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  • av Judy Kay King

  • - a study decoding 870 Ancient Egyptian Signs
    av Judy Kay (Member King

    The Isis Thesis is a transdisciplinary study of eight major ancient Egyptian texts, revealing that over 870 decoded signs, including art and architecture, communicate modern scientific knowledge about microbiology and human potential for genetic immortality. Put simply, the Egyptian afterlife is the quantum domain, and their deities are signs for microbial genes and proteins, describing a biophysical process of horizontal gene transfer (DNA exchange between species) for radical human evolution.The initial methodology included multiple reviews of the least corrupted Pyramid and Coffin Texts to categorize 108 key themes that were synthesized into 30 major idea strands, defining textual events and activities of major deities. From this analysis, a hypothetical biological model of primary signs emerged for further testing in six additional texts: Amduat, Book of Gates, Book of Two Ways, Edifice of Taharqa, Papyrus of Ani including the Theban Recension. Abductive reasoning allowed modifications to the working model with verification of Egyptian principles supported by modern scientific research. A logical, holistic matrix emerged, explaining horizontal gene transfer as an option for afterlife transformation.On the quantum level of DNA transcription, the texts depict and describe proteins binding, folding and tunneling, using modern terms and images to explain black hole/white hole formation/evaporation processes. Thus, they translate a DNA wormhole into a quantum mechanical Einstein-Rosen bridge back to the Early Universe. In this biophysical evolutionary process, the activities of Egyptian deities are signs explaining the ancient glycolysis gene expression network in our cells and the lifestyles of a complex bacterial virus that uses this ancient developmental pathway.Surprisingly, other historical religious deities mirror the activities of Egyptian deities, so religion has also preserved an evolutionary science for survival of human DNA in a quantum environment. The study spanning 2000 years of Ancient Egyptian texts reveals a microbiological basis for pharaonic psychology, literature, architecture and art. In this consistent model, the value or meaning of each sign emerged, not by choice, but rather from an analysis of each sign's interaction within a matrix of 870 interlinked thematic signs. The texts support an option for postmortem evolution that is mediated by an ancient virus called bacteriophage Lambda.The Isis Thesis presents scientific evidence that our semiotic system is based on underlying physical and chemical principles inherited from our microbial ancestors, so our microbial DNA is ordering our society space. Examining ancient Egyptian texts, art and architecture through the dual lens of contemporary science and human behavior, the study shows that human beings have the potential to evolve at death into a unique hybrid species.

  • - A Science of Life and Death
    av Adjunct Faculty, North Central Michigan College) King, Judy Kay (Member & m.fl.

    The cited study uses two fantasy baseball teams to explain human potential for postmortem evolution and genetic immortality, while examining the mind-body problem.Balls of Fire explains several discoveries that cast a new light on human history, evolution, consciousness, and the microbial DNA in our bodies.The science reviewed in Balls of Fire builds on The Isis Thesis (2004) and 13 peer-reviewed journal articles (2005-2019). The Isis Thesis is a semiotic study of ancient Egyptian literature, artwork, ritual, and architecture, showing that ancient Egyptian deities are signs for human and microbial DNA. The ancient texts map a gene expression pathway for human evolution that has been secreted by the elite in many cultures. Balls of Fire explains how baseball originated in ancient Egypt to describe this genetic pathway. In addition, other key historical behaviors (farming, fermentation, milk production, myth, Christianity, alchemy, literature, art, capitalism, genetic engineering, machine fascination) model the same viral gene expression network over time for human evolution.Balls of Fire: A Science of Life and Death won 1st Place in the category "Body, Mind, Spirit" for Reader Views Literary Awards (2015-2016). The study was also a Finalist in the 18th annual Foreword Reviews' INDIEFAB Book of the Year Awards in the Nonfiction Adult category of "Body, Mind, Spirit."Using a baseball model of two teams, Balls of Fire presents the scientific argument for and against the Isis Thesis through a fantasy-draft of dead and living scientists, philosophers, writers and other creative artists. This book is organized into five sections: Spring Training, Baseball Diamonds, Pregame, Fly-Ball Ferris Wheel, and Opening Day. Balls of Fire exposes the hidden survival message in baseball, culture, alchemy, literary texts, Christianity, world visions, our sciences, and history itself. Welcome to the Game of the Centuries.In 2006, King presented The Isis Thesis on the microbiological meaning of Ancient Egyptian texts, artwork, ritual, and architecture at the Second International Congress for Young Egyptologists in Lisbon, Portugal.

