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  • - Volume 1: Classical Deductive Computing with Classical Logic. Second Edition
    av Luis M Augusto

    Although a number of recent technological applications require classical deductive computation with non-classical logics, many key technologies still do well-or exclusively, for that matter-with classical logic. In this first of a two-volume work, we elaborate on classical deductive computing with classical logic. The objective of the main text is to provide the reader with a thorough elaboration on both classical computing-a.k.a. formal languages and automata theory-and classical deduction with the classical first-order predicate calculus with a view to computational implementations, namely in automated theorem proving and logic programming.As a complement to the mathematical-based exposition of the topics we offer the reader a very large selection of exercises. This selection aims at not only practice of discussed material, but also creative approaches to problems, for both discussed and novel contents, as well as at research into further relevant topics.The present third edition improves on the previous ones by providing an altogether more algorithmic approach: There is now a wholly new section on algorithms and there are in total fourteen clearly isolated algorithms designed in pseudo-code. Other improvements are, for instance, an emphasis on functions in Chapter 1 and more exercises with Turing machines.

  • av Michael (University of Missouri Hudson

  • av Michael Abraham, Israel Belfer & Gabbay Dov


    Inconsistency robustness is information system performance in the face of continually pervasive inconsistencies---a shift from the previously dominant paradigms of inconsistency denial and inconsistency elimination attempting to sweep them under the rug. Inconsistency robustness is a both an observed phenomenon and a desired feature: ¿ Inconsistency Robustness is an observed phenomenon because large information-systems are required to operate in an environment of pervasive inconsistency. ¿ Inconsistency Robustness is a desired feature because we need to improve the performance of large information system. This volume has revised versions of refereed articles and panel summaries from the first two International Symposia on Inconsistency Robustness conducted under the auspices of the International Society for Inconsistency Robustness (iRobust The articles are broadly based on theory and practice, addressing fundamental issues in inconsistency robustness. The field of Inconsistency Robustness aims to provide practical rigorous foundations for computer information systems dealing with pervasively inconsistent information.

  • av Federico L G Faroldi


    Cet opus de la collection Cahiers de Logique et d'Epistémologie est une contribution à l'histoire de la presse mathématique et plus particulièrement des journaux qui marquèrent ou accompagnèrent son émergence dans l'Europe du 19ème siècle. Bien que traitant de ce sujet sur un plan général, il est plus particulièrement question ici de périodiques ayant vu le jour dans quatre pays européens sur la période 1800-1900 : la France, l'Italie, le Portugal et l'Espagne. Le lecteur y trouvera des contributions originales sur leurs éditeurs, leurs politiques éditoriales, leurs contenus et les populations d'auteurs qui les alimentèrent. On vérifiera ainsi comment l'émergence de ces journaux contribua à la spécialisation des mathématiques, à l'instauration de la forme moderne des échanges et de l'émulation entre mathématiciens et indirectement à la mise en place des critères actuels de la reconnaissance de ces derniers par leurs pairs. This opus of the series Cahiers de Logique et d'Epistémologie is a contribution to the general history of mathematics press and especially of some journals that allowed or accompanied its birth in some European countries in the 19th century: France, Italy, Portugal and Spain. The reader will find in it original papers on their editors, their editorial policies, their contents and their authors. So one can check how the emergence of these journals contributed to the specialization of mathematics, to the introduction of the modern form of exchanges and competition between mathematicians, and indirectly to the implementation of current criteria for the recognition of those ones by their peers. Christian Gerini and Norbert Verdier are professors in Mathematics and researchers in History and Philosophy of Science, the first one at the University of Toulon (France) and at the GHDSO (Groupe d'Histoire et de Diffusion des Sciences d'Orsay, University Paris Sud 11), the second one at the University Paris Sud 11 and at the GHDSO.

  • av Dov M. Gabbay

    This book regards Dung's abstract argumentation frames as a general network, comparable to other networks such as general logics neural-nets, ecology nets, electrical networks, flow networks and so on. As such the book imports general meta-logical methods and applies them to argumentation and exports ideas from argumentation to general logics and networks. Among the topics discussed are ¿ Connection with modal logic ¿ Connections with the Peirce-Quine dagger connective ¿ Combining and merging networks ¿ Bipolar networks ¿ Numerical and weighted argumentation networks ¿ The equational approach to networks ¿ Temporal aspects of networks ¿ Handling of loops ¿ Connection with logic programming ¿ Higher level attack and support The book presents many research problems suitable for students' PhD theses. This is an indispensable book for any serious researcher in abstract argumentation networks and an outstanding contribution to the future evolution of the subject.

