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  • av Zhenzhen Guan

    This book deals mainly with multiphase turbulent reacting flow. The two-scale two-phase turbulence models (including second-order moment model and nonlinear k-epsilon model) are established for simulating dense gas-particle flow. A new turbulence enhancement model by particle wake effect is proposed on numerical results. The USM model of non-Newtonian fluid for dense two-phase turbulent flow is developed, which combines the unified second-order moment model for two-phase turbulence with the particle kinetic theory for the inter-particle collision. Gas-particle k-equation subgrid-scale (SGS) turbulence model is established which take into account the effect of gas-particle interaction. Flow structures and combustion for different vortex combustor are analyzed, such as advanced vortex combustor, trapped vortex combustor, swirl combustor and vortex cooling combustor, the coupling mechanism of flow, combustion as well as heat and mass transfer is obtained to reveal the combustion stabilization mechanism of different burners.

  • av Mohammad Asif

    The focus on HIV therapy has changed during the last ten years. Long-term treatment of HIV infection is now the norm in industrialised nations because to an expanding selection of effective, practical novel medicines and co-formulations. Because of this, maintaining the efficacy of the treatment has become dependent on tolerance and side-effect control.The majority of those who are infected do not have access to HIV and AIDS medications and therapies because anti-retroviral drugs are pricey. Antiviral medications are linked to a wide variety of adverse responses, metabolic issues, and toxicity, and research is ongoing to reduce the negative effects of currently available medications.Although these medications frequently lack the appropriate pharmacokinetics characteristics, they have great pharmacodynamics characteristics. As a result, it becomes vital to boost pharmacokinetics using the existing methods, such as enhancing lipophilicity and GIT permeability, developing innovative drug delivery systems, and including bio-enhancer in the formulation or dietary supplement. This strengthens the legal basis for choosing a bio-enhancer in the quest to change pharmacokinetic characteristics and reduce toxicity. Those with HIV infection can now live considerably longer with recovered immunity and economy thanks to the alteration in the formulation (using a bio-enhancer) of medications causing notable adverse reactions.

  • - Exploring the Theory from Various Perspectives
    av Sayantan Dasgupta

    Existential semiotics examines the state of a sign before its existence or how a sign came into existence. This is a brief introduction to existential semiotics with simplified explanations of its parts and sub-parts with examples. The treatise is written keeping in mind the confusions that may arise while studying the theory. Therefore, the first part deals with questions like ´Why Study Existential Semiotics?´ and ´What Does Existential Semiotics Actually Do?´. It is to give the readers an overview of the theory with what each important term in the theory stands for. Afterwards, I tried to explore the theory from various perspectives, starting from feminism (gender theory), photography, linguistics, philosophy, structural athropology, and literature to physics, biology, spiritual philosophy, marxism, and autism. This part of the book is meant to illustrate the exploratory parts of the theory. It will exemplify the vastness of the theory and its numerous applications. This is again to show how the theory may expand if applied in various fields. This treatise is meant to be an introductory guide to existential semiotics and to elucidate the terminologies for better understanding and exploration.

  • av Ma Guohua

    An efficient protocol providing a dual regeneration pathway via shoot organogenesis and somatic embryogenesis for an endangered species, Metabriggsia ovalifolia W. T. Wang, was established from leaf explants. When applied at 2.5 M, the cytokinins 6-benzyladenine or thidiazuron and the auxins indole-3-butyric acid, α-naphthaleneacetic acid and indole-3-acetic acid could induce shoots when on basal Murashige and Skoog medium. BA and TDZ at 5-10 M could induce both shoots and somatic embryos. A higher concentration (25 M) of TDZ induced only somatic embryos. The same concentration of BA induced both adventitious shoots and somatic embryos. Somatic embryos germinated easily when left on the same media, but formed adventitious roots in two weeks on MS supplemented with 0.5 M NAA, 0.5 M IBA and 0.1% activated charcoal. Over 90% of plantlets survived following acclimatization and transfer to a mixture of sand and vermiculite (1: 1, v/v) in trays. In the following another test, Leaf and petiole segments derived from 1-year-old transplanted potted plants originally derived from in vitro culture were used to study the effects of plant growth regulators and orientation on the induction of adventitious shoots and roots. Leaf cuttings and petiole segments dipped in 20.0 µM 6-benzyladenine for 30 min induced the highest number of shoots per explant among the PGRs tested and 1 - 20 µM indole-3-butyric acid induced more roots than indole-3-acetic acid or α-naphthaleneacetic acid. Leaf cuttings placed abaxial side down induced significantly more adventitious shoots than leaf cuttings placed abaxial side up. More than 95% of plantlets survived when transferred to square plastic trays

