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  • av Asher Benowitz

    A fabled district is known as Heliopolis, whose ancient classical name was derived from the name of the 'City of the Sun', once stood close to the pyramids of Abusir but on the east bank of the Nile River. The obelisks that now stand in London and New York once stood in Heliopolis. As Heliopolis remains today under tarmac roads and Cairo's northern suburbs, its monuments have largely been destroyed, leaving only a standing obelisk, some reconstructed columns, and a few stone blocks. As well as the mud-brick enclosure walls mapped by Napoleon, the sphinx avenue which so impressed the first European visitors have largely disappeared. Two centuries of desultory and often rapacious digging at Heliopolis uncovered a variety of relics dating back millennia, like Memphis on the other bank of the Nile. It is not uncommon that foundations dug for new villas or apartments in the area bring up the remains of priests' tombs, the mud-brick walls of ancient houses, or a scattering of more minor artifacts from prehistoric pottery of the last native Pharaoh. Despite its millennial celebrity, Heliopolis' most famous monument has gone undiscovered. According to ancient texts, there was a tremendous pharaonic shrine at Iunu. In the 1840s, there stood at its heart a mysterious monument that marked the center of Heliopolis' cult; the eroded wall of the temple's ancient enclosure still stands in the desert.As difficult as it is to trace the architecture of Re's shrine at Heliopolis is to uncover the origins of the god Re. Tradition has tended to read the later grand complexity of Re's role in the pharaonic kingdom back into the age of the god's beginnings. There is, however, very little evidence to support this idea.

  • av Ezra Ivanov

    THE PYRAMID TEXTSThe king offers an offering! Anubis gives the offering! From the highlands come to thee your thousand young antelope with bowed heads. What a gift!Anubis gives this offering! Thank you for your thousand loaves! Thank you for your thousand beers! From the palace hall, you sent forth a thousand incenses! Everything pleasant in thy thousand! There are a thousand cattle in your herd! Everything thou eatest you eat in a thousand, on which thy desire is set!In addition to his work on the Berlin dictionary, Sethe's most significant contribution to Egyptology was an edition of hand-copied hieroglyphs, translations, and commentaries of all texts engraved in pyramids at the time. Sethe's edition has been the foundation of virtually every discussion of the readers of the pyramids: he is, in fact, the one who first named those texts, collectively, 'Pyramidentexten' - Pyramid Texts.For each verse of the pyramids' texts in Maspero's Les inscriptions des pyramides de Saqqarah, he provided a translation of its meaning based on his understanding of the funerary texts of later ages since there was nothing else with which to compare them. Due to their mysterious nature, Maspero's work was quite subtle, but one which he readily acknowledged was primarily based on intuition derived from extensive studies of ancient Egypt and its religion.

  • av Asher Benowitz

    Literature and mythologyFrom the New Kingdom, only ten narratives survive. These stories assume that their readers have a deep understanding of Egyptian mythology.It describes a prince who is doomed to die by a snake, crocodile, or dog, as the world's oldest fairy tale. There is no ending in the story, but it is likely that the prince was saved by the spirited princess whose hand he wins in a jumping contest.. As an extended version of the Osiris myth, Truth and Lies involves a dysfunctional family of deities whose son avenges his father, Truth, and defeats Lies' enemy. The plot revolves around a son who grows up to avenge his father, Truth, and beat his enemy, Lies. Isis is lustful and heartless, whereas the hero's mother is presented as passionate and cruel.This story contains a lot of mythological themes in a semi-disguised manner. As in the story of the Two Brothers, the female characters are also evil. A woman who the gods have blessed as a wife betrays the hero by falsely accusing him of raping his brother's wife. Anubis and Bata are two brothers with the same name as two gods (Anubis and Bata).. A time when it was still possible to meet gods and monsters just beyond Egypt's borders is depicted in the story. In both the Two Brothers and another New Kingdom tale about Seth's fight with an ocean god to save Astarte, the sea tries to capture a beautiful female. Astute is included under "Deities, Themes, and Concepts" as a partially Egyptianized myth. More fragmentary accounts describe a woman who becomes a lioness and the God Heryshef recruiting a human to help him fight a divine falcon.Contendings between Horus and Seth is the most controversial story from the New Kingdom. This is the most extended narrative that survives the conflict between the two gods and its resolution. But that does not mean it should be regarded as the only or standard version of the myth. Fables consist of all their performances, as many scholars have emphasized. This text was read aloud for entertainment, hence its narrative form. In addition to telling an ancient myth, the satire contains commentary about how difficult it is to obtain justice under New Kingdom legal systems and perhaps some veiled commentaries about recent problems with royal succession.

