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  • av Thomas R. Horn

    UNEARTHING THE LOST WORLD OF THE CLOUDEATERS is a book unlike any other, one that demands the Smithsonian to open its hidden warehouses so the history of ancient America can be rewritten! As chronicled by Dr. Thomas R. Horn, radio legend Stephen Quayle, and two teams of investigators and film crews (following a secret conference with leaders of the Ute Nation, Zuni, and Hopi tribes) the most compelling evidence is finally unveiled involving pre-Columbian, dragon/giant-worshiping interlopers who traversed the Atlantic Ocean and secret Anasazi routes to corrupt the earliest Americans with portal-opening sorcery, human sacrifices, ritual cannibalism, and technology of the fallen ones. NOW, FOR THE FIRST TIME, IN UNEARTHING THE LOST WORLD OF THE CLOUDEATERS: DISCLOSED! The truth behind the great Smithsonian cover up REVEALED! The pre-Flood architecture of the Giant Kings DECIPHERED! Pre-Flood angel civilizations and the remnants of Watchers UNCOVERED! The secret of the Anasazi and why they disappeared overnight UNVEILED! Ancient hidden stargates that medicine-men still use to see the future CONFESSED! The sacred mountains where the giant bones are kept EXPOSED! What tribal elders confessed about returning giants UNMASKED! Giant, cannibalistic gods that demanded human sacrifice DISCOVERED! Children of Cloudeaters, six-fingered, six-toed mutants UNWRAPPED! Shapeshifters, Skinwalkers, and other sky people UNEARTHED! Where the gates will open when the Cloudeaters return Learn the secrets to America s earliest history and the truth about the giants in its past and future as you travel with Dr. Thomas R. Horn and Stephen Quayle into the most groundbreaking, history-altering investigation primed to challenge predominant, institutional dogma and scientific orthodoxy.

  • av Derek P Gilbert

    You stand on a battlefield, surrounded by an enemy that you've been told doesn't exist.This is a classic example of a PSYOP a psychological operation, a mission to change what you believe by feeding you information that is inaccurate, incomplete, or an outright lie. This PSYOP is one of many by entities who've been at war with God since the Garden of Eden.In The Great Inception, you will learn:How we know the war between God and the gods is realWhy the Tower of Babel was not in Babylon and the real reason God stopped itWhere God led His heavenly army to battle the chief god of the CanaanitesThe true identities of Satan and Apollyon, king of the demons in the abyssThe mystery of "the iniquity of the Amorites"Why the Red Sea crossing was a literal battle between God and BaalHow the Titans of Greek mythology are connected to the Nephilim of Genesis 6Where and how Jesus did battle with the rebel godsWhere Armageddon will be fought (it's not where you think)An end-times scenario that includes the most diabolical double-cross in historyCombining research from scholars of ancient history, languages, archaeology, and Bible prophecy, The Great Inception shows that the Bible is anything but a boring list of thou-shalt-nots; it's an epic tale of war between God and the rebel gods who want to usurp His throne.Previous page

  • av Michael S Heiser

    Reversing Hermon is a groundbreaking work. It unveils what most in the modern Church have never heard regarding how the story of the sin of the Watchers in 1 Enoch 6-16 helped frame the mission of Jesus, the messiah. Jews of the first century expected the messiah to reverse the impact of the Watchers transgression. For Jews of Jesus day, the Watchers were part of the explanation for why the world was so profoundly depraved. The messiah would not just revoke the claim of Satan on human souls and estrangement from God, solving the predicament of the Fall. He would also not only bring the nations back into relationship with the true God by defeating the principalities and powers that governed them. Jews also believed that the messiah would rescue humanity from self-destruction, the catalyst for which was the sin of the Watchers and the influence of what they had taught humankind. The role of Enochs retelling of Genesis 6:1-4 in how New Testament writers wrote of Jesus and the cross has been largely lost to a modern audience. Reversing Hermon rectifies that situation. Topics include: understanding Genesis 6:1-4 and the Sin of the Watchers in Their Original Context; how the ancient Mesopotamian story of the apkallu aligns with Gen 6:1-4, was preserved in 1 Enoch, and sets the stage for the theme of reversing the evil of the Watchers; how the theme of reversing the transgression of the Watchers colors the gospel accounts of the birth of Jesus, his genealogy, and his ministry; how the writings of Peter and Paul allude to the sin of the Watchers and present Jesus as overturning the disastrous effects of their sins against humanity; and how the descriptions of the antichrist, the end-times Day of the Lord, and the final judgment connect to Genesis 6 and the nephilim. Though every topic

