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  • av Dave Banks

    Personal Growth;

  • av Shilpi J. Chawla

    This book is about taking responsibility for creating the life you love. It invites you to stop the chatter in your mind and listen to what your heart is saying and connecting to your core. Intentions are simple to create, for they represent who you are at the core.Use this book to set goals, affirmations, intentions, and use these to achieve everything you desire from life.

  • av Joseph Murphy

    YOU ARE BORN TO BE RICH The author, Dr Joseph Murphy, believes that every person is here on this earth to grow, expand and unfold mentally, spiritually and materially. You deserve to have all the money that you need to lead a life of abunddance. Why should you be just satisfied with enough to go around when you can enjoy the riches of the infinite? In this book you will learn how to: · Make friends with money · Develop wealth consciousness · Reinstate your belief in your abilities · Always have surplus and live in abundance How To Attract Money will change your mind-set about money, and show you a pathway to financial success, affluence and the prosperity you truly deserve. With a BONUS section of insightful quotes by Dr. Joseph Murph

  • av Joseph Murphy

    In Believe in Yourself, the master on the topic of mind over matter, Dr. Joseph Murphy, shows you how the power of believing in yourself will help you achieve your dreams. In his engaging, narrative style the author peeps into the lives off successful people from different walks of life, right from businessmen to artists and finds how they have used the power of belief to achieve favourable outcomes. This book will help you: · Overcome low self-esteem and build self confidence · Use creative visualisation · Overcome hardships and defeats that come in your way to success · Use the subconscious mind in business Dr. Joseph Murphy believes that as a man repeats the word success to himself with faith and conviction, his subconscious mind accepts it to be true and he is bound to succeed. As he quotes in the book, "It's just as easy to imagine yourself successful as it is to imagine failure, and far more interesting." With a BONUS section of insightful quotes by Dr. Joseph Murph

  • av Joseph Murphy

    HARNESS THE INFINITE POWER OF YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS MIND Whether you wish to overcome a bad habit, become successful, have harmonious relationships or achieve your long cherished goal, you subconscious mind can guide you to accomplish that. Inn this book, Dr. Joseph Murphy expands the theory about the latent power of your subconscious mind ; and how this power can be used to improve every aspect of your life. The Miracles of Your Mind provides you with: · The tools that will open up the infinite power of your subconscious mind · Tips on how to harness of the power of mind · The technique of awakening your dormant wisdom · Simple ways to make your subconscious mind work for you to resolve various life issues and obstacles Follow the guidelines mentioned in this book to harness of the power of mind, and invite happiness and prosperity into your lives. With a BONUS section of insightful quotes by Dr. Joseph Murph

  • av Winning Series

    If you want to be the manager or the team leader who can successfully achieve the respect of the members, then this book is the right choice for you. The qualities one needs to have to be an effective Leader:? Manage the team effectively? Manage the team effectively? Become an inspirational leader? Take charge of your team in an appropriate manner? Communicate as efficiently as possible? Prioritize your teamPick this book up and be empowered to bring the desired change. This book can be an orientation that would provide you strategies to effectively manage and guide your team towards the collective goal. Become an effortless manager by being on the right side of your your team towards the collective goal. Become an effortless manager by being on the right side of your team.This book presents you an opportunity to explore the hidden secrets of effective team building and team management. Take Charge of Your Team is a comprehensive guide to excel at managing your team productively. No mysteries or roundabout explanations, the book tells you what you should or should not exercises, theories and tips, this book is designed to propel you towards becoming a great leader.

  • av Brook Lyn

    Communications; Body Language;

  • av Vikash Mittersain

    To lead others successfully , you must first lead yourself . This book presents incisive insights gathered through exclusive interviews with nine of India's leading CEOs. The many revelations made in each interview have been condensed into value statements and best practices which existing CEOs can use to become better leaders and aspiring CEOs can use to follow their vision. Featuring leading CEOs including : Nadir Godrej - Godrej Industries Subhash Chandra - Zee Entertainment Anu Aga - Thermax Dr Lalit Kumar Kanodia - Datamatics Ajay Piramal - Piramal Enterprises Ramesh Hira - Hira Industries Marten Pieters - Vodafone India Marten Kriegner - Lafarge India Pvt Ltd. Ayaz Memon - CEO Coach.

