas de Bingo" - uma jornada bilíngue repleta de alegria, risadas e um toque de magia! Este livro especial é apresentado em inglês e português, convidando os jovens leitores a explorar a encantadora história de Bingo, o cachorrinho brincalhão com um dom único.

  • av Marcy Schaaf

    Welcome to the bubbly world of "pHishy pHenomenon"! Get ready for a giggle-filled journey where bubbles speak both English and French. Grab your berets and bubble wands as we dive into the hilarious and bilingual world of pH-balanced fun. So, whether you say "pHénomène pHishy" or "pHishy Phenomenon," get ready to laugh, learn, and lather up in two languages! C'est magnifique!

  • av Francesca Cascioli

    The Sunfrog is the story of a special little frog who spends intense days in a small pond surrounded by fields of sunflowers. It is late spring and summer is now upon them, the little frog is having fun with games, jumping and diving into the water, but then some dangers disturb the peace.... at first her fear will put her to safety, through a magical transformation, but in reality, it will be this very fear and this ability to transform that will put her life at risk. From that moment on, the little frog will have the opportunity to understand many things, also thanks to the help of a friendly sunflower... but will she be able to save herself in the end?

  • av Marcy Schaaf

    Aloha ke kahi i ke kahi! Welcome to the enchanting world of "Reggy's on Restriction," a tale that unfolds in the tropical breeze of Hawai'i. In a cozy house nestled among the palm trees, there lived a mischievous '¿lio (dog) named Reggy. But, oops, Reggy had a little problem - he was a bit of a bully.E komo mai, join us as we follow Reggy's journey, embracing the spirit of aloha and the lessons of change. From English to Hawaiian, and back again, experience the beauty of two languages as we share the tale of how putting Reggy on Restriction brought 'oli'oli (joy) to his 'ohana (family) and made his hale (house) a place of laughter and warmth.So, grab your '¿lelo (language) paddle and get ready for an adventure that celebrates the 'ike (wisdom) of change, the mana (spirit) of friendship, and the ho'omau (continuation) of kindness. E hele mai, come along, as we explore "Reggy's on Restriction" and discover why being kind is as sweet as a Hawaiian sunrise.

  • av Marcy Schaaf

    Title: Na Mole Kupanaha Kupanaha / The Marvelous Adventures of MoleAloha, young readers! Get ready for a pawsitively enchanting journey into the world of "Na Mole Kupanaha Kupanaha," where the warm tropical breeze carries the laughter of the islands and the soft sand beckons adventure.Meet Mole, an extraordinary dog with a heart as big as the Pacific Ocean, and a spirit as wild and untamed as the lava flows. Mole is no ordinary canine companion; he is a pup of many talents and a love for life that is as boundless as the Hawaiian horizon.In this bilingual tale, written both in English and the beautiful Hawaiian language, Mole invites you to join him on a thrilling escapade through lush rainforests, along golden beaches, and beneath starlit skies. As you turn the pages, you'll discover the magic of Mole's world, where friendships bloom like hibiscus flowers, and every day is filled with wonder.Explore the vibrant landscapes of Hawaii, where the sun paints the sky in hues of pink and orange, and where the sound of ukuleles fills the air. Alongside Mole, you'll encounter a cast of colorful characters, from mischievous geckos to wise sea turtles, all sharing in the joy of life's simple pleasures.As the trade winds carry the scent of plumeria and the waves whisper secrets of the sea, Mole's adventures unfold with lessons of courage, kindness, and the true meaning of ohana (family). Whether he's chasing sunbeams or riding the waves, Mole's boundless energy and infectious spirit will capture the hearts of readers young and old.So, buckle up for a tail-wagging, hula-dancing, and wave-riding escapade with Mole, and let "Na Mole Kupanaha Kupanaha" transport you to a place where dreams take flight and the aloha spirit reigns supreme. Are you ready for an adventure like no other? Then, let's dive in! E komo mai! Welcome to the marvelous world of Mole!

  • av Marcy Schaaf

    Introduction:E komo mai! Welcome to "The Curious Cow Commotion" - a delightful tale told in both Hawaiian and English, a celebration of '¿ina (land) and the spirit of 'ohana (family). E h¿l¿wai k¿kou (Let us gather) as we follow Mrs. Jenkins on her mea ka'u 'ike (adventurous journey), where curiosity, 'ike (knowledge), and ho'ok¿k¿ (a bit of mischief) collide.In this mo'olelo puni puni (charming story), you'll witness the 'ohana come together to solve a unique problem, or as we say in Hawaiian, ho'omalu i ka pilikia. Get ready for a ho'okani piha (full of laughter) and mana'o ho'okahi (heartwarming) tale that captures the mana (spirit) of our island home. So, ho'omaka i ka helu 'ana (begin turning the pages), and let the adventure unfold - mai ka piko a ka h¿nau a ka honua (from the smallest to the greatest of the Earth). E ola mau ka mo'olelo! (May the story live on forever!)

  • av Marcy Schaaf

    Title: ¿O n¿ keiki ¿ele¿ele?Introduction:Aloha, young explorers! Welcome to the enchanting world of "¿O n¿ keiki ¿ele¿ele?"-a heartwarming tale of communication, family, and the vibrant spirit of the islands. As we embark on this magical journey, get ready to dive into the beauty of bilingual storytelling, where the gentle rhythm of Hawaiian whispers in harmony with the familiar melody of English.In the midst of the lush landscapes and turquoise waves of Hawai¿i, a special family comes to life-a family whose connection is as deep-rooted as the ancient banyan trees that grace the islands. Meet the lovable keiki ¿ele¿ele, a group of playful children with hearts as big as the Pacific Ocean. But what sets them apart is not just their boundless energy and infectious laughter; it's their unique ability to communicate in both Hawaiian and English.As the sun rises over the volcanic peaks and paints the sky with hues of pink and gold, join our young adventurers in their everyday escapades. From building sandcastles on the sun-kissed beaches to chasing rainbow-hued fish in the crystal-clear waters, each moment is an opportunity for the keiki ¿ele¿ele to weave the threads of connection and love that bind them together.This bilingual journey is more than just words on the page-it's an invitation to explore the rich cultural tapestry of Hawai¿i. Through the pages of "¿O n¿ keiki ¿ele¿ele?," children will not only learn the joy of language but also discover the power of family, unity, and understanding. The warmth of aloha radiates from every page, embracing readers and enveloping them in the true essence of the Hawaiian spirit.So, keiki, are you ready to embark on an adventure where the languages of love and laughter are spoken in the rhythm of the hula, and the bonds of family are as unbreakable as the lava cliffs along the shore? Open your hearts, open this book, and let the journey begin! E komo mai-welcome to "¿O n¿ keiki ¿ele¿ele?"

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