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  • av Deepti Srivastava

    The book "Question Bank of Biochemistry" primarily designed for undergraduate and postgraduate students of biochemistry, microbiology and biotechnology. The book also be useful for ready reference to the students, teachers and researchers for NET, SET, Ph.D., JRF, SRF, Civil Service Examinations (State and Central) and other related examinations. Key Features: - Written in easy to understand style - Covering recent Topics of Biochemistry, Microbiology, Immunology and Biotechnology with multiple type questions.


    This book has 64 indepth chapters dealing with one of the most crying needs of modern society. Now-a-days biotechnology is playing a key role in prevention and control of pollution at low cost, recycling of wastes and application of natural methods for waste treatment and environmental management for sustainable development. Emphasis on environmental biotechnology for substitution on non-renewable with renewable has become the demand of time. Therefore, promotion of environmentally sound biotechnology is urgently required to save the biosphere from the demon of ecodegradation and at this juncture, this book will also be helpful in paving the path of ecosocialism in the developing countries like India. This book is a unique compilation of 64 research articles, which must be useful to the students pursuing advanced and specialized courses, academicians, researchers, scientists, administrators, industrialists, environmental lawyers, rural technologists and the interested people in general.

  • - An Inter-State and Inter-Region Comparison
    av L M S Baghel
    1 067

    The present book is divided into seven chapters. First two chapters deal with vast introduction of study into consideration and theoretical & conceptual frame. Chapter III deals with vast reviews of past literature while in chapter IV detail discussion on research methodology has been discussed. Chapter V and VI, examine growth of productivity and production efficiency of WFBI of various States and Country as a whole, it also contains a Statistical Test of important hypotheses of study under consideration. At last in chapter VII, summary and conclusions has been discussed in detail. Thus, this book is an innovative work which lights up an important but dark area of wood and forest-based industries of Indian States and particularly the country as a whole. This book will be milestone for the untouched sector of Indian Economy and will be very useful to the academicians, researchers and policy makers and people having concern for wood and forest-based industries.

  • - Through Innovative Technologies
    av Shahid Ahamad
    1 207

  • av K S Subramanian

    This book covers basic concepts and principles of nanotechnology, synthesis of nano-materials by top down (Physical) and bottom up approaches (chemical and biological), properties of nano-materials (physical, mechanical, optical, magnetic and thermal), characterization of nano-materials (size, stability, shape, functional group) using sophisticated equipments, application of nanotechnology in various fields (agriculture, food systems, energy, environment, health sciences) and biosafety of nano-materials (nanotoxicity and assays used for testing the nanotoxicity).

  • av Shubhashree Mahalik

    This book is a handy guide for any aspiring microbiologist. It will take the science students through the microbial world exploring the tools and techniques in microbiology. It covers the basic as well as advance topics in a clear and concise form. The illustrations, figures, photographs and line diagrams illustrated in this book will help to perform various experiments. The book contains principles and protocols that are well established. This book will attract a vast range of readers and will definitely bring a boost to their practical knowledge on microbiology.

  • av Neera Jain

    The book entitled "Question Bank on Veterinary Biochemistry" is an examination guide for the students. This book presents multiple choice questions along with answer key on various topics of Veterinary Biochemistry viz., Carbohydrates, Lipids, Amino acids & Proteins, Vitamins, Hormones, Minerals etc. and Biotechnology. The idea of multiple choice questions will help to seek deep knowledge of subject concerned. In addition to this question bank will be helpful useful to Veterinary Students at under-graduate, post-graduate and Ph.D. level. Not only the Veterinary students, but students from other faculty will also be benefitted. Above all this the book will help in the preparation of competitive exams like ICAR-JRF, ICAR-SRF and ICAR NET. The book will also be useful for academic community.