  • av Thomas Horn

    Following the release of their first three international bestsellers--Petrus Romanus, Exo-Vaticana, and On the Path of the Immortals--Thomas Horn and Cris Putnam were swamped with interview requests from radio, television, and print media outlets around the world. When they accurately predicted the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI one full year in advance, even naming the precise time he would step down, global shockwaves raised compelling questions regarding why the Vatican has an advanced telescope set atop Mt. Graham in Arizona where the Jesuits admit they are monitoring "something" approaching Earth. After the authors' second report was published in Exo-Vaticana, the pope's top astronomer took to the airwaves in an attempt to explain the role he and other church astronomers are playing in regard to the LUCIFER device, as well as their developing doctrines concerning extraterrestrial life and the impact it may soon have on Earth's religions (Christianity in particular). Then, in the third book by Horn and Putnam, the authors set out with cameras and field investigators to unearth their most astonishing discovery yet: Mt. Graham is a "portal"--the Native Americans who fought the Vatican and NASA told them--a gateway to another dimension. And, as the Vatican knows and the authors uncovered, it is not the only one. Even then, they had no idea what secrets the Vatican was shielding until now...FOR THEIR LAST ENTRY INTO THE 4-YEAR INVESTIGATION REVEALS:Tom Horn's greatest prediction yet (this will shake the foundations of the world!)The WMD that ISIS will use, and how it will lead to an ApocalypsePetrus Romanus, Albert Pike, the Islamic State, and the coming ArmageddonPope Francis becomes the Destroyer (or shall there be another?)...The Last Crusade Agenda, hidden

  • av Lt Col Robert Maginnis

    Christians in the Middle East are fleeing their homes or dying at the hand of Islamists creating the very real possibility of a successful faith-based holocaust. The implications of such an outcome for the region and the world are stark: a very fanatical militarized Islamist region that soon might be armed with nuclear weapons to threaten the world with atomic terrorism and the same insidious conditions that promote Christian genocide there could spread to America. Reversing this very serious threat must be the top priority for Middle East governments and their populations, the so-called moderate Muslim world, Western governments already frightened by rising Islamist threats and a genuine global response by Christians to rise-up around a doctrine that combines moral, civic and Christian virtue as the guiding light of future political and Christian social action in the Middle East.There are plenty of clues in God's word about the geopolitical clashes of culture and religion seen today and on close examination there are a host of indicators that suggest, yes, events are building to an apocalyptic crescendo. It appears that the last days are rapidly approaching.The evidence contained in NEVER SUBMIT ultimately demands a clarion call for people across the world to launch a campaign that not only saves Middle East Christians from genocide but also saves the rest of the world from Islamic extremists. That campaign is called "Never Submit," a response to Islam defined as "submission" and to Islamists who give Middle East Christians three choices: leave, convert or die. The "Never Submit" campaign calls on Christian statesman across the world to rise up and lead fellow believers and the community of nations in a righteous way to eliminate the threat posed by Islamic extremism

  • av Thomas Horn

    Following the release of their international best-seller, Exo-Vaticana, Thomas Horn and Cris Putnam were inundated with requests from around the world to be interviewed on radio, television, and in print media. What they discovered sent shockwaves through Christianity concerning the Vatican s advanced telescope, which sits on top of Mt. Graham in Arizona (USA) where the Jesuits admit they are monitoring something approaching the earth. After the author s initial report was published in Exo-Vaticana, the pope's top astronomer took to the airwaves and on the Vatican Observatory website to try and explain the role that he and other church astronomers are playing with regards to emerging ET Friendly theology, their association with the LUCIFER device at Mt. Graham, and their developing doctrines concerning extraterrestrial life and the impact it may have on planet Earth s religions; Christianity in particular.Now, armed with fresh information from the native peoples (that failed before a federal appeals court to stop the construction of the Vatican s observatory on one of their four holiest mountains), the authors set out with cameras and field investigators to unearth their most astonishing discovery yet. The mountain is said to be a portal, a gateway to another dimension. And, as the Vatican knows and the authors uncovered, it is not the only one.

  • av Terry James

    Iran--ancient Persia--like all of Israel's enemy Islamist neighbors, threatens to destroy the Jewish state. It is rushing at breakneck speed to develop nuclear weaponry that can accomplish the removal of the "little Satan," as it terms that hated nation. Many among the Islamists have made no secret of the fact that they wish also to rid the world of "the great Satan," the title they give America.Earth's fragile economy is rife with signals that the global monetary system is on the verge of total collapse. There is a cry for "peace and safety," precisely as Bible prophecy predicts for the end of the age as Armageddon approaches. Daniel the prophet and John the Revelator foretold that a geopolitical "beast" will arise to offer the much-sought-after peace the world's diplomats seek. The "peace" that this man offers, however, will destroy billions of people, the prophet Daniel foretells. Antichrist Chronicles unveils a layer at a time, through week-by-week analysis of issues and events of our time, this son of perdition's rise to unprecedented power.