  • av Joseph Rudigi Rukema

    The political economy of the Eritrean War of Independence (EWI) examines the power relationships that were unfolded during the War. In this study, political economy refers to the making and administering of power. The political economy approach to the EWI presents a new theoretical perspective to understanding war. The making and administering of power manifests itself through power struggle that occurs during war. Therefore, power struggle determines power relationships of the forces that were involved in the war. This study entails three major themes. The first theme addresses the prelude to the EWI and the background to the power struggle unfolded during the War. The second theme addresses international involvements in the wars of the horn of Africa and their impacts on the EWI. The third theme examines the formation of the Eritrean Liberation Front (ELF) that started the EWI in 1961 and its implosion in 1969.

  • - Mathematics
    av Yongjin Li

    The main purpose of this book is to present some old and new results in this research field. This book can be divided into two parts. The first part is the first chapter, in which we briefly introduce some basic concepts and results. It can help readers quickly learn about some of the classic research results in this field, as well as understand their research motivation and background. The remaining chapters can be considered as the second part. In these chapters, we will introduce in detail our relevant research results in recent years, which may help readers understand the main research content and motivation in this field today.

  • av Hiroshi Kobayashi

    Glass is out of equilibrium and reduces into an equilibrium solid. This whole process is a thermodynamical phase transition, while the so-called glass transition is an observable transition with no changes in structure. We describe that the glass transition is a purely kinetic phenomenon due to strong fluctuations in molecular configurations in supercooled liquid. Intermediate-range orders (IROs) have important roles on the glass transition process which is explained by the embryo and freezing of IROs. We conclude that the glass transition is an emergence of a new system of glass in a nonequilibrium state and a glass is a nanomaterial which is composed of a periodic nano-structure of IROs.The mean field theory introduced the random first order transition (RFOT) as the ideal glass transition which prevents the Kauzmann paradox. Recently, an ideal glass was realized using silicate glass during long aging below the Kauzmann temperature. An ideal glass is a nanomaterial which is composed of a periodic nano-structure of intermediate-range orders in an amorphous phase. The results identified the (spontaneous) dissipative structure as an equilibrium state of an ideal glass. An ideal glass is a temporal steady state toward the ground state of materials, which is a polycrystal.

  • - Foreign Tribunal Systems
    av Rashri Baboolal-Frank

    The aim of this appraisal is to illustrate effective and efficient tribunal systems. This book examines foreign tribunal systems, which are unified, tiered hierarchies that operate in a harmonious. This book discusses the relevance of each foreign tribunal system elucidating the strengths and weaknesses of each system. The United Kingdom has experimented with its tribunal system since the eighteenth century, and it is an appropriate tribunal system to seek guidance from regarding the enhancement of access to justice. Second, France has a tribunal model that works efficiently and expeditiously, and the judges that preside at the Conseil d'Etat receive specialist training to adjudicate tribunal matters. This is a useful system and this specialist training is relevant for an effective system. Thirdly, the Australian tribunal system's structure is constantly evolving, in relation to an improved structure and operation. Together, these three foreign systems are representative of an ideal tribunal system that operates harmoniously. The different foreign tribunal systems of Australia, France and United Kingdom were selected on the basis of the evolution of the system, being a tiered system with judicial review. The enacted legislation and their procedures of these tribunals are representative of the most efficient tribunals in the world. The purpose in making the comparison was to lead to exposing the efficiency and drawbacks of the systems to create a more enhanced tribunal system for dispute resolution. These tribunals have reformed and provide the ideal basis for comparison to elucidate the strengths and weaknesses of foreign tribunals as effective dispute resolution platform

