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    The ``Many Sides of Logic'' is a volume containing a selectionof the papers delivered at three simultaneous events heldbetween 11-17 May 2008 in Paraty, RJ, Brazil, continuing a traditionof three decades of Brazilian and Latin-American meetings and celebratingthe 30th anniversary of an institution congenital with the matureinterest for logic, epistemology and history of sciences in Brazil:CLE 30 - 30th Anniversary of the Centre for Logic, Epistemology and theHistory of Science at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP)XV EBL -15th Brazilian Logic ConferenceXIV SLALM - 14th Latin-American Symposium on Mathematical LogicSeveral renowned logicians, philosophers and mathematicians gathered incolonial Paraty, a historic village on the Braziliancoast founded in the 17th Century and surrounded by the luscious Atlanticrain forest to deliver lectures and talks celebrating the many sides oflogic: the philosophical, the mathematical, the computational, the historical,and the multiple facets therein.The topics of the joint conferences, well represented here, includedphilosophical and mathematical Logic and applications with emphasis onmodel theory and proof theory, set theory, non-classical logics andapplications, history and philosophy of logic, philosophy of the formalsciences and issues on the foundations of mathematics.The events have been preceded by a Logic School planned for studentsand young researchers held at the UNICAMP campus in Campinas, SP.

  • av John Woods

    John Woods' The Logic of Fiction, now thirty-five years old, is a ground-breaking event in the establishment of the semantics of fiction as a stand-alone research programme in the philosophies of language and logic. There is now a large literature about these matters, but Woods' book retains a striking freshness, and still serves as a convincing template of the treatment options for the field's key problems. The book now appears in a second edition with a new Foreword by Nicholas Griffin and an extended bibliography covering the period 1969-2009. As Griffin notes in his Foreword, it is "surprising ¿ on looking back to discover how little was written on the semantics of fiction before John Woods' The Logic of Fiction was published in 1974. The surprise is the greater because Woods' book appeared after almost a quarter century of fierce philosophical debate about reference ¿ Fictional discourse, one would have thought, would be an important testing ground for philosophical theories of referential expressions and one, moreover, in which the standard theories would likely be tested to destruction. ¿" "¿ One of the great merits of Woods' book is that it takes seriously the wide-ranging demands that fiction imposes on logic and semantics, and does not try to force fiction into some pre-conceived logical mould ¿. but thanks to Woods' pioneering efforts, we are much closer to one now than we were when he set out to write his book. His book was not the last word on the logic of fiction; it was much more important: it was nearly the first." NICHOLAS GRIFFIN is Canada Research Chair in Philosophy at McMaster University. Recent publications include Russell vs Meinong: The Legacy of "On Denoting", edited with Dale Jacquette. JOHN WOODS is Director of the Abductive Systems Group at the University of British Columbia and Charles S. Peirce Visiting Professor of Logic in the Group on Logic and Computational Science, King's College London. He has two forthcoming books on fiction - an edited volume, Fictions and Models: New Essays, and a research monograph, Sherlock's Member: New Perspectives on the Semantics of Fiction, both to appear in 2010.

