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Böcker utgivna av Fiction House Press

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  • av Eleanor Packer

    A novelization of the Range Busters' film SADDLE MOUNTAIN ROUNDUP.

  • av J. F. Hutton

    "I'd do anything to get him. I'd lie, bribe, cheat, steal, I'd become a whore!"That girl's threat provided only one of the many strange aspects of the far-flung Menke Enterprises. Don Paulson, trouble-shooting "Man Friday" for the fabulous Ray Menke, soon uncovered some of the other sides of his business--including a mysterious trade in sudden death!It began when an eccentric old man used his last gasp of life to scratch a weird message to whoever found his body. Don was the finder. And when he then allowed a will-o'-the-wisp girl to lead him to a mysterious tryst, he found himself slated to become Menke's DEAD MAN FRIDAY.J. F. Hutton's skillfully handled thriller tears away the mask from a slick-surfaced setup to reveal a startling and danger-laden swamp of deceit and murder. DEAD MAN FRIDAY is a top-notch mystery novel!

  • av Maude Robinson Toombs

    The 1921 fifteen chapter serial, ADVENTURES OF TARZAN, starring Elmo Lincoln and Louise Lorraine, was one of many films which had their story line novelized in the newspapers of that time period. This book contains the complete novelization of this serial as written by Maude Robinson Toombs based on the film's story.

  • av Poul Anderson

  • av Poul Anderson

  • av Edgar Rice Burroughs

  • av Charles F. Myers

  • av Edgar Rice Burroughs

  • av Charles F. Myers

  • av Edgar Rice Burroughs

    The book "Escape on Venus" first appeared as four separate stories, published in the pulp magazine Fantastic Adventures, comprising "Slaves of the Fish Men", "Goddess of Fire", "The Living Dead", and "War on Venus". We present the original texts as they first appeared in print. Edgar Rice Burroughs only wrote one additional complete novelette of Venus-"The Wizard of Venus"-and the first six typewritten pages of an untitled story. He died before completing that last Venus story or the remaining two stories which would have been added to form a complete novel.

  • av Edgar Rice Burroughs
    337 - 627

  • av Edgar Rice Burroughs

    This book is a facsimile reproduction of the original Science-Fiction & Fantasy Publications (SFFP) book, first published in 1957. Two short novels by the greatest of all fantasy adventure writers--creator of immortal tales of the jungle and on Mars. Here is adventure--BEYOND THIRTY The United Americas had been isolated for hundreds of years while the rest of the planet was wracked by incessant warfare. The Commander of an American ship patrolling the Eastern sea frontier on 30 degrees West longitude is cast adrift with three seamen by a treacherous fellow officer. The four men reach the coast of England to find a land of blasted cities. Saber toothed tigers of a new species and giant wolves have decimated the surviving naked savages. Battle and adventure on the Continent make this an exciting escape to the future. More adventure--THE MAN-EATER A huge African lion, how he was captured and brought to the United States, and his unwitting help in serving the cause of justice. Typical jungle adventure made famous by Edgar Rice Burroughs.

  • av Roy Huggins

  • av Edgar Rice Burroughs

    The Cambodian guide refused to proceed farther. "There are things deep in the jungle, my lord," he protested, "that no man may look upon and live." "What, for example?" demanded King. "The ghosts of my ancestors," answered the Cambodian, "--the Khmers who dwelt here in great cities ages ago. Within the dark shadows of the jungle the ruins of their cities still stand, and down the dark aisles of the forest pass the ancient kings and warriors, and little sad-faced queens on ghostly elephants. We might escape the tigers and wild elephants, but none may look upon the ghosts of the Khmers, and live." Impatient of the Cambodian's fears, Gordon King left him and set out into the jungle alone. It was not long before King actually did come upon a vast vine-grown ruin of an ancient city. He was hopelessly lost and he spent the next seven days in desperate wandering. Then one day when fever was making him dizzy, he saw far down a jungle aisle and elephant preceded and followed by marching warriors in brazen armor. NOTE: The text used in this book is the original magazine text.

