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  • av Shohjahon Olimov

    Today, enterprises are widely operating as economic entities that can quickly adapt to changes in the economic environment and constantly require new techniques and technologies . Therefore, special attention is being paid to the development of the enterprise and ensuring its competitiveness in our republic. President of the Republic of Uzbekistan S. Mirziyoev noted : ... We need organizational, legal steps, we need to create financial mechanisms and conditions. ...

  • av Shohjahon Olimov

    An important factor is to ensure employment in the economic revival of the rural population by labour from the potential to effectively use social harmony and achieve stability in achieving economic development of the society. development of market relations rural population work with employment in the field all able to work in our government's strategy is focused on the human factor conditions for people to develop their abilities and provide their own style of work to create middle chains more than 68 per cent of the nearly 1 million jobs created have been in rural areas.

  • av Shohjahon Olimov

    The main issue of agriculture is to satisfy the needs of the country's population for food and industry for raw materials on the basis of ensuring the stability of agricultural production and increasing its economic efficiency. Today, the annual consumption of food products per capita is 47.3%. The import of food products is decreasing year by year, and the volume of its export is increasing significantly.

  • av Sitora Menglieva

    Monografiq poswqschena izucheniü dogowornyh otnoshenij w älektronnoj kommercii, s tem samom w rabote analiziruetsq i srawniwaetsq nacional'noe zakonodatel'stwa Respubliki Uzbekistan i drugih gosudarstw w ramkah älektronnoj kommercii, predstawleno prawowoe i doktrinal'noe opredelenie ponqtiq älektronnoj kommercii i dogowora w uslowiqh älektronnogo wzaimodejstwiq, a takzhe opredeleno prawowoe polozhenie sub#ektow onlajn torgowli, rassmotreno dogoworno-prawowoe regulirowanie otnoshenij, woznikaüschih w älektronnoj kommercii. Monografiq prednaznachena dlq specialistow, issledowatelej i studentow po älektronnoj kommercii.

  • av Shohjahon Olimov

    Developing the economy under the framework of reforming and liberalizing the banking system, which is one of the important links of the market relations, organizing the activities of local banks in accordance with the requirements of the international banking system and further improving their activities are considered urgent tasks of the day. A society cannot make healthy progress without having a well-developed banking system and banking activities.

  • av Ocztos István

    A Komplex Instrukciós Program egy olyan új típusú módszertani megközelítés, mely a kötelez¿en tanított és tanult szakmai kompetenciák mellett a közösségépítéshez is jelent¿sen hozzá kíván járulni. Kisebb közösségekbe helyezi el a tanuló egyént, képességeit és m¿ködését ezáltal teszi értelmezhet¿vé és értékessé. Az oktatási környezetben a tanulók mindegyike aktívan részt vesz a tanórai munkákon, lehet¿séget kap a megnyilvánulásra. A modell ezt a feladatok, csoportok, a csoportokban kiosztott szerepek rotációjával éri el. A tanulók különböz¿ szerepkörökben mutatkozva adnak a feladatokra megoldásokat, alkalmanként cserél¿d¿ társakkal dolgoznak együtt. A dolgozat célja e módszer alkalmazásának kipróbálása középfokú oktatási rendszerben, építész szakmacsoportos szakképzés tantrágyainak keretében, mely a tanulói visszajelzésekre és egy empirikus vizsgálatra kívánja alapozni a hatékonyságát.

  • av Zukhriddin Tillanazarov

    The efficiency of enterprise management, the less time spent on the formation and implementation of goals, the higher. This includes, in addition to the experience and qualifications of the head of the enterprise (manager) and other persons responsible for the performance of management functions, organizational and technical measures for the reduction of time spent on management practices and work procedures, the mechanization and automation of management processes, and the rational organization of making and implementing management decisions. is achieved by applying a set of measures. In order to correctly make a decision aimed at achieving a positive result, it is necessary to foresee the possible results of making this decision, to correctly evaluate various options of development prospects. This determines the main strategic tasks of enterprise management. Among them are not only maximum profit, but also renovation and modernization of production, production of modern products that meet the needs of consumers, determining the directions of activity taking into account today's and future perspectives.

