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  • - A Critique of the Neo-Darwinian Modern Synthesis
    av Steven Hawkins

  • - How to Save Life on Earth
    av Dr C


    The fundamental nature of reality is revealed: 'the universal pursuit of ecstasy', the striving for 'increasingly intense pleasantness' & 'the hierarchy of spatio-temporal embeddedness'. The purpose of the human species is uncloaked.The real relationship between the human species & the rest of life is unveiled. The human species is the zenith of the evolutionary progression of our Solar System; it is the saviour & servant of life on Earth which suffers immensely in order to enable a plethora of life-forms to continue to exist on the Earth.That the 'environmental crisis' of modernity, & human-induced global warming in particular, are events which are signs that our Solar System is positively thriving, is comprehended.The reason why cutting fossil fuel emissions is not a solution to the global warming problem is understood. The current obsession with this approach is a potentially dangerous 'red herring'. Over the last 20 years I have been attaining increasingly intense insights into the answers to the following questions: What is the nature of the universe?Why do humans act the way that they do?Does the human species have a purpose?Do individual humans have a purpose?Does our current stage of cultural unfoldment have cosmic significance?How do we relate to the non-human life-forms of the Earth?Are we fundamentally a positive or a negative influence on the Earth?Should the environmental crisis, and human-induced global warming in particular, be seen in a positive light? I have, to the best of my ability, put my insights into the answers to these questions into words, words that can be found in two books: this book 'Human Purpose & the Universal Pursuit of Ecstasy' (July 2019) and 'Global Warming & Human Cosmic Purpose' (February 2020). If you read one of these books I would advise you to also read the other, because each of them sheds both intellectual and emotional light onto the contents of its companion. The eight questions that I have outlined above are ordered in a particular way; they represent a journey of progressive insight. If one is to attain ultimate insights into the nature of human cosmic purpose and how this relates to human-induced global warming, one first needs to come to appreciate the nature of the universe. If one jumps straight into the final question, without treading the arduous path that encompasses coming to appreciate the answers to all of the previous seven questions, then one would be hopelessly lost. One's ideas, one's views, one's opinions, would operate solely on the surface level of reality; they would, almost certainly, bare very little resemblance to the true nature of things. The deepest and most precious insights into our place in our Solar System cannot be attained in a heartbeat. If you are interested in treading this arduous path, then I am here to be your guide. For me it has been a twenty year journey, but with my assistance your journey into the depths of the universe and the nature of human cosmic purpose should be much shorter than mine.

  • - An Analysis of the Relationship Between the Genetic Modification of Crops and the Varieties of Sustainable Development
    av Brian Meadows

    In the first part of the book GM food is framed as an international environmental problem, and the various goals and definitions of the five different types of sustainable development are outlined. In the second part of the book the various arguments that GM food either advances or doesn't advance the goal of sustainable development are outlined. In the third part of the book the relationship between sustainable development and GM food is summarised and then evaluated.

  • - The Key to a Brighter Future
    av Dick Stoute

    We all yearn for an end to violence and war and much effort is directed at achieving this happy state of existence. According to the author, the reason that we have been unable to attain this happy state is that "violence is the product of fear" and our entire society is currently underpinned by structures that are dominated by fear; these structures that are embedded in a war psychology - a 'war paradigm'. However, by coming to understand the extent to which fear pervades our existence we are able to change ourselves, restructure society and move to a better and brighter future.

  • - Mastering 'Real' Everyday English
    av Dr Sook Hee Lee

  • - Appraisal Theory and its Application to Casual Conversation
    av Dr Sook Hee Lee

  • av Neil Paul Cummins

  • - The Relationship Between the Human Species and the Rest of Life on Earth
    av Neil Paul Cummins

  • - An Investigation of Turkish Labour Migration to Germany, the Integration of Turkish Immigrants into Germany, and the Impacts of This on Bilateral Relations Between Turkey and Germany
    av Osman Delialioglu

  • av Osman Delialioglu

  • av Rick Szostak

  • - Geoengineering, the Purpose of Life & the Nature of the Universe
    av Neil Paul Cummins

  • av Riyaad Moreea

    Ground source heat pumps are a very successful renewable technology used in many countries, so why are they less popular in the UK? With the current focus on going green, and the environment being a 'hot topic' at the moment, it seems that ground source heat pumps have been overlooked in the UK. They clearly have the potential to greatly help the UK to reduce its environmental impact. This book looks into existing case studies of heat pumps in the UK to determine whether they should be widely installed in domestic properties. Different factors are considered such as financial viability, carbon dioxide emissions and running costs. The conclusion is that GSHP can greatly benefit the environment as well as the occupants.

  • av Alvin Richardson

    There are many different views concerning the relationship between consciousness, mind, body and world. Richardson isn't wholly convinced by any of these theories and for many years has been developing his own theory of this family of relationships; he calls this theory D*. One of the key factors motivating and underpinning D* is the Big Bang. Richardson outlines the significance of the Big Bang for the relationship between body, world, mind and consciousness. He also considers the limits of our knowledge concerning these issues, outlines existing views, and suggests that consciousness and mind are distinct phenomena. Finally, he presents the D* Theory of Consciousness and Mind.

  • - A Consideration of Consciousness, Materialism & Panpsychism
    av Eric Tiller

    The mind is a truly mysterious thing. However, it should remembered that the universe of which minds are a part is also mysterious. These two issues are linked. The result is that a diverse array of positions exist concerning the nature of mind/consciousness, the nature of the universe, and the relationship between the two. Some people believe that the entire universe is conscious - if this is so, then the universe is seemingly more mysterious than the human mind. Contrarily, if only small parts of the universe are conscious then the question arises as to how the non-conscious universe evolved these parts; there is still a mystery to be solved. In this book Tiller outlines his own perspective on these long-standing debates. He considers the views of various philosophers such as David Chalmers, Daniel Dennet, Thomas Nagel, Hans Jonas, Ervin Laszlo, Colin McGinn and Christian de Quincey and blends them together into a new view of the universe in which consciousness (in the philosophical, but not the psychological sense) is a non-emergent and pervasive phenomenon. On this view all parts of the universe have the same level of consciousness.

  • - Modifying the Vibrational Flows of the Universe for a Better Future
    av Michele Verny

    The purpose of this book is not to convince you that the universe is deeply interconnected - it is presumed that you already believe this. The purpose is to explore the likely nature of this interconnectedness, and also to explore what it means for the decisions that you make in your life. Is there an appropriate way to act in a universe that is deeply interconnected? And, does the interconnectedness of the universe mean that we have a lot of power to change the universe? Verny suggests that the appropriate answer to these questions is 'yes' and 'yes', and hopes that you agree by the time that you reach the end of the book.

  • - Ideology, Economics & Politics
    av Brian Meadows

    The global environmental problems that currently exist have been caused by democratic states. If the environmental impacts of democratic states had never occurred then the human perturbations of the environment would not be large enough to constitute a set of global environmental problems. If democratic states had never existed would we today face a number of global environmental problems? In this book the author considers the relationship between communism and the environment, both in theory and through the experiences of the former communist countries of Eastern Europe.

  • - The Role of Economics in International Environmental Policy-making
    av Brian Meadows

    How can as much biodiversity as possible be preserved on the Earth? The author claims that the answer to this question lies in the realm of economics. Therefore, in this book he sets out to understand the role that economics plays in international environmental policy-making. He considers both the economic factors and the non-economic factors which are at play in such policy-making, and then considers whether both economic and environmental objectives can be jointly achieved in order to preserve biodiversity.

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