  • av R P Singh
    1 067

    In this book, attempts have been made to deliver the core of the subject in a concise, easily assimilated form designed to compete the JRF, SRF, NET and ARS. It may be useful to seek admission in Ph. D. in Plant Pathology through entrance examinations of various institutions and get through screening tests conducted by Public Service Commission of various states for jobs in Plant pathology/Plant Protection. This book covers all the chapters of plant pathology including historical background, molecular plant pathology, breeding for resistance to disease, physiology of diseased plants, root diseases, seed-borne diseases, postharvest diseases of fruits and vegetables, diseases caused by fungi, bacteria, viruses, viroid, virusoid, phytoplasmas, spiroplasmas, protozoa and abiotic stresses etc. It contains objective questions with answers to be asked in various competitive exams. This book is designed to satisfy the needs of students preparing for competitive exams and to understand the fundamental aspects clearly and easily.

  • av B B Singh

    The book is a compilation work and questions are substantially acquired from different competitive exams. A wide coverage of entire subject divided into nine chapters viz. Introduction to Agricultural Extension, Agricultural Communication, Media and Information Technology, Programme, Planning and Rural Development in Agriculture, Management in Agricultural Extension, Training and Research Methodology, Adult Education, Rural Sociology and Educational Psychology, Entrepreneurial Development and Elementary Statistics. This book consists of chapter-wise objective type questions like Multiple Choice, Fill in the Blanks and Mark True or False will enable the readers to update their knowledge quickly. Glossary are given at the end for ready reference. This book would be very useful for those appearing for various competitive examination, like post-graduate, SAUs Entrance, Ph.D. JRF, ARS, ICAR- NET, SET, Agricultural Officer, Bank (PO) (Agriculture), ADO and Allied Agricultural Examinations conducted by different agencies.

  • - A Youth Volunteers Programme for Under Graduate Students as Per UGC Guidelines
    av J D S Panwar

    This book has five units covering the area of basic concepts and structure of NSS, youth profiles, programmes and challenges, volunteerism and shramdaan. It will leave sufficient scope to the students to understand themselves in relation to their community, identify the needs and problems of the community and involve them in problem-solving, practice national integration and social harmony and acquire leadership qualities and democratic attitudes. This book covers the course content as prescribed by the University Grants Commission (UGC) guidelines for the first semester under graduate programme.

  • - A Youth Volunteers Programme for Under Graduate Students as Per UGC Guidelines 2nd Semester
    av J D S Panwar

    This book has four units covering the area of youth leadership, life competencies, social harmony, national integration and youth development programmes in India. National youth programmes can also help to shape the leadership, youth skills commitment, develop the capacity of youth establishments, and support to public nationwide. This book cover the course contents as prescribed by the University Grants Commission ((UGC) guidelines for the 2nd semester under graduate programme.

  • av T Praveen Dhar

    The present book entitled "An Introduction to Horticulture" covering all related disciplines. These includes general horticulture. Principles of garden making, soil types and soil preparation, irrigation methods, hydroponics, propagation methods, manures and fertilizers, garden and its components, lawns and landscaping, greenhouse, indoor garden, roof garden, flower, fruit and vegetables, harvesting methods and storage, marketing of fruit, vegetables and flowers, procedures for fruit and vegetables storage and preservation, growth regulators, common diseases of fruit and vegetables and their management, common weedicides, fungicides, pesticides and herbicides. This book is highly useful for the students, teachers, researchers and extension workers engaged in the field of horticulture, fruit science, floriculture, vegetable science and post-harvest technology.

  • av Vishwas B Sakhare
    1 067

    Reservoirs are man-made lakes created by impounding river water for the purpose of irrigation, hydel power generation, flood control and industrial water needs. In India a large number of river valley projects have been commissioned since independence as a part of our development activities, resulting in a chain of such artificial impoundments. These water sheets, by virtue of their sheer magnitude and due to their high biogenic production potential, constitute one of the most important resources for inland fisheries development in the country. In present book the existing literature on limnology and fisheries of Indian reservoirs has been reviewed by covering more than 165 reservoirs located in different parts of the country. An attempt has been made to gather authentic information on reservoir morphometry, seed stocking, fish yield, crafts and gears, socio-economic conditions of fishermen and fisheries management followed in different reservoirs scattered in different states of the country. The reservoir fisheries resources and their utilization are dealt with separately in respect of each state. With its application oriented and interdisciplinary approach, It is hoped that the students, teachers, researchers, scientists and policy makers in India and abroad will find this book much more useful.

