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  • av Wilma Pedroza

    This book describes to the reader our daily lives, allowing them to analyze their lives' daily routine. It shows everyone that we are all the same no matter our color or race. We might act differently, but we are taught to do the same things from the moment we wake up to the moment we go to sleep. The beautiful colored illustrations show us the beautiful things we have in this life to wake up to like family, friends, neighbors, and the beautiful sounds of life. We all wake up and go to sleep in the same beautiful world, doing the same things every day.

  • - Second Chances
    av Dolores Chernoski Moses

    Having met at Ithaca University as graduate students, the millennial year of2000 is soon approaching, Sydney Steinberg and Corinna Kipnis consider each othertheir exclusive significant other. While after graduation, Corinna takes up a positionas reference librarian in her hometown library of Thompsonville, Syd hastens to finishhis graduate degree in engineering. But after some irrepressible soul-searching, hedecides on a radical change of course--he will, instead, attempt that more challengingcareer in the New York financial world he has always aspired to, which, in his estimate, will not only demand his highest level of intellectual mastery but, simultaneously, willalso position him at the very cutting edge of significant decision making. This choiceand the lifestyle it engenders set Corinna and Syd on deeply discordant life tracks andtoward life goals that prove incompatible.In the meantime, Viktor, Corinna's father and now professor emeritus, hasbeen summoned to California for a hospital visit with his cousin and boyhood hero, Mitchell Kipnis. Despite Mitchell's palatial Malibu home, Viktor perceives Mitchell'sloneliness as a widower and retiree and convinces him that a prolonged vacation inhis old hometown--Thompsonville--is just what the doctor would have ordered.Additionally, Viktor reminds Mitchell that his son Paul, has just taken a position atEly College in Thompsonville and would be an added companion. Mitchell consentsto this transition and eventually becomes a thoroughly vibrant part of the wholeThompsonville scene. Inevitably, Corinna and Syd separate; and through this painfulprocess, Corinna actually begins to fall in love with another person--having herselfattained a depth and confidence she had never before realized. In this generationaland a career mix of interesting, well-realized characters, there are more than enoughopportunities for dynamic clashes of values and priorities--small-town community orbig-city glitz? Wealth and power or a dedication to personal development? Parentsand their children retaining familial ties between generations or opting to go it alone?Plenty of opportunity for second thoughts. And hopefully discovering second chancesalong the way, the reader might be drawn into some thoughtful reevaluation of his ownbasic assumptions. And that is, of course, the best of all outcomes.

  • av Tommy Banks

    HOW TO BRING ABOUT DRAMATICCHURCH VISITORS INCREASE!Equipping Your Membership to Be Inviters andWitnesses"I am sincerely convinced that the believer role of witnessing as expressedin the New Testament is appropriate today. As a young believer, I was grateful forthe mighty power of God's divine guidance in The Ministry of Evangelism inclarifying the specific tasks of witnessing.""My conscious purpose of carefully writing this psychological featurebook was naturally to help young pastors and members of the Lord's body. Toconvincingly demonstrate in their dear lives, and apply in their local churches thebiblical concepts of their leading role as faithful witnesses.""I sincerely pray that God will use this precious book to encourage andhelp you faithfully fulfill the challenging task to be church inviters and moralwitnesses.""An inspiring book with many great scriptural lessons . . ."

  • av Frank Lentz

    WHEN COLIN GRIER is ordered by a covert office in the World Health Organization to investigate a bizarre disease outbreak in New Guinea, he is introduced to a fantastic world of possibilities that he never dreamed existed. While in New Guinea, he meets a beautiful, paralyzed woman called Margo, who is traveling with her father aboard a privately funded research ship in search of an ancient Khmer temple. While onboard, Margo and Colin become fast friends, and Margo eventually discloses that she has psychic abilities. Her visions eventually lead Colin to some twelfth-century Khmer temple ruins, where they discover a part of an ancient telescope. Although the find is a major victory for anthropology, the group also discovers the source of the disease outbreak within the temple, and Colin is forced to choose between stopping the disease at its source and curing Margo's paralysis. But with an impending attack from the World Health Organization's Swat team, Colin must decide: will he save the woman he loves or chooses to stop the spreading disease and possibly change the course of history."A well-told Crichton style Sci-Fi novel of otherworldly jeopardy and Ancient aliens that take the reader into a surreal world of infinite possibility."-Kirkus

  • av William Christ

    This short story is written for pre-K, Kindergarten, and first graders. It tells of a baby rainbow born without any colors. Earth's elements combine with weather elements to help Little Bow begin a journey to find all his beautiful colors.Little Bow's adventure of exploration delights children of all ages. This story helps young learners to look for and identify different colored items. When colors are joined together, it shows unity and diversity in our world.