  • av Faruq Zamani

    The earliest history of Babylon is little known. Among the many cities flourishing in southern Iraq, the town first appears in texts in the third millennium BC. Until the last century of the third millennium, few references existed to Babylon; however, offerings made to the temple of Enlil in Nippur during this period (when Babylon was part of an empire ruled by Ur) suggest a city already of some size and wealth. From relative obscurity in the middle of the 18th century BC, Babylon emerged as the political center of southern Mesopotamia. It held this position almost continuously for the next 1,400 years.Near Baghdad, around 85 kilometers south of the Euphrates, is the site of Babylon. The area is located north of the great alluvial plain of southern Iraq, a landscape of silts deposited by the Tigris and Euphrates into a vast rift created by tectonic movement as the Arabian plate slips beneath the neighboring Eurasian plate. In addition to defining modern-day Iraq's northern and eastern boundaries, the Taurus and Zagros mountain ranges were created by the same collision. As a result, Mesopotamia encompasses several environmental zones, but Babylon itself is found in the flat alluvial plain in southern Iraq. In addition to containing one of the world's earliest cities3, the table is subject to several significant environmental constraints that have shaped human settlements since long before the foundation of Babylon. Rain-fed agriculture is beyond the reach of this area due to its high temperatures. Despite the little precipitation this part of Iraq receives, it is uneven and unreliable: the bulk of a season's rain can fall in a single downpour, damaging crops as severe droughts.4 Human habitation is dependent on the two great rivers, and the permanent settlement requires irrigation. Upon establishment, However, on the levees of canals, such a system could benefit from the rich alluvial soils and support highly productive agriculture. In explaining the region's early urbanization and accompanying economic development, many contend that the region's ability to produce large agricultural surpluses played a significant role, though in what way is hotly contested. Herodotus was undoubtedly impressed. As a grain-bearing country, Assyria [meaning Mesopotamia] is the richest globally, he writes in his description of the fifth century BC. Figs, grapes, olives, or other fruit trees are not grown there, but the grain fields tend to produce crops two hundredfold and three hundredfold in exceptional years. At least three inches wide are the wheat and barley blades. Millet and sesame grow to an astonishing size, as I know, but those who have not visited Babylon have refused to believe even what I have already described as its fertility. Sesame oil is the only oil they use, and date palms, most of which bear fruit, provide them with food, wine, and honey.

  • av Henry Romano

    These four Vedas comprise a highly developed religious system - the Rig, Sama, Atharva, and Yajur Vedas. Through the worship of the demigods, or the Vedic gods, these Vedas were primarily intended to encourage the satisfaction of material desires. Thus, the Vedas clearly explain how to perform the required worship and sacrifices or rituals to these devas (demigods) to receive the blessings required to increase one's power and position or reach the heavens in the future or for other purposes.The point is that the devas participate and affect all universal management and activities, including the weather or who is blessed with certain opulence, such as riches, beautiful spouses, large families, good health, etc. A person could worship Agni to gain power, Durgadevi to obtain good fortune, Indra to have a healthy sexual life, or Vasus to earn money. Karma-kanda is the section of the Vedas that many consider the most essential part of Vedic teachings. Thus, people will be able to live a good life and enjoy a decent existence. Of course, various actions, or karmas, are motivated by our aspirations to achieve specific results. Several sections in the Vedas deal with Karma-Kanda. Although this is not the complete understanding of the karma-kanda segment, which provides rituals for purifying our minds and actions in pursuit of our desires, and not limiting ourselves to only acquiring everything that one needs from the demigods. One's habits and thoughts become purified when one has faith and steadiness in the performance of the ritual. As one becomes pure and free of those desires, one gradually acquires one's needs and assuages one's desires. When we purify our consciousness, we can achieve a higher level of spiritual activity. The karma-kanda rituals had this higher purpose. Unless one recognizes this, one misses the point and remains attached to ways to satisfy material desires, which will keep one in earthly existence.