  • av Anvar Gafurov

    This monograph is devoted to the improvement of the information system in the corporate management of the coal industry. In particular, the tendency of formation and development of corporate governance in the digital economy are systematized; the need for informatization in corporate governance, organizational features of information disclosure in corporate governance are revealed.Scientific proposals and practical recommendations have been developed in the monograph that aimed at strengthening the material and technical base for the development of corporate governance in the coal industry, improving the information system and the mechanism for its use in Uzbekkumir JSC, issues such as developing methods for improving the management of Uzbekkumir JSC have been resolved by using information systems.The monograph is intended for teachers of economics, researchers, independent researchers, graduate students and university students. It can also be used by executives, managers and other corporate management professionals in the coal industry.

  • av Irfan Syamsuddin

    Honeyd is an open source software that allows user to set up and run multiple virtual hosts on a computer network. These virtual hosts can be configured to mimic several different types of servers, allowing the user to simulate an infinite number of computer network configurations. HoneyD is primarily used to enhance security of computer networks.In this book, a practical HoneyD implementation is presented to readers. Readers will find step by step installation up to implementation of HoneyD to defend IT network infrastructure from cyber attacks.

  • av Alexandr Vasil'ewich Tolmachöw

    Nedostatochnaq issledowannost' duhownoj äwolücii sobstwennogo «Ya» wsqkogo cheloweka i sobstwennoj lichnosti s pozicij wozmozhnosti ispol'zowaniq samyh raznyh sistem prostranstwenno-wremennyh koordinat: ot landshaftno-geograficheskih do misticheskih opredelqüt aktual'nost' temy nastoqschej raboty awtora.Ob#ektom issledowaniq awtora qwlqetsq lichnost' kak triedinaq suschnost', k obreteniü kotoroj stremitsq chelowek. Predmetom issledowaniq qwlqetsq chast' zhizni cheloweka ot rozhdeniq do takogo wozrasta, kogda chelowek obretaet lichnost' i preobrazuet eö. Takaq chast' zhizni harakterizuetsq periodami bifurkacionnyh perehodow s uslozhneniem struktury duhownogo mira cheloweka w sisteme wnutrennih prostranstwenno-wremennyh koordinat.Osnownye polozheniq i wywody ätoj raboty mogut sluzhit' teoreticheskoj osnowoj dlq dal'nejshego estestwenno-nauchnogo, religiowedcheskogo i filosofskogo izucheniq opredeleniq duhownoj äwolücii cheloweka i stanowleniq triedinoj lichnosti, a takzhe dlq prakticheskogo ispol'zowaniq filosofami, psihologami, swqschennosluzhitelqmi, zhurnalistami.

  • av Nikolett Ágnes Tóth

    Sports administration is a specific legislative and judicial field that is a special part of administrative law, sport-related tasks are implemented by the state through sports administration, so it can be called a kind of policy. A specific part of sports administration is sports policing. This narrower area can be clearly defined as professional policing, a series of laws regulate everything related to sports policing, supplemented by regulations of the trade federations, which also serve as guidelines for keeping sports police records and ensuring sports events. The research contributes to the creation of the conceptual system of sports policing and to the systematization of legislation related to the provision of sports events. The issues related to the safe conduct of sporting events raise social, legal, law enforcement and moral problems. In the study, I also sought to answer the question of the causes of football hooliganism, and what antecedents, tragic events and stadium disasters have occurred in recent decades, which drew the attention of those involved in event insurance to the need to change the established practice and the creation of new legal norms.

