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  • - Presse, LitteRature Et Gastronomie Lyonnaises 1930-1950
    av Jean-Bernard Frappe

  • - Au coeUr d'Une Mission Du Korvettenkapitan Teddy Suhren
    av Lawrence Paterson

    From an amazing collection of photographs, found in the underwater base of the U-boats of Brest at the end of the war, and remained hidden until recently in a shoebox, this unique book traces the complete history of a U-boat's missions during the summer of 1942. The submarine in question, U-564, features the famous pattern "three black cats" of "Teddu Suhren" which, with Prien and Kretschmer, was one of the great commanders of U-boats in the Battle of the Atlantic. This remarkable book provides a unique perspective on both the day by day life on a U-boat and the intricate workings of the German Navy. Through the successes and trials of U-564, the reader is taken through this huge naval battlefield; perhaps one of the most important theaters of the Second World War.

  • av Phillippe Corve

    French Language

  • - Gestapiste Normand
    av Lecouturier Yves

    TEXT IN FRENCH Face au peloton d'execution qui allait le fusiller le 17 aout 1946 a 7 h 05 a Alencon, Bernard Jardin, tres pale, prononcait d'une voix assez faible ses derniers mots: " Vive le national socialisme ", puis avant que les balles ne fusent, il ajoutait " Et vive la France quand meme ".

  • - Le Commandant Rebelle A Bord De L'U-515
    av Luc Braeuer

    After spending four years in the Merchant Navy discovering the world and its pleasures, Werner Henke entered the Reichsmarine as an officer cadet in 1934.

  • - 911-1066
    av Georges Bernage

    Though the Vikings are remembered in popular culture as savage, helmeted barbarians, their impact on history and contribution to the expansion of civilisation suggests that they were far more than the heavy handed brutes of the Medieval world.

  • av Pigeard Alain
    1 636,-

  • - 1798
    av Marquis Lionel

  • av Descombes Christian

    L'histoire de la premi¿ Porche, la 356, de sa cr¿ion en 1948 ¿a fin de la production en 1965.

  • - Avec Carl Emmermann, Dans Les CariBES, Au Cap Et a Rio
    av Braeuer Luc

    When U-172, commanded by Carl Emmermann left Kiel on 22 April 1942, the second lucky period for German submarines was ending with the Americans setting up convoys along their coast. From the beginning of the conflict, the means of fighting submarines brought in to play by the Allies, had increased considerably : development of on-board radar, increased numbers of escorts and planes, decrypting submarine radio messages, etc. As a result, combat conditions had seriously deteriorated on the German side. However, from May 1942 to September 1943, Carl Emmermann¿s U-172 sank 26 ships during combat patrols, and thus overtook the 150 000-ton figure of Allied shipping destroyed. U-172 was thus 15th of all the U-Boote which had obtained the best results, an exceptional result considering the period in the war. First of all because this submarine went to areas which were especially distant where successwas still possible: the Caribbean for the first mission; the Cape in South Africa for the second where it took part in a surprise attack in a zone where no U-Boot had ever strayed until then; the centre of the Atlantic for its third mission where two convoys were chased in a pack right up to the African coast; the coast of Brazil for the fourth where it was the only one out of seven U-Boote engaged to return. The captain was an good officer and much liked by his men: members of a crew attached to their CO who held on to them preciously from one mission to the next. At the end of his 4th combat mission, Carl Emmermann was the 25th commanding officer of the submarine arm to be awarded the Knights Cross with oak leaves. He accepted a land posting and became the head of the 6th Flotilla at Saint-Nazaire at the beginning of November 1943. U-172 which had already survived 12 air and sea attacks, left on its 6th and last patrol. Without its charismatic captain and in even more difficult combat conditions, it was sunk 21 days after it left. The access the author, a U-Boot specialist, had to Emmermann¿s photos preserved in the U-Boot-Archiv and to several photos taken by Helmut Berndt, the war correspondent, enabled the book to illustrate this particular captain¿s surprising patrols with 250 exceptional unpublished photos. Thanks to the translation of the log book, to the eye-witness account by Captain Emmermann himself and the patrol sketches, you can follow U-172 on its missions across distant oceans¿

  • - Leibstandarte Et Das Reich
    av Tiquet Pierre

    Assault guns were the first armoured vehicles in Waffen SS divisions to be used at the beginning of their military history. This first volume presents Abteilung ¿Sch¿nberger¿ from the Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler, in the frontline since 1941 which became SS StuG-Abteilungen ¿LSSAH¿, and in which a young tank commander ¿ Michael Wittmann ¿ began to distinguish himself. We follow the unit during all its engagements. Still in 1941, SS-StuG-Batterie ¿Reich¿ engaged in Operation Barbarossa, was the embryo of 2 SS-Panzer-Division assault gun group of the ¿Das Reich¿ which we also see in operations. We watch the evolution and the engagement of the first two Waffen-SS Divisions¿ assault artillery groups with their histories, eye-witness accounts and numerous photographs, most of which are as yet unpublished, including some superb photos of vehicles, as is usual in the books by Pierre Tiquet. Other volumes will follow presenting the assault gun units from the other Waffen-SS divisions.