  • av Michael Abraham, Dov Gabbay & Uri Schild


    Thomas Piketty's book Capital in the 21st Century has already attracted more serious attention than any economics book published in the last seventy-five years. This collection of 17 essays by some of the world's most prominent economists explores Piketty's book at depth and from various vantage points. Here is what economists around the world are already saying about this book. "Marx's Capital is strong on theory but, it detractors allege, weak on data. In a dialectic worthy of Hegel himself, the critics assembled here argue that Piketty's Capital stands opposite to Marx's, as strong on data but weak on theory. This combination--plus its exquisite timing--explains it critical acclaim. The juxtaposition of economic stagnation and obscene inequality in the aftermath of the financial crisis made it impossible for mainstream economists to continue ignoring inequality, let alone applauding it as they have done for so long. Piketty made it possible for them to acknowledge it without abandoning their comforting but false mainstream theories of capitalism. These authors in this volume applaud Piketty for his contribution to empirical knowledge, but reject his views on how this inequality came about. The true Capital for the 21st century is still yet to be written."- Steve Keen, Kingston University, London"Neoclassical economics spawned a utopian belief in capitalism with unregulated market forces. Thomas Piketty's empirical analysis has dealt a fatal blow to that belief by highlighting the recent huge redistributions of income and wealth to the ultra-rich. This raises a fundamental question for people around the world: How do we achieve a better world through economic policies? This global collection addresses that question and explores theoretical explanations for Piketty's empirical findings."- Ping Chen, Fudan University and Peking University, China "Are the theoretical explanations proposed by Thomas Piketty of the rising inequalities valid? What is the meaning of his first and second "laws" of capitalism? This book is indispensable for anyone seeking answers to these questions."- André Orléan, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris"By examining Thomas Piketty's Capital in the Twenty-First Century from different angles, the 18 contributors to this invaluable book add enormously to our understanding of inequality and of policy options for reducing it. They point to the lack of a distinction between rentier income and earned income, to the severe limits of marginal productivity theory that Piketty employs and to the utopian nature of Piketty's only suggested remedy. - Norbert Haering, Economics Editor, Handelsblatt, Germany"Piketty's book Capital in the Twentieth Century served the cause of drawing the world's attention to inequality under capitalism in the long haul, based on a fresh and innovative look at new evidence. This book serves that cause even better by focusing on the inadequacies of Piketty's analysis of the processes and mechanisms leading to that inequality, and, therefore, on what needs to be done to address it."- C. P. Chandrasekhar,Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi "Thomas Piketty's Capital in the Twenty-First Century was the publishing sensation of 2104, focussing the world's attention on the huge and continuing growth in inequality that poses a serious economic, political and social threat to us all. In this important new book, 18 economists from Europe, North America and Asia offer sympathetic but critical appraisals of Piketty's theoretical framework, his empirical analysis and his radical policy proposals. This is not the last word on Piketty - whatever could be? - but it is indispensable reading for everyone who is interested in one of the most important challenges of our time".- John King, La Trobe University, Australia

  • av L Rivlin

    Placed by The International Board on Books for Young People as an outstanding novel for 2011, The Girl Who Wanted to Fly is being exhibited worldwide by IBBY at international book fairs. This absorbing narrative examines the problems encountered by a disabled teenager, Mo Tamworth, but the voyage of self-discovery charted in the story is not limited to the experience of disability. The situations are familiar to all young people negotiating the often confusing transition between childhood and early adulthood. Just as with other young teens, Mo must learn to respect others in order to respect herself. Although the narration is from the point of view of a teenage girl, it offers compelling insights which adults will also find entertaining and instructive.

  • - Homge to Bimal Krishna Chakraborty

    Born in Calcutta in 1935, Bimal Krishna Matilal is regarded as one among the world's leading scholars of IndianPhilosophy. His work can be considered as one of the mostimportant bridges between Indian and Western logic. Hisuntimely death in 1991 deprived the world of an outstandingthinker and philosopher. In January 2007, a conference was held in Matilal's home city Calcutta in his memory, bringing together logicians working on both Indian and Western logic. This thoroughly peer-reviewed volume contains a selection of the best papers; some represent Indian logic, others Western logic, and some continue Matilal's work of building bridges. The spirit of the 2007 Calcutta conference continues in the conference series ICLA, now run by the Association for Logic in India (ALI).

  • - Essays in Honour of Petr Hajek

    Readers of this volume are invited on a journey through alogician's life, as witnessed by his colleagues and friends.They will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in theregions of set theory, arithmetic, data analysis, algebra,fuzzy logic and other topics that Petr Hájek has shared withthe contributors. Each of the contributions is unique in itsapproach as well as its personal envoi, helping to create afull-blooded, vivid and genuine picture of the man who hasbeen so emphatically influential to so many of us. Matureand fresh ideas blend in the texts which will, hopefully, makean interesting and enjoyable reading for Petr Hájek as well asfor any keen logician.

  • - Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Congress

  • - STEP 2008 Conference Proceedings

    Research in robust open-domain text processing has seen considerable progress in the last couple of decades. It is probably fair to say that language technology tools have reached satisfactory performance at the level of syntactic processing. Therefore, it is timelier than ever to consider deep semantic processing as a serious task in wide-coverage natural language processing. This is a step that requires the integration of syntactic parsing, named entity recognition, anaphora resolution, thematic role labelling, word sense disambiguation with fine-grained semantic analysis. Accurate automatic semantic interpretation of text will benefit newly emerging sub-areas such as affectivity and sentiment analysis of texts, textual entailment, and consistency checking, and applications such as automated question answering, summarisation, and machine translation.This volume addresses these ambitions by presenting a collection of papers presented at the first workshop on the Semantics in Text Processing (STEP 2008), held in Venice from 22 to 24 September 2008. It is divided into three parts: (1) regular papers describing new results and completed research; (2) reports and descriptions of state-of-the-art systems that participated in the shared task on comparing semantic representations; and (3) short papers addressing ongoing work, novel techniques, or project descriptions.This is the first volume in \textit{Research in Computational Semantics} series launched by College Publications. Computational semantics is a relatively new interdisciplinary area in natural language processing, focusing on developing techniques to automate the interpretation of spoken and written natural language. It is an exciting area combining linguistic insight, logical reasoning, and knowledge engineering using both symbolic and statistical techniques to achieve robust and scalable methods for processing human languages.


