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  • av Steven Sparrow

  • - Make Huge Profits by Selling Killer Products with this Foolproof Stepby-step Social Media Marketing Method
    av Howell Leonard

    Are you one of those people who dream about creating a name for yourself through a business, but do not know where to begin?Have you always wanted to have a passive source of income to boost your current job?Or simply do you shy away from investment because you don''t have "enough" capital to start a business?If you have answered yes to any of these questions, dropshipping is the business for you. It is the only low-risk business that allows you to make to a 6 figure income a month from the comfort of your house with just a few hundred dollars as a capital.You''ll play the role of intermediary as a dropshipper, initiating the order process for your customers without personally managing any product. And you''ll be able to simplify your company with dropshipping automation software so that your shop can run itself and make money with little or no effort on your end.This flawlessly written guidebook by Howell Leonard is your full guide to developing and operating a prosperous and productive dropshipping business. This book will kick-start your ability to make a massive deal of money via the internet. The great thing about dropshipping is it''s a company that you can develop completely on your own timetable and.To guide lays out the finer points of establishing a dropshipping business from A to Z.The topics featured in this book include:Understanding how dropshipping worksThe benefits and drawbacks that come along with itThe mindset you need to run a successful dropshipping market and how to start off your own dropshipping businessFinding a suitable nicheUnderstanding the power of social Media marketingMaking money with Affiliate marketing and Amazon FBAMarketing using Shopify, Amazon, eBay and Alternative ChannelsAnd so much more!!Although there are many books on the market regarding this subject, it has been written by an experienced dropshipping consultant with years of success in the industry, and what more can one ask for than a steady hand to guide you through the oft-tempestuous journey to profitability.From selecting a niche product to proving strategies you can use to destroy the competition, this book is the ultimate dropshipping guide that every dropshipper should read.So what are you waiting for? Do yourself a favor today and grab a copy to start now the 6 figure business you have always desired.

  • - Superar las Dudas al Mejorar la Autoestima, el Amor Propio, la Compasion y la Conciencia Consciente. Libera tu Potencial Oculto y Rompe tus Limitaciones
    av Jimmie Powell

    ¿Tienes problemas con tu imágen, o estás luchando para aceptar quién eres, y deseas poder aumentar la confianza en tí mismo? ¿Te despiertas cada mañana inundado por pensamientos negativos?Si alguno de estos problemas te frustran, no te preocupes, hay una solución definitiva. Pues bien; no hay necesidad de preocuparse, ya que esta guía fácil de autoconfianza, te proporcionará las herramientas y técnicas adecuadas para hacer frente a todo lo que la vida te ofrece. Es hora de aplicar los poderosos efectos de la autoestima, la clave que te permite ajustar tus habilidades de comunicación, lenguaje corporal y enfoque hacia la vida.Las personas no se dan cuenta de los peligros de la baja confianza en sí mismos, la autoestima, la compasión, el amor y la atención plena. Puedes lastimarte a tí mismo y a los demás; si no te cuidas a tí mismo y a tu ser mental. Afortunadamente; hay muchas maneras de superar las preocupaciones y las dudas de uno mismo; para que puedas tener éxito y sentirte exitoso. Parte de este proceso consiste en eliminar la negatividad que gira alrededor de tus pensamientos y los reemplaces con afirmaciones e imágenes positivas.Ojea las páginas de este libro para no sólo descubrir el "por qué"; sino también el "cómo". Descubre consejos y técnicas para liberar el poder dentro de tí; que puedes usar para crear la vida que deseas y alcanzar los objetivos que deseas lograr. No es fácil; pero no hay nada más valioso para invertir tu tiempo y energía.Algunos de los aspectos más destacados de este libro incluyen:Una descripción clara de la confianza en tí mismo y la autoestima; además, de por qué necesitas saber la diferencia.Las mejores técnicas sobre cómo mejorar tu confianza en todas las áreas de tu vida.Una introducción de lo que es el “valor humano” y cómo puedes hacer un hábito de afirmar tu ser central todos los días.Indicaciones en el diario vivir que te ayudarán a desarrollar el amor propio para ayudarte a descubrir tu mejor yo.Cómo manejar los contratiempos y los errores sin permitir que la negatividad te aleje de tu camino.Cómo la visualización puede cambiar tu cerebro y tu vida.El apoyo científico de cómo y por qué cambiar tus malos hábitos; es una buena idea.Consejos sobre cómo cambiar de negativo a positivo todos los días; y cómo convertirlo en un hábito.¡Amor propio y desafío de afirmación positiva para ayudarte a comenzar!Es posible que ya hayas visto docenas de libros sobre el tema; pero con esta guía, lograrás la confianza en ti mismo; y lo que necesitas para superar los desafíos de la vida, y mantener esta mentalidad a través de tu éxito cada vez mayor.Así que deja de perder tu vida revolcándote en una baja autoestima. COMPRA ESTE LIBRO AHORA para aprender a amarte a tí mismo y mejorar tu auto imágen hoy mismo, para que puedas comenzar a sentirte feliz mañana.

