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Böcker utgivna av En Route Books and Media, LLC

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  • av Ben Bongers

    Let's face it, life is messy and so are emotions. But, as Hellen Keller said, "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart." This book was written with love, for someone the author loves, and who loves him in return. The twelve stories contain every emotion that we feel daily, but we're too afraid to let out. They are offered in the hope that readers will give themselves permission to really feel. To laugh, to hope, and yes... to cry. What better time of life than the Holidays to open that little door to our hearts that we slam shut and lock most of the time.

  • av Mary Kloska

    Ta ksi¿¿ka to kolekcja skarbów, którymi Pan Jezus zechciä si¿ podzieli¿ z sercem autorki ¿ Mary Kloska. Dziel¿c swoje refleksje z czytelnikiem, Mary pragnie jak najlepiej zäwiadczy¿ o wielkiej mocy, jak¿ zawiera w sobie Krzy¿ Chrystusa. Jej serce dr¿y na my¿l o tym, ¿e jej w¿asne ¿ycie duchowe ujawni si¿ przed ¿wiatem, lecz pami¿ta tak¿e o tym, ¿e jej Oblubieniec zostä ukrzy¿owany nagi ¿ ofiaruj¿c ludziom cäego siebie. Mo¿emy wyci¿gn¿¿ ku Niemu r¿ce i dotkn¿¿ Jego nagich ran, aby poznä niezg¿¿bion¿ otch¿ä Bo¿ej Mi¿o¿ci, która jest w nich ukryta. Zatem, Mary decyduje si¿ by¿ ¿naga" duchowo razem z Nim, aby¿my mogli otrzymä Jego Mi¿o¿¿ ¿ w taki w¿änie intymny sposób. Poniewä Jezus daje tak wielkie dary do podziäu z cäym swoim Ko¿cio¿em, Mary modli si¿, aby to, kim ona jest, nie odwróci¿o uwagi od tego, kim On jest. On sam chce nas do tego doprowadzi¿. Mary ukazuje si¿ jako Jego mäa ¿ona ukrzy¿owana wraz z Panem na Krzy¿u. Zgodnie z tym, co powiedziä ¿wi¿ty Pawe¿, Mary pragnie po prostu ¿y¿ tak, aby móc przyznä, ¿e ¿ju¿ nie ja ¿yj¿, ale Chrystus (Ukrzy¿owany) ¿yje we mnie". Autorka niniejszej ksi¿¿ki modli si¿, aby¿my mogli Go spotkä na kartach tej ksi¿¿ki. Amen. Alleluja. Fiat.¿Trudno wyobrazi¿ sobie bardziej aktualny traktat duchowy ni¿ ten. Autorka zabiera czytelnika w g¿¿b pi¿kna, tajemnicy, m¿dro¿ci i mocy Jezusa Ukrzy¿owanego poprzez duchowe spostrze¿enia i obserwacje, które s¿ ¿wie¿e, inspiruj¿ce i cudownie o¿ywiaj¿ce dla ducha. Jak deszcz na pustyni, ksi¿¿ka ta wkracza w ¿duchow¿ pustk¿" naszych czasów i, co za tym idzie, niew¿tpliwie stanie si¿ wän¿ lektur¿ wielkopostn¿, a tak¿e punktem odniesienia dla Nowej Ewangelizacji." O. Lawrence Edward Tucker, SOLT, autor ksi¿¿ek: ¿The Prayer of Jesus Crucified: A Simple Way to Go Further in Prayer"; ¿Adventures in The Father's Joy! Mission Stories for the New Evangelization"; ¿To Whom The Heart Decided To Love"; ¿The Redemption Of San Isidro: a Tale of Mercy and Love"

  • - Selected Poems of Charles Gordon Rex
    av Charles Gordon Rex

    Poet and composer Charles Gordon Rex's style of writing, finally being published in the 21st Century, is that of a bygone era. He was the product of the first half of the Twentieth Century with the bulk of his works being written in the 1930s and 1940s. His preferred form was the venerable sonnet. For other forms, a major influence was the poetry of A. E. Housman, many of whose poems Rex as a composer set to music. Thus, it is unfortunate that during his own lifetime, he rarely bothered with the publication of either his poetry or his music. It is the hope of the editor that this volume will help fill the void Charles Gordon Rex left behind and that lovers of poetry will enjoy his work as represented in this collection.

  • av Mary Kloska

  • - A Litany of Stories with Art, Prayers, and Reflections
    av Annabelle Moseley

    Our House of the Sacred Heart is a groundbreaking collection of 33 true stories of five generations of a family formed in the Sacred Heart of Jesus through their connection to an unforgettable house. As you enter into the heart of this book, you are invited into that house and offered hospitality through time-tested stories of growth in the Faith, transiting the various gateways of life. You will be praying the Litany of the Sacred Heart while reading this work of reparation, one lesson at a time, and at book's end, consecrate yourself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. You will be guided to a poignant understanding that you are being called to your true home- held and forged within the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which does not fade or crumble with the passing of time. Whatever your story, no matter how painful, be assured that God has left signs and symbols along the way- clues to guide you to His Heart. This book, complete with beautiful prayers, devotions, art, poetry, and reflections, will teach you to spot and follow those clues, and discover your own spiritual autobiography, culminating in consecration to the Sacred Heart.

  • - The Buck Stops Here
    av Michael a Brinda

    How often have we heard the sayings, "It's harder than it looks" and "If it were easy everyone would be doing it"? These sayings were never more appropriate than when they are applied to the field of parish management and operations. Every how and why detail in parish management and operations . . . is in fact a lot harder than it looks. Take a look at some of the content of this book and ask yourself if you have mastery over these topics- because every one of them and many more are integral to establishing superior parish management and operations:Chapter 1 DelegationChapter 10 Parish Management and the Parish Mission Statement: A Codependent RelationshipChapter 14 The Creation of WantChapter 19 The Buck Stops in PMOChapter 21 The Relationship of Performance to CultureChapter 40 On TurnoverChapter 43 PMO Strategic Plan ScienceChapter 51 The Art of Achieving Superior ExecutionChapter 56 On The Art and Science of Strategic Plan CreationChapter 59 On Rejection and FailureChapter 62 The Primary Hiring Foundational PrincipleChapter 74 On Firing

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