    Classifying objects --- thus collecting them into classes --- is anoperation both fundamental and common in everyday life as well as inscientific endeavours. Logic, philosophy, mathematics and computerscience analyse this activity by means of such notions as `class',`set', and `type'. Furthermore, according to the so-called ``logical(or naive) conception of classes", these notions are related to thenotion `concept' in that classes are considered `extensions' ofconcepts. This relationship, however, is a delicate one --- as wehave learned from the paradoxes of class theory. The contributions tothis volume shed new light both on concepts and classes and theirdelicate relationship. New and original approaches to these issues(e.g., map theory, epsilon-sets, intensional type theory, AFA settheory) are presented and discussed in the broader context of theirapplication to problems from informatics and linguistics. The focus ison such matters as unrestrictive comprehension, extensionality, therelationship between the notions of concept, class and extension, andon unfounded (circular and infinitely descending) patterns ofelementhood. These and related problems have always played a role inthe development of set theory and have always delivered motivation forthe development of unorthodox views and theories. This is alsodemonstrated in this volume by contributions dealing with the historyof Zermelo's axiomatization of set theory and Ackermann's class theorywith unrestrictive comprehension, respectively.The contributions of this volume are based on the presentation at aWorkshop on ``Alternative Set Theories --- Alternatives to Set Theory"held at the University of Southern Denmark in 2006.

  • av Juan Redmond & Matthieu Fontaine

    Ce livre est le premier volume d'un ouvrage, Logique Dialogique : une introduction, conçu selon deux parties autonomes sur la logique dialogique. Les deux volumes fournissent néanmoins, à un niveau technique et philosophique, une vue d'ensemble de l'approche dialogique de la logique. Constituant un support efficace et didactique pour apprendre les fondements et la pratique de la logique dialogique, elles s'adressent ainsi tant aux professeurs et enseignants pour la préparation de cours qu'aux étudiants qui veulent se former individuellement.Le premier volume, Méthode de Dialogique : Règles et Exercices, constitue la première introduction à la pratique de la dialogique et contient des commentaires précis sur la solution d'exercices divers de logique classique de premier ordre, de logique intuitionniste et de logique modale propositionnelle. Le présent volume est lui-même écrit en deux parties. La première étant écrite pour le lecteur non spécialisé envisage, pour apprendre à jouer avec des dialogues, un point de vue analogue à la façon dont on apprend à jouer à des jeux conventionnels comme les échecs par exemple : on se familiarise avec les règles qui gouvernent les figures, les règles du développement du jeu et finalement les règles qui produisent les stratégies gagnantes.La deuxième partie contient une formulation plus précise de ce qui a été présenté et travaillé dans la première section. Elle se termine sur une justification de la correspondance entre la dialogique et le calcul des séquents.Le second volume présente un contenu plus avancé incluant la métathéorie correspondante.

  • av Kenneth Kunen

  • av Peter Gärdenfors

  • - Dialogue Coordination, Language Variation, Change and Evolution

  • - Radical Probabilist

    This volume sheds new light on the multifarious personality of Bruno de Finetti and his outstanding contributions not only to probability and statistics, but also to economics and philosophy. Rather than focusing on de Finetti¿s technical work on probability, the essays collected here address the philosophy underpinning all of de Finetti¿s writings, a view Richard Jeffrey labelled ¿radical probabilism¿. Special attention is devoted to de Finetti¿s ideas on economics, which are inspired by the same philosophical approach, while an effort is made to highlight some lesser known aspects of de Finetti¿s production. The volume ends with an Appendix on de Finetti¿s book L¿invenzione della verità (The invention of truth), written in 1934 and published in 2006, which contains an extensive presentation of de Finetti¿s philosophical viewpoint, revolving around the idea that our knowledge is the product of human thought, which in such enterprise is guided by considerations of utility, rather than metaphysical principles.