  • - A Step By Step Guide To Becoming An Entrepreneur In India
    av Nandini Vaidyanathan

    This is a guide book if you want to become an entrepreneur, or, if you are in the start-up phase. It tells you in easy, simple, 20 steps, what are the things you need to do from the time you think of the business idea to becoming market-ready. It is a go-to book, like a dictionary. If you have just started a company, or thinking of starting a company, it answers some basic questions : Why should I be an entrepreneur? Where will I get my business ideas from? Why do I need a mentor and where will I find one? How will I hire good teams when I don't have the money to pay them market rates?What is a business plan, why should I write it, how should I write it? What are the different ways in which I can raise money for my business? This book acts as a mentor, pointing the way each step of your exciting journey to becoming an entrepreneur. Professor Nandini Vaidyanathan been a traveling teacher who, for the last five years, has been teaching entrepreneurship in several ivy-league business schools around the world. July this year she has mentored more than 500 startup entrepreneurs across domains and geographies, pro bono. She writes a monthly column for the Entrepreneur magazine.

  • av Cyrus M. Gonda

    Expert advice on every aspect of grooming. Learn secrets of style for both indian and western corporate attire. This book effectively shows you how to put your best foot forward and dress for success at every occasion. From formal fashion,power dressing, accessory matching, colour co-ordination to hair and grooming

  • av Sonal Mittra

    Eat Right - Live Right Everything you eat becomes part of you. The food you intake impacts your mood, your emotions, your feelings and of course, the way you look. Our health depends on not only on what we eat, but various other factors such as how much we eat, how it is consumed and when. All food philosophies agree with the view that we should have a balanced diet, but how does one achieve this in today's stressful urban life? This book is about better understanding food and realizing it's impact on your personality, so that you can make healthy lifestyle decisions. Using a number of stories and interesting facts, the book helps you understand : ? Food - knowing what you eat ? Different Food Philosophies ? Tips on diet and nutrition from across the world ? The healing power of food? Vitamins, minerals and nutrition ? Wonder Foods - eating your way to good health ? Healing with nature - using food to heal lifestyle diseases. Change Your Diet - Change Your Life!ABOUT THE AUTHORSonal Mittra is a Doctorate in Alternate Medicines. Having extensively travelled the world, she has a firsthand account of the dietary habits of people in various countries, states and races. The book is a compilation of her observations and research. Other books by the author are 'Healthy Food, Healthy Living', and 'Traditional India Massage'. In addition Sonal has also written numerous articles for various magazines on health and nutrition.

  • - Keys to Deeper Secrets
    av Santosh Joshi

    When we least expect it, life poses numerous challenges, often paralyzing us. At such times, our mind is flooded with an avalanche of questions, starting with 'why me', to 'why are things happening the way they are', to 'who am I' and finally, 'what is the purpose of my life'. Although each challenge in our life helps us discover that hidden aspect of ourselves, raising us to an elevated level of consciousness in our life's journey, the answers to our questions would certainly help us move ahead with higher understanding and greater wisdom. The theory of reincarnation and theory of karma have the key to these deeper secrets of life. Using this as the foundation and past life regression therapy as a tool, the questions that bother us on a daily basis, can be convincingly answered. This book not only answers the questions that disturb you, but also pulls you out of the feeling of victimhood and straightens the creases in the fabric of your life. This in turn will help you recognize your life's patterns and resolve the issues of the past that are bothering you in the present, paving a way for a brighter and happier future. ABOUT THE AUTHOROften called the Dale Carnegie of India, Santosh Joshi shot to fame after developing the SKY Healing technique and writing the self-help book KEYS which is now a best seller. Santosh is a new-age motivational speaker, life coach and past life regression therapist based in Mumbai. Eminent personalities such as Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, Nitin Gadkari, Rahul Dravid, Madhur Bandarkar, Mallika Sarabhai and even spiritual leaders such as Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Sister Shivani and Dada Vaswani have supported Santosh's work and endorsed KEYS.