  • av John Woods

    Errors of Reasoning is the long-awaited continuation of the author's investigation of the logic of cognitive systems. The present focus is the individual human reasoner operating under the conditions and pressures of real life with capacities and resources the natural world makes available to him. The ensuing logic is thus agent-centred, goal-directed, and time-and-action oriented. It is also as psychologically real a logic as consistent with lawlike regularities of the better-developed empirical sciences of cognition. A point of departure for the book is that good reasoning is typically reasoning that does not meet the orthodox logician's requirements of either deductive validity or the sort of inductive strength sought for by the statistico-empirical sciences. A central objective here is to fashion a logic for this "third-way" reasoning. In so doing, substantial refinements are proposed for mainline treatments of nonmonotonic, defeasible, autoepistemic and default reasoning. A further departure from orthodox orientations is the eschewal of all idealizations short of those required for the descriptive adequacy of the relevant parts of empirical science. Also banned is any unearned assumption of a logic's normative authority to judge inferential behaviour as it actually occurs on the ground. The logic that emerges is therefore a naturalized logic, a proposed transformation of orthodox logics in the manner of the naturalization, more than forty years ago, of the traditional approaches to analytic epistemology. A byproduct of the transformation is the abandonment of justification as a general condition of knowledge, especially in third-way contexts. A test case for this new approach is an account of erroneous reasoning, including inferences usually judged fallacious, that outperforms its rivals in theoretical depth and empirical sensitivity. Errors of Reasoning is required reading in all research communities that seek a realistic understanding of human inference: Logic, formal and informal, AI and the other branches of cognitive science, argumentation theory, and theories of legal reasoning. Indeed the book is a standing challenge to all normatively idealized theories of assessable human performance.John Woods is Director of The Abductive Systems Group at the University of British Columbia, and was formerly the Charles S. Peirce Professor of Logic in the Group on Logic and Computation in the Department of Computer Science, King's College London. He is author of Paradox and Paraconsistency (2003) and with Dov Gabbay, of Agenda Relevance (2003) and The Reach of Abduction (2005). His pathbreaking The Logic of Fiction appeared in 1974, with a second edition by College Publications, 2009.


    After the 2008 financial meltdown, the American crisis soon infected the European financial system, becoming both a sovereign debt crisis and a banking debacle in many peripheral Euro area countries. The European crisis spread quickly among closely integrated economies and the implementation of austerity policies reinforced a spiral of economic contractions and provoked a rising political rebellion. This World Economics Association book, edited by Victor Baker and Beniamino Moro, was written to address monetary, financial and debt issues, alongside the questions of social stabilization, strategies for structural reform and economic growth that may be re-considered to frame new economic perspectives for Europe. The call for reflection is persuasively made by the contributors: Jacques Sapir; Gerson Lima; Carmelo Ferlito; Merijn Knibbe; Enrico Marelli and Marcello Signorelli; Tom Vleeschhouwer and Tara Koning; Cristiano Boaventura Duarte and André de Melo Modenesi; Dimitri B. Papadimitriou, Michalis Nukiforos and Gennaro Zezza. "The World Economics Association's on-line forums are an important step toward the goal of open exchange on policy questions among economists of diverse views world-wide. I congratulate Victor Beker and Beniamin Moro, who here bring together a set of important papers on the European question."James K. Galbraith, The University of Texas at Austin"The huge debates on the future of the European Union as well as the management of the Euro are among the hottest issues in both contemporary politics and finance. The papers in this volume offer a broad survey of the terrain and a broad menu of possible solutions. The authors and the World Economics Association have provided a major public service with this text of great interest for both the general public and for policymakers."Carlos Marichal , El Colegio de México "The European Union is suffering from many crises - and many self-inflicted through the structures of the Eurozone. This book is to be highly welcomed for debating the causes of those crises and seeking ways forward. The chapters here offer two contrasting routes away from the crisis of the Eurozone: radical reforms of the economic governance of EMU with creation of a viable monetary union, a sensible fiscal policy and building convergence or the orderly dismantaling of the euro and arrangements to co-ordinate currencies. These authors have set out agendas - when will the policy makers join the debates?" Malcolm Sawyer, University of Leeds, UK

  • av Dr Richard (Director Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure) Smith


    This volume is dedicated to Alejandro C. Frery, one of the most distinguished research scientists of today, on the occasion of his 55th birthday. It provides cutting-edge references on some of the most discussed research topics in probability, statistics, and image processing, surrounding some of Frery's research interests. Wireless sensor networks, clustering, regression models, simulation models, image processing and analysis, and data visualization are discussed by prominent researchers. This book is intended to celebrate Frery's birthday and to provide outstanding insights into the future of the discussed areas. The exceptional content presented can broadly help researchers and students in their career development.