  • av Shokhislombek Sharobiddinov

    The management of the quality of human resources in political management is effective to the extent that the employees of the country and non-governmental organizations successfully use their capabilities to organize the organization's goals. So there is a lot of work to be done for both managers and employees. For managers, it will consist, first of all, of studying the world experience of personnel management. Many, without knowing this experience, deny the possibility of using it, referring to the specific characteristics of the existing organization.There are two management models in the world: Western (USA) and Eastern (Japan). The interaction and interaction of these models began a quarter of a century ago. Now we can talk about some universal features of the personnel management model, which includes Western and Eastern elements. Naturally, the use of certain management methods, regardless of their origin, requires changes, adaptation to the socio-economic and cultural characteristics of the country.

  • av Mutabarkhon Soibjonova

    Ushbu majmua özbek she¿riyatining yirik namoyondasi Rauf Parfi ijodi asosida yaratilgan. Mazkur qöllanmada ijodkor lirikasining öziga xos xususiyatlari, Rauf Parfining ¿Yomg¿ir yog¿ar, shig¿alab yog¿ar¿ she¿ri matnshunoslik faoliyati asoslari va she¿rning pragmatik tahlili, "Yana qaytib keldim. Chang tözgan¿ she¿rining matnshunoslik faoliyati asoslari va she¿rning pragmatik tahlili, ¿Luis Moran¿ she¿rining matnshunoslik faoliyati asoslari hamda she¿rning pragmatik tahlilini ko'rib chiqishingiz mumkin.Qöllanma bakalavr va magistratura talabalari, shuningdek, mustaqil tadqiqotchilar uchun möljallangan.Rauf Parfi ijodi ijtimoiy muhit va davr manzaralariga keng örin berilgan holda yaratilgan. Undagi har bir yaratiq öz mazmun-mohiyati nuqtayi nazari bilan hamma davrlar uchun ham qadrli va azizdir.

  • av Normat Meliqulov
    1 116,-

    O¿quv qo¿llanma tashqi kuchlar täsirida materiallar qarshiligining tajriba natijalari bilan tasdiqlangan qonunlarini nazariy keltirib chiqarishni o¿z ichiga oladi.O¿quv qo¿llanmada materialllar qarshiligining asosiy muammolari, fan va texnikaning hozirgi kun talablari darajasida yoritilgan. Cho¿zilish (siqilish), siljish, tekis kesim yuzalarining geometrik tavsiflari, buralish va egilish bo¿limlarini o¿zlashtirib olish uchun etarli darajada, qulay chizmada mukammal bayon mukammal bayon qilingan. Uning har bir bobida masalalar echib ko¿rsatilgan va mustaqil echish uchun topshiriqlar, tayanch iboralar va nazorat savollari va topshiriqlar keltiril¿¿¿.O¿quv qo¿llanma O¿zbekiston Respublikasi Oliy va o¿rta maxsus tälim vazirligi tomonidan tasdiqlangan namunaviy dasturi asosida, 5340200-Bino va inshoot qurilishi tälim yo¿nalishi bo¿yicha talabalari uchun mo¿ljallangan. Shuningdek, o¿quv qo¿llanmadan soha mutaxassislari va izlanuvchilar ham foydalanishlari mumkin.

  • av Nodirjon Khaydarov

    Stroke has been a major medical and social problem for many years. According to the World Health Organization data, only half of patients with stroke survives and functional activities of body are capable. Cognitive disorders of various degrees occur in a significant number of patients who suffers from acute cerebrovascular accident and slow down the process of functional recovery, increase the risk of recurrent stroke and death. In the recovery period of a stroke, both regression and a significant increase in cognitive deficit are possible. The main aim of this monograph is to develop and improve differential diagnostic criteria, rehabilitation and recovery measures for patients with ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke. The monograph is intended for general practitioners, neurologists, pathophysiologists, masters, clinical residents and students of medical institutes.