  • - $10,000/Month Ultimate Guide-Make a Passive Income Fortune Marketing on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Google, and Native Ads Products of Others and Forgetting Any Customer Troubles
    av Steven Sparrow

    Are you interested in learning how to earn money online in your free time? Do you want to break free from the 9-to-5 lifestyle and build a business that empowers you to achieve financial and location freedom? Would you like to explore some unique things you can do to make an affiliate marketing endeavor successful and earn passive income while you sleep? If you’re interested in exploring the possibilities offered by affiliate marketing, this is just the right book to teach you everything you need to know! Keep reading.With affiliate marketing, you earn commission by selling products online for companies. All you have to do is advertise and entice people to buy the products you are promoting. You do not have to deal with the product design, creation, customer service, shipping, etc.Affiliate marketing is a great business model for earning income from home. It doesn’t cost much to get started. Most affiliate programs are free to join. You can create your own schedule, and your office can be anywhere that has internet access. While it does take time and effort to learn how to become a stellar affiliate marketer, it is a legitimate and lucrative way to earn an astonishing amount of money.In the Affiliate Marketing Playbook 2019, Steven Sparrow will share all the steps you need to take to get started with affiliate marketing. By the end of this book, you will discover: Stellar ways to find the ideal products to sellUnderstand the different vehicles you can use in order to set up your affiliate marketing business.How to pick out a profitable nicheFive key places to post your affiliate marketing linksHow to set up your website to bring in customers and make profitsMistakes to avoid with affiliate marketingEmail marketing strategies to help your affiliate links beat out the competitionAnd much more!While a lot of get-rich-quick schemes out there just take your money without really teaching you anything, this practical guidebook will show you exactly what you need to do to start seeing profits come in.It’s important to have realistic expectations about the results you’ll see from affiliate marketing. This can be an effective tool to help you greatly elevate your level of income, but you do have to put in effort to reap the rewards.Check out this fantastic guidebook to get started on the right foot with affiliate marketing! Why wait?Take action with one easy click of the BUY button today!

  • - Aprenda las mejores Estrategias y la Psicologia correcta para obtener Grandes Beneficios con el Trading de Opciones Binarias, ETF y sobre Acciones y Futures (Version en Espanol)
    av David Reese