  • - L'eCriture Des Anciens Germains_runes Vikings& Traditions Runiques
    av Pollington Stephen

    Provides a plethora of theories as well as a novel analysis of Runes craved during the German Iron Age.

  • - Normandie 6 Juin - 31 Aout 1944
    av Jean-Bernard Frappe
    1 286,-

    The first edition of this historic text, an indisputable and virtually unobtainable reference, is finally reissued, reviewed, corrected and expanded. This book offers a wealth of information including a comprehensive overview of the intervention of German fighters in the skies of Normandy, the Ile de France and then in Provence after the Allies landed on the coasts the Mediterranean. Includes photos. Text in French.

  • - Uniformes, eQuipements, MateRiel Personnel Du Fantassin Japonais, 1931-1945
    av Augustin Saiz
    1 300,-

  • - De La Terre Sainte a La Baltique
    av Chollet Loic

  • - 6 Juin/12 Septembre 1944
    av Stiri Charles

    The Battle of Normandy organised by the Allies depended on a massive, fast landing which would destabilise the German High Commandby its boldness. In a few hours on 6 June 1944, 150 000 Allied soldiers had set foot on Norman soil. Facing them, an equivalent number of German soldiers, but of whom only a third were operational on this front. The German High Command had been expecting the landings to take place in the Pas-de-Calais, the narrowest part of the channel. It took several days for the Germans to admit that the landings in Normandy were not a deceptive lure. The first hours of the landings were to prove decisive. For the Allied coalition, what was most important was to break through the German defences quickly and broaden the front, and finally to resist enemy counter-offensives. The first weeks of June 1944 were marked by terrible confrontations without any real decisive advantage being obtained. Then powerful conquest and encircling movements were made, which ended up with the Falaise Pocket. This d¿uement took place on 21 August near Chambois, a place now known as the ¿Corridor of death¿. The Battle of Normandy ended on 12 September 1944, with the liberation of Le Havre, 99 days after the 6 June 1944.

  • - FougeRes, Dinan Et Vitre
    av Bernage Georges

    To the northeast of Brittany, in the marches, three towns still have their old medieval aspect and reveal their exceptional heritage. These three medieval cities are presented together in a magnificent colour 80-page bound book. The reworked texts and the illustrations were published in the Magazine ¿Moyen Age¿ (Middles Ages) and are given here in a practical manner and, with this volume, will find their place in any Middles Ages history or architecture amateur¿s library.

  • - Guerre aeRienne Sur Les Ardennes d'Anvers a Boddenplatte
    av Guillemot Philippe

    On 16 December 1944, there started the most powerful artillery barrage that the forces of the Third Reich in its death throes were ever to launch on the Western Front after the Normandy landings six months earlier. It smothered the American lines holding the thinned-out front in the Ardennes. The most powerful armoured force ever assembled by the Germans for an offensive on this front was then to have struck out in the direction of Antwerp. All this was under low cloud cover, sheltering the 6th and 5th Armoured Armies¿ precious panzers from the all-powerful Allied air forces. Low ceiling. However, the dog fights which were to take place over the Ardennes or perhaps because of the land battle that was taking place far below, did not surpass the land engagement in superlatives: strategic and tactical support, jet bombers or fighters, dropping men, supplies or ammunition, successfully or not, or just impossible, on both sides. The Ardennes skies saw what was a major part of the History of air warfare and we propose to describe it in the following pages.

  • - Du Xviie Au Xxe SieCle, Le Vie Quotidienne Et l'Ascension Sociale De Gentilshommes Campagnards Et De Notables Du Cotentin
    av Thin Edomond

    A few days before Christmas, on 21 December 1793, Jean- Antoine de Beauvalet, the Lord of Dur¿, was found dead in a bedroom at Valognes where he had sought refuge after being locked up in the Fort de la Hougue by the Revolutionaries. Thus passed away the last male scion of the noble line of the Beauvalets, ennobled in 1702 by Louis XIV, and who in 1686 founded a the little domain at Dur¿, which did not at the time bear that name. For three generations, the Beauvalets struggled using their wealth to hang on to this so dearly acquired nobility. The Lord of Dur¿'s grand-daughter, Caroline Avice de Sortosville, inherited the Dur¿ domain, and during the Terreur, married a young Republican officer, Fran¿s Cl¿nt Boyer de Choisy, who came from a typically old noble family, since it had always been devoted to serving in the army. The Boyer de Choisys fortified the Saint-Marcouf Islands then improved their domain, but they also took an active part in public life, the first as Mayor of Saint-Vaast during the Empire and the Restoration, and the second, his nephew who inherited the domain, as Mayor during the Second Empire. Finally in 1918, Augustin Vallette, an entrepreneur from a very old Saint-Vaast family of merchants and chandlers, acquired this very beautiful property. After three years' research in the National, Civil and Military, Departmental (departments 50, 57, and 76), Municipal and Family archives, Edmond Thin here brings to life a true family saga spread over four centuries, based on the totally unpublished story of the Dur¿ domain; the story of three families, country gentlemen or simple citizens, not forgetting their spouses ¿ women who were often remarkable and just as involved in the social fabric of their times.

