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Böcker utgivna av Claude Sander

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  • av Pep Mayolas

    Teresa de Jesús va ser una catalana universal que l'Església i la monarquia de Felip II van extirpar de la història de Catalunya per convertir-la en una santa de Castella plenament ajustada a les directrius del Concili de Trento (1545-1563). La primera part del llibre explica com es va construir la famosa Teresa d'Àvila. La segona part descriu l'ambient social i cultural català on es forjaria una Doctora en Teologia com la que s'endevina sota la monja retallada per la censura i ens la presenta com a abadessa i doctora. La tercera part convida a una passejada pel Laberint de la Suplantació i exposa per què s'identifica Teresa amb l'abadessa de Pedralbes. L'Epíleg desgrana la sèrie d'indicis i proves que permeten d'afirmar que Teresa de Jesús fou el nom de religió d'una dama catalana d'altíssim llinatge. En paraules d'en Jordi Bilbeny, Teresa de Jesús. Clarissa, Catalana, Abadessa i Doctora és una de les sotragades intel-lectuals més contundents i commovedores dels darrers temps, una autèntica revelació.

  • av Arthur Conan Doyle

    After three years of being presumed dead, Sherlock Holmes returns to investigate 13 mysterious cases in this enthralling collection of short stories.

  • av Alexander James Wyatt

    When the empire of Myrsguard fell to the mysterious Wooden King, one of the last men to escape brought a girl back with him, who he plans to raise to kill the King. The girl, Kya, grew into a powerful mage but also realises what here mentor intends and doesn't want to be thrown to the creature that destroyed a three thousand year empire and all its sorcerer queens. Kya hatches a plan to escape her fate, and flee to the only place her mentor fears, the Wooden Empire itself. However the Wooden Empire is a changing place, the population seemingly replaced by strange wooden creatures and their even stranger overseers. Can Kya, with only her dead best friend as an ally, find a way to escape not only her powerful kidnapper, but the agents of the King and the ghosts of ancient monsters? Or will she become just another puppet of the Wooden Empire?

  • av B. Alan Bourgeois

  • av Larry J. Webb

    In Christianity missions has always been a priority for the missional church. Missionary Author Larry Webb writes how funding building construction projects and the ministry of mission trips results in miracles of God's provision. Based on this statement by William Carey, "I'm a dreamer and continue to dream of what can and will be, expecting great things from God, attempting great things for God", Larry shares these three principles of achieving faith for churches: --Vision attracts resources;--Sacrifice inspires others to participate;>"But Let's See What God Wants to Do!" introduces the Maverick Mission Team concept whereby mission team participants from all over the country (strays or mavericks) have joined together to build church buildings in Bolivia. Key to the whole process is that they join with Bolivian Christians to impact communities in Bolivia with the message of God's love.

  • av Caren Cantrell

    Wren wants more than anything to be a cheerleader like her best friend Lilah. But Maggie, the team captain, doesn't want a curly-whiskered, clumsy mouse on the squad. Wren tries everything to straighten them. Boing! Boing! Boing! When Maggie misses a jump during practice for the cheer championship, the team discovers curly whiskers are exactly what they need. Wren's Whiskers shows children that it's okay and often desirable to be different. Wren is determined and never gives up on her dream. Although she is misdirected at the beginning, by the end she learns to embrace her whiskers and stand in her power.

  • av Drew F Partridge

    This book contains a comprehensive financial framework that will enable you to enjoy life today, and plan for an enjoyable retirement tomorrow. Financial knowledge in black and white that when applied, works.


    A book of pictorial art depicting imaginary cities in the past, future or in another world. The cities are garden cities, with wide boulevards, beautiful fountains, set in a virtual garden of Eden; with tall towers and traditional architecture

  • av Jason A. Duprat

    Are you a healthcare professional who loves what you do, but you're stressed from working nights, weekends, and holidays? Being a healthcare professional can be incredibly rewarding, but it can also come with long hours and burnout. If you love helping patients, yet feel overwhelmed and unhappy, then clinic ownership could be the answer. After ending up as a patient at his own hospital, Jason Duprat decided something had to change-so he opened his own clinic! As a result, he has reaped personal, financial, and professional rewards by doing what he loves. Ready to build your dream clinic? All the knowledge you need is ready and waiting inside this book."This book will provide you with the knowledge you need to start the clinic of your dreams. Jason shares every mistake he made while starting his first clinic so that you can avoid the pitfalls and shortcut your path to success. The key is to take action, choose to forge your own destiny, and live life on your terms." -John Lee Dumas, Founder of Entrepreneurs On Fire"This book is FANTASTIC-a must-read for any entrepreneur interested in starting a clinically oriented healthcare business. So much content that is honest, concise, and insightful."-CDR George A. Pazos MD, USN, Ret., President of OASIS "To build a thriving business, you have to make smart decisions. This book is the first step. The content offers a step-by-step approach and a personal mentorship to starting your own clinic. Clear, concise, yet detailed, this book is a valuable tool, full of advice, jam-packed with information, and a must-read for anyone wanting to start their journey toward entrepreneurship."-Laura Gasparis Vonfrolio, RN, Ph.D., President of Education Enterprises at

  • av John Hopkins

    THE LOST SHIP twists and turns through post-invasion ruins to a supernatural confrontation deep in the Amazon where fates are sealed and humanity's destiny illuminates in a cerulean glow.

