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  • av Billy David Dickson

    Billy Dickson could have easily stepped away from the faith because he personally suffered hurt and rejection in the church. Instead, Billy offers Biblical solutions and hope for the church. Pastor Bryan GallowayConverge My name is Marcus Brown. I am the Director of Mentoring at Release Inc., a local non-profit agency that serves families and youth in the greater Omaha area through several impactful programs.Billy Dickson has been a faithful mentor in our mentoring program. He has mentored several youths and has always shown kindness, consistency, love, and compassion toward each youth's struggles and journeys. Mentors like Billy have allowed this program to continue to be so impactful in our community.We need Christian men who are not afraid to stand on biblical truths and Christian standards and share the gospel with today's youth, our next generation. It is a pleasure to support Billy in his book and endorse his efforts in our mentoring program. Marcus Brown Billy Dickson is a one-of-a-kind person (which is why I enjoy him), so it is not unusual that his latest book fits that same description. This book is his story of how several different churches he was a part of became uncomfortable when he didn't fit the mold of everyone else in the church. As a result, they left him with no place to minister with them. This book not only tells that part of his story but also includes some of his thoughts as to how the church could improve. Billy knew becoming bitter was an option, but not the path he wanted to follow. Hopefully, this book will cause you to think about your own experience in the body of Christ. Dale Frimodt, A fellow traveler in Christ's journey

  • - A Book of Hope
    av Melodee Spady

    Like an Elephant, All Things Start Small, a Book of Hope offers a simple message to help children in crisis understand that their circumstances do not define them. The book provides a message of hope and healing to children and advocates who are dealing with addicted and incarcerated parents. Like an Elephant, All Things Start Small, a Book of Hope was inspired by the Author's personal experience as a small child living in a dysfunctional home and the road to recovery----because where there is love, there is hope. A young elephant named Little navigates through the ups and downs of parents with addictions. The story is intended for any Big (Guardians-Advocates) to help children express their fears and identify any unsafe individuals. Through the joy of meeting the Lion of Judah, Who is always loving and caring, Little looks for the rainbow every day. Little learns that circumstances are not what defines the future, and being a good elephant who studies helps future opportunities to grow into a Big with many dreams. The book is dedicated to the Staff and Volunteers at CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) #ChangeAChildsStory

  • av Lloyd L Streeter

    This is the story of how a "farm kid" was brought by God from the lowest to the highest. It is the story of his background, parentage, relatives, acquaintances, friends, schooling, teachers, jobs, activities, ministries, churches, businesses, and nuclear family. It is the story of his struggles with poverty and his overcoming of those struggles by God's grace. It is the story of his hopes and dreams. It is the story of the influence of many people and things he loves, a few things he hates, and some things he is completely ambivalent about.Lloyd Streeter says, "I am what I am. Perhaps some people will not like what I am. But I am deeply grateful for the people who have loved me, been patient with me, and helped me along life's pathway. I have received more kindness from people than I deserve."Streeter writes about the people, places, experiences, and circumstances that have impacted his life on these pages. He mentions many people he knows, many kids from his school days at Oscoda, many in his pastorates, and many preachers.

  • av Barbara Gholston

    This book of spiritual thoughts is inspired by my daily devotional time with God. He has been my spiritual alarm clock for years. My Wake time usually starts around 2:30 a.m., sometimes a little later. It's that quiet, alone time I read His Word, and he speaks to me. He says to write it down and pass it on. So here are His Words coupled with my thoughts. Let them bless you as they have blessed me. Barbara Gholston is a mother of one daughter, a grandmother of two, and a great-grandmother of three. She is a retired Air Force Master Sergeant who served her country for 24 years, traveling all over the world. She also recently retired from serving the American people as an employee of the Social Security Administration. She now lives in Muscle Shoals, Alabama, where she is a dedicated member of Ekklesia Ministries.

  • av Milton L Delgado

    Throughout our lives, we are faced with a barrage of decisions and choices we must make. Hopefully, you have been blessed with the wisdom to discern beforehand what the consequences will be as a direct result of the decisions and choices you have made. They will be either good or bad.We will be looking at:WHAT IS FICTION, and WHAT IS FACT?WHAT IS FALSE, and WHAT IS TRUE?WHAT MATTERS, and WHAT DOES NOT?WHAT WILL LAST and WHAT WILL NOT?WHAT TO CLING TO and WHAT TO TRASH.We will look at important subject matters that you will find helpful in living your daily life for Christ.

