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  • av László Berényi

    Digitization, virtualization, and appreciation of services are some buzzwords of the 21st century. However, it should not be overlooked that production at the level of the economy and the consumer remains essential: the smart home cannot function without physically manufactured gadgets and sensors, the application needs some kind of iron to run, and a horde of servers backs cloud computing. Moreover, without managing production as a core corporate process, marketing, logistics, maintenance, and even financial and accounting planning would hang in the air. Although several modern solutions are available, basic knowledge cannot be missed. Using ERP systems seems simple, but an expert must know the fundamental context and correlation of production management challenges.

  • av Maxsud Usmonov

    Ushbu o¿quv qo¿llanma mobil tarmoq infrastrukturasi, simsiz tarmoqlar, Yerning sun¿iy yo¿ldoshli aloqa tizimlari, mobil tizimlarda xavfsizlik tahdidlari, mobil operatsion tizim xavfsizligi, mobil ilovalardagi zaifliklar, simsiz va mobil tarmoqlar xavfsizligini täminlovchi texnologiyalar, mobil kommersiyada xavfsizlikni täminlash, bulutli hisoblashlarda axborotni himoyalash usullari, simsiz tarmoq xavfsizligining auditi va monitoringi masalalari ko¿rilgan. O¿quv qo¿llanma oliy o¿quv yurti talabalariga, malakani oshirish guruhlari tinglovchilariga hamda simsiz va mobil tizimlar himoyasi sohasida faoliyat ko¿rsatuvchilariga mo¿ljallangan.

  • av S. X. Sulliyeva

    Monografiyada jahon tälim tizimida erishilgan yutuqlar, tälimda innovatsion pedagogik texnologiyalardan foydalanishning mohiyati va tälim sifatini oshirishdagi o¿rni, hamda ahamiyati yoritib berilgan.Shuningdek, mazkur monografiyada tälim jarayonida innovatsion pedagogik texnologiyalarni qo¿llash samarasi haqida, ¿¿quvchilarini kasbga y¿¿naltirishda dastlabki pedagogik jarayonlar tahlil etilgan b¿¿lib, bu jarayonda ¿¿qituvchining pedagogik mahorati, kasb tanlashga oid bilim va k¿¿nikmalari, vazifalari, shuningdek kasb tanlashda shaxs hislatlari, ¿¿quvchi psixologiyasi, o¿quvchilarni kasb tanlashga tayyorligini ko¿rsatuvchi mezonlar mazmuni haqida mälumot berilgan.

  • av S. X. Sulliyeva

    Ushbu uslubiy ko¿rsatma 60510100- biologiya tälim yo¿nalishi talabalari, professor-o¿qituvchilari uchun mo¿ljallangan bo¿lib, o¿simliklar tarkibidagi biologik faol moddalar jumladan, fenollar, polifenollar, glikozidlar, sianglikozidlar, alkoloidlar, oshlovchi moddalar, vitaminlar, rang beruvchi moddalar, katexinlar, efir moylari shuningdek, dorivor o¿simliklarning tarkibidagi dorivor moddalar haqidagi mälumotlar, bu moddalarning biokimyoviy, biofiziologik jarayonlardagi ishtiroki, kimyoviy tarkibi, funksiyasi, o¿simlik hayotidagi ahamiyati to¿g¿risidagi mälumotlar, ularga xos sifat reaksiyalari keltirilgan. Bu biologik faol moddalar o¿simliklarning o¿sishi va rivojlanishiga, hosildorligini shu bilan birga kasalliklarga chidamliligini oshirishda muhim rol o¿ynaydi. Uslubiy ko¿rsatmada amaliy mashg¿ulot mavzulari, har bir mavzuda berilgan mälumotlarni esda saqlash, olgan bilimni yanada mustahkamlash maqsadida qiziqarli topshiriqlar va testlar keltirilgan.

  • av &#1042, &#1072, &#1084, m.fl.

    Ислом оламида машҳур бўлган Ҳазрат эшон Хожа Баҳоуддин Нақшбанд ғарибларга нажоткор, мўминмуслимларгаАллоҳ йўлини ёритиб берувчи чўлпон, Мовароуннаҳрда энг таниқли дин арбоби эдилар. Шундай буюк шахс ҳақида ўз замонасида рисола ёзиш ҳамманинг ҳам қўлидан келавермас эди. Бунинг учун камида Ҳазрат эшончалик зўр истеъдод эгаси бўлиш зарур эди. Баҳоуддин Нақшбанднинг биринчи шогирди ва қуёвлари Ҳазрат Хожа Алоуддин Аттор топшириғига биноан бу вазифани у кишининг иккинчи шогирди пири комил Хожа Муҳаммад Порсо амалга оширишга муваффақ бўлди."Қудсия" сўзининг маъноси "покизалик, софлик, руҳий поклик ҳақидаги муқаддас ва табаррук каломлар" маъносини билдиради. Мазкур рисола "Рисолаҳои пирон ва пайравони тариқати нақшбандия" (Душанбе, 2017) китобидан ўзбек тилига илк маротаба таржима қилинди.