  • av Henry Romano

    Located in the city of Dwaraka, on the west coast of India in Gujarat, is the famous temple of Dwarakadhish, which is dedicated to Lord Krishna, the Lord of Dwaraka. Among the seven holy cities of India, it is considered to be one of the most sacred. Another list includes Ayodhya, Mathura, Haridwar, Varanasi, Kanchipuram, and Ujjain. It is believed that the original temple of Dwarakadhish was built by the great-grandson of Krishna, Vajranabha, on the ruins of Krishna's own palace, which survived the tsunami intact.The ancient, famed city of Dwaraka did exist during the Krishnavatara's reign some five thousand years ago. It is no longer visible since it lies at the bottom of the ocean. The poets, writers, saints, and sages of ancient India have all praised the majesty and beauty of Dwaraka. Several Hindu texts, including the Srimad Bhagavatam, the Skanda Purana, the Vishnu Purana, Harivamsha, and the Mahabharata, refer to it as the "Golden City.". A verse in the Bhagavatam says: "The golden fort of Dwaraka City had its yellow glitter all around it, as if the flames of Vadavagni (the fire of eternity) had come out and tore the sea asunder."It was a thriving port and had a harbor on an island nearby. Dwaraka must have been the largest port on the Indian coast during the third millennium BC according to the number, size, and variety of stone anchors. Some fifty stone anchors are visible, but hundreds have been buried in the sediment. It is probably because of this that the city received its name. Dwaraka, which means "gate" in Sanskrit, was perhaps the gate that enabled ancient civilizations to access the ports.Cities of the West used seafaring to enter India's vast subcontinent. Ka in Sanskrit also means "Brahma," so perhaps it was devoted to Brahma, the creator of the Hindu trinity.

  • av Ezra Ivanov

    SPHINX OF GIZAMany mysteries surround the Sphinx. Many tourists are confused by the Giza sand as they trudge through it. They wonder why there is such a big fuss about this dusty knoll. Many Egyptologists agree with this statement since, unlike the three enormous pyramids that stand upon the plateau above and where the tombs of pharaohs are. The Giza Sphinx is not known to have a function. This lion with a man's head was a powerful image in its day. Sphinxes and temples adjacent to the Sphinx at Giza were visited for prayers. As millennial models for later, more miniature sphinxes, the pose, workmanship, eye and ear shapes, proportions of its face, and headdress can be found on this statue. It was freed from drifting sands, and its eroding stone was restored at the command of pharaohs, emperors, and kings. Its outline was also written - a rare occurrence - on stelae upon which it was placed within a sort of hieroglyphic landscape: a great cat standing 240 feet high at the desert's edge, flanked by the pyramids of Khufu and Khafre and tended by phalanxes of priests. Later, after several millennia, the monstrous feline evolved wings and flew onto Dr. Freud's Hampstead desk via ancient Greece and neo-classical Vienna.In temples near the Great Giza Sphinx, hundreds of small stelae were dedicated by princes, courtiers, scribes, and their families. Approximately two feet high, it is sculpted from fine white limestone.

  • av Rhandel Lopez

    Chichén ItzáAlthough many ancient civilizations have influenced and inspired people in the 21st century, like the Greeks and the Romans, none have intrigued people like the Mayans, whose culture, astronomy, language, and mysterious disappearance continue to captivate people today. Chichén Itzá, the most visited and most spectacular of the Late Classic Maya cities, is at the center of the fascination.In the later years of Maya civilization, Chichen Itzá had been inhabited for hundreds of years. In developing columns and exterior relief decoration, Chichén Itzá probably had over 30,000 residents at its peak, with a spectacular pyramid, enormous ball court, observatory, and several temples to boast.The sacred cenote at Chichén Itzá, a sinkhole used for Maya rituals surrounding water, is of particular interest. The Maya regarded it as a primary concern because adequate water was rarely found on the limestone-based Yucatan surface. The underwater archeology conducted in the cenote at Chichén Itzá found that offerings (including people, possibly) were thrown into the sinkhole in honor of the Maya rain deity Chaac.Despite its long history, Chichén Itzá had a relatively short period where it dominated the region, lasting from 800-950 CE. Nowadays, guides take tourists to one of the temples called the Nunnery for no good reason other than that the small rooms remind them of a nunnery back home.

  • av Ezra Ivanov

    There are a lot of stories connected to ancient Egypt among the many nations of this world. Indeed, the history of this great nation contains many exciting elements, but what provides a better insight into ancient Egypt and its incredibly imaginative inhabitants is the mythology.At the center of ancient Egyptian culture, sacrifices and rituals were dedicated to enthralling gods in Egyptian mythology. Horus, Isis, and Osiris are but a few. With their far-reaching trade links, Egyptians could export their great religion and culture.The mythology in this eBook provides an insight into prehistoric Egyptian society, including the deities, the pharaohs, rites, sacrifices, and the mysterious "Book of the Dead."