  • av Scott Moreland

    No one of the Lord Jesus Christ's generation comprehended the fullness of what was happening right in front of their eyes. His coming, life, death, burial, resurrection, and ascension were not grasped. So that all men could understand, God recorded the events of Christ's life in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. He then provided the apostles to write the Epistles to look back on those Gospel records and explain what the life of Christ meant and how it applies to us today. There are one hundred and ninety-four verses in the Epistles that reference Christ's ministry in the Gospels, out of which eighty chapters have been developed.Many subjects are addressed, including Christ the decision-maker, putting to death the sin nature, removing the veil of spiritual ignorance, the purpose of trials, His ministry as the High Priest, suffering injustices patiently, living in the will of God, the mature pastor, hidden wisdom, the blueprint for marriage, being conformed to the image of Christ, Christ's role as mediator between God and men, the strength of weakness, the confident life, destroying the works of the Devil, fellowship with the heavenly Father, breaking sinful habits, Christ's shepherding work inside of us, continued living on the cutting edge of faith, maintaining clarity in the confusion, the preexistent Christ and His preexisting plans, developing heavenly affections, Christ's lordship of our brethren, supernatural empowerment for obedience, with Christ in the ages to come, the Cross separates us from the world, Christ's curse and blessing, law and grace, and our glorified body.We must know the Christ in order to follow the Christ. May God bless you as you discover the greatness of the Christ and become a faithful, following Christian!

  • av Miguel David McCubbins

    Vivimos en una época en la que estamos presenciando el cumplimiento de las profecías bíblicas. Usted necesita saber lo que Dios ha revelado acerca de este tiempo. El Pastor Miguel D. McCubbins, Th.D., un erudito bíblico muy conocido, cuidadosamente saca a la luz muchas profecías tanto del Antiguo como del Nuevo Testamento. En los Postreros Días analiza las profecías bíblicas sobre los últimos tiempos y también explica la importancia de Israel y los imperios gentiles, que han buscado destruir a Israel. En II Timoteo 3:1, Pablo escribió: "También debes saber esto: que en los postreros días vendrán tiempos peligrosos".Con este libro aprenderá:¿ Los siete juicios futuros¿ La diferencia entre la Bestia, el Anticristo y la Ramera¿ El orden exacto de los eventos futuros¿ El momento del rapto¿ La formación de la Novia de CristoLa historia está repleta de sectas falsas arraigadas en errores relacionados con eventos proféticos futuros. Este libro le ayudará a medida que estudia las profecías en cuanto al futuro.

  • av David P de Jong

    But God - A Life Lived with Purpose is the memoir of David De Jong, who devoted his life to building for God's kingdom with his hands, with his heart for others, and through preaching and teaching the gospel. David received the call of God on his life as teenager, resulting in an unwavering faith and focus on serving the Lord.Many young people after the Second World War were called as missionaries to foreign lands to sacrifice the comforts and promise of a safe life at home to follow God and carry His message to difficult countries and people. David enthusiastically heeded that call. He was uniquely prepared in his youth for a ministry of worldwide building projects spanning over eight decades.David shares his memories of a life lived on purpose and of God's faithfulness no matter the obstacles. He gives us stories of God's intervention in seemingly impossible situations to fulfill His purpose, detailing those "But God" moments of joy, adventure, humor, challenge, loss, grief, miraculous provisions, and protection. He faithfully preached while completing innumerable construction projects for 17 years in South Africa, raised a family there during apartheid, and tells of the tragic loss of his young son. David recounts the founding of an international ministry after returning to the States, and later, the loss of his first dear wife to a long cruel disease. David's life was too full to retire. He enjoyed his sons and their families, fell in love again, married, and served together at home and in Africa until the very end. His journey shines as an example of commitment and perseverance in the furtherance of the gospel, and how God can use a life yielded to Him.

  • av Mark Anderson

    A greater reality stands waiting for us. A reality with no end transcending the mind. We can only marvel and trust, and glorify God for the possibilities that lie beyond this life, a life of wonders. Ecclesiastes from the Old Testament reminds us that God ". . . set eternity in their heart," Man will not fully understand the works of God until eternity and will require eternity to comprehend. Man will one day live forever in the presence of all mighty God. We will be at peace with one another, living in perfect harmony with our Creator. Until then, give praise to God for His creative work as presented through every book of God's inspired Word.