  • - The Secret to a Happy and Regret - Free Life
    av Santosh Joshi

    Each and every one of us deserves a happy life. So what is keeping us from achieving it? Most of us have been hurt or burdened by the imperfect past or are fearful of the uncertain future. Rather than living the precious moments life offers, we either live in the past or the future, when the truth is that the former is already gone and the latter is yet to come. Which is why author, life coach and motivational speaker Santosh Joshi introduces the HLP Principle that encourages us to live the present moment. HLP stands for : Healing the past Living in the present and Planning for the future. These are basically the three KEYS that open the door and take the first step into a new life. One Without regrets of the past, or fear of the future. KEYS is not just another book on self-motivation and life skills, but a guide book which helps in self-discovery." The Times Of India.ABOUT THE AUTHOR : Often called the Dale Carnegie of India, Santosh Joshi shot to fame after developing the SKY Healing technique and writing the self-help book KEYS which is now a best seller. Santosh is a new-age motivational speaker, life coach and past life regression therapist based in Mumbai. Eminent personalities such as Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, Nitin Gadkari, Rahul Dravid, Madhur Bandarkar, Mallika Sarabhai and even spiritual leaders such as Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Sister Shivani and Dada Vaswani have endorsed KEYS.

  • av Parul Sheth

    This book is the story of Parul Sheth who started running and used it as a way to getting her life back on track. It is the story of a broken woman who, thanks to running, was able to cope with her trauma and evolve into a strong person. Parul's story, will resonate with a lot of us. We all have our own personal hell from which we are trying to escape. It is for the sari clad lady who dreams to run in track pants on Marine Drive, for the alcoholic who is trying to quit and adopt a healthier lifestyle. For the woman who is trapped in her roles, but wants to break free and find herself, as well the workaholic executive who thinks he cannot follow his passion due to lack of time. The road is perilous but with sheer tenacity we can learn to enjoy the journey. Each hill we climb is making us stronger, taking us higher. With this story I hope to inspire the non runner to start running, the half marathoner to dream bigger and realise that even the impossible is possible, and the marathoner to push his own perceived limits and aim for the much desired personal best.ABOUT THE AUTHOR : Paul Sheth is an architect who has been running since the last 10 years, completing 3 full marathons and several half marathons. She started running to migigate the pain from her personal life and discovered that as she grew as a runner, she also grew as a person. It taught her to smile again. Over the last 10 years, she has brought up 2 teenagers as a single parent, worked as an architect designing restaurants, and developed a whole new life thanks to running.

  • av Jane Austen

    Pride and Prejudice is a novel of manners by Jane Austen, first published in 1813. The story follows the main character, Elizabeth Bennet, as she deals with issues of manners, upbringing, morality, education, and marriage in the society of the landed ...

  • - Getting It Right
    av Global Success Foundation

    Network marketing is the business of the 21st century. It allows you to be an entrepreneur and choose your work hours giving you flexibility like no other career. It gives you financial freedom along with the opportunity for exponential growth by lleveraging your time and using a network of people to generate revenue. For all the unlimited potential this industry holds, network marketing has been misunderstood. This book tells you what it is really all about. It shows you how to make the most of this wonderful opportunity and "Get it Right". It captures the best practices and core principles of succeeding in this fantastic business. Discover within the pages of this book: ¿ The business of happiness ¿ Living your dreams ¿ Why sign up? ¿ Prospecting contacting and inviting ¿ Showing the plan ¿ Networking - sharing and caring ¿ Helping yourself by helping others ¿ Developing leaders around you ¿ Financial freedom This is an industry that can not only improve your bank balance but also positively improve your individual and social life. Here is a book that tell you everything you need to know about the wonder-world of network marketing

