- A Biblical Call for the Church to Speak to State and Culture
av Michael A. Milton
Publisher Marketing Anything that presents itself as a force to hurt the souls of men is fair game for the pastor according to the author. An introduction by Dr. Douglas Kelly to the issues of Statism, and Milton's own concern for the pastoral-prophetic voice on matters of public morality and "bringing every thought captive" to the Gospel, make this a particularly relevant book in this season of thinking through politics and faith. The volume is complete with a bibliography on the matter of Christian voices in the public square and an index. It is profitable reading for the classroom, in the office or study, on the back porch, or on a plane. Endorsements "God bless Dr. Mike Milton for challenging the conventional wisdom that Christians need to mind their own business and stay out of the public square. He correctly diagnoses the root of our society's problems as spiritual and calls on the church to step up to the plate in an effort to save our culture. There is no inconsistency between spreading the Gospel and being engaged in the culture and in politics in a Christlike way." David Limbaugh, NYT bestselling author, syndicated columnist, constitutional attorney, contributor, FoxNews Silent No More "is a must read if we are to save our nation. The Church must take the lead in this effort." Michael Reagan, national Radio Talk Show Host, Author, columnist, son of U.S. President Ronald Reagan. "Dr. Michael Milton's book is, among other things, a tribute to the martyrs of atheistic communism, of which there were countless millions. Christians in America today face their own unique challenges. The threats to religious freedom are not as deadly as what Christians endured under communism, but they are serious, and they seem to get worse year by year--and they often stem from the same statist impulse. We must, above all, not remain silent. It is indeed true that all it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing." Paul Kengor, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science, Grove City College; Executive Director, The Center for Vision & Values; Fellow, The Hoover Institute, NY Times best-selling author, and nationally syndicated columnist, contributor to FoxNews, and frequent speaker and recognized leading scholar on the history of the Cold War and Presidential studies of Ronald Reagan. "In a culture where biblical standards are routinely being ignored or marginalized God's voice needs to be heard loud and clear, however unwelcome it may be. Old Testament prophets provide a powerful paradigm of this, and while biblical prophets have no like-for-like successors today, Christian pastors have a similar responsibility to 'reprove, rebuke and exhort', directly challenging what seems to be the relentless drive towards framing a totally secular society. Michael Milton's book is an urgent, relevant and powerful wake-up call. Every pastor should read it--and encourage his church members to do so." John Blanchard, Internationally known Christian preacher, teacher, apologist, and author Biographical Information Michael A. Milton and his family live in Charlotte, North Carolina and is the host of the national Bible teaching television program Faith for Living, a songwriter and recording artist, and the author of numerous books and articles. Previously he was the senior minister of the historic First Presbyterian Church of Chattanooga, Tennessee and is currently Chancellor and CEO elect of Reformed Theological Seminary and the James M. Baird Jr. Professor of Pastoral Theology, there.