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Böcker utgivna av Gerlach Press

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  • av Michael Lecker
    1 297

  • av Monika Schonleber
    3 171

  • av Pierre Loti
    1 027

  • av David Heard
    1 917

  • - The 'Urwa Corpus and the Non-Muslim Sources
    av Andreas Gorke
    1 917

    The main part of this book consists of a compilation and evaluation of the corpus of traditions about the life of Muhammad attributed to the early scholar 'Urwa ibn al-Zubayr (c. 643-c. 712). 'Urwa was the nephew of the Prophet's wife 'A'isa, who was also his most important informant. The authenticity of a large part of these traditions is certain, since they were handed down independently from each other by two or more tradents of 'Urwa. They are thus the oldest authentic Muslim reports about the Prophet. The authors argue that 'Urwa's reports by and large correctly reflect the basic features of the historical events described. Somewhat older than 'Urwa's traditions about Muhammad is only a report in a non-Islamic Armenian source attributed to the chronicler Sebeos (wrote around 660). This and other external evidence partly agree with the Islamic sources, sometimes providing new perspectives on the life of the Prophet. But there are also contradictions. The authors can show that in such cases the 'Urwa transmission is preferable. The crux of the much-discussed so-called Hagarism hypothesis, which proposes an alternative narrative of the origins of Islam (Muhammad, after having established a community which comprised both Arabs and Jews, set off with these allies to conquer Palestine) is demonstrably based on a misreading of a Sebeos passage..

  • - The Children of Israel and the Islamic Self-Image
    av Uri Rubin
    1 647

    This book investigates the literary role played by the Bible in Islamic sources. It focuses on the tension between Biblical and Qur'anic models as revealed in Islamic texts describing contacts between the Muslims and the "Children of Israel", as Jews and Christians are usually called in the context of world history. By adopting the method of his earlier work on the image of the Prophet Muhammad, The Eye of the Beholder: The Life of Muhammad as Viewed by the Early Muslims, Rubin examines hadith reports of the first three Islamic centuries that draw on Qura'nic and biblical material. Each of the work's three parts reflects a particular historical attitude toward the Jews and definition of the relationship between Jews and Muslims. This book isof interest to students of the history and interpretation of the Qur'an and of early Islamic tradition and dogma and early Islamic history, as well as to all those interested in comparative religion and intercultural relations between Muslims and non-Muslims..

  • - Muhammad's First Legal Document
    av Michael Lecker
    1 647

    The 'Constitution of Medina' is probably the first legal document of Muhammad and dates back to the first year after his hijra (622 CE), or "emigration", which brought him from his hometown Mecca to the cluster of towns known as Yathrib or Medina in the Hijaz (northern Arabia) and marked the beginning of the Islamic era. Muslim historians and jurists have been familiar with this important document for centuries, and aware of its legal and theological implications for Islamic law. It was first brought to the attention of scholars in the West at the end of the 19th century by Wellhausen, who accepted it as an authentic document from the time of the Prophet. Since then, such leading orientalists as Goldziher, Gil, Serjeant, Goto, U. Rubin and J. B. Simonsen have studied various aspects of it. This monograph offers an edited translation and interpretation of the earliest and most important document from the time of Muhammad. Lecker's focus is on the Jewish tribes, the Treaty of the Mu'minun and the Treaty of the Jews..

  • - The Life of Muhammad as Viewed by the Early Muslims
    av Uri Rubin
    1 647

    Detailed examination of traditions about Muhammad which illustrate particular themes thought to be part of the biblical prophetic paradigm: attestation, preparation, the experience of revelation, persecution, and "salvation," this last meaning the hijra. The author analyzes the ways in which Muhammad's early biographers sought to shape the Prophet's biography through biblically based, and later Qur'anic, modes of authentication. The author has abandoned the quest for the historical Muhammad because of the impossibility of separating the "real" Muhammad from legends about him. He challenges the notion that earlier traditions about Muhammad are more authentic than later ones, arguing that the molding of accounts of Muhammad's life according to what were perceived as standard criteria of prophethood began at the outset, as Muslims sought to prove themselves worthy successors to the civilizations of the Jews and the Christians..