  • av Shilpi J. Chawla

    An intent is a clear statement of what you choose to receive from the universe and an acknowledgement of its manifestation in your life. It is a declaration of your creative power. Once an intent is set into motion, it aligns with your higher self and what you experience is nothing short of magic. An intent is not a wish, because wishes don't always come true. Even seemingly impossible tasks can be accomplished when backed by the power of an intent. The purpose of this book is to make available to you, your own powerful ability the power of intention. Why read this book helps you create affirmations for better living get rid of anxiety and worry, manifest your desires engage in positive self talk build your self esteem, confidence and belief unleash the power of your true self

  • av Devang Kanavia

    Best Sellers is a story of two executives in sales and marketing who are going through a tough time with the sales performance of their company, Maxima. They have tried all the traditional rules in sales to revive their teams but it^s just not working. In their search for a solution, they come across a mysterious person, the Entity, an enigmatic personality who sets them on a journey of learning by ^doing^. In the next few weeks the Entity makes them meet some very unassuming sales people who demonstrate unique traits required of champion sales professionals, the "Best Sellers." What are these Secret Principles ? Will they Help Save Maxima ? Will they Help you to discover the Secrets of Increasing revenues? Join Aditya and Ryan on this journey of transformation, as they meet with people who excel at selling using original ideas and creative thinking.

  • av William H. Danforth

    This book comes from a lifetime of experience in helping people excel. the author discovered that the inner growth and a sharing. He dares you to break out of your comfort zone- to use your talents and grow stronger- physically, mentally, socially and spiritually, by daring to win in the game of life. Living is filled with insecurities. One person is afraid of losing his job, another of sickness and someone else is afraid of failure. Courage is not absence of fear, but the conquest of it.ABOUT THE AUTHOR The author was dared by his school teacher to become ""the healthiest boy in the class"". Having achieved that, he built his life slogan on the slogan that to live is to dare. This book is a bold adventure. It is about challenging thoughts of self sabotage and daring to achieve.

  • av Vithal Venkatesh Kamat

    The story of an entrepreneur who moved from a single, family style restaurant, to create a chain known across the nation. But his passion for hospitality did not stop there. Vithal Kamat had a dream to make a five star hotel. He went on to make THE ORCHID, a five-star ecotel, which won numerous awards for being the world^s best environmentally sensitive hotel. The Orchids multiplied and today stand as icons of hospitality. This is the story of what went into the making of this empire. This is an inspiring story of a man willing to face any odds for his dream, armed with determination, dedication and discipline. There are moments in our lives, where we feel like giving up on our vision and aspirations.This true life story shows that all it takes to make it, is the belief in your dreams and the conviction to see them through.

  • - Fundamental Happiness
    av Deepak Chatterjee

    This book talks about the most important thing in your life...about happiness. We all want success, prosperity, financial gains and some of us also desire recognition and fame, but when we look closer, the core question that each of us stops and asks oneself every now and then is .... AM I REALLY HAPPY? The author himself went thorugh anxiety, depression and various ups and downs in life and at one point found himself face to face with this same question. Not having an answer, he took a journey of exploration, from books to psychiatrists to wise men both from the past and present, in an attempt to find answers. This book captures that journey. For those of you who are also curious about this question, we are pleased to present this book which is in reality one man's search for the meaning of happiness.

