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    Cet ouvrage propose une interprétation non classique de la tradition scientifique arabe dont le statut a toujours posé un problème aux historiens des sciences. Tout ouvrage qui se veut être véritablement historique ne peut en effet se permettre de l'ignorer et pourtant les pages qui lui sont consacrées sont presque négligeables par rapport à la tradition qui la précède comme à celle qui lui succède. Et la conclusion à laquelle ils aboutissent c'est que son mérite est de préserver et de transmettre l'héritage grec aux européens, sans jamais se demander ce que signifie préserver ni transmettre. Ce traitementexpéditif fait de la tradition arabe un accident de l'histoire, au mieux une annexe de la tradition grecque évacuant ainsi l'une des questions fondamentales dont s'occupe l'historien, à savoir son timing : pourquoi faudrait-il attendre jusqu'au IXe siècle pour voir la science et la rationalité rayonner dans le monde ? Et il faudrait attendre la découverte des résultats révolutionnairesen astronomie, à partir de la deuxième moitié du XXe siècle, pour remettre profondément en cause cette attitude généralement adoptée à l'égard de la tradition arabe. Le résultat des recherches de ces dernières années contraste avec ce que nous ont toujours dit les historiens modernes : la tradition arabe s'est constituée en rupture avec la tradition grecque ; ce qui explique l'élan qu'a pris la science et sa rapide diffusion de l'orient à l'occident, une globalisation sans précédent du savoir qui a fait de l'arabe la première langue internationale dans l'histoire et assuré son développement presque ininterrompu depuis le IXe siècle. Le lecteur trouvera dans cet ouvrage quelques travaux qui ont permis de conduire à ce résultat, une interprétation non classique e la tradition scientifi que arabe qui remet en cause la périodisation classique en histoire des sciences. Signalons qu'on est encore à cheval entre les deux interprétations, classique et non classique, ce qui explique la variété desétudes et la diversité des analyses de leurs auteurs.


    Cristiano Castelfranchi is one of the pioneers in the theory of goals and goal-directed behavior. His first seminal contributions date back to the 70s,and his work has provided invaluable insights on a variety of topics, such as the nature and functions of mental representations, the dynamics of belief andreasoning, the anatomy of emotions and motivations, power and dependence relationships, trust and delegation, communication, norms, organizations,institutions, and agent-based social simulation. Across all these areas, Castelfranchi's approach has been systematically problem-oriented and markedlyinterdisciplinary, achieving worldwide prominence in such diverse domains as cognitive psychology, social science, Artificial Intelligence, and philosophy of mind. What gave consistency and order to his bold and broad theorizing of the human mind and society is the view that, as he puts it in this volume, goals are the true center of cognition.This collection of essays to honor Castelfranchi's outstanding career reflects both his wide interests and their unifying focus. Over sixty leading scholars intheir respective fields offer comments, elaborations, extensions, and cogent criticisms of Castelfranchi's ideas, exploring their implications and often uncovering unexpected connections with other theories. This collection is then completed by a survey of decades of research on the theory of goals, authored byCastelfranchi himself. Thus the volume provides not only a fitting homage to Cristiano Castelfranchi, but also an invaluable reference to anyone interested in goal-directed behavior, at both the individual and the social level.


    This volume of the Logica Yearbook series brings together articles presented at the annual international symposium Logica 2010, Hejnice, the Czech Republic. the articles range over mathematical and philosophical logic, history and philosophy of logic, and the analysis of natural language.