  • - A Medieval Muslim Historian and His Work
    av Hugh N Kennedy
    1 647

    This volume provides a discussion of the works of Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari (d. 932 CE) the greatest historian of the early Islamic world. An international team of well-known scholars examine the life of the man, his work, the sources he used and his intellectual legacy. Grouped around four major themes - Caliphate and power, economy and society, Abbasids, and frontiers and the others - the contributions deal with the history, archaeology, architecture and literature of the Middle East, North Africa and beyond, from the time of the Prophet until the fifteenth century. It is difficult to say whether we should treat him as an author or as an editor, repackaging earlier works, all fully acknowledged. What were his biases and prejudices? Was he a propagandist for the reigning Abbasid dynasty or simply a passer on of the traditions he found? This volume, bringing together some of the most eminent scholars of early Arabic historiography is the first attempt to answer some of these questions and it will be of fundamental importance to anyone interested in the early Islamic world or in comparative historiography..

  • - An Historical and Archaeological Study
    av Robert Schick
    2 251

    An assessment of the nature and social continuity of Christian communities in Palestine from 602-813. By synthesizing literary and archeological evidence, it provides a detailed discussion of disparate historical and archeological data. In the first part, the Sasanian, Byzantine and early Muslim invasions of southern Syria and the changing of government policies towards Christians are discussed. Topical studies about church use, conversion and iconoclasm, are also included. The second part offers a useful alphabetical list of more than 500 sites that document Christian and Muslim presence and settlement in the area. ... the book does a great service to those interested in the area and its Christian population... (John Haldon)

  • - Volume 4: Elites Old and New
    av John Haldon
    1 377

    A collection of critical analyses of the structure, historical development, and composition of the elite strata of late Roman, Byzantine, and early Islamic societies in the eastern Mediterranean basin. Culture change, economic foundations, political roles and function, social composition, and background and origins of old and new elites are the focus of the contributions by scholars who deal with the fate of the later Roman elite and its successors. 1. Hugh Kennedy, Elite lncomes in the Early lslamic State 2. William Lancaster and Fidelity Lancaster, Concepts of Leadership in Bedouin Society 3. Lelsie Brubaker, Elites and Patronage in Early Byzantium: the Evidence from Hagios Demetrios at Thessalonike 4. Averil Cameron, Democratization Revisited: Culture and Late Antique and Early Byzantine Elites 5. Nadia Maria El Cheickh, Byzantine Leaders in Arabic-Muslim Texts 6. Elizabeth Jeffreys, Notes Towards a Discussion of the Depiction of the Umayyads in Byzantine Literature 7. Claudia Rapp, Bishops in Late Antiquity: a New Social and Urban Elite? 8. John Haldon, The Fate of the Late Roman Senatorial Elite: Extinction or Transformation 9. Zeev Rubin, Nobility, Monarchy and Legitimation under the Later Sasanians 10. Michael G. Morony, Social Elites in Iraq and Iran: After the Conquest ... the articles collected in this volume ... are without exception of a very high calibre and make a very useful contribution to our understanding of the elites of this fascinating epoch. (Robert Hoyland)

  • - Volume 3: States, Resources and Armies
    av Averil Cameron
    1 981

    A comparative analysis of Byzantine, Sasanian and Muslim armies and their impact on state resources. Contributions discuss the organization and financing of the army in the late Roman state, the transformations and continuities of the late Sasanid state and with authority and armies in the early Muslim state. Thus, the volume brings together perspectives from neighbouring fields, presents military issues in an intercultural manner and assembles important pieces of knowledge in a comprehensive manner. 1. Jean-Michel Carrie, L'Etat a la recherche de nouveaux modes de financement des armees (Rome et Byzance, IVe-VIIIe siecles) 2. Michael Whitby, Recruitment in Roman Armies from Justinian to Heraclius (ca. 565-615) 3. Benjamin Isaac, The Army in the Late Roman East: the Persian Wars and the Defence of the Byzantine Provinces 4. James Howard-Johnston, The Two Great Powers in Late Antiquity: a Comparison 5. Zeev Rubin, The Reforms of Khusro Anushirwān 6. Ella Landau-Tasseron, Features of the Pre-Conquest Muslim Armies in the Time of Muhammad 7. Fred McGraw Donner, Centralized Authority and Military Autonomy in the Early Islamic Conquests 8. Hugh Kennedy, The Financing of the Military in the Early Islamic State 9. John Haldon, Seventh-Century Continuities: the Ajnād and the "Thematic Myth" 10. Ralph-Johannes Lilie, Zum Einflua der arabischen Expansion auf die byzantinische Militarorganisation "Interdisciplinary enterprises such as [this] volume ... are to be applauded for getting us down to earth." (Patricia Crone)