  • av Claude M. Bristol

    Is there a magic formula to getting everything you want out of life? This book is nothing short of amazing. It contains time tested constructive methods of turning your life around for the better and achieving everything you ever desired. You are the creator of your world and within you lies a powerful force which can take pictures that you have drawn in your mental universe and replicate them in your real life. All that is needed from you, is the belief that it works! Discover inside this book : Putting the power of the subconscious to work for youProjecting your thoughtsThe fantastic power of suggestionHow to believe and achieveThe art of mental pictures

  • - From Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj
    av Nitin Parab & Cyrus Gonda

    This book looks at a leader who rose on the strength of strong values and principles. The purpose of this book is to learn from those principles which made Chhatrapati Shivaji rise to the top as a great leader, and make these lessons available to aspiring and current leaders today. The beauty of this book is that every chapter is divided into three parts. The first part deals with anecdotes from this great leader's life. The second part looks at the leadership leanings from these anecdotes and how they can be applied by today's leaders. The third part contains crisp "action points" or "mantras" for the readers.

  • - The Story That Tells You How to be One
    av Peter B. Kyne

    This fantastic short story has insipired people across the world to overcome ocstacles and achieve their highest potential. The story illustrates how to reach one's goals using the basic principles of passion, ethics, a firmness of purpose and and the wiliness to take responsibility for your word. With these qualities in place, the sky is the limit because there is nothing that can stop you from reaching your goals. You can learn from this simple story how to stay self motivated and be ready to face anything that comes your way. Although the story is short and can be read through in a single, sitting, the lessons you learn from it will continue to help you throughout your life.

  • av Adam Mahomed Noorjehan

    Journey into the Unknown is a true story. It is an inspiring story of dealing with loss, something that all of us encounter at sometime in our lives. Noorjehan and Adam Mahomed, a Durban-based couple, in a tragic motorcar accident, lost their three young daughters. This story, traces how they coped with the challenge of living with their loss and looking for meaning in what looked like an empty life. The book alternates between Noorjehan^s and Adam^s writing, giving the reader an insight into what it takes to face tragedy and understand nature^s way of healing. Every loss-especially of those you love, brings with it suffering. This story helps you see what holds you chained to the past and the courage it takes to move on and look forward.

  • av Napoleon Hill

    Napoleon Hill spent a large part of his life studying success and successful people, personally interviewing the wealthiest men of his time and distilling their wisdom into principles that could be applied by anyone to achieve personal success. THE MAGIC LADDER TO SUCCESS covers the principles discovered by him, which are expanded in his famous Law of Success. Millions of people around the world have benefitted from this well researched material and so can you. You will read within the pages of this book : 1 Creating a Master Mind. 2 How To Have a Definite Aim in Life. 3 How To Achieve Self - Confidence. 4 How To Build an Attractive Personality. 5 Dealing with Failure. 6 The Power of Persistence.

  • av Paul Parker

    The ability to deal with people is a common factor that all successful people have in common. This book is about understanding how to handle people around you, be it at your workplace or in your personal space. If you can develop this one wonderful ability, it can by itself bring you much success and joy. This book will help you understand : * How to understand and use your own abilites. * How to understand people and what motivates them. * How to earn the respect and co-operation of your fellow workers. * How to work with a team and lead them to success.* How to take insult and turn it into motivation. * How to sell an idea successfully.

  • av Kaninika Mishra

    Every day, there are millions of people who become financial services professionals, but only a handful of them become millionaires. So if you have ever wondered what makes them tick and thrive where others fail, this book will provide you with the necessary clues and a few good reasons. The Indian Millionaire Next Door profiles nine successful individuals, who irrespective of their background, took to selling life insurance and financial services, and today are 'millionaires' in their field. Through this book, author, Kaninika Mishra not only traces the inherent qualities that each of this individual possessed to be a good seller, but also highlights their key to success-tips and tricks of the trade that made them crack the deal, when others threw in the towel. The book is a warm collection of true, inspiring stories that would help inculcate the right mindset and attitude to be able to sell well. The stories here nudge you to reconsider your own strategy and inspire you to achieve your own dreams.

  • - Viewing, Reading, Cleansing
    av Hittesh Morjaria

    Meditation; Spirituality;Meditation;Spirituality;

  • - A Fable on Urban Enlightenment
    av Sonali Masih D'Silva

    Business Management;Business & Management;

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