    The development of new and improved proof systems, proof formats andproof search methods is one of the most essential goals of Logic. Butwhat is a proof? What makes a proof better than another? How can aproof be found efficiently? How can a proof be used? Logicians fromdifferent communities usually provide radically different answers tosuch questions. Their principles may be folklore within their owncommunities but are often unknown to outsiders.This book provides a snapshot of the current state of the art in proofsearch and proof production as implemented in contemporary automatedreasoning tools such as SAT-solvers, SMT-solvers, first-order andhigher-order automated theorem provers and proof assistants.Furthermore, various trends in proof theory, such as the calculus ofinductive constructions, deduction modulo, deep inference,foundational proof certificates and cut-elimination, are surveyed;and applications of formal proofs are illustrated in the areas ofcryptography, verification and mathematical proof mining.Experts in these topics were invited to present tutorials about proofsduring the Vienna Summer of Logic and the chapters in this bookreflect their tutorials. Therefore, each chapter is intended to beaccessible not only to experts but also to novice researchersfrom all fields of Logic.


    The 14th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science was held on July 19 - 26, 2011 in Nancy, the historic capital of Lorraine and the birthplace of Henri Poincaré. For the first time in LMPS history, the Nancy congress had a special topic: Logic and Science Facing the New Technologies. These Proceedings include state of the art discussions by leading scholars.Besides plenary talks, they contain many of the invited papers from the four sections: Logic, General Philosophy of Science, Methodological and Philosophical Issues of Particular Sciences, and Methodological and Philosophical Issues in Technology. Further papers result from colloquia on quantum information, on the notion of algorithm and on mathematics in relation to the new technologies.

  • av Norihiro Kamide

    The present book is the first monograph ever with a central focus on the proof theory of paraconsistent logics in the vicinity of the four-valued, constructive paraconsistent logic N4 by David Nelson. The volume brings together a number of papers the authors have written separately or jointly on various systems of inconsistency-tolerant logic. The material covers the structural proof theory of ¿ N4, ¿ its fragments, including first-degree entailment logic, ¿ related logics, such as trilattice logics, connexive systems, systems of symmetric and dual paraconsistent logic, and variations of bi-intuitionistic logic, ¿ paraconsistent temporal logics, ¿ substructural subsystems of N4, such as paraconsistent intuitionistic linear logics, paraconsistent logics based on involutive quantales, and paraconsistent Lambek logics. Although the proof-theory of N4 and N4-related logics is the central theme of the present monograph, models and model-theoretic semantics also play an important role in the presentation. The relational, Kripke-style models that are dealt with provide a motivating and intuitively appealing insight into the logics with respect to which they are shown to be sound and complete. Nevertheless, the emphasis is on Gentzen-style proof systems -in particular sequent calculi of a standard and less standard kind- for paraconsistent logics, and cut-elimination and its consequences are a central topic throughout. A unifying element of the presentation is the repeated application of embedding theorems in order to transfer results from other logics such as intuitionistic logic to the paraconsistent case.


    According to many social thinkers it is not possible to quantify the performance of organizations on the basis of the values produced. One initial reply to this critique is that the axiological approach in systems theory aims to fulfil a dual function. On one side, it takes a whole set of universal reference values into consideration which in the end spur human motivation and action justifying life in society, among them the own survival of Homo sapiens which could be in danger today, On the other side, this book proposes to measure this axiological efficiency in operational statistical terms and consequently looking for verifiable results. Therefore, the first aim of this book is to present, define and measure a new concept of "organisational efficiency" which is not limited to known economic aspects or related to neoliberal premises or other ideological misconceptions. On the contrary, for the authors organisational efficiency must address the entire system of values, projected or attained. Duly substantiated criticism can and must be levelled only against any society's or organisation's system of values. More specifically, the texts hereunder the seven works in this book constitute a preliminary attempt to set up an operational quantitative methodology for that purpose. The second aim is to introduce different approaches to measure efficiency applied to specific problems within organisations. On the whole, all the articles identify a number of ways of addressing organisational efficiency, providing a better understanding and critique of this concept.