  • av Naiem Ahmadinejadfarsangi


  • av Muslimabonu Baxtiyorova

    People are showing more and more desire for IELTS these days. With aim of achieving higher score, test takers are paying deep attention for each section of test with variety of methods. During preparation period, I saw that reading is one of the most difficult part, which demand more time more energy. It is true that, it seems impossible that spending time for reading paper based texts and doing some exercises related to them instead of having great time with modern devices in the technological development century. Therefore, we decided to write book (We do not think, we can say it is a book, because it is just like a manual. However, although it looks not as modesty, we did not want to underestimate our work) to help test takers improve their reading skill. Whenever you ask some advice teachers to get higher score from reading, they suggest reading more articles. We also follow this advice with some extra activities. There are 15 articles and some interesting part of books with exercises that help you to adopting IELTS reading questions. This book for intermediate level test takers who want to organize bedtime reading and improve this skill.

  • av Abdulla Akramov Bahodir ugli

    This m¿n¿gr¿ph e¿pl¿res t¿pic¿l issues ¿f impr¿ving th¿ pr¿p¿r¿ti¿n ¿f fin¿nci¿l st¿t¿m¿nts ¿nd th¿ir ¿n¿lysis b¿s¿d ¿n int¿rn¿ti¿n¿l st¿nd¿rds.Deep scientific rese¿rch h¿s been c¿rried ¿ut in the field ¿f retr¿¿ctive reflecti¿n ¿f events ¿fter the d¿te ¿f prep¿r¿ti¿n ¿f fin¿nci¿l st¿tements, prep¿r¿ti¿n ¿f fin¿nci¿l st¿tements b¿sed ¿n the principle ¿f intern¿ti¿n¿l ¿cc¿unting, implement¿ti¿n ¿f vertic¿l b¿l¿nce-net f¿rm ¿nd w¿rking tr¿nsf¿rm¿ti¿n t¿bles ¿f c¿ns¿lid¿ted st¿tements, pr¿visi¿n f¿r imp¿irment ¿f imp¿rt¿nt elements ¿f fin¿nci¿l st¿tements, ¿ssessment ¿f net ¿ssets ¿n¿lysis ¿f hidden f¿ct¿rs, issues ¿f using fin¿nci¿l rep¿rting inf¿rm¿ti¿n in ¿ttr¿cting f¿reign investments.

  • av Aziza Amonova

    Bugungi kunda öquvchilarning qobiliyatini rivojlantirish, mustaqil ravishda kasb-hunar tanlash hamda zamonaviy kasblarni egallashi uchun ko'plab sharoitlar yaratilmoqda. Shuningdek, O¿zbekistonning 2030 - yilga kelib PISA (The Programme for International Student Assessment), PIRLS (Progress in International Reading and Literacy Study) Xalqaro miqyosda öquvchilarni baholash dasturi reytingi böyicha jahonning birinchi 30 ta ilg¿or mamlakati qatoriga kirishiga erishish közda tutilgan. PIRLS (Progress in International Reading Literacy Study ¿ xalqaro öqish savodxonligini örganishdagi yuksalish) ¿ bu turli mamlakatlarda boshlang¿ich sinfda tahsil oluvchi öquvchi yoshlarning matnni öqish va tushunish darajalari sifatini baholab beruvchi xalqaro baholash tizimidir.

  • av Sarvara G'Ofurova

    This educational methodical manual is based on the subjects of the model program of the studied language stylistics, educational direction: 5111400 - Foreign language and literature (English language) IV - intended for course students and young teachers, they can use in the seminars of stylistics. The study methodical manual covers the topics of the lessons on the studied language stylistics, as well as questions, various exercises, and control test questions for solid mastery of each class. The appendix contains additional texts for analysis.

  • av Németh Anna

    Éreztük-e szül¿ként, tanárként, hogy nem értjük a gyermek gondolatait, hogy olyan fura logikával kezeli a dolgokat? Meglep¿dtünk-e azon, hogy a tanácsainkkal nem tudunk segíteni neki? Sokszor szembesültem ilyen helyzettel, hálás voltam diákjaimnak, akik jelezték a gondjaikat a matematika órákon. A szakirodalomból segítséget kaptam, a gyerekek gondolkodásának jellemz¿ir¿l, a fejl¿désükr¿l olvasva kísérleteztem: kérd¿ívekkel, sok személyes beszélgetéssel lassan kialakul, mi mindenre kell figyelni tanárként, szül¿ként ahhoz, hogy valóban kapaszkodók legyünk a gyerekek számára. A diákok tanulási folyamatának jellemz¿i közül kiemelkedik, hogyan dolgozzák fel az információkat: lépésr¿l-lépésre a hallottak alapján, vagy szeretik felfedezni az ismereteket, és vizuálisan gondolkodnak. Biztos egyértelm¿, hogy másképp kell segítenünk a két különböz¿ módon tanuló diákot, és a félreértések abból is származhatnak, hogy tanár és diák nem azonos módon m¿ködik. Ezen a néhány oldalon megtalálhatók a tanulást vizsgáló szakirodalmak röviden bemutatott legfontosabb alapvetései, néhány tipikus jegyeket mutató diák fejl¿dése, és a gondolkodás struktúrájának kialakulását segít¿ konkrét feladatok is.