  • av John L. Bell

  • av Stephen Bloch

    A first programming course should not be directed towards learninga particular programming language, but rather at learning to programwell; the programming language should get out of the way and servethis goal. The simple, powerful Racket language (related to Scheme)allows us to concentrate on the fundamental concepts and techniquesof computer programming, without being distracted by complex syntax.As a result, this book can be used at the high school (and perhapsmiddle school) level, while providing enough advanced concepts notusually found in a first course to challenge a college student.Those who have already done some programming (e.g. in Java, Python,or C++) will enhance their understanding of the fundamentals,un-learn some bad habits, and change the way they think aboutprogramming.We take a graphics-early approach: you'll start manipulating andcombining graphic images from Chapter 1 and writing event-drivenGUI programs from Chapter 6, even before seeing arithmetic. Wecontinue using graphics, GUI and game programming throughout tomotivate fundamental concepts. At the same time, we emphasize datatypes, testing, and a concrete, step-by-step process of problem-solving.After working through this book, you'll be prepared to learn otherprogramming languages and program well in them. Or, if this is thelast programming course you ever take, you'll understand many ofthe issues that affect the programs you use every day.I have been using Picturing Programs with my daughter, and there's no doubt that it's gentler than Htdp. It does exactly what Stephen claims, which is to move gradually from copy-and-change exercises to think-on-your-own exercises within each section. I also think it's nice that the "worked exercises" are clearly labeled as such. There's something psychologically appealing about the fact that you first see an example in the text of the book, and then a similar example is presented as if it were an exercise but they just happen to be giving away the answer. It is practically shouting out "Here's a model of how you go about solving this class of problems, pay close attention!"." Mark Engelberg"1. Matthias & team have done exceptional, highly impressive work with HtDP. The concepts are close to genius. (perhaps yes, genius quality work) They are a MUST for any high school offering serious introductory CS curriculum.2. Without Dr. Blochs book "Picturing Programs", I would not have successfully implemented these concepts (Dr. Scheme, Racket, Design Recipe etc) into an ordinary High School Classroom.Any high school instructor who struggles to find ways to bring these great HtDP ideas to the typical high schooler, should immediately investigate the Bloch book.Think of it as coating the castor oil with chocolate."Brett Penza

  • - Naturalism and Normativity

    The contributors to this volume engage with issues of normativity within naturalised philosophy. The issues are critical to naturalism as most traditional notions in philosophy, such as knowledge, justification or representation, are said to involve normativity. Some of the contributors pursue the question of the correct place of normativity within a naturalised ontology, with emergentist and eliminativist answers offered on neighbouring pages. Others seek to justify particular norms within a naturalised framework, the more surprising ones including naturalist takes on the a priori and intuitions. Finally, yet others examine concrete examples of the application of norms within particular epistemic endeavours, such as psychopathology and design. The overall picture is that of an intimate engagement with issues of normativity on the part of naturalist philosophers - questioning some of the fundamentals at the same time as they try to work out many of the details.

  • av Claire Ortiz Hill & Jairo Jose da Silva


    Advances in Modal Logic is a unique international forum representing the latest results and new directions of research in Modal Logic broadly conceived. The topics dealt with are of interdisciplinary interest and range from mathematical, computational, and philosophical problems to applications in knowledge representation and formal linguistics.This volume contains invited and contributed papers from the eighth conference in the AiML series, held in Moscow, Russia, in August 2010. It reports on substantial advances, both in the foundations of modal logic and in a number of application areas. It includes papers on general problems in model theory, proof theory and algorithmic properties of modal logics, on systems for spatial, temporal and epistemic reasoning, on related kinds of logics - description, relevance, substructural, intuitionistic, and on related topics in algebraic logic.


    The papers collected in this volume are based on the best contributions to theconference of the Italian Society for Logic and Philosophy of Science (SILFS)that took place in Milan on 8-10 October 2007. The aim of the Society, since itsfoundation in 1952, has always been that of bringing together scholars - working in the broad areas of Logic, Philosophy of Science and History of Science - who share an open-minded approach to their disciplines and regard themas essentially requiring continuous confrontation and bridge-building to avoidthe danger of over-specialism. In this perspective, logicians and philosophersof science should not indulge in inventing and cherishing their own "internalproblems" - although these may occasionally be an opportunity for conceptual clarification - but should primarily look at the challenging conceptual andmethodological questions that arise in any genuine attempt to extend our objective knowledge. As Ludovico Geymonat used to put it: "[good] philosophyshould be sought in the folds of science itself".Contributions are distributed into six sections, five of which - "Logic andComputing", "Physics and Mathematics", "Life Sciences", "Economics and Social Sciences", "Neuroscience and Philosophy of Mind" - are devoted to the discussion of cutting-edge problems that arise from current-day scientific research, while the remaining section on "General Philosophy of Science" is focused on foundational and methodological questions that are common to all areas.