  • av Kimberly Archer

    It's pirate's day at the Aquarium! On pirate's day everyone gets to dress up like a pirate and is given a treasure map. Pedie is excited to be a part of this fun day and solve the 5 clues on the map! Come along with Pedie to help him find the treasure! Pedie marvels at the wonder of the ocean and all the diverse creatures that live in it! Experience the beauty of the ocean as you explore the aquarium and solve the clues on the treasure map.

  • av Carrie Lynn Hooper

    Little Suzie Loves to Bake is about a little girl who loves to bake and create new recipes. Herlove for baking comes from spending time in the kitchen with her Grandma. Now little Suziewants to surprise her Grandma by baking chocolate chip cookies and takes a journey to gatherthe recipe

  • av Mh Rh (Ahg) Bathija

    This book: - Contains a directory of key plants used in the female reproductive systemailments which contains information on preparation, current usage andproperties of the herb.- Categorizes the book in three sections, teenage/puberty stage, pregnancy & childbirth/childbearing age & the menopausal womenhighlights the female health-related concerns based on alternativemedicinal approach.- Includes medicinal recipes and a guide to using herbs inaromatherapy, relaxation, and depression.- Explores herbal healing around the world with a special section onthe healing which is cured thru Ayurvedic treatments in the East.- Presents with the case studies with superb and excellent results.

  • av Tony Charles

    COURAGE AND INSPIRATIONArise! Be of good courage. This is your sacred guide to be courageous, effective, intuitive,and inspired. "The 11 Habits of Highly Courageous People" is written for everyone lookingfor hope. This is your access to divine secrets. This is your permission to access the deepsecrets of life. Pay attention; get excited; and take action. This Noble Book of SacredKnowledge and Information is more than your path to fulfillment; it is your salvation. Whenyou follow these guides accordingly, you can achieve anything you want. The fact thatyou were unaware of these sacred habits explains why you have experienced sorrowfuldisappointments in life; why you have suffered heartaches so painful that sometimes youfelt you did not have the courage to carry on; and why the things you yearned for mostbeen snatched away."The 11 Habits of Highly Courageous People" is your liberation and solution. The highlycourageous people are blessed with the ability to receive and satisfy their desires directlyfrom the "source." This is your time. Regardless of the riots and the 2020 CoronaVirusCOVID - 19 Global Pandemic, your life is changing for the better. All of your setbacks weredirectly attributed to your lack of knowledge of this sacred information. Thus, nothing ofnecessity will be denied to you from now on. Furthermore, you will know your destiny, whyyou were born, what your mission is, how to get what you desire, and how to commandothers to do exactly what you want."The 11 Habits of Highly Courageous People" is also designed to provide the informationyou need to harness divine secrets and to have dominion... Think carefully of the greatenlightenments that you stand to gain. You now have the golden opportunity to satisfyyour destiny and achieve almost everything in life. Your moment of breakthrough hascome. Welcome to the Amazing World of the Great Technological Revolution and the NewEra of Super Technologies and Soaring Buying Power. Thus, great wealth; good health;longevity; tranquility; romantic love; peace of mind; Honor; success; and happiness arenow at your command.