  • av Ryan Thompson

    Driving home from work tomorrow you witness a serious car accident. Approaching the scene, you identify a passenger thrown from the vehicle who is unconscious, lying face first on the concrete, and bleeding profusely. Literally, this person's life is hanging in the balance, with only minutes or seconds to live. Question, what do they have urgent need of? IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION! Spiritually, this is the predicament we're all in with only moments to spare! "Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away" James 4:14. As judged, condemned, hell bound sinners; we stand in dire need of the Saviour's mercy and redeeming grace! "In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace" Ephesians 1:7. Jesus Christ alone provides the remedy for the curse of man's sin. What key unlocks the outpouring of His saving grace upon the souls of men? REPENTANCE AND FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST! "I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" Luke 5:32. Friend, this is the most critical and important need you will ever have. It surpasses the severity and urgency of the previous illustration. Yes, it is that important! As you read this book, please allow the Lord to reveal if true, soul saving repentance, has occurred inside your heart, and respond appropriately.

  • av Bob Payne

    Interpreting the Bible should involve more than just repeating the popular understanding of a passage. Just because certain verses are printed on Christian gifts and passionately proclaimed by well-known Bible teachers does not mean their interpretation of those texts is correct. Seasoned pastor and theologian Dr. Bob Payne encourages the Bible student to dig into the Biblical text for himself, using the rules of context, history, and grammar to come to an accurate and precise meaning. He warns the reader of modern influences that lure the Christian away from a normal interpretation of the text and then deals with specific Old and New Testament passages that are commonly misinterpreted. Whether you are a seasoned pastor or a young believer interested in a deeper understanding of God's Word, Getting It Right is a vital book for our confusing age.

  • av Ronald C. Surels

    In this small volume, the author focuses on some of the dangerous major issues that are occurring in our Western culture and societies of this present age. These issues are evil and dangerous. They diametrically oppose the values and morals of not only common sense but of the traditions and values of the Judeo-Christian faith upon which the Western culture is based.The theme of this book seeks to show the falseness and the insanity of their behavioral beliefs and practices, which if continued to grow will result in the loss of freedoms, chaos, and destruction of American culture as we know it, as well upon other democratic societies of the Western culture. Language is revised, words are perverted or prevented, freedom of thought and speech is denied, and perverted beliefs and behavior are promoted.By focusing the light of God's Word, which is the ultimate 'Truth' itself, upon these sinister issues that plague us (and America especially), they are exposed as being antithesis to common sense--violently crippling to our freedoms, seeking to bring down Western culture and replace it with disastrous tyrannical controls. This book should help Christians and anyone concerned about the adverse political and societal changes in America and the world today. They need to understand what is happening, and perhaps even assist our leaders who are in a position to forestall these evils which threaten us.

  • av Justin Mathias Nenge

    FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS is the autobiography of a young pastor who had a devastatingly harrowing experience that adversely affected his life. An exuberant young man who was called by Christ and lived all his life serving God, he once thought he had everything under control until he came under the hands of fate, an experience he would not wish for his enemy. Justin was involved in a terrible accident in which he lost his left leg and had to stay in hospital for over a year battling infection alongside having to contend with what relevance his life from now on will have and also certain judgmental comments from some close associates.Even then, this book is about God's unsearchable mercies and love. It is a story of the love of God towards the author, the love of his newly married wife and the brethren towards him in his moment of need, and most comforting of all, the author's unshakable love for God despite all he went through. Although a harrowing experience, this work is nonetheless a ride into the world of the miraculous, where God's peace and the joy of the Holy Spirit expel bitter memories. You will find this work interesting, but you are advised to hold your heart in your hand while the reading lasts.

  • av Ray Borah

    THE gathering of information, to the inquisitive as well as to the indifferent mind, is the consequence of our Creator's magnificent design. "Knowledge," the collection of data-truthful or not-is enhanced simply by living. A writer's work is created using accumulated knowledge. Exhibition of the resultant accumulation is indicative of one's relationship with one's Creator-God.In 2005, a small collaborative project gave rise to the publication of three tracts on biblical principles relating to money. They were The Ministry of Tithing, The Ministry of Giving, and The Ministry of Lending. In 2016, an additional tract was written entitled The Ministry of Almsgiving.The Lord placed numerous roadblocks in the path of my resolute publication efforts. It was while in pursuit of the publication of the last tract and a reprint of the three originals, that there grew a consideration for a book-an extensive revision/expansion of the four tracts. It was during these researching efforts that I discovered the magnificent biblical precept of Grace Giving. While tithing is biblical, it is not Christian. This was strictly a practice, under Law, for the nation of Israel which has been fulfilled by Jesus Christ in the New Covenant of Grace. Furthermore, there is no instruction or example of a New Testament Christian tithing. Like temples, sacrifices, dietary laws, and priests, tithing has been nailed to the cross." More on this subject is to be found in the section entitled Grace Giving.