  • av Rabindra Kumar Mishra

    Plants and animals inhabited in different forest ecosystems of Similipal are changing continually in their composition and population due to deforestation, fragmentation, forest fire and other human activities. These activities have posed serious threat to the survival and future sustainability of the unique biodiversity of Similipal. Thus conservation of plants and animals of the reserve in their own habitats needs to know how they exploit the resources. In this context ecologists are playing a major role providing scientific inputs in conservation efforts. Therefore, there has been a need to compile and collate the research findings of ecological research and other allied disciplines and link ecological research with biodiversity conservation. The scope of this book has been able to gather ecological information on phytosociology and phenology of various plant groups, litter decomposition and nutrient turn over on the forest floor, distribution of animals and their status, and the threats imposed on them. The said ecological information compiled about the plants and animals of Similipal in this volume will help the researchers, practitioners and forest managers to formulate management action plans for future sustainability of its biodiversity.

  • av Atul Kumar Singh

    Agriculture created enormous job opportunities in various fields, which are based on all those examinations conducted by ICAR, SAUs, state board and banking institutions. All these examination are mostly objective based and students always look for study material that is ready to use and easy to grasp. There are only few books available in market on agriculture which completely fulfil the requirement of the students particularly for those who are preparing for competitive examinations. Keeping in view, it was felt to bring out a book which could serve the basic and innovative knowledge of various fields of agriculture. The present book "Instant Agriculture Success" has been prepared in most simple and precise manner. The main objective of this book is to help readers to quickly grasp the facts comprehensively and systematically from various branches of agriculture.

  • - A Research Review
    av Amandeep Singh

    Spiders are least explored non-chemical alternative in insect-pest control. Spiders are often confused with other long-legged insects and mistakenly feared as poisonous. This book provides an introduction to the spiders covering its physical characteristics, behaviour and physiology, neurobiology, reproductive characteristics, habits, habitats, prey, relationships to human beings and various challenges faced in rice cropping with special emphasis on its insect pests and role of spiders as an effective biocontrol agent. Along with as a biocontrol agent, spiders also act as an important detrivores agent and play an important role in food web and overall ecology of the rice field. Spiders are described with simple text and full-colour illustrations. With indiscriminate use of pesticides, spiders are facing threat and populations are decreasing reducing its pest control ability. Hence, there is urgent need to conserve this generalist predator by providing artificial shelters, promoting bio-rational control methods and restricting use of chemicals in the rice fields. This book is an asset for students, teacher and researchers of plant pathology, agronomy, entomology, zoology, crop protection as well as person engaged in spiders in rice

  • av N Hema Sarat Chandra & Gajanand Palve

    This book is prepared as per the syllabus by covering all concepts in a well structured and precise manner. It provides adequate number of objective question and answers to conquer UGC-JRF examination. The question and answers are memory based, collected and solved from various examinations related to adult and continuing education and agricultural extension disciplines. This book would be very useful for those appearing for various competitive examination, like post-graduate, SAUs Entrance, Ph.D. JRF, ARS, ICAR- NET, SET, Agricultural Officer, Bank (PO) (Agriculture), ADO and Allied Examinations conducted by different agencies.

  • av P S Kattimani

    In today's technology-world, the role of librarians or information professionals is deviating from traditional libraries to virtual or digital libraries. Similarly software industry Librarian, Cyberarian, Knowledge Manager, Information Scientist and Data Manager. With this names LIS professionals are becoming Webmaster and Intranet coordinators, combining their technical expertise with information management ability. The said centres are gathering world knowledge and disseminates its services to the clients very effectively throughout the organization. Knowledge sharing throughout the organization enhances existing organizational business processes, introduces more efficient and effective business processes and removes redundant processes. It is a discipline that promotes a collaborative and integrated approach to the creation, capture, organization access and use of an enterprise's knowledge assets. The center has now become a mainstream priority for companies of all sizes. Capturing a company's most valuable Knowledge and distributing it effectively across the enterprise is a business critical issue for many help desk, customer support and IT departments.