  • av Laura Daley

    Do Your Best Coaching: The Workbook is a practical companion to DYBC, providing over 100 tools, templates, checklists and examples to support you to do your best coaching.

  • av Genesis R. Wilder

  • av Hayford Kofi Gbemu

  • av Lizka Herrera

  • av S. Ola Ajimisan

  • av Chen Kuczynski
    1 260,-

  • av Rosanna Vespoli

    Questo manuale di filosofia per principianti è dedicato a chi,partendo da zero, vuole imparare la filosofia in modo facile e divertente o a chi, pur avendola già studiata, vuole farsi una bella rinfrescata, con un libro, semplice, originale e divertente. Questo libro, infatti, è caratterizzato da una peculiarità: non leggerai la solita noiosa, trita e ritrita teoria, bensì una serie di teoriche interviste ai vari filosofi. Questo è il taglio originale di questo libro, per renderlo più interessante, leggero e divertente, con un tono più discorsivo, fluido e colloquiale, oserei dire amichevole. E più che interviste direi, addirittura, chiacchierate con i vari filosofi, quasi fossero vecchi amici. Così potrai imparare la filosofia divertendoti, quando riporteremo in vita e chiacchiereremo, con la massima semplicità e cordialità, con i vari pensatori dell¿antichità. In questo libro parleremo in prima persona con: Tertulliano (155-230 d.C.) - Minucio Felice (II-III sec. d.C.) - Origene Adamantio (185-254 d.C.) - Clemente Alessandrino (150-215 d.C.) - Gregorio Nazianzeno (329-390 d.C.) - Giustino (100-163/167 d.C.) - Agostino d¿Ippona (354-430 d.C.) - Boezio (475/477-524/526 d.C.) - Giovanni Scoto Eriugena (810-877 d.C.) - Avicenna (980-1037 d.C.) - Averroè (1126-1198 d.C.) - Al-Ghazali (1058-1111 d.C.) - Avicebron (1020-1058 d.C) - Maimonide (1138-1204 d.C.) - al-Farabi (870-950 d.C.) - Nagarjuna (II-III sec, India) - Vasubandhu (IV-V sec, India) - Dogen (1200-1253, Giappone) - Zhu Xi (1130-1200, Cina) - Wang Yangming (1472-1529, Cina) - Pietro Abelardo (1079-1142 d.C.) - Giovanni di Salisbury (1120-1180 d.C.) - Anselmo d¿Aosta (1033-1109 d.C.) - Gilbert de la Porrée (1070-1154 d.C.) - Filippo il Cancelliere (1165-1236 d.C.) - Roberto Grossatesta (1175-1253 d.C.) - Roger Bacon (1241-1292 d.C.) - Alberto Magno (1193-105 d.C.) - Tommaso d¿Aquino (1225-1274 d.C.) - Bonaventura da Bagnoregio (1217-1274 d.C.) - Enrico di Gand (1217-1293 d.C.) - Duns Scoto (1265-1308 d.C.) - Guglielmo di Ockham (1288-1347 d.C.) - Giovanni Buridano (1295-1361 d.C.) - Marsilio da Padova (1275-1342 d.C.) - Niccolò Cusano (1401-1464 d.C.)

  • av Martin Perry Miller-Yianni

  • av Olivier Da Lage

  • av Lopes Lopes Luis Lalm

    Savoir pour corriger votre posture et ainsi maitriser les situations que vous rencontrez tous les jours.Diriger, manager, s'imposer et faire face a toutes les opportunités.Ce livre vous donnera les clés, vous permettant d'ouvrir les porte du succès.

  • av Silvina Timpanaro

  • av Mark Jonathan Runte

    "Daniel grew up knowing that his family had a gift, and a curse no one else did. It wasn't just the ghost of the family matriarch that haunted him. It was the shadow of witchcraft hanging like a cloud over his head. Ambition, he could have dealt with, protecting his little brother from the political games their father played. Until he saw its true nature for himself. To hurt or kill with just a touch. It was a world he didn't want any part of after witnessing his father kill a man for some insignificant slight. He fled rather than continue playing the game he had been taught since childhood. Only to find himself in the arms of a Calais, Maine teacher. And in the shadow of the illness that had always plagued his family, as much as the power did."--Publisher's description.

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