  • av Thomas R Horn

    Recently some 300 exorcists flocked to Poland for a week-long congress to examine the current fashion for vampirism the world-over and the apparent connection between this fascination and a surge in demonic possession. This comes as the world is experiencing an explosion of ancient occultism combined with wicked fascination for ghosts and all things paranormal. In the United States alone, there are now more than two hundred thousand registered witches and as many as 8 million unregistered practitioners of the craft. On college and high school campuses, vampires, werewolves, and other creatures of the night are esteemed as objects of desire and idolized by young men and women who view them as cult icons of envious mystical power. Church goers are enchanted by the darkness as well. An April 13, 2011 article Mysticism Infecting Nazarene Beliefs was preceded only a few days before by a Telegraph article describing how a surge in Satanism inside the church has sparked a rise in demand for exorcists within traditional religious settings. Why is this happening now? God s Ghostbusters provides shocking answers in this collaborative work by Gary Bates, Chuck Missler, Gary Stearman, Thomas Horn, Nita Horn, Russ Dizdar, Donna Howell, Derek Gilbert, Sharon Gilbert, Michael Hoggard, Noah Hutchings, Terry James, John McTernan, Jeff Patty, Fred DeRuvo, and Douglas Woodward.

  • av Carl Gallups

    From the first words of the opening chapter, you'll be plunged into a narrative that will cause pivotal biblical scenes to burst to life in living color in the theater of your mind. Prepare yourself for a stunning journey, as some of the most astounding mysteries and revelations concerning the cosmic battle of the ages are uncovered. Gallups peels back the veil on earth-shattering biblical revelations by contextually connecting the dots from Genesis through Revelation, while appealing to the scholarship of numerous renowned biblical commentators. Learn what you won't hear from today's pulpits and bible studies regarding the heart of the biblical message, and your spectacular and glorious place in it. This is one book you don't want to miss!

  • av Thomas R. Horn

    Recent developments have taken place that contribute to the Temple Movement s goals and the realization of the rebuilding of the Temple in our lifetime. Dr. Randall Price, World of the BibleFor thousands of years, the world has heard warning that there is a coming a day when the Man of Sin, the Antichrist, will arise to pilot the greatest deception in human history. Whereas almost anyone alive today can discuss the dictatorial global economics, societal horrors, and eventual apocalypse that follows his arrival, few appear to comprehend that there are negotiations in the workings at this precise moment to build the very location where the abomination of desolation will stand in the holy place. This, as the book of Daniel prophesied, will be the catalyst event....The beginning of the end.Many believe that President Trump is Israel s next King Cyrus the facilitator and overseer of the building of the Third Temple and that his influential role in that pursuit is being guided by Hashem (God), Himself, in order to restore to His people the most sacred site of worship. Is a secret plan under development for construction of the Third Temple? And as these plans are increasingly expedited, will Trump succeed in raising this landmark, only to usher in the end of days?

  • av Sharon K. Gilbert

    Giants are real. The small-g "gods" of the pagans are real. Dragons are real. And they're preparing for the final war with God. Giants, Gods, and Dragons is a fresh look at the end of days, drawing on the worldview of the prophets and apostles, who understood that the spirit realm is far more real than we've been taught. In this book, you'll discover:The identities of the Four Horsemen of the ApocalypseThe connections between Babel, Babylon, and what's in your walletThe dragons who will walk the earth in the last daysThe name of the first spirit to rebel against God (hint: it wasn't Satan)The connection between the reptilian figurines of Sumer and the ancient practice of human head shapingThe link between the fallen angels of Genesis and the Titans of Greek mythologyThe identity of Nimrod and the true location of BabelThe identity of Gog of Magog (hint: he's not Russian)Why the "wild beasts" with the deadly Rider on the Pale Horse may be disease-causing virusesWhy Jews of Jesus' day and the early Christian church believed that fallen angels and the Antichrist were the giant, dangerous Titans of Greek mythHistoric and prophetic links between the Watchers, Mount Hermon, the prophet Daniel, Jack the Ripper, the destroying angel called Apollyon, and the locust-like things that swarm out of the abyss during the Great Tribulation!