  • - Pre and Post Recession
    av Uma Nagarajan

    The emergence of India and China as major power centers from the turn of the century and their rapidly growing share in the new order of the world economy caught the attention of the whole world. Both countries showed spectacular growth rates before the onset of the global financial crisis backed by a strong growth in their macroeconomic variables. Interestingly, though growth trajectories of India and China started converging, their fundamental strengths were diametrically opposite. This book showcases a detailed analysis of the growth stories of China and India during the pre-recession period from 2002 to 2007 and the post-recession period from 2008 to 2015 . The story is analyzed through a detailed study of fifteen major macroeconomic variables for each country.The results emphasize the profound contrasts in the growth patterns of India and China .While most of the macroeconomic variables of India show a significant correlation with the Indian stock markets, almost none of the macroeconomic variables of China have a significant relationship with stock markets of China for period of study. The use of Exploratory Factor Analysis further highlights the stark contrasts in the underlying factors influencing their growth .While the Dragon vs Elephant comparison may be justified based on geographical proximity, their growth stories are as different as chalk and cheese.

  • av Jun Lu

    The goal of this book is to debunk and dispel the magic behind the black-box optimizers and stochastic optimizers. It aims to build a solid foundation on how and why the techniques work. This manuscript crystallizes this knowledge by deriving from simple intuitions, the mathematics behind the strategies. This book doesn't shy away from addressing both the formal and informal aspects of gradient descent and stochastic optimization methods. By doing so, it hopes to provide readers with a deeper understanding of these techniques as well as the when, the how and the why of applying these algorithms.Gradient descent is one of the most popular algorithms to perform optimization and by far the most common way to optimize machine learning tasks. Its stochastic version receives attention in recent years, and this is particularly true for optimizing deep neural networks. In deep neural networks, the gradient followed by a single sample or a batch of samples is employed to save computational resources and escape from saddle points. In 1951, Robbins and Monro published A stochastic approximation method, one of the first modern treatments on stochastic optimization that estimates local gradients with a new batch of samples. And now, stochastic optimization has become a core technology in machine learning, largely due to the development of the back propagation algorithm in fitting a neural network. The sole aim of this article is to give a self-contained introduction to concepts and mathematical tools in gradient descent and stochastic optimization.

  • av Jun Lu

    In 1954, Alston S. Householder published Principles of Numerical Analysis, one of the first modern treatments on matrix decomposition that favored a (block) LU decomposition-the factorization of a matrix into the product of lower and upper triangular matrices. And now, matrix decomposition has become a core technology in machine learning, largely due to the development of the back propagation algorithm in fitting a neural network. The sole aim of this book is to give a self-contained introduction to concepts and mathematical tools in numerical linear algebra and matrix analysis in order to seamlessly introduce matrix decomposition techniques and their applications in subsequent sections. However, we clearly realize our inability to cover all the useful and interesting results concerning matrix decomposition and given the paucity of scope to present this discussion, e.g., the separated analysis of the Euclidean space, Hermitian space, Hilbert space, and things in the complex domain. We refer the reader to literature in the field of linear algebra for a more detailed introduction to the related fields. This book is primarily a summary of purpose, significance of important matrix decomposition methods, e.g., LU, QR, and SVD, and the origin and complexity of the methods which shed light on their modern applications. Most importantly, this article presents improved procedures for most of the calculations of the decomposition algorithms which potentially reduce the complexity they induce. Again, this is a decomposition-based context, thus we will introduce the related background when it is needed and necessary. In many other textbooks on linear algebra, the principal idea