  • - The Arab Spring and the Gulf States
    av May Seikaly
    1 121

    How immune is the Gulf region to the changes that have engulfed the Arab world since 2011? This volume responds to this question by examining the impact of the Arab Spring on Gulf regimes and societies and contributing to debates on political participation and citizenship; sectarianism, gender and identity formation; as well as the role of the media in exposing the paradoxes of the Gulf system and its relationship to international political actors.

  • - A Mystical Theodicy
    av Nasrin Rouzati
    1 227

    This book offers a critical analysis and re-examination of the notion of Divine trial, first by providing a comprehensive typology and a contextual interpretation of the Qur'anic narratives pertaining to the concept. Divine trial is then investigated through a historical review of prophetic tradition (hadith) and the exegetical literature (tafsir); followed by a discussion on Prophetology, and an overview of bala in the lives of the prophets. The book further develops key aspects of Muslim theology and mysticism through an examination of the works of Rumi and al-Ghazali.

  • - A Bilingual Topical Anthology of Classical Arabic Poetry
    av Mansour Ajami
    1 027

    This bilingual anthology presents the best of Arabic classical poetry's musings over the many faceted states of the human condition, among them love, generosity, life, time, youth, beauty, ecstasy, longing, wine, death, and plenty more. Mansour Ajami's selection of topical verses and poems is guided by what was deemed best in its genre by the consensus of the great classical Arab literary critics and theoreticians.

  • av Robert Lacey
    1 201

    Gulf Charities and Islamic Philanthropy in the "Age of Terror" and Beyond is the first book to be published on the charities of Saudi Arabia and the Arabian Gulf, covering their work both domestic and international. From a diversity of viewpoints, the book addresses: the historical roots of Islamic philanthropy in religious traditions and geopolitical movements; the interactions of the Gulf charities with "Western" relief and development institutions - now under pressure owing to budgetary constraints; numerous case studies from the Middle East, Africa, and South Asia; the impact of violent extremism on the sector, with the legal repercussions that have followed - especially in the USA; the recent history of attempts to alleviate the obstacles faced by bona fide Islamic charities, whose absence from major conflict zones now leaves a vacuum for extremist groups to penetrate; the prospects for a less politicized Islamic charity sector when the so-called "war on terror" eventually loses its salience.

  • - Asian and Middle Eastern Strategies
    av Sara Bazoobandi
    1 071

    The international food system is increasingly at risk. Increasing demand, limited and diminishing resources and rising volatility are putting new pressures on the agriculture sector globally. One of the growing critical threats to global stability and security is the inadequacy of food resources. This threat, exacerbated by global population growth, is illustrated by shifts in consumption patterns toward protein-rich diets and the growth of multinational food retail, which bring about a greater reliance on food imports. This book compares the food security policies of selected countries in Asia and the Middle East, and reviews the outcomes of policy applications in a broader context. Themes discussed include: -Shifts in regional and international foreign policy, such as new alliances between countries with rich agricultural resources and wealthier importing states -Creation of food security policy competition across regions -Foreign investments and investment risks for farmland investments -Social implications, such as potential unrest -Environmental sustainability of food security programs, such as the depletion of water resources -Impact of food security programs on trade policies and fiscal policies, such as import taxes and subsidies

  • - Formation, Fragmentation and Modern Interpretations
    av Carool Kersten
    6 811

    Although the Caliphate was formally abolished ninety years ago, it had already ceased to exist as a unitary and effectively administered political institution many centuries earlier. The ever widening gap between political ideal and historical reality is also reflected in the varying conceptualizations and theories of the Caliphate developed by Islamic religious scholars and Muslim intellectuals past and present. However, recent events in the Islamic world show that the idea of a Caliphate still appeals to Muslims of varying persuasions. This three-volume reference work tracks the history of the Caliphate as what many Muslims believe to be a genuine and authentic Islamic political institution: From its emergence in seventh-century Arabia until highly contested and controversial attempts of its revival at the beginning of the twenty-first century by radical Islamists in Afghanistan and Iraq. No matter how grandiose such interpretations of a seemingly archaic institution may be, they show the Caliphate's longevity as a rallying point - real or symbolic - for Muslims across the world. Volume I: Origins and Formation Volume II: Challenges and Fragmentation Volume III: Modern Interpretations