  • av Rhandel Lopez

    In the almost total isolation of the tropical lands of the Yucatán Peninsula, the Maya developed a science-based civilization more than 1,000 years before European explorers arrived. Overlooking the emerald rainforest were their majestic skylines. Architectural wonders with magnificent carvings adorned with hieroglyphic inscriptions, these wonders were stunners. This sophisticated urban center was the largest on Earth during the middle of the first millennium A.D. More than technologically stunning works of art and architecture, the sprawling Maya city-states were conceived to overwhelm observers with a sense of wonder. In addition to being centers of power, these cities were incubators of science and technology, places of learning, and hubs of commercial activity that generated wealth for the kingdom.After the demise of the Maya civilization, these magnificent cities survived against all odds for more than a millennium. Due to the innovative Maya technology employed during their construction, the structures have remained intact despite environmental degradation, the ravages of time, natural disasters, and the prying roots of the jungle. These brilliant societies developed scientific advances and technological methods of discovery that were a millennium ahead of those produced by European sciences to preserve their cities. It is even more impressive that these technological advances were created without the influence of outside cultures, unlike in Europe.Maya cities were designed and built on a grand scale with functional efficiency and artistic elegance. Each city was a triumph of grace and power, with its monumental palaces and temples. There are no other styles of architecture like Mayan. Unlike any different culture in Mesoamerica and any other world style of architecture, its inventive design is alien and bizarre. Where did this style originate? Their art style also inspires their veneration of the cosmos and its impact on the Maya civilization's philosophy. Ancient Egypt had fewer cities and pyramids than the Maya civilization, which was among history's longest-lived cultures. More than 50 independent city-states governed the Maya world, spread out over 125,000 square miles.

  • av Faruq Zamani

    Mankind lived in Paradise for a long time, , God said to unnamed colleagues: "Is it possible that he may also take from the Tree of Life and live forever?" Having eaten the Fruit of Knowledge, but forbidden from reaching for the Fruit of the Tree of Life. Following Adam's eating of the Fruit of Knowledge..Since then, man has sought Immortality withheld by God. Yet throughout the millennia, it has gone unnoticed that while concerning Yahweh's Tree of Knowing: Adam became a part of us after eating it, no such statement has been made regarding "From the fruit of the Tree of Life, we can live forever..Was it because the promise of "Immortality," made to Mankind as a distinctive attribute of the gods, was nothing more than a grand illusion?A king of Uruk, Gilgamesh, son of Ninsun and Lugalbanda, was the first to try and find out.While the tales of Enmerkar and Lugalbanda are enchanting and intriguing, the post-Diluvial Luga has to be one of the most compelling! Gilgamesh was the demigod who ruled Uruk from 2750 to 2600 BCE and had the longest and most detailed records. Throughout Gilgamesh's long Epic, he searches for Immortality, believing that since two-thirds of him are gods and one-third are humans, he should not "peer over the wall" as a mortal.Genealogically, he was more than just a demigod, more than a fifty-fifty god. King Lugalbanda, son of Lnanna and High Priest of Uruk, possessed the "divine" determinative. Gilgamesh was described as having the "essence of Ninurta" (Enlil's foremost son) because of his mother, Nin. Sun ('Lady Who Irrigates') was the daughter of Ninurta and his spouse, Batu. Anu's youngest daughter Bau was of a noble family.

  • av Ezra Ivanov

    As every growth of seed from seed is followed by destruction, so every birth of living flesh is followed by its death, and all that decays is regenerated by the measured courses of the gods circling in the heavens.-Hermetica: Libellus III, 4Spiritual practices are founded upon a liturgy that articulates their cosmology, philosophy, and metaphysical goals. The spiritual tradition of Egypt provides us with hundreds of examples of prayers, invocations, and litanies that were carefully recorded to be used in the Temple and tomb. In addition to these writings, the rubrics (instructions or rules) also explain how the liturgy should be used.In the extended history of ancient Egypt, liturgical programs rarely changed. They were honored for their veracity, correctness, and power, as the ceremonial acts performed in temples and tombs were said to date back to antiquity. According to this belief, the walls of each temple record the liturgies, the daily, and seasonal festivals, and the historical antecedents or founding events of each individual Neter's sanctuary.At Edfu, the legendary Imhotep, a sage and healer in Dynasty 3, presided over the founding ceremony of the Temple. A morning litany is also inscribed in the hall of appearances, sung by the kheneru each day to open the Temple. Holy days are recorded on calendars at Karnak, Esna, and Abydos to be observed. Overall, the timing, location, and acts responsible for spiritually maintaining the Temple determined its activity throughout the ages.Using the solar calendar in conjunction with the following liturgy can create an annual cycle of twelve ceremonies (lru). The monthly observances are based on an orderly solar cosmogony of Heliopolis. Each Neter comprises twelve different rites (Khesu) that reflect the ancient Temple's proper protocol. Consequently, they contribute to developing a conscious, vital interface among the human, divine, and natural realms. Each of the Iru ceremonies includes the standard Khesu rites.In addition, each ceremony includes a festival to honor the specific powers of the Neter of the season (Hebu). Depending on the time and resources available to the modern Temple, these observances may be tailored to fit the occasion.