  • av Charles Dickens

    A facsimile reprint of the classic Christmas story of Scrooge, Tiny Tim, and ghosts. Illustrated.

  • av Edgar Rice Burroughs
    367 - 711

  • av Edgar Rice Burroughs

    Here is Tarzan penetrating a strange land in Africa from which no traveler has ever returned. Natives have told of hills that rise out of a huge void where the great plateau ceases. They have told of white men in armour who have emerged from the abyss to carry off natives into slavery. The roar of life rumbles upward through the canyon like distant thunder. It is toward this land that Erich von Harben, archaeologist, ventures with a party of natives. The natives come back inarticulate with horror, but there is no trace of Von Harben. Then Tarzan sets out alone to hunt for him, moving silently into the jungle. He goes to penetrate the mystery of the Lost Empire, and finds himself fighting for life amid the love, war and intrigue of a forgotten Roman Province. Long available only with censored text, ERBville Press is proud to present the original First Edition book version of this novel in the Tarzan Series.

  • av Harry Stephen Keeler

    Here is another thrilling novel related by that ingenious mystery writer Harry Stephen Keeler in collaboration with his wife Hazel Goodwin. The story fairly bristles with excitement and suspense throughout. Why did the murderer of Nels Pederson amputate his legs and sew them back with silver wire, transposed? How was a book on cats the key to an escape from prison? Why was a literary manuscript sent to Rudolph Uberhulf, a convict who could scarcely read or write? These, and many similar problems make this an all-absorbing novel.

  • av Dan Cushman

    SMUGGLED GUNS AND ILLICIT LOVE ON RED CHINA'S PIRATE COAST! In Bangkok, where the lush East and the West meet with a jarring impact, Rocky Forbes found himself in a tight spot. He had been swindled by the cunning Fatto Kolski too often not to know that greasy scoundrel's villainy. Yet Kolski's latest offer was one Forbes had to accept or starve. The take was big: a fortune in guns and ammo meant for the Nationalist guerrillas of Red China. The obstacles seemingly minor: only a beautiful American girl and an idealistic young missionary. So Rocky took the chance ... and found himself on a one-way double-cross journey from the jungle waters of Siam to the pirate-infested Bay of Tongking.

  • av Harry Stephen Keeler

    Jimmie Kentland, reporter on the "Chicago Sun", was not too happy even though he saw "subbing" for the Night City Editor. Things hadn't been breaking right. Suddenly his eye lighted on an illiterate note lying on the desk. He read it, then dashed out--"Number 1700, Crilly Court", he shouted to the taxi driver, "and step on it." Thud--the taxi stopped suddenly. Kentland knew by the sound and feel that a human body had been hit. In the street lay a dark young woman motionless. "To the hospital, quick," ordered Kentland. He took one long, lingering look at the young woman, the kind that wants to remember something--and then started once again in the taxi for Number 1700 Crilly Court. It was an Oriental antique shop--mysterious looking, silent. Kentland opened the door. "Am I too late?" as he saw the proprietor stretched out on the floor and pinned with a dagger which had hung on the wall of the shop. As he looked around the place he saw a picture entitled "The Man from Saturn"--and the face had been cut out. It was the long arm of a curious little clue that eventually led Kentland to the secret power that had brought death to the curio dealer and revealed to Kentland something that eventually cleared up a lot of other things, particularly something about a beautiful, dark, young woman who had been taken to a hospital and almost forgotten.

  • av Lester del Rey

    A replica of the May 1952 issue of SPACE SCIENCE FICTION digest magazine featuring PURSUIT by Lester del Rey, YOUTH by Isaac Asimov, THE EGO MACHINE by Henry Kuttner, ULTROOM ERROR by Jerry Sohl, and TO EACH HIS STAR by Bryce Walton.

  • av Day Keene

  • av Ralph Milne Farley

  • av Chad Oliver, Ross Rocklynne & Cyril Kornbluth

  • av Robert Sheckley, Poul Anderson & Robert E Howard

  • av Jules Verne, Robert Silverberg & Noel Loomis

  • av Andrew North, A E Van Vogt & Festus Pragnell

  • av Emory Connor & D H Symonds

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