  • av Awatef A
    150 - 330,-

    An Israeli-American man and a Palestinian woman found true love that forces itself onthe world to gain acceptance Changing the world is truly a very complicated mission,but anyone can begin this task with fighting for what he or she passionately believes in.The two main characters of author Awatef A''s Diverse Knots have the same backbonesthat challenge the world to look into an unspoken love story. This book follows the storyof Salwa Adam and Joseph Weisman, two individuals from two different cultures, whocollide under severe circumstances and instantly form a killer bond they can''t get rid of.This intense drama and powerful romance will surely leave readers under the spell of loveand great realization on multicultural relationship. Diverse Knots is an intelligent depictionof a multicultural relationship that can make the world stop and watch. It impressively tellsthe story of a forbidden rescue of a wrecked Palestinian woman by an Israeli-Americanattorney from her merciless father and brothers who try to punish and lock her away-andfrom an arranged marriage to an abusive husband. Joseph''s compassion to Salwa leadsthem to their successful escape from Israel and back to the United States. However, theirrelationship brings threat to their own lives-Salwa faces the doom of a gunman whoshoots her and though she survives the gun shots, she is recaptured by her own family thatforbids her from such a relationship. Will he risk his life for his one true love? After thedrama and madness, Salwa and Joseph find each other and elope in marriage at a NYCcourt. It was a move that further complicates the situation, which becomes clear throughthe ensuing awful occurrences. But will their love have a happy ending? In Diverse Knots,readers can feel the natural flow and escalation of true love that forces itself on the worldto accept. This story is not just engaging-it is phenomenal.

  • av Chiman Zebari

  • av Phern H.
    126 - 260,-

    They had arrived to Naidakan, a country that for Amilkar, was only a temporary refuge, but forhis family it meant the new home; their future, the rest of their life. Walking around the house,watching his children, he felt unable to plan or schedule future activities. He did not know inpractice the society's usages; through the studies he learned about history and customs.Amilkar's concern was how to instruct his children when he did not know what this world hadfor him and his family.At one point, he got a phone call that woke up his spirit and enthusiasm. It was an employmentinterview offer. He prepared himself, and visited the place he had been informed, punctual anddressed up as he used to. At the first sight, the interviewer smiled at him in a sarcastic way,telling him that he did not need such clothes to clean desks or wash floors.

  • av Cyrus Esmaili

    In ATHEISM, Cyrus attempts to explore what itmeans to be an atheist. On the path to understandingatheism, Cyrus examines the meaning of selfhoodand awareness through poetry. He discovers the pathto enlightenment starts from within and is aided withthe knowledge of what lies without. Cyrus discoversthat atheism is an evolving process best observedthrough empathy, affection, honesty and moral/ethical integrity. He realizes the journey to becomean atheist is an individual effort to transcend oneselfand aim for enlightenment.

  • av Frank Daversa
    280 - 330,-

    The story asks the question, can a child develop normallydespite growing up in harsh surroundings? It juxtaposes the reallifechildhood of Adolf Hitler with a fictional female charactertwo years his senior. The two hit it off and eventually fall in loveuntil a catastrophic event separates them forever. The story endsby asking the reader, "e;Was young Adolf's love for her strongenough to change his personality for the better and thus alter thecourse of history?

  • av Derrick Turner
    126 - 250,-

    Dishonesty, deceit, betrayal, resentment, and envy all played a part in my self-destructive life.The path in front of me was littered with unwanted emotions. I fought my inner man constantlyagainst the truth. The surface of my life seemed normal to the onlooking eye, but the reality ofwho I really was and what I'd been taught to be,was anything but normal. It was a rollercoasterof confusion and false hope planted and harvested by the woman I placed above God Himself,my mother, She was the driven force of whom I wanted to please.But, the darkness in her told a different story of who she was. It would be years before the veilthat covered her deceitfulness showed itself. Her promises reeled me in, and her trust blindedme from the destruction waiting in the distance. I knew nothing, nor was I told anything aboutthe parents that had been chosen for me. I had but one alternative, to turn to the man in my life,my father. But little did I know, his role in my life was as devastating as my mother's. He wasthe absolute secret, and the reality of who he was would one day test my love for him.

  • av Curtis Wetzel

    A TRICKSTER OF KIND(Inspired by Black Jack)A phantom-magician with rain-boots,Levitating through the night,Tapping on the upper window, thrice - on its way it went.Wearing a trench-coat and top-hat, it had no body.A phantom levitating off into the night,It must have been somebody.I'll never know.I close my eyes a million times.I will never know.A phantom in black,Into thee abyss, it's in my mind.It may be back - A trickster of kind.