  • - A Volume Dedicated to Maxime Crochemore on His 60th Birthday

    This volume of the Texts in Algorithmics series is a collectionof work by the participants and friends of London StringologyDays (LSD) and London Algorithmic Workshop (LAW) 2008,sponsored by the Department of Computer Science, King's CollegeLondon. The form of this volume is that of a specialissue, focussing on core computer science theory along withbringing that theory into the real world of computing viapractical implementation. Contributed works research:structures in music and text, diffusion tensor imaging, compression, automata, stringology, nondeterminism, transposition networks, heuristics for NP-hard problems,and novel Crochemore Sets.We dedicate this volume to Maxime Crochemore on the occasion of his 60th birthday.

  • av A Sernadas & C Sernadas

    The book provides a self-contained introduction to mathematical logic and computability theory for students of mathematics or computer science. It is organized around the failures and successes of Hilbert's programme for the formalization of Mathematics. It is widely known that the programme failed with Gödel's incompleteness theorems and related negative results about arithmetic. Unfortunately, the positive outcomes of the programme are less well known, even among mathematicians. The book covers key successes, like Gödel's proof of the completeness of first-order logic, Gentzen's proof of its consistency by purely symbolic means, and the decidability of a couple of useful theories. The book also tries to convey the message that Hilbert's programme made a significant contribution to the advent of the computer as it is nowadays understood and, thus, to the latest industrial revolution.Part I of the book addresses Hilbert's programme and computability. Part II presents first-order logic, including Gödel's completeness theorem and Gentzen's consistency theorem. Part III is focused on arithmetic, representability of computable maps, Gödel's incompleteness theorems and decidability of Presburger arithmetic. Part IV provides detailed answers to selected exercises.The book can be used at late undergraduate level or early graduate level. An undergraduate course would concentrate on Parts I and II, leaving out the Gentzen calculus, and sketching the way to the 1st incompleteness theorem. A more advanced course might skip early material already known to the students and concentrate on the positive and negative results of Hilbert's programme, thus covering Gentzen's proof of consistency and Part III in full.

  • - Festschrift in Honor of Peter B. Andrews on His 70th Birthday

    Reasoning in Simple Type Theory is a collection of papers thatincludes reprints of eight seminal papers in this area as well asthirteen new contributed articles. For the reprints we have chosen apaper by Alonzo Church (introducing his simple theory of types), apaper by Leon Henkin (proving completeness of Church's type theoryrelative to Henkin's semantics) and some of the most important papersby Peter Andrews. The new articles were contributed by Peter Andrewsand his students and collaborators as well as a number of researchershis work has influenced. The volume intends to show the historicaldevelopment of this important area of formal reasoning up to itscurrent state of art and appears in honor of Peter Andrews on his 70thbirthday.

  • - Essays in Honour of Shahid Rahman

    Non-classical views about important issues in logic and its philosophy are a distinctive trait of Shahid Rahman's work. This volume has been designed, on the occasion of his 50th birthday, as a gathering place for unconventional approaches, original ideas and attempts to question well-established standards. Some of the world top philosophers and logicians contributed to a brilliant collection of papers, some of which doubtlessly leave their mark on the work to come in logic and in philosophy of formal sciences.Contributors are: Philippe Balbiani, Diderik Batens, Johan van Benthem, Giacomo Bonanno, Walter A. Carnielli, Newton C. A. Da Costa, Michel Crubellier, Francisco A. Doria, Dov M. Gabbay, Olivier Gasquet, Gerhard Heinzmann, Andreas Herzig, Jaakko Hintikka, Justine Jacot, Reinhard Kahle, Erik C. W. Krabbe, Décio Krause, Franck Lihoreau, Kuno Lorenz, Ilkka Niiniluoto, Graham Priest, Stephen Read, Manuel Rebuschi, Greg Restall, Gabriel Sandu, Gerhard Schurz, François Schwarzentruber, Yaroslav Shramko, Göran Sundholm, John Symons, Christian Thiel, Nicolas Troquard, Tero Tulenheimo, Jean Paul Van Bendegem, Daniel Vanderveken, Yde Venema, Heinrich Wansing, Jan Wolenski and John Woods.