  • av Steve Damron

    Examine your life. Is the Holy Spirit filling your life every day? Are you emptying yourself of pride, sin, and weights that pull you down? Are you careful not to grieve or quench Him? Then, believe God's Word! Rest upon God's promise! Live a life of fulfillment, being used by God. I pray that studying the Holy Spirit in this book will stir you to yield to the Spirit, walk in the Spirit, and let Him fill every crevice of your life.____________¿¿Dr. Steve Damron's book on the Holy Spirit is a well-researched and well-written work on the person and ministry of the Holy Spirit. Every student of God's Word will profit from reading this book. Dr. Damron has spent decades in the ministry as a fundamental, independent Baptist. His presentation is sound in its theology and easy to read.--Dr. David SorensonNorthstar Baptist Ministries

  • av Miguel D. McCubbins

    Los eruditos modernos dicen que Daniel no escribió el Libro de Daniel durante los reinados de Nabucodonosor, Belsasar, Darío y Ciro, sino siglos después. Afirman que el Libro de Daniel no contiene profecías sobre el futuro sino relatos históricos presentados como revelaciones de Dios. Los ataques de estos eruditos deben ser respondidos porque están atacando la validez de las Escrituras. Daniel, Siervo del Dios Viviente por Miguel D. McCubbins, Th.D., un erudito bíblico de renombre internacional, explica a fondo los asuntos relacionados con la veracidad del libro.Daniel era un hombre para su tiempo, el mismo tipo de tiempo que enfrentamos hoy. Dios dice de Daniel: "Y Daniel propuso en su corazón no contaminarse" (Daniel 1:8a). Necesitamos hombres y mujeres como Daniel que se propongan no contaminarse con el mundo.Con este libro aprenderá:¿Las pruebas de la autenticidad de Daniel¿El carácter de Daniel y sus amigos¿El carácter de los imperios humanos¿El significado y cumplimiento de los sueños y visiones¿La correlación entre Daniel y el Libro de ApocalipsisDado que nuestra cultura coincide tan estrechamente con la de los imperios de la época de Daniel, usted debe aprender del ejemplo de fe y obediencia al Dios de Daniel. Este libro lo ayudará a obtener aliento del ejemplo de Daniel para defender la verdad.

  • av Rodney Myers

    In a world characterized by constant distraction and cognitive dissonance, we often find ourselves delaying to do what is right at the moment that we understand that it is the right thing to do. That is, we don't strike when the iron is hot.When I ministered in Tanzania, East Africa, I had many friends who were cattle herders. One such friend was named Danieli the Barabaig. Danieli gave me a bull's horn one day that was harvested and hewed out to be a "drinking vessel." On the outside of that vessel is the brand with which all his cattle are branded. He branded all his cattle in the same manner by which he branded that vessel-by applying a rightly shaped iron to the backside of an unsuspecting animal while it was hot. I trust that this booklet will be the rightly shaped iron that has warmed your heart and made it hot with conviction. But now, you need to strike! You need to make an informed decision that will impact not only your life and your family's life but the lives of those families who have never heard.

  • av Miguel D McCubbins

    ¿Qué es el Dispensacionalismo? ¿Por qué es importante entender el Dispensacionalismo? ¿Cómo trata Dios con las personas en el Antiguo y Nuevo Testamento? ¿Cuáles son las características de las dispensaciones en la Biblia? ¿En qué se diferencian las dispensaciones entre sí y en qué se parecen? Estas son preguntas que un estudiante de la Biblia debe hacer estrictamente.En este libro, Miguel D. McCubbins, Th.D da una explicación muy amena y detallada de las dispensaciones en la Biblia. Explica el significado de las dispensaciones y las características que constituyen a cada una. El Dr. McCubbins también brinda amplias ilustraciones de las Escrituras y describe los parámetros de cada dispensación. Explica adecuadamente cómo cada dispensación tiene un propósito específico, cómo el hombre recibió responsabilidades específicas y cómo el hombre fracasó en cada dispensación. Sin embargo, este estudio trae gozo al corazón del lector cuando se da cuenta de que la gracia y la misericordia de Dios son evidentes en cada dispensación. El valor de un libro como éste es que aumenta la convicción del lector sobre la soberanía y la supervisión de Dios, no solo en el panorama general sino también en los detalles íntimos de nuestras vidas.

