- The Best New Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year
av L. Ron Hubbard
Science Fiction short stories from the freshest, most talented new voices in Science Fiction and Fantasy, each illustrated by the best new artist in the genreTurn the page…open your eyes...and look into the futureThey unleash the power of dreams and unlock the secrets of the universeThey bend time, twist perception, and put a new spin on the laws of physics They show us who we are, what we may become, and how far we can go They are the Writers of the Future. Experience their vision: In twelve seconds you will catch one last glimpse of the worldA Love Story...with DeathAlien Contact has meaning deep beneath the ads ... don't trust what you readThe Steampunk Clock is not only broken, so is TIME itselfShe is not a dream weaver or a dream catcher... She is a dream eaterHero Duty calls.... all the way from the DeadLove and War know no bounds ... or do they?Writing Contest Judges: Kevin J. Anderson, Doug Beason, Gregory Benford, Orson Scott Card, Eric Flint, Brian Herbert, Nina Kiriki Hoffman, Dr. Yoji Kondo, Anne McCaffrey, Rebecca Moesta, Larry Niven, Frederik Pohl, Jerry Pournelle, Tim Powers, Mike Resnick, Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Robert J. Sawyer, Robert Silverberg, Dean Wesley Smith, K.D. Wentworth, Sean Williams and Dave Wolverton (AKA David Farland).Illustrating Contest Judges: Robert Castillo, Vincent Di Fate, Diane Dillon, Leo Dillon, Dave Dorman, Bob Eggleton, Laura Brodian Freas, Ron Lindahn, Val Lakey Lindahn, Stephan Martiniere, Judith Miller, Cliff Nielsen, Sergey Poyarkov, Shaun Tan, H.R. Van Dongen and Stephen Youll.“Keep the Writers of the Future going. It’s what keeps sci-fi alive.” —Orson Scott Card