  • av Yo¿ldosheva Sh.
    1 116,-

    Monografiyada boshlang¿ich sinflarda ingliz tili o¿qitish metodikasining nazariy asoslari va innovatsion pedagogik texnologiyalari yoritilgan bo¿lib, u 5112200- ¿Maktabgacha va boshlang¿ich tälimda xorijiy til (tillar bo¿yicha)¿, 5111400-¿Xorijiy til va adabiyoti (tillar bo¿yicha)¿, 5120100-¿Filologiya va tillarni o¿qitish (tillar bo¿yicha)¿ bakalavriat tälim yo¿nalishining ¿Boshlang¿ich sinflarda ingliz tili o¿qitish¿ fanidan adabiyot sifatida tavsiya etiladi.

  • av Mercy Gakii

    Jane Wawira Mugoh is the most recognisable spy in Africa. She has worked for many years in collaboration with various police organs like the flying squad and a number of police stations. She has handled hundreds of cases touching on government agencies, children, parastatais and private clients most of which are criminal cases.She has armed herself for her career with the top of the range skills by getting training with international private agencies and has studied Criminology and Leadership.It is Jane's passion for justice and to help the downtrodden that has seen her deliver on hundreds of complicated cases, from fa,ily wrangles, love triangles, corruption, human rights and defending children. In her biography, Jane tells her memorable adventures within and outside Kenya, her dalliance in love, the hope to settle down in marriage and how she finally made peace with herself, going on to enjoy life as it comes.Detective Jane Mugoh was awarded an honorary Doctorate degree in Himane Letters ny Breakthrough International Bible University from Los Angeles USA in Thika on Friday the 3rd December 2021.

  • av A. G¿Ulomov
    1 336,-

    O¿quv qo¿llanmada umumiy o¿rta tälim maktablarida «O¿zbek tili»ni o¿qitish sohasida yuz bergan yangiliklar va o¿zgarishlar hisobga olingan holda, mazkur fanni o¿qitishning metodik jihatlari bayon qilingan. Shu bilan birga, ilmiy-nazariy mälumotlarni amaliyotga tatbiq etish usullari yoritib berilgan.Har bir fan tajriba va izlanishlar asosida rivojlanib borgani kabi O¿zbek tilini o¿qitish metodikasi ham ilg¿or tajribalar, turli fikr-mulohazalar asosida taraqqiy etib boradi. Maktabda ona tili o¿qitish usullariga doir barcha masalalarni birgina ishda qamrab olish qiyin bo¿lgani uchun o¿qituvchilar maktabda ona tilini o¿qitishga ijodiy yondashib, sinfdagi mavjud sharoit va holatni hisobga olgan holda, bayon etilgan fikrlarni to¿ldirib boradilar, degan umiddamiz.O¿quv qo¿llanma oliy o¿quv yurtlarining o¿zbek filologiyasi fakultetlari talabalari uchun mo¿ljallangan.

  • av Gulxumor Yusupova

    Mazkur uslubiy qöllanma Xorijiy filologiya fakulteti tarjima nazariyasi va amaliyoti va gid hamrohligi va tarjimonlik faoliyati yönalishi talabalari va barcha tarjimonlik faoliyatiga qiziquvchilar uchun yaratilgan bölib, unda tarjimonlikni endi boshlagan yosh tarjimonga tarjima turlari, ilk tarjimonlar, tarjimonlar turlari va tarjimonga qöyilgan talablar tartibi mazmunli ifodalangan.

  • av Nigora Tashlanova

    This monograph is devoted to the study of the semantic and structural features of the vocabulary of color terms. The relevance of this work is due, on the one hand, to the great interest in the topic "Semantic and structural features of the vocabulary of color terms" in modern science, on the other hand, its insufficient development. Consideration of issues related to this topic has both theoretical and practical significance. The study of the vocabulary of color terms is explained not only by their wide use in everyday life, but also by the fact that they are expressive, figurative, clearly reflect the peculiarities of the spiritual and material life of the people. The study of the mechanisms of the emergence and use of vocabulary of color terms in English, Uzbek and Russian helps to identify the features of verbal thinking of native speakers.