  • av Danny Jack

    Join us in this study of Abraham as he teaches us what it is to live by faith. The story of Abraham covers approximately one-quarter of the book of Genesis and one-third of Hebrews 11. The Word of God teaches us that God called Abraham to live by faith. The lessons from Abraham's life of faith are key for us today. Like Abraham, God has called each of his children to a life of faith. May we learn much from his life as we journey through this study!I challenge each of you to pray that God would open your eyes and your understanding as we open the Word of God in this book and journey through the life of the man who is known as the friend of God. May this book help us draw near to our Lord and deepen our faith in Him.

  • av Jeremy Mckay

    Colossians 2:6-7 say, As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.God desires all people to be saved. He also desires all those who are saved, no matter their age, to be rooted in Him, built up in Him, and stablished in the faith. This practical devotional book will help young people be what God wants them to be.

  • av Miguel D McCubbins

    La historia está repleta de falsas doctrinas arraigadas en errores de interpretación. Miguel D. McCubbins, Th.D. describe las reglas bíblicas de interpretación para que puedas entender tu Biblia.El Apóstol Pablo afirmó que el creyente puede interpretar la Biblia cuando lee lo que fue dado a los apóstoles y profetas. "Leyendo lo cual podéis entender cuál sea mi conocimiento en el misterio de Cristo" (Efesios 3:4). Pedro también definió la interpretación en II Pedro 1:20-21 diciendo: "Entendiendo primero esto, que ninguna profecía de la Escritura es de interpretación privada, porque nunca la profecía fue traída por voluntad humana, sino que los santos hombres de Dios hablaron siendo inspirados por el Espíritu Santo." Con este libro aprenderás:¿Las siete reglas bíblicas de interpretación¿Los principios bíblicos que brotan de esas reglas¿La necesidad de ser cautelosos sobre una nueva verdad.No caiga en la trampa de dejar que eruditos bien conocidos interpreten la Biblia por usted. Dios ha confiado a todos Sus hijos el trabajo de interpretación.

  • av Michael D. McCubbins

    We live in a time where we are witnessing the fulfillment of Biblical prophecies. You need to know what God has revealed about this time. Pastor Michael D. McCubbins, Th.D., a well-known Bible scholar, carefully brings to light many prophecies from both the Old and the New Testaments In The Last Days discusses Bible prophecies about the end times and also explains the importance of Israel and the Gentile empires, which have sought to destroy Israel. In II Timothy 3:1, Paul wrote, "This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come."With this book, you will learn:The seven future judgments.The difference between the Beast, the Antichrist, and the Whore.The exact order of future events.The timing of the rapture.The formation of the Bride of Christ.History is replete with false cults rooted in errors concerning future prophetic events. This book will help you as you study the prophecies about the future.

  • av Danny Jack
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  • av Ray Kincaid

    Situated in the Chattahoochee National Forest, Toccoa Falls College (TFC) is a picturesque college with a rich history, beautiful campus, and premium Christ-focused education. Boasting over 2,000 students and a 1,100 acre campus, Toccoa's physical highlights have always been its 186 foot free-falling waterfall and scenic mountain views. The school motto, "Developing Character with Intellect," makes it clear that TFC's focus since its founding has always been one of creating and sustaining a Christian learning community where people are encouraged to pursue truth and cultivate Christ-like character.The unpredictable and dramatic story of Toccoa Falls College is a captivating one. The trials and tribulations, the ups and downs, the hardships and the blessings - they all factor into this unique school's story. Now in its 117th year and under its seventh president, TFC's history is impressive, but I firmly believe that the best is yet to come.

  • av Nicholas G Mellis

    This book is dedicated to the HOLY SPIRIT. The HOLY SPIRIT drew me to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The HOLY SPIRIT is the one who gave me a new life. I was born again by the HOLY SPIRIT to a new spiritual life. When I believed in Christ, the Father, who chose me, sent me the HOLY SPIRIT He promised long ago. As a child of God, the Power of the HOLY SPIRIT is changing me into the image and likeness of Jesus Christ.The HOLY SPIRIT is "the guarantee that God will give me an inheritance because I am His OWN adopted child. As my body decays daily, the HOLY SPIRIT renews my strength every morning. Also, the HOLY SPIRIT will raise my body as He raised Christ from the dead. I know God's love is in me because the HOLY SPIRIT fills my heart with God's love!!Proceeds from this book will be given to missions to spread the Good News of the Gospel to the world.