  • av Gopal Lal

    This book of "Seed Spices" is the concise compilation of scientific information in a bridged form on seed spices production technologies. The book has been divided in to fourteen chapters covering all the cultivation aspects of major and minor seed spices. The efforts have been made to incorporate latest production, protection and postharvest technologies of seed spices developed and generated at ICAR-NRCSS, Ajmer and other research and development organization working under the umbrella of AICRP on spices. It is hoped that the book will be of interest and benefit the researchers, students, development workers, teachers, policy makers, and all interested in seed spices.

  • av M M Adhikary

    The present book has been designed to cover the undergraduate syllabus of Agricultural Heritage as per ICAR 5th Deans' Committee report. It covers the entire syllabus in one concise volume, which is spread over in 16 chapters viz. introduction to Indian agricultural heritage, ancient agricultural practices and present day agriculture, past and present status of agriculture and farmers, astronomy: prediction of monsoon, ancient soil classification and soil fertility, irrigation and water harvesting, description of Indian civilization and agriculture by travellers, Indian agriculture from past to modern era, plant protection through indigenous traditional method, crop voyage in India and world, history of rice, sugarcane and cotton, gardening in ancient and medieval period: arbori-horticulture orchard, vegetable farming: floriculture perfumes and medicinal plants, crop significance and its classification, importance, scope, researches and national agricultural setup, current scenario of Indian agriculture. Presentation of the book is simple, lucid and unambiguous for easy understanding of the subject matter. It is hoped that this book will be greater use for undergraduate students of agriculture, teachers, extension workers and all other interested in agricultural heritage.

  • - Principles and Practices
    av Bijendra Kumar Singh

    The present book entitled Breeding of Horticultural Crops: Principles and Practices, Section I is ventured with the objective to provide latest possible information's on fundamentals of breeding of horticultural crop including Centre of origin, mode of reproduction, Breeding system, Breeding methods, Breeding for Pest and Disease Resistance, and Intellectual property rights. Section II including Cytotaxonomy and Breeding Behaviour of Fruit Crops i.e., Mango, guava, citrus, papaya, pineapple, pomegranate, and temperate fruits. Section III refers to breeding behaviour of vegetable crops i.e. tomato, brinjal, chilli, cole crops, okra, pea, and cucurbit crops. Section IV includes vegetable seed production technology i.e. seed production techniques, development of seeds, seed production of vegetable crops, and hybrid seed production.

  • av A T Francis

    The articles included in this book are selected by peer review from the papers presented in the National Seminar on Academic Inclusion of Librarians jointly organized by the College of Horticulture and the University Central Library of Kerala Agricultural University (KAU), Thrissur, in collaboration with the Academic Library Association (ALA) during 04-05 November 2016. Contributors of the articles included in this volume are mostly from universities, colleges, research institutions and other academic institutions with sufficient knowledge on library management and services, library education and teaching, digital technologies, etc. This book will be useful for library professionals, research scholars, information users and students.

  • av D Satyanarayana

    This book, first of its kind in India is a modest attempt of the author to bridge the gap of a text book on Marine Chemistry for undergraduate (Honours) and post-graduate students of Marine/Ocean Sciences, Earth/Environmental, and Fishery Sciences of the Indian Universities. It is designed in such a way that it can be read on its own or studied as part of any of the above courses. The subject is introduced at a level which can be followed easily by practicing Environmental Scientists and Engineers. The book is intended to provide latest information on chemical processes and distribution of chemical constituents in world oceans with special emphasis on the Indian seas. A multidisciplinary approach is followed in presenting the subject. The book not only deals with the basic principles of chemistry, but also with physico-chemical and biogeochemical processes in the oceans such as transfer of gases across air-sea interface, biogeochemical cycling of nutrients and trace metals, and their involvement in food chain and life processes. Developments on the use of radioactive isotopes as tracers for the study of oceanic processes, geochronology of sediments and growth rates of manganese nodules are presented in a lucid manner. Chemical reactions and mechanism of photosynthesis, interrelationships of organic matter and nutrients with primary production are explained in detail.