  • - Le KapitaNleuntnant Fritz Lemp Et La TrageDie De l' U-110
    av Jean-Louis Maurette

    Thanks to albums belonging to one of the sailors aboard U-30 and then U-110, the author has been able to reconstruct the path taken by Kapitanleutnant Fritz Lemp and his crew, including the sailor Willi Brohm, and the fate of these submarines, with texts and also pictures.

  • - L'ePopeE Des heRos De L'AreNe
    av Alexandre Kazek Kevin

    Panem et circenses, ¿bread and circuses¿. Juvenal¿s expression denouncing the Roman plebs whose only ambitions were the distribution of free wheat and a passion for games gives a rather good idea of Roman society¿s rather special character in the days of the first emperors. But you mustn¿t be taken in: the picture of the Circus Maximus holding gladiator fights is sheer fiction. Except for chariot races and athletics competitions, the only fights held there involved men in arms equipped with helmets and swords (bestiarii)and hunters with spears (venatores) against ferocious beasts in the context of the venationes. The Forum was the circus during the Republic. This public space ¿ reorganised for the occasion ¿ was used as the showcase for the first gladiator fights well before the amphitheatre in Pompeii was created. Later, the amphitheatre was to become the inescapable symbol of town urbanism, like the Coliseum in Rome. This book offers the reader almost 800 years of history, from the ¿proto¿ ethnic gladiators (4th Century B.C.) to the imperial gladiator fights organised under Augustus, from hunting in the circus (mid 3rd Century B.C.) to the various arena shows, from the gladiator emperors to the Christian authors denouncing the amphitheatre¿s sacrileges. Based on archaeological documentation (terra sigillata, baked earthen lamps, painted coatings, graffiti, glasswork, lapidary elements, etc.) and on solid literary sources, this study provides the most recent historical research on the subject so as to offer a more original study of this prodigious social phenomenon.

  • - Dunkirk 1940
    av Jean-Charles Stasi

    Operation Dynamo is here narrated in detail with numerous period photos. This military operation and human adventure without precedent breathes again, 77 years later thanks to the film director Christopher Nolan which, with Dunkirk, has become an international blockbuster, to which a chapter of this book is devoted.

  • - From the Mounted Troops to the Royal Guard
    av Andre Jouineau

    "The Guard charges" Napoleon gave special attention to this splendid unit - the Imperial Guard - and it became a sort of little army within the "Grande Armee". This study of its organisation is here at its most erudite.

  • - Le Sang Bleu
    av Christian Descombes

  • - Du Ve Au Xve SieCle
    av Josy Mathy Duffaut

    This book is just as much for amateurs of good cooking as it is for enthusiasts of the Middle Ages. Each recipe is adapted to today's tastes; it is placed in its historical context and details are provided in the insets for it to be reproduced.

  • - Journal d'Un Pilote De La France Libre
    av Jacques General Andrieux

    This book tells a very beautiful and magnificent adventure, that of a young Frenchman humiliated by the 1940 defeat who fled aboard a Breton crayfish boat to carry on the fight for freedom.

  • av Marcel Migeo

    Marcel Migeo wrote ten or so books most of which were devoted to flying. Almost a hundred years later, his writings on Syria have a pertinent and astonishingly contemporary flavour since the country is being torn apart by a six-year-old civil war which has taken on an international dimension.

  • - Le Plus Grand Raid Commando De La Seconde Guerre Mondiale
    av Jean-Charles Stasi

    More than seventy-five years after wards, "Chariot" is still thought of as the most daring and most spectacular commando operation of the whole of WWII.

  • - Du 17 Au 25 Juin 1940
    av Jean-Yves Mary
    1 236,-

  • - L'Ecriture Des Ancien Germains
    av Pollington Stephen

    French Text: There are not many books on runes in French. Since Lucien Musset's introduction to runology of 1955 very little has been published on this important and rich subject. This current volume hopes to provide an analysis and further understanding of the various strands of research on North European Runes. The author looks at current analysis of runic inscriptions and provides a new one of his own. He outlines the principle epigraphic sources of old Fubark of the Germanic Iron Age, placing them in their historic context. Also provided are analyses of Alu, Lauraz and Ota inscriptions. Understanding of these inscriptions also helps our comprehension of the mentality of these ancient Germans. The author, Stephen Pollington is best-known for his many books and articles on ancient Northern Europe. First published in English in 2016 this new French edition also has added new previously unpublished entries on recent French discoveries.

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