  • - The Case of Oromia
    av Kebede Soressa Guta

    The book comprises two parts. The first part tried to discuss the implementation of Integrated Functional Adult Education (IFAE) in Oromia Regional State so as to find out lesson that can be learned and the challenges the program encountered. IFAE program is new in its kind and tried to bring different stakeholders on board. The study confirmed that sectors of agriculture, health, education and volunteers were the main actors in the implementation of IFAE program which would have been considered as the strength. But, their contribution was hampered by major factors such as lack of reward package, poor rapport between different sectors and problem related with issue of unity of command. Participation in the IFAE program was not considered as additional task that deserve some kind of financial and other forms of reward. The rapport between stakeholders who are engaged in IFAE program was not up to the requirement. The study also revealed that participants of the IFAE implicitly were expected to report to two bosses: for their line managers and coordinator of the IFAL program. The second part of the book discusses the nature of An intervention was made in five Kebeles of Jeldu District using FAL as an approach to improve the livelihood of the rural community by MKC-RDA since 2008. The study has been carried out using qualitative method purposive sampling technique has been employed to determine participants of the research so as to get better understanding about the program. To this end the study tried to illuminate how the intervention has contributed in improving the quality of life of the target group.

  • av Wenceslaus Mudyanadzo

    This book captures Zimbabwe's Post-Colonial challenges of rebuilding the country through engagement and re-engagement. It proffers lessons in governance and international relations management which are critical for national transformation and development for a developing country like Zimbabwe. The experience encountered by Zimbabwe offers lessons for students and practioners in governance and international relations fields to re-orient their strategies for statecraft in the wake of experiences of Zimbabwe.

  • av Fatma Elgharbi

    β-glucans, are consisting of linear β-D-glucosyl residues linked through β-1,3 and/or β-1,4 glycosidic bonds. The degradation of β-glucans in nature is catalyzed by β-glucanases. These enzymes constitute an important biotechnological aid in reducing the amount of chlorine required for bleaching in pulp and paper industry, the bioconversion of lignocellulosic materials into fermentative products, the improvement of digestibility of animal feedstock and the clarification of juices.β-1,4-Xylans are consisting of a homopolymeric backbone of β-1,4-linked D-xylopyranose units and short side chains. β-1,4-Xylanases are the key enzymes that hydrolyze the backbone structure of β-1,4-xylans to initiate degradation of the complex polysaccharides by microorganisms.These enzymes have attached considerable research interest due to their worldwide commercial applications (textile, paper and pulp, foodstuff, animal feed, pharmaceutical and biofuel production), both alone and in combination with other enzymes.Due to their limited properties, the currently marketed commercial enzymes may not be ideally suitable for industrial applications. Accordingly, there are continuing efforts to search for new sources for the production of enzymes with interesting properties that can be produced in high yields. In recent years, heterologous expression is becoming one of the main tools for the production of industrial enzymes.In this work, microbial glucanases and xylanases were purified, characterized and overexpressed in heterologous systems. The 3D models of some enzymes were generated and discussed. These enzymes have been also tested for their effectiveness in various industrial applications.


    This book discusses a number of issues related to the implementation of Vocational Education and Training (VET) which have been perpetual intense topics of discussion in different circumstances worldwide. The issues cover curriculum changes, quality of learning and teaching, relevance of VET programmes with labour market, revitalization of VET programmes, change of global labour market, revolution of skills, economic return of attending VET, and school and industry partnership. It also discusses benefits, challenges, and supports that students of VET might obtain from attending the OJT Programme held in industries under partnerships. It further contains the discussion about globalization, educational reforms, work skills changes and competence-based education curriculum with its learning by doing principle by revealing different lenses across the globe. This book discusses the Indonesian education system and in particular vocational education system. It also discusses the core values of the Indonesian education system which are institutionalized in the five principles of the country (Pancasila) and the National Constitution (UUD 1945). The aim of the Indonesian education is essentially to intellectualize the people of Indonesia and develop them into completely qualified human beings who eventually gain high self-esteem on the basis of their consistent beliefs on one Supreme God. These are all packaged in the School-based Curriculum which is later substituted with the Curriculum-13 or so called K- 13.