  • av Judy Kay King

    What if the way our DNA is turned ON or OFF has the potential to transform us in a brilliant, surprising way?Gold Bug is a summative guide to the Isis Thesis and its 20-year development since 2004, as a research-based theory that includes three book-length studies and 14 peer-reviewed published articles. In Gold Bug, King includes five articles from her work along with two new studies. The research reveals the surprising depth of evolutionary knowledge in human history. Gold Bug reviews King's published peer-reviewed research, explaining our potential for quantum evolution by means of a viral genetic circuit that is abundant in the human body and Nature as a network of dynamic interconnections. The evidence supports horizontal gene transfer, transformation, and emergence, while indicating the source of human consciousness and the unconscious may be a viral genetic circuit.According to The Isis Thesis, a study decoding 870 Ancient Egyptian Signs (2004), genes and proteins (DNA) can be turned ON at human death, permitting consciousness to go beyond the boundaries of normal experience and ordinary matter to an ordered crystal state due to horizontal gene transfer and the genetic circuit of bacteriophage Lambda, a gut microbe in the human body. Research supports a cosmic state of infinite Mind validated by knowledge, power and will. Named after the Egyptian goddess Isis, the Isis Thesis details the scientific biochemical and genetic knowledge of the Egyptian pharaonic priesthood's evolutionary biology. The ancient texts explain that at human death, a metabolic-evolutionary pathway exists, permitting the genetic diversification of human DNA into something new by means of a gut microbe within us.Gold Bug provides the reader with a theoretical guide to the Isis Thesis; four (4) published articles presented at the Semiotic Society of America Annual Meetings; one (1) peer-reviewed study on Artificial Intelligence published in The International Journal of Humanities Education; two (2) new unpublished studies; two (2) free YouTube presentations; and new research relative to our nervous system, brain cell physiology, psychological processes, cultural behavior, gut microbiota activities, and epigenetics, supporting human potential for adaptive evolution at death. The Bug's Gold is knowledge of its genetic switch to activate a new phenotype at human death, thereby saving DNA from natural degradation. Is the genetic circuit of a simple bacterial virus the master evolutionary key to both life as we know it and regeneration at death?Welcome to the Treasure Hunt for Knowledge.

  • - A story of ancient star wisdom for young and old dreamers
    av Adjunct Faculty, North Central Michigan College) King, Judy Kay (Member & m.fl.

    The Magic Horses of Beanie Land is a story about four horses that help dreaming children cross the Night Sea. This ancient story of crossing the starry night sky to discover a utopian world of little people is the core of the artistic imagination, and it can be shared with children. The storyline is based on published studies by the author about the star wisdom of ancient Egypt, early China, and the Navajo Indians. The plot centers on dreaming children who learn to use the Little Dipper and the Big Dipper to find Polaris, the North Star. The children also learn how to overcome scary dreams. This is accomplished through four magical horses, who guide the children to Beanie Land, a magic kingdom at the top of Fudge Mountain.This picture-book for children is also a unique introduction to the timeless paintings of prominent female and male artists during the 16th to the 20th centuries. Using the pictorial index, an adult can easily guide a child through these masterpieces. These Public Domain paintings express the meaning of ancient star wisdom, and that cosmic knowledge may be the essence of the artist's creativity, as well as the child's.The picture book of great paintings is in color to compliment the artistic creativity of Rosa Bonheur, Vincent Van Gogh, Thérèse Schwartze, Vassily Kandinsky, Louisa Marchioness, Théodore Géricault, Franz Marc, Robert Delaunay, William Blake, Shibata Zeshin, and other painters.

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