  • - Towards a Radical Reformulation

    This World Economics Association (WEA) volume - edited by Maria Alejandra Madi and Jack Reardon and supported throughout by Grazia Ietto-Gillies - originated with a successful WEA online conference ( The volume has been conceived with current and future economics students in mind: they will be the economists of the future. One of the main ideas underlining the book is that "being an economist" in the XXI century requires a radical change in the training of economists and such change requires a global effort. A new economics curriculum is needed in order to improve the understanding of the deep interactions between economics and the political forces and the historical processes of social change. The need for trans-disciplinary and interdisciplinary work is highlighted. Discussions include the following. Main critiques of current practices on theory, methods and structures. Current gaps in the economics curriculum. What should economics graduates know? The contributors are: Nicola Acocella, Sheila Dow, David Hemenway, Arturo Hermann, Grazia Ietto-Gillies, Maria Alejandra Madi, Lars P&aaring;lsson Syll, Constantine Passaris, Paul Ormerod, Jack Reardon, Alessando Roncaglia, Asad Zaman. We hope the volume will stimulate further debate by both students and professional economists - whether academics or not - on how to progress towards an economics curriculum fit for the XXI century.

  • av Patrick Blackburn, Johan Bos & Kristina Striegnitz

    O Prolog é uma linguagem de programação, mas uma linguagem pouco usual. A designação "Prolog'' é abreviatura de "Programming with Logic'' e a relação com a lógica é o que dá ao Prolog o seu perfil especial. No seu âmago está uma ideia surpreendente: não dizer ao computador o que fazer. Em vez disso, descrevem-se as situações relevantes e a computação é efetuada quando se fazem perguntas. O Prolog deduz novos factos acerca das situações descritas e devolve essas deduções como respostas.Porquê aprender Prolog? Em primeiro lugar, a sua divisa "dizer qual é o problema em vez de dizer como o resolver" faz com que esta seja uma linguagem de muito alto nível, adequada para aplicações com estruturas de conhecimento complexas, tais como inteligência artificial, processamento de língua natural e web semântica. Ao estudar Prolog, o leitor verá como tarefas sofisticadas podem ser resolvidas computacionalmente. Para além disso, o Prolog exige um tipo de raciocínio diferente. Há que ver os problemas de um ponto de vista diferente, declarativamente em vez de procedimentalmente.Adquirir este espírito e aprender a apreciar as relações entre a lógica e a programação, fazem com que o estudo do Prolog seja desafiante e compensador.


    Commenting on scientific and cultural developments through various media in his native region Flanders, Jean Paul Van Bendegem (b. 1953) has been a relatively well known philosopher for many years now. Although the entirety of his work is based on the very same humanistic principles, his ventures in logic and in the philosophy of mathematics have received less attention in these public fora. For this Festschrift at the age of sixty, some of Van Bendegem's most important intellectual associates in these areas (colleagues and friends, often both), address topics that have been central to their intellectual exchanges with him. More often than not, these are connected in some way or another to Van Bendegem's notoriously staunch finitism and focus on the humanaspect of mathematics, the sciences, and indeed, even logic.

  • av Harold Bud Lawson

    Les systèmes se rencontrent partout et nous les percevons au quotidien dans nos vies privées et professionnelles. Nous utilisons tous le mot système pour décrire quelque chose d'essentiel mais souvent abstrait, complexe et même mystérieux. Cependant, apprendre à utiliser les concepts système comme outils privilégiés ainsi que les méthodologies du penser système et de l'ingénierie système, procure une base pour lever la part de mystère et aller vers la voie d'une maitrise des systèmes même complexes. Ce parcours au Pays des Systèmes a été élaboré pour promouvoir le penser et l'agir en termes de systèmes. Un aspect original consiste à introduire une sémantique concrète des systèmes, fournie sous forme d'un kit de survie des systèmes et basée d'une part sur un nombre limité de concepts et de principes et d'autre part sur un modèle mental appelé diagramme de couplage système. Cette présentation, indépendante des disciplines, qui aide tout un chacun, est essentielle pour construire une organisation apprenante capable d'utiliser ainsi une approche système pour atteindre ses objectifs d'entreprise. Les huit chapitres sont présentés comme des étapes le long d'un parcours construisant pas à pas les connaissances des systèmes. Chaque chapitre se termine par une section de vérification des connaissances qui propose des questions et des exercices individuels et de groupes. Des études de cas reflétant l'utilisation des concepts, principes et méthodologies relatives aux systèmes sont fournies au titre d'interludes entre les chapitres.

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