  • - Innovations and Best Practices for Sustainable Farming
    av Bidhya Poudel Chhetri

    In a rapidly changing climate, the future of agriculture depends on our ability to adapt. Climate-resilient agriculture is the next wave in agriculture, and there is no alternative to building resilient agricultural systems in the modern world. "Climate Resilience Agriculture: Innovations and Best Practices for Sustainable Farming" is a groundbreaking guide to building resilient agricultural systems that can withstand the impacts of climate change. Packed with cutting-edge research, practical advice, and inspiring case studies, this book is a must-read for farmers, policymakers, and anyone concerned about the future of our food system. From soil health management to drought-resistant crop varieties, "Climate Resilience Agriculture" offers a comprehensive road-map for a sustainable, climate-resilient future.

  • - Rethinking Time, Space, and Gender
    av Amel Zaouga

    This book seeks to develop a conception of time as a category open to continuous rethinking and to consider it in the mid of multiple forces like space and gender and how this perception empowers one gender and limits the power of the other gender. Guided by the postcolonial perspective on temporal difference, emphasis is put on how revisiting historical processes disrupts the linear notion of time by narrating various moments as disjunctive parts of the same story. Nonlinear narratives demonstrate that cyclical time as opposed to linear time, does not only mean defeat but also may encode the repetition of possibility through attention to historical exclusion and recourse to harmony with the nonhuman world. The concepts of cyclicality and harmony with nature largely correspond to the ecofeminist conceptualizations of time in terms of multiplicity and acknowledgement of difference. The notion of difference is developed as a major destabilizer of dualism The acknowlegement of differences between previously polarized and dualized categories allows for hybridization and multiplicity. Instead of advocating homogenization, which risks falling into non-identity, relationships of mutualism may offer a more egalitarian view of society and ecology. Emphasis put on both biological and cultural diversity comes to respond to the indeterminacy around the monolithic condition of human life. Hence, the continuity that can exist between militant movements does not have to reduce women, nature, and animals into one category. The identity of each category needs to be preserved and though different, they can still forge a strong bond against the forces of exclusion.

  • av Ahmed Mahmoud Elshenhab

    Time-delay systems occupy a place of central importance in all areas of science. Time-delays are often related to Physico-chemical processes, electric networks, hydraulic networks, heredity in population growth, the economy, and other related industries. Such time-delay systems can be represented by delay differential equations, delay discrete equations, or delay fractional differential equations. Some real-world problems can be modeled in a more accurate way by including time-delays. Such systems are often used to model phenomena in scientific and technological problems. These models are used in computer engineering, viscoelastic systems, diffusion processes, signal analysis, biology, forced oscillations, control theory, disease modeling, finance, and population dynamics. Recently, several attempts have been made to find an analytical solution for time-delay systems under different conditions, which leads to results on stability analysis, control problems, observability, and iterative learning control for linear or nonlinear continuous delay systems, discrete delay systems, impulsive delay systems or fractional order delay systems. The first objective of this work is to obtain the exact solutions of linear or nonlinear continuous delay systems, discrete delay systems, and fractional order delay systems. After that, as an application, the representation of solutions of these systems is used to derive the finite time stability, Hyers-Ulam stability, and controllability results. To prove the effectiveness of the proposed approach, the obtained results will be illustrated by applications, and compared with the outcomes in the existing literature.

  • - Institutions and Economic Growth
    av Walid Y Alali

    This book is my MPhil dissertation, which investigates the inter-relationships between institutions and development outcomes, specifically economic growth, economic reforms, FDI and technical efficiency. The fundamental question we are interested in is identifying the development outcomes and channels on which institutional quality directly impacts. We use Rodrik's (2005)'s taxonomy, to unbundle institutions into economic and political institutions, as well as macroeconomic policies. This largely follows the theoretical basis of earlier literature, arguing that these three aspects are endogenously determined. We then disentangle their individual effects on different development outcomes. Also, as an institution is probably not as persistent as one may have perceived, we explore the dynamic effect of institutions. Causality relationships between institutions and macroeconomic policies and reforms are also examined. Last but not least, other than domestic institutional quality, we also consider the impact of external institutions on development outcomes.We carry out four studies in Chapters 2 to 5 aiming to provide empirical evidence for these interrelated themes. In the following, we will summarize the major findings in these Chapters and discuss briefly their policy implications. We will also highlight the limitations of our work and suggest some possible extensions for further research.