  • av Michael Abraham, Dov M Gabbay & Uri Schild

    This book puts forward new logical systems suitable for modelling Talmudic and Biblical reasoning and argumentation.The Talmud is very logical. It is said that when God gave Moses the Ten Commandments, He also gave him additional laws and rules of logic to enable human beings to derive more laws.Together with colleagues the authors have already written 8 books on the logic of the Talmud and the project will involve 15-20 volumes. The authors have discovered principles which can be exported to current research in scientific communities, as well as human common sense reasoning and laws as tackled by religious thinking.Topics in this book include:1 Non-deductive Inference in the Talmud:The book includes a new topological matrix method for analogical reasoning, completely new to existing AI methods which rely on metric distances.2 The Textual Inference Rules Klal uPrat. How the Bible Defines Sets:Traditional set theoretic methods for defining sets are either by enumeration of its elements or by a predicateformula. The biblical way is a common sense combination of the two, approximating the set from above and from below by predicates, supplemented by a small number of typical members of the set.3 Talmudic Deontic Logic:The Talmud has its own Deontic Logic, free of the traditional paradoxes.4 Temporal Logic in the Talmud:The Talmud allows for special conditionals with antecedents depending on the future and consequents valid in thepresent. This new type of logic allows for backwards causality and connects with aspects of Quantum Logic.5 Resolution of Conflicts and Normative Loops in the Talmud:The book deals with Talmudic loop checking methods that can be widely applied to handling loops in AI and logic.6 Delegation and Representation in Talmudic Logic:Talmudic systems of delegation are innovative and apply to modern day to day computer delegation and access control.This book is of great interest to researchers in AI and Law, in Argumentation theory, and in Pure and Applied logical systems, as well as students of Talmudic reasoning and debate.

  • av Juan Redmond & Matthieu Fontaine


    This book contains plenary and invited paperspresented at the 6th European Congress ofAnalytical Philosophy, held in Krakow in August 2008,as well as selected contributions delivered during thecourse of special workshops. The papers cover a widegamut of topics ranging from History of Philosophy toLogic, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Science, Philosophyof Mind, Social Philosophy, Philosophy of Language,and Epistemology.


    Tbilisi Mathematical Journal (TMJ) is a fully refereed international journal, publishing original research papers in all areas of mathematics. Papers should satisfy the high standards and only works of high quality will be recommended for publication. The Management Committee may occasionally decide to invite the submission of survey and expository papers of the highest quality. Unsolicited submissions of survey and expository papers will not be considered for publication. Volume 2 (2009) contains seven research papers by outstanding mathematicians in areas ranging from sochasics to mathematical logic.


    Homotopy is a basic discipline of mathematics having fundamental and various applications to important fields of mathematics. The Journal has a wide scope which ranges from homotopical algebra and algebraic number theory and functional analysis. Diverse algebraic, geometric, topological and categorical structures are closely related to homotopy and the influence of homotopy is found in many fundamental areas of mathematics such as general algebra, algebraic topology, algebraic geometry, category theory, differential geometry, computer science, K-theory, functional analysis, Galois theory ad in physical sciences as well. The J. Homotopy and Related Structures intends to develop its vision on the determining role of homotopy in mathematics. the aim of the Journal is to show the importance, merit and diversity of homotopy in mathematical sciences. The J. Homotopy and Related structures is primarily concerned with publishing carefully refereed significant and original research papers. However a limited number of carefully selected survey and expository papers are also included, and special issues devoted to Proceedings of meetings in the field as well as to Festschrifts.

  • av Harold "Bud" Lawson

    Systems are everywhere and affect us daily in our private and professional lives. We all use the word "system" to describe something that is essential but often abstract, complex and even mysterious. However, learning to utilize system concepts as first class objects as well as methodologies for systems thinking and systems engineering provides a basis for removing the mystery and moving towards mastery even for complex systems. This journey through the Systems Landscape has been developed to promote learning to "think" and "act" in terms of systems. A unique aspect is the introduction of concrete system semantics provided as a "system survival kit" and based upon a limited number of concepts and principles as well as a mental model called the system-coupling diagram. This discipline independent presentation assists individuals and is essential for building a learning organization that can utilize a systems approach to achieving its enterprise goals. The eight chapters are presented as stops along a journey that successively build system knowledge. Each chapter terminates with a Knowledge Verification section that provides questions and exercises for individuals and groups. Case studies reflecting the utilization of the system related concepts, principles and methodologies are provided as chapter interludes.