  • av María del Pilar Martínez Nandín

    This story that little by little I turned into a novel is a short book that brings together a long lifeexperience. It is the daily story of women, assimilated in ME because after all, each Eve is many Eves.Eve pursues love and feels that she never finds it. She had an Adam next to her, but she ... kept looking in other Adams for what in her crazy imagination was happy to love.She was loved very much but not the way she wanted. Did I waste her life? She did not... She livedit fully and she knew that she had and that she has the most beautiful love... her love for life.She walks without fear, without judgment, looking for what she already had because being in love makes her feel alive. Defoliating a daisy saying "e;he loves, he doesn't love me"e; petal by petal.

  • av Vladimir Mavar Jr.

    When a couple of young scientists decide to test an invention to help survive modern daycalamities and disasters, their lives are changed forever. Nothing remains the same. Author's Bio: Born on the Gulf Coast in Southern Mississippi, Vladimir Mavar developed an interest in Science and Literature early on, later studying business and literature while in Europefor several years.

  • av Jeremy Brown

    If you were born and raised at rock bottom and that was all you ever knew, could you even imagine and believe that something better was possible? A young girl becomes a woman under horrendous circumstances and not only escapes her own hellacious reality but builds up enough strength within herself to then pull others from this same pit.

  • av Dolores Chernoski Moses

    Toward the end of the Depression, the Ludaks struggled with jobs, ethnic hostility,and widespread class prejudice in their upstate New York factory hometown ofThompsonville. But life for their daughter Joanna proves wide and adventurous;jubilant, if sometimes terrifying. Her coming-of-age as a Polish Catholic, blue-collar,scrubbed but culturally hobbled youngster is a riveting fictional odyssey of painfulconfrontations with both natal and dominant community values. Into this turbulentmix, America's entrance into World War II brings further lifestyle changes anddisruptive values into Thompsonville. The family nexus cannot hold. Uncle Sam andAunt Albina reach for the prize of the American brass ring. While Joanna's motherBertha resonates to their success and strives to emulate their example, Dad Ludakmeanders in his noman's land of bitter unresolved conflicts. Joanna alone promisesto approach the self-actualization that has always been her goal.

  • av Dennis Charles Johnson

    On the streets of Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, and Inglewood CA . . . ,and, in a world of chance, survival, hope, greed, and uncertain success,there are tasks that must be accomplished, and somebody has to be manenough to accept the responsibility of that accomplishment. This is allin a world where almost everything you have to do is detrimental. Debo(D-Angelo L. Jackson) teams up with Mad-C (Charles Write) to takeon a mission where they must fight to stay alive. But it's an even harderresponsibility to fight to keep the people they love alive, and to hold onto what rightfully belongs to them. Debo and Mad-C uses their skills,wisdom, and common sense to deal with the people who are trying totear their world apart. They are up against a crooked politician whoembezzled one hundred and fifty million dollars from his own campaigncontribution fund, a multi-millionaire and C.E.O. and chairman of theboard of directors of a very prominent yacht club in Malibu, California,and two D.E.A. agents who also have a "e;little something"e; up their sleeves.Debo also has the help of his adopted little sister, Joyvette Hernandez, whokeeps him in check and watches over him, but is also put in harm's way.She is bright, cautious and very alert. With all this pulling at them, theyhave to keep each other alive. They have until Christmas day to completetheir mission. Will they make it through alive by Christmas Day? Or, willChristmas day find them all dead?

  • av Doris Garrett

    This Cookbook is for the good-hearted, wonderful, independentwoman with a great sense of humor.i A mix of healthy and crazy recipes,with cat food, dog treats and fish flakes.This book includes wisdom,upifting words, tips and tricks."e;Never make funof your wife's choices,you are one of them."e;-unknown

  • av Ralph Brooks

    In Day By Day Living With Epilepsy, Ralph V. Brooksnarrates his life experience with epilepsy throughpersonal essays, educational articles, children's poetry,and a collection of poems.

  • av Julian Lorenzana

    This is the story of two persons who were born to spend their lives together.From the day they set eyes on each other, they knew they belonged together.