  • av Mirazam Meliboyev

    Qishloq xo¿jaligi va oziq-ovqat mahsulotlarini qayta ishlash (quritish) ning energiyatejamkor texnika-texnologiyalardan foydalanish va quritish texnologiyasini maqbul rejim va parametrlarini yaratish hamda innovatsion g¿oyalarni amaliyotga joriy etish orqali quritilgan mahsulotlarning shakli, kimyoviy tarkibi va organoleptik ko¿rsatkichlarini tahlil qilish. Monografiyada hozirgi kundagi dunyoning quritish korxonalarida mikroto¿lqinlarni issiqlik manbai sifatida samarali ishlatilmoqda, chunki u mahsulotlarning ion o¿tkazuvchanligi orqali tez ichki isitish orqali namlikni tez bug¿latilishini täminlaydi. Monografiyada mavjud quritish qurilmalarining turlari, usullari, yutuq va kamchiliklari, texnologiyadagi jarayonlar to¿g¿risida hamda bugungi kundagi quritish texnologiyasining rivojlanishi to¿g¿risida keng mälumotlar yoritilgan. Ushbu monografiya Oziq-ovqat texnologiyasi tälim yo¿nalishida ilmiy tadqiqotlar o¿tkazayotgan bakalavr, magistrant va boshqa ilmiy tadqiqotchilar foydalanishi uchun mo¿ljallangan.

  • av Ranjit Kumar Elamadurthi

    The research aims to analyze the hidden themes in the select novels of Shashi Deshpande, a prominent Indian author. While Deshpande is considered a feminist writer, the researcher emphasizes that she does not adhere to an unjustified stance and neither supports the male perspective nor the extreme feminist ideology. Deshpande's analysis of women's portrayal in her works is regarded as interesting due to her own perspective as a woman. Modern women strive to carve their own paths, yet society often views their self-confidence and economic independence cynically. In India, where women have long been restricted by taboos and limitations, the media, education, employment opportunities, and increasing awareness among Indian women have contributed to their liberation from stereotypical roles. The research specifically concentrates on the themes present in five popular novels. The work aims to understand and appreciate the trials and tribulations faced by Deshpande's women protagonists under the conflicting influences of tradition and modernity. It critically analyzes their responses to emerging situations and their attempts to fit into contemporary society.

  • av Qademay Usanova

    Bu kitobda o¿zbek, rus va qoraqalpoq tillarida ot so¿z turkumi, otlarning turlanishi, jonli va jonsiz otlar qiyosi, otlarda rod va son kategoriyalari, otlarda kelishik formalarining mänolari, har 3 tildagi kelishiklar qiyosi, otlarning egalik kategoriyalari qiyosi, otlarning morfologik sintaktik usullarda yasalishi va ularning qiyosi, o¿xshash va farqli tomonlari, o¿rganishdagi qiyinchiliklari haqida batafsil keltirib o¿tilgan.

  • av Nilufar Abduraxmonova

    Ushbu monografiyada ontologik bilimlar bazasini yaratish böyicha xorijda va respublikamizda olib borilgan tadqiqotlarning tahliliy masalalari, ontologik elektron lug¿atlarning yaratilishi korpus texnologiyasidan foydalanishda semantik munosabatlar tadqiqi masalalari tahlilga tortilgan. Shuningdek, ontologik bilimlar bazasini yaratishda konsept va semantik munosabatlar alohida örganilib, tibbiyot terminlari misolida terminologik tizimda iyerarxik tasnifi, semantik maydonlari Protege dasturi orqali bazaga joylashtirilgan. Qolaversa, özbek tilidagi tibbiy leksik birliklarning paradigmatik, sintagmatik munosabatlari böyicha lingvistik tahlil amalga oshirilgan. Lingvistik platformada terminologik ontologik bilimlar bazasini yaratish bosqichlari, lug¿at sörovini yaratishda elektron lug¿at interfeysini loyihalashning nazariy va amaliy jihatlari ilmiy asoslangan. Ushbu monografiyadan kompyuter leksikografiyasi, kompyuter lingvistikasi, ontologiya va semantik texnologiyalar, amaliy tilshunoslik fanlarini öqitishda, shuningdek, professor öqituvchilar, doktorantlar, mustaqil izlanuvchilar, magistrantlar hamda bakalavr talabalari foydalanishlari mumkin.