    ¿Estás buscando una excelente manera de generar ingresos pasivos mensuales con solo unas pocas horas de compromiso? ¿O ya eres un inversor al que le gustaría beneficiarse del gran valor que las diferentes opciones podrían agregar a tu cartera?Si eres un profesional o un principiante que está buscando las formas más inteligentes para comenzar a ganar algo de dinero extra, el Trading de Opciones es algo que definitivamente debes considerar.Las Opciones, a pesar de que han existido por más de 40 años, inicialmente mantenían a los inversores a raya debido a la impresión de ser demasiado exigentes y difíciles de comprender y se consideraban "riesgosas" y "peligrosas". Sin embargo, estos se asociaron incorrectamente con las Opciones de los medios de comunicación y otras personas conocidas dentro del mercado y el distrito financiero. No Obstante, en este momento, las opciones están captando gradualmente mucho mas el interese de las personas.En realidad, las Opciones, si se ponen en uso con sensatez, podrían proporcionar a los inversores diferentes ventajas correlativas. A medida que sucede, un inversionista puede obtener una posición de Opción intercambiable a una posición de acciones, con la diferencia de tenerla con un gran ahorro de costos. Debido a que necesitan menos compromiso financiero, las opciones en diversas situaciones son menos riesgosas que el hecho de poseer acciones. Esto resulta debido a la poca suceptibilidad de los efectos potencialmente caóticos de las aberturas de huecos.Entonces, ¿cómo se puede aprovechar eso y los otros beneficios involucrados en este enfoque? David Reese, uno de los comerciantes y consultores más exitosos y experimentados en el mercado estadounidense, te revelará las estrategias y los enfoques más rentables de la A a la Z que ha estado utilizando hasta el día de hoy para obtener beneficios sorprendentes a través de estos increíbles instrumentos.Al final de este libro descubrirás:¿Qué Opciones hay y prácticamente cómo funcionan?Principales conceptos y terminología que necesitas saber para empezar.¿Cuáles son las señales más poderosas que necesita reconocer para hacer tu mejor movimiento?Las mejores estrategias rentables que deberías usar en diferentes escenarios.Las herramientas y consejos más poderosos que solo un profesional experimentado podría conocerCómo abordar psicológicamente las inversiones hacia el éxito.Y mucho más…Como probablemente ya has escuchado, las Opciones aún tienen una mala reputación por ser inversiones riesgosas en las que solo los comerciantes expertos pueden entender que hacer.Sin embargo, con este sencillo enfoque paso a paso que el autor usó sabiamente para dar vida a este libro asombroso, será un pedazo de pastel para que cualquiera entienda profundamente cómo funcionan esos instrumentos y comience a usarlos en cuestión de semanas. No importa el tipo de educación y edad que tengas.; de hecho, el comercio no es algo que se pueda aprender en un aula y no requiere ningún título específico.Entonces, deja de jugar y perder el tiempo, actúa ahora y comienza a seguir tus sueños con un simple CLIC EN EL BOTÓN COMPRAR AHORA!

  • - Intermediate Guide to the Best Intraday Strategies & Setups for profiting on Stocks, Options, Forex and Cryptocurrencies. Build Up a remarkable Passive Income within weeks!
    av David Reese
    250 - 356,-

  • - Foolproof step-by-step method for beginners to create your Ecommerce that Generate Passive Income almost in Autopilot
    av Steven Sparrow

    Have you always dreamed of attaining financial freedom? Do you want to take your life into your own hands and earn your money online? Are you fed up with dubious online businesses and want to work with the largest company in the world? Then Amazon FBA is your big chance to make this dream come true!

  • av Wilda Buckley

  • - Comprehensive Guide with 250 Low Sodium, Potassium, and Phosphorus Recipes to Manage Kidney Disease and Avoid Dialysis. 2 Weeks Meal Plan Included
    av Wilda Buckley
    290 - 356,-

    Are you looking for delicious KIDNEY-HEALTHY FOODS? Do you want to take the headache out of planning your meals when on a renal diet so you can save time and properly manage your kidney condition?Then look no further because you''ve just hit the jackpot!The renal diet is a type of diet that has been specifically designed to help those who have kidney disease. This diet is unlike many other diets as it often contains a specific number of nutrients that are vital at helping to keep your kidney as healthy as possible.Our kidneys make an essential organ that is responsible for filtering our blood on a daily basis. However, when our kidneys start mal functioning, different organs can get affected and our body becomes unable to get rid of the excess of fluids and the toxic wastes in our body.Therefore, keeping our kidneys healthy is the cornerstone of our well-being, long and healthy life. Thus, when living with a chronic kidney disease, controlling what you eat and what you drink makes an important step that can help prevent your health condition from deteriorating. And this is where this book stems from and it has proven its efficiency in controlling all types of kidney diseases that can endanger your life and that can change your basic lifestyle forever.This Renal Diet Cookbook is filled with a lot of great info that will make your daily life hassle-free. In this cookbook, you will:Understanding the diet and Kidney Disease connection and the causes of Kidney Disease?The Benefits of Renal Diet - What to Eat and What to Avoid21-day Meal PlanRecipes for breakfast, lunch and dinners, including vegetarian and non-vegetarian mealsAnd More...Although there are various books on the market regarding this diet, this book will help you decide what you eat every day without thinking too much about what you should and what you should not eat and with each recipe, you will find the recipe''s nutritional information with specific Calories, protein, potassium, sodium and phosphorus. It is also recommended that you consult a renal dietician. And remember that as a kidney disease keeps progressing throughout time, your diet needs to be adjusted to the new condition.So, stop wasting time, buy this excellent guide book today, you never know; it can save your life.