  • av Theresa Dove Waters

    Theresa Dove-Waters brings to herservice a wealth of experiencegleaned through two careers: oneas an Ordained United Methodist ChurchPastor and the other as a collegiate-leveleducator. Waters worked at several collegesin Florida and Georgia for over 30 years asan Administrator and College Professor. Shetaught on a range of subject matter duringthat time, from religion to other socialsciences subject matter. Also, during hertime in Higher education, she served in several supervisory positions,including as director of minority affairs.Waters received her Bachelor and Masters of Education degreesfrom the University of North Florida before going on to earn a Masterof Divinity, with a concentration in religious education, from EmoryUniversity's prestigious Candler School of Theology.She is a past board member of the Southeastern Institute onChemical Dependency and has held numerous lectures and workshopson substance abuse and addiction. Additionally, she started a supportgroup for young women: Saving Ourselves: Black Women of TodayHelping Black Women of Tomorrow in Jacksonville, Florida.Other community services include serving on several boards ofdirectors and listed in Who's Who in the South and Southwest, inAmerican Education and of American Women.

  • av John Keegan

    It's 1959 in the town of Clearwater, there are no cell phones or laptops, Eisenhower is President and the country is at peace. Or is it? Three seemingly aimless teenagers, Wellesley Baker, wise guy Taylor Clark, the story's narrator Will Bradford, and Laddie Tilford, the deaf-mute who watches the town from his bike, see a different world. It's a summer vacation from high school that ends in two ugly deaths and a climactic trial.

  • av Jayme A Oliveira Filho
    276 - 450,-

    SINGULARITY is a scifi book that mixes the UNIVERSE, science, physics, adventure, love, romance, faith and religion in an inspiring story about the future of mankind and the decisions that we will make as Species to survive in a world during the 22nd Century.Author's Biography:Jayme S. AlencarJayme is a 6th grader at St. Patrick Catholic School. This is not the first book that he writes. When he was a 3rd grader, he wrote a children book called Brother Bear. Jayme loves to read, science and the Universe. He wants to become an Astronomer.Jayme A. Oliveira FilhoJayme is a dentist and amateur Astronomer that lives in Virginia Beach. He loves Astronomy and the Universe. With the help of little Jayme they opened the 1st Astronomy Club at St. Matthews Catholic School. The universe always fascinated him as he watched Carl Sagan in the Cosmos Series when he was a child.

  • av Arthur Ziffer

    The book consists of three parts. The first part gives an elementaryderivation of the five basic equations of the discrete Kalman filter.The second part is a collection of reports on color matching withmuch use made of the theory of least squares. The third partshows how the discrete Kalman filter can be looked at as iteratedleast squares.

  • av Tony Charles

    COURAGE AND INSPIRATIONArise! Be of good courage. This is your sacred guide to be courageous, effective, intuitive,and inspired. "e;The 11 Habits of Highly Courageous People"e; is written for everyone lookingfor hope. This is your access to divine secrets. This is your permission to access the deepsecrets of life. Pay attention; get excited; and take action. This Noble Book of SacredKnowledge and Information is more than your path to fulfillment; it is your salvation. Whenyou follow these guides accordingly, you can achieve anything you want. The fact thatyou were unaware of these sacred habits explains why you have experienced sorrowfuldisappointments in life; why you have suffered heartaches so painful that sometimes youfelt you did not have the courage to carry on; and why the things you yearned for mostbeen snatched away."e;The 11 Habits of Highly Courageous People"e; is your liberation and solution. The highlycourageous people are blessed with the ability to receive and satisfy their desires directlyfrom the "e;source."e; This is your time. Regardless of the riots and the 2020 CoronaVirusCOVID - 19 Global Pandemic, your life is changing for the better. All of your setbacks weredirectly attributed to your lack of knowledge of this sacred information. Thus, nothing ofnecessity will be denied to you from now on. Furthermore, you will know your destiny, whyyou were born, what your mission is, how to get what you desire, and how to commandothers to do exactly what you want."e;The 11 Habits of Highly Courageous People"e; is also designed to provide the informationyou need to harness divine secrets and to have dominion... Think carefully of the greatenlightenments that you stand to gain. You now have the golden opportunity to satisfyyour destiny and achieve almost everything in life. Your moment of breakthrough hascome. Welcome to the Amazing World of the Great Technological Revolution and the NewEra of Super Technologies and Soaring Buying Power. Thus, great wealth; good health;longevity; tranquility; romantic love; peace of mind; Honor; success; and happiness arenow at your command.

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