  • av Muhlisa Askarova
    1 036,-

    Mazkur o'quv qo'llanma Arxitekturaviy kompazitsiya va loyihalash asoslarini talabalarga arxitektura tilini va nazaryasi, amaliy mashg'ulotlarini bajarishni o'rgatadi. Har bir amaliy mashg'ulot mavzusi chizmalari, arxitekturani asosiy tushunchalari, qonuniyatlarini,mashg'ulotlarni turli xil usullar bilan ishlash uslublari hamda nazariy bilimlarni yanada amaliyotda mustaxkamlash, mustaqil loyiha ishlari, maketlash, planshetlarni chizish ishlarini o'rgatadi.

  • av Fábics István

    Az iskolai lemorzsolódás valós társadalmi nehézség ma Magyarországon. Az általános iskolát be nem fejezett személy számára feloldhatatlan akadálynak t¿nik a jogosítvány letétele, egy multinacionális vállalatnál a munkavállalás, vagy egy OKJ-ben szerepl¿ szakma megszerzése. Sok tényez¿ mellett felmerül a kérdés, hogy megéri-e pótolni a nyolcadik évfolyamot.Ha a személy úgy dönt feln¿ttként, hogy megéri, és belevág, akkor adódik a kérdés, hogy hol tud tanulni. Megéri a társadalomnak olyan intézményrendszert m¿ködtetni, ahol pótolható a nyolcadik osztály? Egyáltalán mekkora társadalmi probléma ma Magyarországon az általános iskolai lemorzsolódás?Dolgozatomban arra keresem a választ, hogy felállítható-e és milyen jellemz¿kkel olyan intézményes jó gyakorlat az általános iskolából már lemorzsolódott személyek számára, ahol pótolhatják a hiányzó osztályaikat.A fókuszban a jezsuiták Lehet¿ségek Iskolája áll. Az intézményben leghátrányosabb helyzet¿ emberek, többségében romák zárkóznak fel félévr¿l félévre egy társadalmi minimumra. Nyolc év alatt 400 beiratkozóból 300-an, saját módszerekkel. Tulajdonképpen nem is egy iskola a szó jogszabályi értelmében, hanem egy egyházi szociális program.

  • av R. R. Sayfullayeva
    1 486,-

    Har qanday tadqiq manbayida bo¿lgani kabi mälum bir fan yoki uning ayrim bo¿lim va mavzusining o¿rganilishi ham ikki xil metodologiya ¿ fahmiy (empirik) yoki idrokiy (nazariy) asosdan birida amalga oshirilishi mumkin. Fan uchun ikkalasi ham muhim. Chunki birinchisida o¿rganish obyektining zohiriy belgi-xususiyati tadqiq etilsa, ikkinchi metodologiya asosida botiniy mohiyati tadqiq qilinadi. Ikkinchi metodologiya asosidagi tadqiqot fahmiy tadqiq natijasiga tayanibgina ish ko¿radi. Har qanday hodisada zohiriy va botiniy jihat farqlanishi bilan birgalikda, hodisaning o¿zi ham serqirra. O¿rganish manbayining serqirraligi unga yondashuv ham turli-tuman, qo¿lga kiritilgan xulosa ham rang-barang, hatto biri ikkinchisini inkor qiladigan darajada bo¿lishi mumkinligini ko¿rsatadi. Ilmiy talqindagi xilma-xillik, albatta, kimningdir ¿kuchli¿ yoki ¿zaif¿ligidan emas, balki o¿rganish obyektining chuqur o¿rganilganligidan, unga turli tomondan va turli tadqiq usuli asosida yondashilib, turli natijaga erishilayotganidan ¿ fan taraqqiy etayotganligidan dalolat beradi.