  • av Michael Heiser

    Ancient conspiracy. Relentless evil. The hunt for answers continues.The climactic ending of The Façade left Brian Scott and Melissa Kelley with only each other-and the terrible secrets they carry. The Portent finds them living under new identities, their future clouded by constant fear of being exposed. By the time Brian and Melissa learn they're being watched, their carefully constructed lives will be over.Follow Brian and Melissa into the center of an unthinkably vast, centuries-old conspiracy, conceived to turn the faith of millions against itself. Revelations from ancient tombs, long-forgotten Nazi experiments, UFOs, occult mythologies, biblical theology, and godlike technologies converge in answer to a terrifying question: Now that "they" are here, what do they want?

  • av Thomas R Horn

    Utopia or Dystopia? Shangri-La or purgatory? Paradise or perdition? What future truly awaits mankind on the other side of widespread human enhancement? With breakthrough advances in transhumanistic science and technology at an all-time high, it appears that people of all ages, backgrounds, and world cultures are lining up to embrace the alteration and augmentation of the human race. Remaining as the mere Homo sapiens that God designed is no longer satisfactory as we race toward the human-animal chimeric and human-machine hybrid era--a point of no return. For many, these transhuman concepts paint bright and glorious tomorrows filled with higher efficiency, ease, and convenience for our world. For others, the notion of irreversibly changing what it is to be human and the potential spiritual and biological repercussions that holds for the earth's dominant species is, understandably, terrifying. In The Milieu: Welcome to the Transhuman Resistance, you will learn: *The purpose and importance of the resistance group known as the Milieu *Why it's important for the Church to be involved in the discussion about transhumanism *The glaring, spiritual symbolism of the transhuman worldview, and how the Promethean Faith (a.k.a., Religion of Man) is far more a religion than its disciples openly acknowledge *What is driving the 'Christian Transhuman" movement *What methods are currently being used to gradually indoctrinate Church and society with utopian transhuman concepts *Why going from "flawed man" to "enhanced beast" doesn't solve humanity's dilemmas and only serves to reveal deeply-rooted philosophical challenges *The link between artificial intelligence and the image of the Beast from Revelation *Why a pro-transhuman "Milieu" group is forming at the Vatican right now, and what plans they have in mind for humanity's future *How nanotechnology existing at this moment will soon allow for human-robot offspring--and why that might be the very technology that ushers in the Antichrist. *PLUS!--Two chapters from Thomas and Nita Horn's Forbidden Gates discussing the coming Hell Scenario and the spiritual warfare ramifications of merging man with beast or machine.

  • av David Heavener

    Are you a Christian? If your answer is yes, then you are in a real war...a spiritual war involving deadly, satanic deception. Can you discern truth amidst a sea of Satan's lies? Thirty-five years' experience as a singer/songwriter and filmmaker in Hollywood-along with a solid background as a social worker-granted unique insight to David Heavener, whose eyes have been opened to a sinister agenda affecting us all.

  • av LTC. Robert L. Maginnis

    : The Fight to Reclaim Our Moral Compass Before It Is Too LateCollision Course demonstrates that the United States was founded by Christians seeking religious freedom and economic opportunity - a grand experiment that made the common man "king." Those new world immigrants brought with them a Christian worldview marked by a robust Protestant work ethic and an entrepreneurial spirit that prospered in the wilds of America's unchartered capitalistic economy that eventually made the European franchise the envy of the world. The backbone of that exceptional success was her Christian foundation that nourished critical institutions - family, religion, government, education and economy. However, as the history of past empires demonstrates, most often the founding ingredients wear thin and now, two and a half centuries later, America finds herself at a moral tipping point having abandoned much of her original Christian influence. Collision Course tracks America's approaching moral tipping point which demands a call for an emergency renewal - a true repentance - to change course in order to avoid being relegated to the dust bin of history and end times irrelevancy.

  • av LTC Robert L. Maginnis

    Progressive Evil confirms that Western humanity as we know it is on a downward spiral thanks in part to cultural Marxism: a social and political movement that promotes unreason and irrationality through the guise of various social justice causes. That ideology deliberately deceives and disarms the malleable, unsuspecting masses and is the tool of contemporary progressives, an evil cabal represented by a stable filled with Democratic Party presidential candidates. Progressive Evil reveals in 19 chapters that:* Modern America is flushing out of its public life much of the good that God created through our founding fathers in exchange for the false promises of the so-called progressive promised land.* The progressives assault on America demonstrates their mental illness and the resulting palpable evil that could make America irrelevant, and therefore absent in the prophetic end times, albeit helpful to Satan in paving the way for the Antichrist.* Demonstrates progressives are dead-set on flushing our constitutional rights speech, faith, bear arms to fit their radical ideology.* Progressives seek to destroy America s key institutions family, education, economy that provide the foundation which made this country great.* They use fascistic actions to destroy American exceptionalism by redefining our cultural ideals: individuality, capitalism, liberty, equality and patriotism.* Discerning Americans must earnestly pray for our country, for our leaders and then become active defending our constitutional rights, our critical institutions and our ideals before our country lands in the ash heap of history.