    This volume puts together most of the papers given at the interdisciplinary workshop on DIAGRAMMATOLOGY AND DIAGRAM PRAXIS held at the University of Lisbon, 23-24th March 2009. The workshop was organized by the Research Project "Image in Science and Art" of the Center for Philosophy of Science of the University of Lisbon (CFCUL), aiming to analyze the place of image and diagrammatic thinking in different epistemological and semiotic programs.The articles are organized in three main sections. The first, Fundamental Issues of Diagrammatology, is more historically oriented including papers from Olga Pombo, Sybille Krämer, Jan Wöpking, Frederik Stjernfelt and Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen. The second part, Visual Diagram Praxis, comprises four case studies on diagram practices from Augusto J. Franco Oliveira, Ángel Nepomuceno-Fernández, J.R. Croca and Matthias Bauer. Finally, the third part, On Maps, consists of studies by Valeria Giardino, Alexander Gerner, Christoph Ernst and Catarina Pombo Nabels.

  • av Ivor Grattan-Guinness

    This book contains around of a score of essays that examine oruse Popperís fallibilist philosophy of science from various pointsof view. The opening sextet includes a new solution of theproblem of induction, the status of corroboration, and the placeof truth-values and logic(s). Then follow a trio of studies ofrelationships with some other philosophies, especially BertrandRussellís. Next come five essays on the history andhistoriography of science and mathematics, and of mathematicseducation. They are followed by a quintet of speculations relatingto aspects of psychology, especially psychical research,coincidences and the formation of languages in humans. Finallycome two new items: one on the philosophy of mathematics,the other a public acknowledgement of the influence of Popperin August 2009 when the International Commission on theHistory of Mathematics awarded Grattan-Guinness theKenneth O. May Medal and Prize in the History of Mathematics.I. Grattan-Guinness is Emeritus Professor of the History ofMathematics and Logic at Middlesex University, England,and also a Visiting Research Associate in the Centre forPhilosophy of Natural and Social Science at the LondonSchool of Economics.

  • - Philosophy of Mathematics. Sociological Aspects and Mathematical Practice

    Philosophy of mathematics is moving in a new direction: awayfrom a foundationalism in terms of formal logic and traditionalontology, and towards a broader range of approaches thatare united by a focus on mathematical practice.The scientific research network PhiMSAMP (Philosophy ofMathematics: Sociological Aspects and MathematicalPractice) consisted of researchers from a variety ofbackgrounds and fields, brought together by their commoninterest in the shift of philosophy of mathematics towardsmathematical practice. Hosted by the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn and funded by the DeutscheForschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) from 2006-2010, thenetwork organized and contributed to a number of workshopsand conferences on the topic of mathematical practice.The refereed contributions in this volume represent theresearch results of the network and consists of contributionsof the network members as well as selected paper versions ofpresentations at the network's mid-term conference, "Ismathematics special?" (PhiMSAMP-3) held in Vienna 2008.

  • - Essays Dedicated to Goran Sundholm

    The Editors' vision for this volume is that it should be a selection of essays, contributed by the academics who have worked, studied, collaborated and disagreed with Göran Sundholm; engaging in debated issues and exploring untouched areas maybe only suggested or hinted at in Sundholm's own work. "Acts of Knowledge" characterizes the papers contained in this volume as bringing something scientifically valuable in their respective fields: all the papers present cutting-edge research in their own style, contributing to very lively debates occurring in the literature in logic, philosophical logic and history of logic. But it also hints at Göran's constructivist background, which has been an influence or a challenge for many of the contributors. "History, Philosophy and Logic" refers directly to Göran's broad interests into the various aspects of the Philosophy of Logic, Mathematics, and Language, their origins and development, especially with the focus on the Modern History of Logic and the philosophical implications thereof. The readers will find scattered all along this volume pieces of -- and reflections on -- all these themes.

  • - Questioning as Philosophy and as Method

    Man by nature desires to know, and the most natural way ofsatisfying this desire is to find answers to the questions thatarise from wonder and perplexity. Questioning is our default viewof method. I was turned into a cornerstone of western thoughtin the Socratic elenchus and Aristotle¿s doctrine of explanationand inquiry. Aristotle¿s dialogical games, especially as they findexpression in Topics, survived medieval dialectical games and hada profound impact on practices in academic life. And even whenAristotelianism came under fire during the renaissance and theScientific Revolution, questioning as method was not jettisonedbut rather transformed into a new form in which the questionswere to be addressed to Nature herself.Questioning is not just a method but also a philosophy in itsown right. Man not only desires to know, but wonder andperplexity are at the very heart of man¿s essence. As Karl-Otto Apel persuasively argues, Gadamer¿s Truth and Methodwas not just, or perhaps even mainly, a methodologicalinsight into how knowledge was to be obtained. Rather, inphilosophical hermeneutics questioning has a more profoundstanding, marking, as Apel puts it, "logos-reflection" andhence dialogue in the full sense.This collection of essays by leading philosophers probesquestioning as philosophy and as method both from ahistorical and a systematic perspective. The authors includeJ. Hintikka, P. Aubenque, R. Smith, M.-L. Kakkuri-Knuuttila,E. Moutsopoulos, T. Calvo Martínez, M. Yrjönsuuri, J.-F.Courtine, K.-O. Appel, V. A. Lektorsky, G. Schurz, M.Sintonen, and W. Rabinowicz & L. Bovens