  • av Baxtijon Mamatqulova

    Ijtimoiy-gumanitar fanlar ¿ tarix, arxeologiya, O¿zbekiston xalqlari madaniy merosi, tilshunoslik, adabiyotshunoslik, san¿atshunoslik va boshqa sohalarda ham salmoqli natijalarga yo¿l ochib berdi. Shu bilan birga, fundamental tadqiqotlarni yanada rivojlantirish masalasi biroz e¿tibordan chetda qolgani bugun yaqqol namoyon bo¿lmoqda. Chunki fundamental tadqiqotlar jadal rivojlanayotgan mamlakatlar iqtisodiy taraqqiyot bo¿yicha boshqa davlatlardan sezilarli ravishda ilgarilab borayotganligini ko¿rib turibmiz. Shuning uchun endilikda fundamental fanlarni har tomonlama qo¿llab-quvvatlash, sohani iqtidorli yosh kadrlar bilan täminlash davlatimizning muhim vazifalaridan biri sifatida kun tartibiga qo¿yilmoqda.

  • av Hamid Akmalov

    O¿zbekiston Respublikasining yangi tahrirdagi Konstitutsiyasi to¿g¿risidagi qonunni qabulqilish bo¿yicha o¿tkazilgan referendumda ishtirok etgan etgan fuqarolarning 90,21 foizi tomonidan yoqlab ovoz berish orqali qabul qilinganligixalqimizning Yangi O¿zbekistonni barpo etish bo¿yicha orzu-umidlari va intilishlari o¿z aksini topganligidan dalolat bermoqda. Referendum ko¿p millatli buyuk xalqimizning birdamligi va hamjihatligi, suveren, demokratik, huquqiy, ijtimoiy va dunyoviy davlat qurishga qat¿iy qaror qilganligining ishonchli ifodasi bo¿ldi. Yangi tahrirdagi Konstitutsiya joriy yilning 1-may sanasidan kuchga kirganligi e¿lon qilindi .Yangilangan konstitutsiya VI bo¿lim, XXVII bob va 155 moddani o¿z ichiga qamrab oladi. Mazkur metodik qo¿llanma O¿zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining 2023-yil 8-maydagi PF-67-sonli ¿Yangi tahrirdagi O¿zbekiston Respublikasi Konstitutsiyasini amalga oshirish bo¿yicha birinchi navbatdagi chora-tadbirlari to¿g¿risidägi Farmonidan kelib chiqqan holda,Konstitutsiyamizga kiritilgan yangi moddalar, normalar va ularni tahlil qilish maqsadida tayyorlandi.

  • av Shaxboz Yuldoshev

    Insonlarni nafaqat dastlabki favqulodda vaziyatlarning oldini olish va oqibatlarini bartaraf etishda foydalaniladigan asbob-anjomlarning tuzilishi va ko¿rinishini bilishi balki, favqulodda vaziyat yuz berganda bartaraf etishda hamda ularni qo¿llash jarayonlarini yoritish juda dolzarb masalalardan biridir. Qo¿llanmada favqulodda vaziyatlar tasnifi va ularni yuzaga kelish sabablari, bartaraf etish usullari hamda aloqa tizimining Respublika miqyosida, mahalliy miqyosida va ob¿ekt miqyosida qanday amalga oshirilishi, xabar berish tartibi, aloqa tizimining operativligi, ishonchliligi va yashirinligini täminlash, shaxsiy va jamoaviy himoya vositalaridan foydalanish tartiblari, iqtisodiyot obyektlarini barqarorligini täminlash, yuqumli kasalliklarini oldini olish va boshqa shoshilinch jarayonlarda o¿z-o¿zini ximoya qilishga tayyorlash ishlarini tashkil etish.

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