  • av Frantisek Zigo

    The role of contaminated environmental surfaces in the transmission of different pathogens is supported by the fact that cleaning and disinfection can decrease the incidence of microbial colonisation or spreading of infection. Sanitation includes effective use of tools and activities aimed at inactivating, eliminating or killing pathogens in the environment, which lead to increase of the hygiene and disease prevention. Foodborne diseases which can occur during manipulation due to presence of microorganisms on contaminated surfaces are of major public health concern. Due to this fact, cleaning and disinfection of surfaces in food processing plant are necessary for the production of safe and healthy food.The scientific book publication contains a first set of studies that reflect the importance of mechanical cleaning and disinfection that affect the environmental quality and must, therefore, be taken into account when considering the importance of environmental microbiology as a tool in the improvement of the quality of life of animals located in this environment, and as a tool which prevent illness. The second part of studies stress the importance of disinfection as very important preventive measure of foodborne diseases, because suitable sanitary environmental conditions in food processing plants could decrease the level of the microbial contamination. The acquired knowledge indicates the need for regular performing of mechanical cleaning and disinfection; using of suitable disinfectants and cleaning agents which should be adapted to the material of surface, presence of organic material, temperature of the environment; presence of animals and to other factors.

  • av Xinyi LV

    Breaking the urban-rural dichotomy and achieving integrated development of urban and rural areas is an important issue. In 1958, China promulgated the Regulations on Household Registration, which stipulates that individuals are required to register for household registration after birth, and the state divides residents into two categories of agricultural and non-agricultural households according to their two permanent residences in rural and urban areas, and constructs two categories of household registration based on the status of household registration. The reform of the unified household registration system marks the history of the dual urban-rural household registration system that distinguishes the nature of household registration by "agricultural" and "non-agricultural", and the resulting changes in residents' identity may profoundly affect their behavior. This paper explores the impact of the unified household registration system on individual risk-taking from a microscopic perspective, with the aim of discovering the deep-seated mechanisms that influence individual economic behavior and financial decisions. This paper finds that the institutional arrangement of unified household registration breaks the identity separation between urban and rural areas, which releases the prudent risk attitude caused by "identity uncertainty" and makes individuals engage in more active risk-taking behavior. Further, the higher degree of risk preference and more systematic acquisition of financial knowledge brought about by the unified hukou status are possible channels to influence risk-taking intentions.

  • av Sunday Paul Chukwu

    Evidently, the unusual high rate of immigration to developed nation states in recent times could be most likely traced to some of the challenges bedevilling our contemporary world in the developing and underdeveloped nations. Some of them are the high rate of poverty, civil and political unrest, religious crisis, poor infrastructure, unavailability of sufficient opportunities and inadequate access to basic amenities and facilities. However, a good number of these immigrants are constantly faced with inhumane treatment as a result of some of the policies formulated by states which go contrary to their fundamental right of freedom of movement. In view of this, Joseph Carens questions current immigration policies executed by some governments, and if they truly live up to their principles in relation to the dignity of human beings and the inalienable fundamental rights they enjoy or should enjoy. Consequently, the author of this book aims at examining the normative implications of states' rights to restrict immigration by bringing to light the demands of justice in a just world where such fundamental rights unique to humans as freedom, equality of opportunity and equity are upheld and respected. While leaving borders open so that immigrants can gain free access to other states, is this a lasting solution to the problem which is the motivation for people immigrating? Will a long-term solution like human empowerment and foreign aid to poor nations not reduce the rate of immigration and bring it to a halt? Unless a problem is addressed from its root, it always resurfaces.