  • av Asher Benowitz

    Today, we do not use our ancient cosmic orientation to relate to the natural world as we once did. It's no longer determined by where we are or what time it is by the Sun's daily motion across the sky. Our perception of the outside world has changed, and we have lost our sense of wholeness within a great system. Factors such as our work and play rhythms, clothing, diet, and travel are affected by climatic and seasonal factors. These factors affect our unconscious sense of timing and our ability to communicate with nature, which we often overlook.Often we marvel at the apparent serenity and spiritual confidence of ancient people, forgetting that their tools were taught and used within an environment that encouraged them to recognize and embrace natural and divine forces. These tools enabled one to maintain a profound sense of cosmic orientation, keep it, and view one's role as actual spiritual work. In ancient Egypt, a man named Al was gifted with a sense of cosmic orientation.As dams have been constructed in our era, the Nile no longer produces an annual flood, but understanding the rhythm of that event and others associated with it is essential to understanding Egyptian rituals and ceremonies. To restore cosmic orientation, we need to leave our temporal field of time and enter the visible universe of ancient Egypt, where cosmic rhythms sustained human life, nature, and even the gods.For Egyptians, both secular and spiritual matters were governed by the concept of time. Even though the gods' realms (Neheh) were considered eternal, they were also continuous and manifested in cycles. According to cosmic life's ebbs and flows, gods appeared at different times but were lasting and constant. Through the medium of heavenly bodies, events take place in linear time (Djet) and according to the ebb and flow of cosmic life. The three dimensions of cosmic activity were thought to be formed by three distinct rhythms, the lunar, solar, and stellar.

  • av Learn Alchemical Editors

    In this Book, the tales of the ancient gods of ancient Egypt are told, legends that circulated during the time described by the Egyptians as the "morning of the world," initially carved in stone and preserved on papyrus for millennia until today.In addition to compelling interest in ancient Egypt's religion and culture, this Book also fuels the imagination about the lost knowledge of the Egyptians.Each ancient piece of literature in the Book has notes for the more scientific reader, though it is intended for the layman. A collection of great scholars has translated the origin of the legend, the Book, or the books in which the original may be found, and the papyrus texts into one of the modern languages. Other multitudes of translations are available in specialist libraries; however, many are only helpful to those who study the Egyptian language and literature.The legends are ordered as follows: first, come to the stories of various gods, then Osiris and the deities associated with him, and finally Ra. The myths and the gods that appear in them give you a fascinating picture in your mind.

  • av Ryan Moorhen

    It is possible that the Adamu man lived in south Iraq without leaving traces that are recognizable today. Our present concrete evidence for advanced human occupation in Sumerian begins with the stage at which man was already building complex ziggurats. This seems to reflect what happened in Egypt as a matter of record. Looking back into earlier times and different regions is necessary to understand how this came about.The Anunnaki Adamu manufactured drastic changes to his life shortly after 10000 BC. In addition to hunting and gathering food, he cultivated crops, especially cereals, and domesticated animals. Both changes were not necessarily initiated by the same group. It is still unclear why Adamu and Adapa manufactured such changes. The comet hypothesis and ice sheet melting seem to be the most likely explanations. While it was once thought that a deteriorating climate drove him there, it is now known that the Near East's climate was becoming wetter and warmer during this time.Another hypothesis has been proposed more recently. The man received this knowledge from the Anunnaki civilization. The population immortalized these techniques; they represented the Eagle Apkallu deities giving bags, or buckets, from a mysterious land of Dilmun that no longer exists. Nevertheless, what is in these bags? According to the Anunnaki Apkallu, they were between Anunnaki and Sumerian men.