  • - Aprende a Manejar la Ira y la Ansiedad con las Tecnicas de Meditacion de la Atencion Plena. Inicia tu Viaje en el Mindfulness para Entrar en la Mentalidad Correcta.
    av Broks Elizabeth

    ¿Te consideras alguien compulsivo y te irritas demasiado? ¿Tienes una voz dentro de tu cabeza que tiende a quejarse y criticar a ti y a los demás?¿Crees que tus caprichos son los que dominan tu mente en este momento?Este es el libro ideal para presentarte los métodos y técnicas de la meditación de la Atención Plena. Si te interesa lo que te he dicho ahora pues ¡Sigue leyendo!A la mente le encanta aferrarse a la ilusión de que tiene control sobre las situaciones y pensamientos. En realidad, tus pensamientos son solo una pequeña parte de quién eres. Tan pronto como comiences a manejar los patrones de tus pensamientos y te abstengas de identificarte con ellos o juzgarlos, podrás lograr entrar en un estado de alegría y paz. La atención plena te permitirá sumergirte en las experiencias que están sucediendo en este momento.En La Práctica de la Atención Plena: Aprende a Manejar la Ira y la Ansiedad con las Técnicas de Meditación de la Atención Plena. Inicia tu Viaje en el Mindfulness para Entrar en la Mentalidad Correcta.. El AUTOR describe qué es la atención plena y cómo puede ayudarlo a experimentar un estado de flujo y una mayor paz y una mayor felicidad.Esta guía práctica incluye:11 técnicas de la Atención Plena que se pueden realizar en cualquier lugar.Ejercicios de atención plena para niños, adolescentes, adultos jóvenes y toda la familia.Varias meditaciones increíbles guiadas para comenzar tu viaje de meditación de la atención plena.Consejos para manejar la ansiedad y la ira a través de la atención plena.¡Y mucho más!Las investigaciones han descubierto que la atención plena tiene efectos positivos en el cerebro, la memoria, la creatividad y la atención. Sea cual sea la situación, puedes comenzar hoy mismo.La atención plena es gratuita, y la tienes desde el nacimiento. Las prácticas de meditación que se presentan claramente en este libro pueden ayudarlo a vivir una vida más consciente, feliz y pacífica.Pega un buen repiro y permítete iniciar ahora mismo. ¡Comience en este momento con un simple clic del botón COMPRAR AHORA

  • av Shorts Beatrice

  • av Jimmie Powell

  • av Wilda Buckley
    286 - 476,-

  • av Anna Lor

  • av David Reese

  • av Anna Lor
    260 - 366,-

  • av Jimmie Powell
    250 - 366,-

  • av Richard Godwin
    236 - 366,-

  • - Happy, beautiful and smiling Unicorn Sketches for Kids from 3-8 / 6-8 waiting to be coloured including happy Quotes for Boys & Girls
    av The Creative Stationery for Kids

  • - 250 Foolproof, Quick & Easy, Delectable Air Frying Recipes for Busy People on Ketogenic Diet
    av Anna Lor
    190 - 260,-

  • - 1750 Quick & Easy, Mouthwatering Recipes that Anyone Can Cook at Home
    av Buckley Wilda Buckley
    460 - 490,-

  • av Wilda Bucley

    Are you looking for healthy-eating plan with amazing flavors but still want to maintain your body shape? Have you heard that people on the Mediterranean Diet have longer life expectancy and lower rates of chronic diseases than others? Are you a novice to this diet and not sure where to start or how to proceed?                     Then you''ve come to the right place because this perfect Cookbook is filled with mouth-watering, most wanted recipes you''d be a fool to skip out on. The Mediterranean food regimen is primarily based on conventional meals that people used to eat in international locations like Italy and Greece back in 1960. Researchers noted that these people had been notably wholesome as compared to Americans and had a low danger of many life-style diseases. Numerous research have now proven that the Mediterranean food regimen can lead to weight reduction and prevent coronary heart attacks, strokes, type 2 diabetes and untimely death. There isn''t any one proper manner to follow the Mediterranean food regimen, as there are many nations across the Mediterranean sea and those in specific regions can also additionally have eaten different foods. Featuring a perfect balance of vegetables, grains, fruit, generous portions of olive oil, and occasional servings of meat and fish, the authentic Mediterranean diet is not only healthy, it''s delicious! The Mediterranean Diet Cookbook for Beginners is the only resource you''ll need, with over 1000 recipes and practical advice from Mediterranean Diet expert Wilma Buckley. Here''s what you''ll find in this comprehensive guide:Tasty Recipes from the Best Mediterranean Countries (Italy, Greece, Spain, Morocco, Egypt, Turkey, Lebanon and Many Others...)Three different 2-week meal plan you can choose from to guide you on your new diet journeyVarious recipes for different times of the day, including; smoothies, vegetarian dishes, pizza and bread, egg recipes, poultry, fish and seafood, to name a fewA whole section on Mediterranean dishes with just 5-ingredient recipes and another with 250 slow-cooker recipes for busy people leading hectic livesAnd much moreAlthough you may have come across many diet fads which promise effective results, The Mediterranean diet has a long-standing reputation as one of the healthiest eating patterns around. It''s also considered one of the most popular plans among dieters because it''s flexible, rich in flavorful foods, and brimming with health benefits. So, what are you waiting for? You are just one step away from discovering the power of the Mediterranean Diet! ∩╗┐Scroll up and click on "BUY NOW" and get your copy to start losing weight today!