  • av Simeon Chinedu Nnaji

    Family planning is one of the major components in the Nigeria Population Policy (NPP). Family planning services are practices to control unplanned pregnancy. Unplanned pregnancies sometime result in abortions by untrained personnel which consequently lead to morbidity and mortality. On the other hand unplanned pregnancies give rise to high fertility. This is where Malthus theory of population comes in. Malthus stated that there will be disequilibrium between population and food supply. This implies that population will increase in geometric progression while food supply will increase in arithmetic progression and positive and preventive checks were suggested. Positive checks are elements visible to influence or increase mortality rate and low life expectancy such as: war, famine and poor working conditions while the preventive checks are elements visible to reduce fertility such as: moral abstinence and contraception. This is the more reason why Nigerian government adopted Malthus theory to formulate her first population policy in 1988 to reduce fertility rate, population growth, proportion of early marriage and infant mortality rate. However, failure in achieving most its objectives led to its review in 2004. Several reasons were posited for the shortcoming of the NPP. The underlying reason for the ineffectiveness of the NPP was failure to consider social and cultural diversities in Nigeria. The reviewed NPP in 2004 was aimed at reducing the national population growth rate, total fertility rate (TFR) and increase utilization of family planning services among Nigerians. In this paper to enhance the utilization of family planning services in order to achieve the objective

  • av Rahul Poonia

    By outlining concrete policy recommendations on how improving infrastructure could increase agricultural production, exports, and food security in India, the report adds to the body of previous literature in this field. Prior research has only examined one region or has examined specific components like human capital or fertilizer. Yet, rather of focusing on a local level, this study examines national-level infrastructure upgrading. It also employs agricultural production per unit of labor to define agricultural productivity, in contrast to the majority of other research. The majority of research on India's infrastructure and how it relates to industrial growth has been conducted at the national or state level. Obviously, this method sees the state as a homogeneous entity, which it is not. The following conclusions can be drawn from a brief assessment of the prior studies. First, there is disagreement over the relative importance of the infrastructural elements in determining industrial infrastructure. Second, and perhaps more significantly, it demonstrates that relatively few investigations were carried out at the district level and that most research were carried out at the state level. In addition to taking steps to reduce poverty and create jobs, agriculture productivity must be raised to feed the world's expanding population. Rural infrastructure is essential for agriculture, agro industries, and the overall economic growth of rural areas since it determines how productive agriculture may be. In addition, it offers essential amenities that raise living standards. Infrastructure has been correctly referred to as the engine driving agricultural expansion.

  • - Medical Biocomposites Materials
    av Khaled R Mohamed

    The book is concerned of the different biomaterials prepared by different methods. The biomaterials were characterized and assessed by in-vitro study in a simulated body fluids (SBF) similar to blood plasma to confirm the formation of a bone-like apatite layer on the material surface via microstructure and elemental analysis pre-and post-immersion in SBF. Also, the formation of a bone-like apatite layer was confirmed by the reduction of calcium and phosphate ions in post-immersion in the SBF. Eventually, all these promising biomaterials can be used as bone substitutes in medical application after in-vivo study. The book is composed of collective research papers of highly applicable biomaterials and benefits scientists in materials science and medical field.

  • av Surajit Kalita

    Einstein's theory of general relativity and quantum mechanics were among the most startling discoveries in the 20th century. Based on these theories, the maximum mass of a non-rotating non-magnetized white dwarf was found to be about 1.4 solar mass, known as the Chandrasekhar mass-limit. However, over the past decades, various researchers have indirectly predicted many sub- and super-Chandrasekhar limiting mass white dwarfs (white dwarfs which violate the Chandrasekhar mass-limit) from the luminosity based observations of peculiar type Ia supernovae. Several research groups worldwide, earlier proposed different models, including magnetic fields, rotation, modified gravity, noncommutative geometry, and many more, to explain these peculiar white dwarfs. However, no such white dwarfs have so far been observed directly in any observations and hence to predict the correct theory for white dwarfs is still unclear. In this book, we show that if such white dwarfs rotate in such a way that their magnetic field and rotation axes are not aligned with each other, they can emit continuous gravitational radiation, which in the future, various detectors, such as LISA, TianQin, BBO, DECIGO, Einstein Telescope, etc., can detect with a significant signal-to-noise ratio. Thereby one can predict the structure of the white dwarfs and single out the correct theory of gravity. In the related context of modified gravity, we show that even in vacuum, asymptotically flat solution of the modified Einstein equation is possible. All these results argue that the premise of modified theory of gravity seems to be an excellent platform to explain unsolved astronomical problems.