  • av Ryan Moorhen

  • av Faruq Zamani

    Igigi unrest leading to the Zu Incident was just a harbinger of other troubles to come-troubles inherent in long-term interplanetary missions, and female companionship was one of the significant problems.The problem was less acute with the Earth-stationed Anunnaki since they contained females from the first landing party (some named and assigned tasks in Enki's autobiography). In addition, a group of nurses led by their daughter of Anu was sent to Earth. She was known as Ninmah (= 'Mighty Lady'); her role on Earth was that of Sud (= 'One who gives succor'): she served as the Anunnaki's Chief Medical Officer and was crucial to any subsequent events.Its ancient tide echoed its opening words: Inuma ilu awilum ('When the gods became like men'): however, there was also trouble among the Earth-based Anunnaki, especially those assigned to mining duties. Several unintended consequences resulted from the Anunnaki's Mutiny in the Atra-Hasis Epic, which tells of an uprising by the Anunnaki who refused to work in the gold mines.While the gods, like men, bore the toil and work. There was great toil for the gods, and the result was heavy; there was much distress.The very Akkadian term, Awilu, means 'employee,' rather than simply 'Man,' as it is usually translated. In the Epic tale, the man takes over the work of the gods. Despite the absence of men on Earth, the gods toiled as though they were men. Enki and Ninmah achieved that feat, but it was not a story with a happy ending, as far as Enlil was concerned.

  • av Denzel Carter Jackson

    Exoplanets have been found in a relatively small region of our galaxy, the Milky Way. According to NASA's Kepler Space Telescope, there are more planets in the universe than stars.Our solar system's exoplanets comprise similar elements to our planets, but their mixtures may differ. By measuring the sizes (diameters) and masses (weights) of exoplanets, we can determine their compositions, which range from very rocky (like Earth and Venus) to very gaseous (like Jupiter and Saturn). Some planets may be dominated by water, ice, or iron, while others are dominated by iron or carbon. A stellar world with lava seas, a puffy planet, and a planet whose core is as dense as Styrofoam have been identified.Since then, we've discovered thousands of exoplanets using various detection methods. From Earth, it is infrequent to see an exoplanet through a telescope the way you might see Saturn. Direct imaging has only been used to find a handful of exoplanets (and these are usually young gas giants orbiting very far from their stars).Exoplanets are now part of our universe. There are thousands of confirmed planets. This is only a tiny part of the entire galaxy. As we increase the number and observing power of robotic telescopes deployed in space, the number could rise into the tens of thousands within a decade.Since then, we've discovered thousands of exoplanets using various detection methods. From Earth, it is infrequent to see an exoplanet through a telescope the way you might see Saturn. That's called direct imaging, and only a handful of exoplanets have been found this way (and these are young gas giant planets orbiting very far from their stars).Exoplanets are now part of our universe. Thousands of planets have been confirmed. This is only a tiny sampling of the galaxy. By deploying more robotic telescopes into space, we will see tens of thousands of stars within a decade.

  • av Henry Romano

    According to Vedic philosophy, there are four eras in every world cycle. They represent a gradual decline from enlightenment (Satya Yuga) to chaos and ignorance (Kali Yuga) before it starts again. Each of these eras lasts roughly 2160 years.You're probably familiar with the four ages of Hindu philosophy: Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dwapara Yuga, and Kali Yuga. The golden age is when pure knowledge is widespread, and people live in harmony. The dark age is when everything goes wrong-the World falls into chaos, and humanity descends into ignorance. But what happens next?What is the meaning of "the end of the world"?There are many ways to interpret this question-which makes it so interesting!We're living in the Kali Yuga right now - the era of chaos and disorder. This means our society is falling apart, but we can bring back the Golden Age by understanding our personal roles in society.The Kali Yuga is the present age of man. We are in the age of darkness, ignorance, and chaos. The Kali Yuga was prophesied to be when humanity would live without spiritual knowledge or enlightenment. It's an era of materialism, greed, and violence (including war).But we can bring back the Golden Age by understanding our own personal role in society and doing what we can to restore order to our World today.The Golden Age is when humans live in harmony with nature. It's also known as Satya Yuga or Krita Yuga, or Utopian Age because everything works as it should be working - there are no problems or challenges that need fixing because everything works perfectly well already...In the Golden Age, humans live in harmony with nature. It's also known as Satya Yuga or Krita Yuga, or Utopian Age because everything works as it should be working - there are no problems or challenges that need fixing because everything works perfectly well already...Satya Yuga is the name people give to this period. This era was said to last for more than 4,000 years in Hindu mythology.

  • av Asher Benowitz

  • av Ryan Moorhen

  • av Henry Romano

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