  • - Epistemologia, Semantica E Ontologia
    av Sofia Ines Albornoz Stein


    It has been observed many times before that, as yet, there are no encompassing, integrated theories of mathematical practice available.To witness, as we currently do, a variety of schools in this field elaborating their philosophical frameworks, and trying to sort out their differences in the course of doing so, is also to be constantly reminded of the fact that a lot of epistemic aspects, extremely relevant to this task, remain dramatically underexamined. This volume wants to contribute to the stock of studies filling this perceived lacuna. It contains papers by established, upcoming, as well as beginning scholars, covering general, metaphilosophical themes such as naturalism, semiotics, pragmaticism, or empiricism, next to more specific topics including the unity of mathematical theories, thruth-flow in mathematics, diagrammatic reasoning, erroneous argumentation, or numerical analysis.

  • - Franco-British Interactions in Science Since the Seventeenth Century

    Polémiques et constructifs à la fois, faits de reprises et detraductions, de controverses et de confrontations, les échangesentre les savants britanniques et français ont joué un rôleessentiel dans le développement de la science en Europe depuisle XVIIe siècle. Ni les guerres qui ont opposé les deux pays,ni l'attachement à des figures emblématiques d'unescience nationale n'ont pu durablement entraver lapoursuite de constantes interactions et de fructueusescollaborations au service du développement du savoir.Les dix-neuf contributions ici rassemblées, dont les auteurs,français ou britanniques, s'expriment chacun dans leurlangue, examinent avec précision quelques-uns des épisodesde ces échanges, dans les domaines des mathématiques etde l'astronomie, de la physique, de la chimie et des théoriesdu vivant, en s'attachant à la correspondance, aux politiquesde traduction, aux relations entre institutions savantes ouaux prolongements techniques et industriels de la recherche.Ces travaux résultent d'un colloque qui s'est tenu à la Maisonfrançaise d'Oxford en mars 2006 à l'initiative de la Sociétéfrançaise d'histoire des sciences et des techniques et de l'EuropeanSociety for the history of science, en collaboration avec la Britishsociety for the history of science et le réseau Europaeum.Interactions between the scientific communities of Britain andFrance have done much to fashion the course of Europeanscience since the seventeenth century. Marked on occasionsby rivalry and unhelpful displays of national pride as well asby cooperation, the interactions provide a fascinating subjectfor historical enquiry. This volume assembles nineteen essayson key themes including travel, correspondence, translation,collaborative and competitive research, and the role ofexchanges at both the personal and the institutional level, withexamples drawn from astronomy, mathematics, the physicaland life sciences, and the work of industrial laboratories.The essays have their origin in an international conferenceheld at the Maison française, Oxford in March 2006 as a jointinitiative of the Société française d'histoire des sciences et destechniques and the European Society for the History of Science,in collaboration with the British Society for the History ofScience and the Europaeum network of European universities.

  • - Probabilistic Reasoning and Reasoning with Probabilities
    av B Loewe

    Probabilistic methods are increasingly becoming an importanttool in a variety of disciplines including computer science,mathematics, artificial intelligence, epistemology, game and decision theory and linguistics. In addition to the discussionon applications of probabilistic methods there is an importantphilosophical debate concerning the precise meaning andinterpretation of probabilistic and statistical statements. This volume contains fully refereed versions of papers presented at the sixth installment of the conference series Foundations of the Formal Sciences (FotFS) which was aninterdisciplinary venue bringing together researchers usingprobabilistic and statistical methods in their respective fieldsand researchers who are concerned with the philosophicalinterpretation of probability and statistics to exchange ideas,approaches and techniques. The conference FotFS VIfacilitated discussions about the applicability of probabilisticmethods and helped to ground foundational debates withconcerns for practitioners of probabilistic methods.

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