  • av Elaine Michele Fipps

    The story of the marriage in Cana is fascinating for many reasons. There is so much to learn in the eleven verses that give the account of this event in John 2. There is much more here in addition to the great miracle. This story very much depicts our personal salvation, how marriage should work, and the soon coming of our Bridegroom to retrieve His bride. The fact that this is the first public miracle Jesus performed is significant.

  • av Robert Sutton

    POWER: ability to do or act; capability of doing or accomplishing something. We find several examples of power throughout as we read the Word of God. We need God's power in our lives to be victorious Christians. In today's world, we must be enabled to live Christ-like lives. We need the power to live the way we should for Christ. This book by Pastor Sutton is a great help as we seek to be more like Christ. "Pastor Sutton's clear Biblical teaching will give the reader a clear-cut plan to live a life that will bring people to Christ as Savior and glory to God. Prayerfully read this book and let God work in your life." - Dan K Davis, Associate Pastor, Southwood Baptist Church"Having heard these messages in person, I highly recommend this book on the awesome power of almighty God and, as His child, the availability in my life. This is a great read as well as a great study on the power of our Heavenly Father." - Dennis Stremming, Minister of Music, Southwood Baptist ChurchAbout the AuthorDr. Robert Sutton is the Pastor of Southwood Baptist Church in Tallahassee, Florida. He serves as the Florida State Capitol Director of the Florida Capitol Connection -- a ministry of encouragement to our state legislators. He also serves as chaplain to our local law enforcement with the United States Service Command.Robert and Kim have been married since 1983 and have four children and sixteen grandchildren.I hope this study will give the reader a clearer understanding of the power that can change your life!

  • av Michael D McCubbins

    Modern scholars say that Daniel did not write the Book of Daniel during the reigns of Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar, Darius, and Cyrus, but instead centuries later. They claim that the Book of Daniel does not contain prophecies about the future but rather historical accounts presented as revelations from God. The attacks by these scholars must be answered because they are attacking the validity of the Scriptures. Daniel, Servant of the Living God by Michael D. McCubbins, Th.D., an internationally-known Bible scholar, thoroughly explains the issues regarding the veracity of the book.Daniel was a man for the times - the same kind of times that we face today. God says of Daniel, "But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself" (Daniel 1:8a). We need men and women like Daniel who will purpose to not defile themselves with the world.With this book, you will learn:¿The proofs of the authenticity of Daniel¿The character of Daniel and his friends¿The character of human empires¿The meaning and fulfillment of the dreams and visions¿The correlation between Daniel and the book of RevelationSince our culture so closely matches that of the empires of Daniel's day, you need to learn from Daniel's example of faith and obedience to God. This book will help you draw encouragement from Daniel's example to stand for truth.

  • av Jerry Vornholt

    The stories in this book mirror the all-too-familiar mindset of lukewarm Christians following the traditions of man (Mark 7:5-8) instead of the infallible Word of God. As a result, we are now living in a time during which evil has adeptly distracted our focus as a nation, as the world, and, worse of all, as Christians.Since that fateful day when the serpent convinced Adam and Eve their total dependence upon God for the perfect lifestyle they were living could be improved if they took matters into their own hands, humanity has become ravenously addicted to their relatively brief "here and now" tenures on this earth.To this very day, mankind's overwhelming focus is to "fit in well in our world down here."God's goal, however, is to make mankind fit for up there.One of Satan's more successful approaches to obscure today's generations from seeking God has been the media. Society's overwhelming addiction to nonstop negativity gushing from our mobile devices and virtually inescapable television screens has grossly distorted our already fragile human values along with many Biblical virtues.That unwelcome downward spiral appears to have succeeded in persuading even the leaders in some of our churches and denominations to dilute biblical mandates. It appears their goal is not to offend our current society's radical social reforms.Sadly, however, they apparently do not mind offending God.

  • av Rosa Marchany

    Entrelazada en ti nació en un momento de dolor pero de confianza en mi Dios. Mientras nuestras vidas estén entrelazadas en El confiamos y sabemos que El es El que está en control de hacer cómo el querer. Deseo que este libro llegue en el momento adecuado y a las personas correctas. Recuerda que usted es amado y especial.Entwined in You was born in a moment of pain but trusted in my God. As long as our lives are intertwined in Him, we trust and know He is in control of doing what He wants. Remember that you are loved and special. I want this book to arrive at the right time and for the right people.

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