  • av S Firoz Hussain

  • av S O Sadashiv

    The current technological boom has put forth a variety of research techniques, methods, protocols being used in life science teaching and research in higher education.In today's era the biologist depends on recent advance techniques in the aspects of physiology, biochemistry, biotechnology, microbiology, genetics, pharmacology, toxicology, environmental biology of living organisms, particularly at the molecular level studies.A several technologies have been developed over the years to address the challenges of different disciplines of life science, still there is a need for thorough understanding of the basic principles, theories and methods, and it is required to develop newer approach and strategies for future researchers. This book is an endeavour for young researchers, budding scientists, academicians and industry people.The Innovations in Biochemical Techniquesbook include twelve chapters that integrate from the basic to advanced investigations that hold the modern impetus in research and development. The book deals with various aspects of research work having principles, theories, methods, protocols, concepts, techniques and applications with vide range experimental outcomes in in-vitro and in-vivo studies.The authors have put an effort to explain each and every point in their research. The book will be useful for young researchers in the field of biological science and other allied branch of sciences and it will be use it as research tools & techniques currently in practice.This book has been brought to the society, keeping in mind of students of graduate and post graduates, research scholars and teaching faculty.

  • av S K Duttamajumder
    1 757

    In India, in the overall insect pests' scenario of sugarcane, moth borers alone account for around 55-60% of the total crop loss. The book Moth borers of Sugarcane is a visual treat of photographs that unfolds the borer complex of sugarcane in a lucid manner spanning 649 pages. In fact, it is a cornerstone publication on Sugarcane Entomology. The first Technical Bulletin on this subject ""Identification of the striped moth borers of sugarcane in lndia"" (20 pages) was published by Mr. B. D. Gupta in 1958. It was felt that a revision with the current knowledge would be appropriate to cater the present needs. The author fervently took up this challenge to develop an identification manual of the important moth borers of sugarcane that even a nonprofessional could use with confidence. The present publication, in addition to the striped borers, encompasses other important moth borers of sugarcane. Moreover, it also contains information on symptoms of infestations, different life stages of the moth borers and key identifying characters for each stage of the life cycle. It is often axiomed that ""A picture is worth a thousand words"". Obviously, a good colour photograph speaks volumes and often leaves an indelible impression on the mind of the reader that words and explanations cannot do. This publication bridges the longstanding gap of a comprehensive publication detailing the easily identifiable characters of moth borers of sugarcane with suitable and vivid colour photographs of symptoms of infestations as well as different life stages of the pest. To be honest, it is not a xientific treatise on moth borers of sugarcane written for the use and training of Entomologists. Rather it is intended to serve the more humble but useful purpose of a manual of practical information for the use of the farmers, extension personnel and cane development workers who are interested to learn about the moth borer pests of sugarcane. At the end, a chapter on the identification of important bio-agents that are commonly used to contain these borer pests has been added.

  • av Deepika Baranwal

    This book is an unique compilation of twenty- five chapter, which have been contributed by internationally acknowledged experts who have made significant contributions to food and nutritional security. The first part addresses food and nutritional security and the second part focus on food processing and technology. This book is based on the syllabus of Ph.D courses of Indian Agricultural Universities in the subject of Food and Nutrition. This book is highly useful for undergraduate and post-graduate students, teachers, research scholars, academicians and scientists in the area of home science ( community science), food nutrition, food processing, food science, food technology and agricultural biotechnology.

  • - Fruits and Nuts
    av Desh Beer Singh
    1 057

    The publication entitled Post-Harvest Handling and Value Addition of Temperate Fruits and Nut covers comprehensive information generated in area of post-harvest management of fruits. The publication emphasizes both basic information as well as applied aspect of post-harvest handling, packaging, storage and processing system and value addition of horticultural crops. The content of this book covers very important aspects required for scientific management of fruits during post-harvest- the area which needs more attention for achieving better values and fetching better prices. The book will prove to be very useful to the post-harvest technologists, horticulturists, food scientists, entrepreneurs, teachers, under-graduate and post-graduate students.

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