  • av Carl Gallups

    So many renowned biblical scholars have been trying to tell us these truths - but their findings have been largely ignored and often disconnected from conventional theological understanding. Carl Gallups has gathered the answers to a myriad of tough theological questions into a single, page-turning, and captivating resource. If you don't read this book, you'll forever miss the central theme and understanding of the entire Word of God. This book is that important! - Dr. Thomas R. HornDo you want to know a dirty little secret? Here it is. Much of the real message of the Garden of Eden has been "adjusted" over time. Think of the eternal ramifications of that truth. Literally everything wrong with the world and our own personal lives, as well as the continual deluge of filth that you read in today's headlines is directly linked to the Garden of Eden. Why is it then that we so frequently insist upon turning that vital chapter into an almost childlike bedtime story? Get ready for the biblical ride of your life! Critically acclaimed and Amazon TOP-60 bestselling author, Carl Gallups, pulls back the curtain and finally unearths the previously hidden biblical treasures about the world's real Ground Zero. Now, you can finally discover the shocking truths for yourself.

  • av Thomas Horn

    Jesus said that redemption--eternal salvation--is available to everyone. No one is beyond His reach; no one falls outside the boundaries of His willingness to forgive. Anyone who calls on Him will be saved, He sayd. But, does that really include the world's most infamous convicts? Redeemed unredeemable: when America's most notorious criminals came face to face with God features a close look into the lives of infamous members of the Manson family disciples such as Susan Atkins and Charles "Tex" Watson, as well as serial killer Ted Bundy, "Milwaukee Monster" Jeffrey Dahmer, "Son of Sam" David Berkowitz, "Pickaxe Killer" Karla Faye Tucker, and parent-killer Sean Sellers.

  • av David Heavener

    God's Army has just been provided with a War Manual for all soldiers...and YOU are currently holding a copy.You've heard it said: We are in the "Last Days." These are perilous times, and we are rapidly approaching the final hour. As the apostle foretold of this moment in time, people are becoming lovers of themselves and embracing false signs and wonders (2 Timothy 3:1-9), paving the way for the antichrist system to rise up and persecute Christians on a mass scale...God's people have access to a weapon that protects them from evil and disarms those who would stand against them. Though this tool can be called by the familiar term "power," once it has been defined and illuminated by the context of God's might and infinity, this True Power from the Almighty becomes the very force that equips believers for victory in any battle and against every foe. Jesus said that His followers will do "even greater works" than He (John 14:12). That is the fiercest Power in the universe!As soldiers, there has never been a more crucial time to understand what the Bible says about God's Power within us!

  • av Eric E. Walker

  • av Thomas R Horn

    In the midst of intense global societal discordpersecution, rights activism, racial tension, intense political hostility, and the resurgence of anti-establishment counterculturemany have lost faith in governments and even in church leadership to provide answers and stability. But this feelingthis underlying sensation that pricks our national cognition with a constant needling, demanding to be fought against and yet powerful enough that it inspires hopeless demoralizationhas occurred before. From the Bohemian Reformation of John Wycliffe and Jan Hus in the 1300s to the Jesus People of the 60s and 70s, every era ripe with public dejection and faith-drought foreshadowed spiritual awakenings. These often began in the unlikeliest of places by the most inconceivable of personalities, and then spread like uncontrollable brushfires across the land resulting in millions surrendering their hearts and lives to the Lord. As todays world becomes more desperate to experience such personal meaning and social healing, the world is inadvertently moving toward another Great Awakening! IN FINAL FIRE, YOU WILL LEARN: How God used simple men, women, and youth of the pastunqualified by human and finite standardsto irreversibly change the world. What practices were employed that reformed traditional religious rituals into personal relationships with Christ, and how those methods are poised to be repeated in the near future. Why the age of social networking through virtual technology is keeping families and communities from real human relationships, how this relates to an international and spiritual hunger for revival, and how this very same technology will pave the way for an even vaster spreading of the Gospel. *Which current events are now c

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