  • - Moscow's Domestic, Regional and Strategic Interests
    av Nikolay Kozhanov
    1 027

    This book is the first to offer a comprehensive survey of Moscow's foreign policy interests in Syria. The author considers the Kremlin's diplomacy on Syria within the broader system of Russian foreign policy in the Middle East; he analyses the influence of Russian domestic dimensions on Moscow's approaches to the subject; and he considers how Moscow's priorities in Syria have evolved during the last five years and what factors influenced this evolution. Key factors considered include: Russian presence in the Middle East before and after the fall of the Soviet Union; The challenge of the Arab Spring; Why it was so important to save Assad; How serious is the jihadist threat for Russia; Russian military involvement in the Syrian conflict: what will be the outcome?; Significance of Moscow's military intervention in the wider Middle East context.

  • - Doctrine and Development
    av Esther Peskes
    4 447

    Saudi Arabian Wahhabism is the ultra-puritanical form of Sunni Islam which has been adopted by Islamist radicals, Salafists, and jihadists to legitimize and spread their extremist agenda. The scholarly articles in these two volumes throw fresh light on this messianic radicalism by tracing its origins in the 18th century up to its present role as the authoritative interpretation of Islam in the strategically vital Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Volume 1 focuses on the main tenets of Wahhabi doctrine that brought about the Wahhabi community as a group clearly distinguishable from other interpretations of Islam at the eve of modernity, and which are responsible for its essentially exclusive character as well as the militancy ascribed to it with regard to other Muslims. Volume 2 covers the development of Wahhabism in the peculiar socio-political conditions it sprang from, particularly its symbiosis with the Saudi ruling house, the structures and institutions it brought forth and its efforts to react to the challenges of a changing society.

  • - A Critical Analysis of Said Nursi's Epistles of Light
    1 651

    The Qur'an Revealed is a landmark publication in the history of Islamic studies, providing for the first time a comprehensive critical analysis of Bedizuzzaman Said Nursi's 6000-page work of Quranic exegesis, The Epistles of Light. In discussing a wide range of themes, from Divine unity to causation, from love to spirituality, from prophethood to civilization and politics, Colin Turner invites the reader into Nursi's conceptual universe, presenting the teachings of arguably the Muslim world's most understudied theologian in a language that is accessible to both expert and interested layperson alike.

  • - Blurred Boundaries and Shifting Ties
    av Rogaia Mustafa Abusharaf
    1 001

    The ties that bind Africa and the Gulf region have deep historical roots that influence both what Braudel called the longue duree and the short-term events of current policy shifts, market-based economic fluctuations, and global and local political vicissitudes. This book, a collaboration of historians, political scientists, development planners, and a biomedical engineer, explores Arabian-African relationships in their many overlapping dimensions. Thus histories constructed from the "bottom up" -- records of the everyday activities of commerce, intermarriage, and gender roles -- offer an incisive complement to the "top down" histories of dynasties and the elite. Topics such as migration, collective memory, scriptural and oral narratives, and contemporary notions of food security and "soft" power pose new questions about the ties that bind Africa to the Gulf.

  • av Yang Guang
    1 121

    The Gulf region's primary economic relationships are rapidly shifting from West to East. Relations with China, Japan and South Korea are becoming increasingly strategic in nature: based on a degree of mutual dependence far greater than is present in Gulf-Western relations. The balance of global politics will be critically affected by this powerful emerging relationship. This book provides documentation of the trend and examines some of the political and strategic issues which follow from it.

  • - Challenging Political and Religious Taboos
    av Sadik J Al-Azm
    1 001

    Sadik Al-Azm is one of today's foremost Arab public intellectuals, who offers innovative, often controversial challenges to conventional narratives on Islam and the West, secularism, Orientalism, and the Israel-Palestine issue.Is Islam Secularizable? includes essays on: Civil Society and the Arab Spring, Orientalism and Conspiracy, Ground Zero Revisited, Islam and Secular Humanism, Time out of Joint: Western Dominance, Islamist Terror, and the Arab Imagination, Trends in Arab Thought, Palestinian Zionism, and Orientalism and Orientalism in Reverse.

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