  • av Wilda Buckley

    Are you looking for healthy-eating plan with amazing flavors but still want to maintain your body shape? Have you heard that people on the Mediterranean Diet have longer life expectancy and lower rates of chronic diseases than others? Are you a novice to this diet and not sure where to start or how to proceed?                     Then you''ve come to the right place because this perfect Cookbook is filled with mouth-watering, most wanted recipes you''d be a fool to skip out on. The Mediterranean food regimen is primarily based on conventional meals that people used to eat in international locations like Italy and Greece back in 1960. Researchers noted that these people had been notably wholesome as compared to Americans and had a low danger of many life-style diseases. Numerous research have now proven that the Mediterranean food regimen can lead to weight reduction and prevent coronary heart attacks, strokes, type 2 diabetes and untimely death. There isn''t any one proper manner to follow the Mediterranean food regimen, as there are many nations across the Mediterranean sea and those in specific regions can also additionally have eaten different foods. Featuring a perfect balance of vegetables, grains, fruit, generous portions of olive oil, and occasional servings of meat and fish, the authentic Mediterranean diet is not only healthy, it''s delicious! The Mediterranean Diet Cookbook for Beginners is the only resource you''ll need, with over 1000 recipes and practical advice from Mediterranean Diet expert Wilma Buckley. Here''s what you''ll find in this comprehensive guide:Tasty Recipes from the Best Mediterranean Countries (Italy, Greece, Spain, Morocco, Egypt, Turkey, Lebanon and Many Others...)Three different 2-week meal plan you can choose from to guide you on your new diet journeyVarious recipes for different times of the day, including; smoothies, vegetarian dishes, pizza and bread, egg recipes, poultry, fish and seafood, to name a fewA whole section on Mediterranean dishes with just 5-ingredient recipes and another with 250 slow-cooker recipes for busy people leading hectic livesAnd much moreAlthough you may have come across many diet fads which promise effective results, The Mediterranean diet has a long-standing reputation as one of the healthiest eating patterns around. It''s also considered one of the most popular plans among dieters because it''s flexible, rich in flavorful foods, and brimming with health benefits. So, what are you waiting for? You are just one step away from discovering the power of the Mediterranean Diet! Scroll up and click on "BUY NOW" and get your copy to start losing weight today!

  • av Buckley Wilda Buckley
    190 - 316,-

  • av Anna Lor

    Are you looking to change your overall well-being? Want to go keto and drop those unwanted pounds, but not sure how to transition into the diet?The ketogenic diet, a low-carb, high-fat way of eating, is remarkably effective at transforming people''s lives, helping them shed pounds and find relief from common health conditions. No one knows this better than this book "KETO QUICK START DIET WITH A 2-WEEK MEAL PLAN". In just a year, not only will you have ridden yourself of struggles with weight but you will have lost more than 100 pounds and reclaimed control over your health and well-being.You will soon experience the flexibility provided as you begin your daily activities. Just know how to handle the ''free'' foods and don''t go overboard.Inside, you''ll find:Understanding what the Keto diet is and whether it''s the right one for youThe benefits involved when following a Keto dietReaching Ketosis and maintaining it throughoutSimple Tips and Exercise To Lose Weight      Two Week delicious Keto Diet PlanAnd much more!Starting a new diet is often tough, but with this 2-weeks meal plan you will know exactly what you need to eat during this journey on a Keto diet.So stop beating around the bush and get yourself a copy today by simply clicking on the ''Buy Now'' button, it''s that simple! 

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