  • av Jyoti Rajput

    The purpose of this book is to investigate the laser assisted electron acceleration of in vacuum and plasmas. The behaviour of electron in the influence of different laser polarizations is analysed. The techniques are employed to make laser more focused and diffraction free. The relativistic Newton-Lorentz equations of motion in analytically specified laser fields are used to study the electron acceleration in plasma and vacuum. The equation of motion and relativistic energy equation are used to discover the trajectory and energy gain by the charged particle under different conditions respectively. The equations of motion and energy equation of the charged particle are derived and solved numerically to obtain the results which are further employed to study the electron acceleration. The influence of frequency chirp is studied on laser induced electron acceleration in vacuum and plasma. We have utilized the chirped tightly focused laser and chirped echelon phase modulated laser also to study its impact on electron energy. The present study has a great potential in the field of hard X-ray generation, cancer therapy and industrial purposes etc.

  • av Frederick Daniel Amara

    My drive to become a Legal Professional was for obvious reasons, that being to advocate for change and improve on the unimproved. My country, Sierra Leone, is blessed with so many natural resources but has benefited very little of its proceeds because of corruption. The grand corruption that happens among the top public figures needs to be checked to enhance the development in the country. When this is mitigated and possibly eradicated, then the country as whole would be transformed and the proceeds obtained from mining these resources are not pocketed by individuals, but used for the good of the people. Therefore, it is against this backdrop that I write to argue about the history, and negative effect of corruption in Sierra Leone, and the current action taken to by the Anti Corruption Commission and the Government to bring a stop to any form of corruption. To further the country's growth through the Commission of Inquiry, with the end result being conviction, accountability, and transparency, to discourage any form of corruption from people holding public offices, and private individuals. This book showcases how the fight against corruption in Sierra Leone is serious at this time, putting the country's image in better footing on the global arena. Hence, is it my desire that it will not only stop, by holding public officers accountable, but also corporate investment companies who pay bribes to get away with anything, even when they violate human rights in their foreign direct investments. This must stop to enhance development in the country.

  • av Amjad Khan

    Dissolution testing has been a key tool during drug development stages and for commercial preparation of the dosage forms. At the drug development stage, dissolution testing is used to help in formulation development evaluation of stability, monitoring of product consistency and assessment of the effect of variables (changes in formulation and process parameters) affecting the characteristics of the final product. In case of the commercial products, dissolution testing applied for confirmation of manufacturing and product consistency and evaluation of process variables. With the accumulation of both in vivo and in vitro experience during a product's development cycle, the dissolution test method should be critically re-evaluated and potentially simplified for final quality control testing. This books covers dissolution testing of solid dosage forms, both conventional and novel dosage forms. Development and validation of dissolution testing method for different types of tablets have been described as separate chapters.

  • av Rimjhim Singh

    This book deals with two major puzzles in Labor Economics. The first puzzle is why do wages exist above the market clearing levels? Does Adam Smith's "invisible hand" materialize here or not? The efficiency wage argument suggests a way out of this tight corner by claiming that it is possible to reduce the cost of production by paying wages above market clearing level. The Efficiency Hypothesis tries to explain the presence of involuntary unemployment and wage differentials. The fact is that in the Efficiency Wages model the wages are not determined by demand-supply alone. This book critically reviews the rationale of wages above the market clearing level using Leibenstein and Shapiro and Stiglitz models. The second one is why do skill premiums not always increase for skilled workers in developed countries? It is often conceived that the factors which explain the movements in skill premium in a developed country also explain the movements of skill premium in a developing country. But the previous pieces of research prove that this may not be true even for developed countries both theoretically as well as empirically. The book would also deal with the de-skilling and re-skilling debate in capitalism. This debate is extremely relevant today in view of the advent of the Fourth and Fifth Industrial Revolutions. The book is divided into 2 chapters. Chapter 1 probes the possible explanations for the first puzzle and Chapter 2 deals with the re-skilling and de-skilling debates and skill premium related anomalies both for developing and developed countries.

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