  • - Actes Du Colloque International De 2002 En Hommage a J.-Nicolas Kaufmann

    Cet ouvrage collectif contient les Actes d'un colloque international bilingue enhommage à J.-Nicolas Kaufmann tenu à Trois-Rivières au Québec en octobre2002. L'ouvrage auquel ont contribué des philosophes célèbres présente etdiscute d'hypothèses, d'enjeux et de théories contemporaines majeures surl'action, les attitudes, la rationalité et la décision. On y traite de l'intentionnalité et de la rationalité des agents lors de leurs actions, délibérations et activités sociales, des contributions de la phénoménologie classique à la philosophie de l'esprit, de l'action et à l'ontologie, ainsi que de causalité mentale et de naturalisme.Here are the Proceedings of an international bilingual Conference held inhomage to J.-Nicolas Kaufmann at Trois-Rivières (Quebec) in October 2002.This volume to which contributed leading philosophers presents and discussescentral contemporary hypotheses, issues and theories on action, attitudes,rationality and decision. It deals with the intentionality and rationality of agents in their actions, deliberations and social activities, with contributions of classical phenomenology to philosophy of mind, action and ontology and withmental causation and naturalism.


    Infinity can feature in games in various forms: we can play games of infinite length, with infinitely many players, or allow for infinitely many moves or strategies.Games of infinite length have been thoroughly investigated by mathematicians ard have played a central role in mathematical logic. However, their applications go far beyond mathematics: they feature prominently in theoretical computer science, philosophical "Gedankenxperiments", as limit cases in economical applications, and in many other applications. The conference "Foundations of the Formal Sciences V" focused on games of infinite length, but was very open to include other notions of infinity in games as well. It brought together researchers from the various areas that employ infinitary game techniques to talk about similarities and dissimilarities of the different approaches and develop cross-cultural bridges. This volume contains the fully refereed proceedings of the conference and provides a healthy and interesting mixture of research papers and surveys for a broad audience.

  • av Francois Rivenec

    L'année 2008 est le centenaire de la naissance de cet immense philosophe qu'est W. van O. Quine. La meilleure manière de lui rendre hommage est certainement de prendre au sérieux sa doctrine et ses thèses, et de les discuter. Dans Lecture de Quine, F. Rivenc entreprend de relire l'ouvrage central de Quine, Word and Object. Chaque chapitre de cet ouvrage fait ainsi l'objet d'une présentation critique, distribuée en deux parties : une libre exposition de l'essentiel de son développement, une discussion de certains thèmes privilégiés pour leur importance ou leur fragilité. C'est un fait que la philosophie analytique des cinquante dernières années n'a pas toujours suivi le chemin de Quine, en particulier son « négativisme logique » : ce fait est à considérer sérieusement. Lecture de Quine ne prétend pas être une « somme » sur Quine, mais plutôt un appel à faire ouvre d'esprit critique.

  • - Proceedings of the Second Quantum Interaction Symposium (QI-2008)

    Quantum Mechanics (QM) is emerging from physics into non-physics domains (domains traditionally found outside of physics) such as human language, cognition, information processing, AI, biology, political science, economics, organizations, and social interaction.The Second Quantum Interaction Symposium advances and applies the methods and structures of QM to these and other non-physics domains, specifically including:. The advancement of theory and experimentation for applying QM to non-physics domains (including a clarification of what QM means in non-physics domains). Applications of QM inspired methods to address, or to more efficiently solve, problems in non-physics domains (including contrasts between classical and quantum methods). Applications of QM methods on a quantum computer, such as implementation of AI, or Information Retrieval (IR) techniques . Use of QM to address previously unsolved problems in other fields

  • av Donald Gillies

    This book presents detailed criticisms of existing systems for organising research, and outlines a new approach based on different principles. Part 1 criticizes the research assessment exercise (RAE) which has been used in the UK from 1986 to 2008. It is argued that the RAE is both very costly, and likely to reduce the quality of research produced. The UK government has decided that, from 2009, the RAE should be replaced by a system based on metrics. In Part 2 this system is criticized and it is argued that it is certainly no better, and probably worse, than the RAE. In Part 3 of the book, the proposed alternative system is outlined, and it is argued that it would produce better quality research at a much lower cost than either the RAE or the system based on metrics. The arguments are illustrated by a variety of examples of excellent research, taken from different fields. These include Einstein's discovery of Special Relativity, Fleming's discovery of penicillin, Frege's introduction of modern mathematical logic, and Wittgenstein's work on his masterpiece: Philosophical Investigations. The Author: Donald Gillies is Professor in the Department of Science and Technology Studies, University College London.

  • - Suivi d'Extraits Majeurs de Son Oeuvre
    av Shahid Rahman & Juan Redmond

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