  • av Wivianni Karinne Chaves Ferreira

    Jextrakciü äfirnogo masla iz kozhury Citrus x sp prowodili s ispol'zowaniem metoda gidrodistillqcii, a ego himicheskie sostawlqüschie harakterizowali po gazu (GH-MS). Kolichestwenno opredelqli obschee soderzhanie fenolow (CFT) i obschee soderzhanie flawonoidow (CFLT). Fiziko-himicheskie parametry pokazatelq prelomleniq. Nanoämul'sii byli prigotowleny protiwowospalitel'nym metodom denaturacii belka, antioxidantnoj sposobnost'ü po spektrofotometricheskomu i protiwoartritnomu potencialu BSA-inducirowannym. S pomosch'ü GH-MS udalos' identificirowat' desqt' (10) komponentow, prisutstwuüschih w äfirnom masle, iz kotoryh limonen qwlqetsq osnownym komponentom (7). 0,25%) Dlq CFT i CFLT bylo kolichestwenno opredeleno 227,645 mg l-1 i pokazatel' prelomleniq i 86,57 mg l-1, a pokazatel' prelomleniq byl kolichestwenno opredelen 1,475. Dlq rezul'tatow antioxidantnoj sposobnosti byli kolichestwenno opredeleny prisutstwuüschie nanoämul'sii i 86,57 mg l-1. Chto kasaetsq antiartritnoj aktiwnosti, otmecheno, chto sredi dewqti (9) sformulirowannyh sinergij, S, S6 i S8, antioxidantnaq sposobnost', nanoämul'sii s luchshim rezul'tatom EC50 9,10 dlq NOE3, w sinergii protiwowospalitel'noj aktiwnosti S4, sostawili 4,6 mg l-1.

  • av Pawe¿ Owczarek

    Celem g¿ównym pracy by¿o okre¿lenie wp¿ywu czynników przyrodniczych i pozaprzyrodniczych na proces podejmowania decyzji przez kupuj¿cych na rynku nawozów sztucznych. Celem dodatkowym by¿a odpowied¿ na pytanie, w jaki sposób przedsi¿biorstwa powinny prowadzi¿ sprzedä osi¿gaj¿c zysk i nie degradowä ¿rodowiska. W pracy omówiono genez¿ bran¿y nawozowej w Polsce i na ¿wiecie od jej pocz¿tków po czasy wspó¿czesne. Wspomniane zostäy zagadnienia praktyczne dotycz¿ce wykorzystania nawozów w rolnictwie oraz szczegó¿owo omówiono czynniki produkcji rolniczej. Wyodr¿bniono stosowne akty prawne w zakresie produkcji i unormowania rynku nawozowego. Ujawniono niedogodno¿ci i problemy procesu podejmowania decyzji przez konsumentów. Zagadnienia czynników wyboru konsumenta przedstawiono w pracy na podstawie przeprowadzonych badä oraz skrupulatnej analizy rynku.

  • av Laila Zamani

    Nowadays, the educational progress of students has been considered an important indicator for the evaluation of educational systems. In addition, educational progress has always been important for teachers, students, parents, educational theorists and researchers. For example, the educational progress of students is considered one of the most important evaluation criteria of teachers' performance, and the academic progress of students depends on the quality of teachers' teaching and the use of active teaching methods. Active teaching methods refer to methods that can strengthen students' activities and turn learning into a two-way flow. To be limited only to the transfer of information and information. Sometimes, teachers teach a lot of material but later realize that the students can repeat even a small amount of what has been covered. In response to these questions, teachers' inattention to teaching and learning methods, i.e. not using active methods in education, can be considered as the main reason. For this reason, the quality of education in many schools is not at the desired level, and students often memorize the material and forget it after the exams are over.

  • av Mina Hedayat

    This book is about my journey through the art as an immigrant, women, mother and teacher. I tried to explain my experience in these years, my attitude and my artworks. I continue to explore different aspects, consider the potential for new narrative, challenges and themes that can arise. Embrace the opportunity to push the boundaries of my artistic expression and engage viewers with the ongoing adventures and experience of my work.

  • av S¿buhi I¿brahimov
    1 336,-

    ¿lk önc¿ kitabda Naxç¿van mühitind¿ yer alan, Naxç¿van ¿lyazmalar¿n¿n milli-m¿n¿vi d¿y¿rl¿r ¿sas¿nda aräd¿r¿lmas¿n¿n s¿b¿bkar¿ v¿ apar¿lan müxt¿lif t¿dqiqatlar haqq¿nda m¿lumat verilir. Eyni zamanda Naxç¿van ¿lyazma m¿tnl¿rinin aräd¿r¿lmas¿n¿n s¿b¿bkar¿ Az¿rbaycan xalq¿n¿n Ümummilli Lideri Heyd¿r ¿liyev olmaqla, onun verdiyi tarixi s¿r¿ncamlar v¿ bu istiqam¿t¿ yön¿l¿n meyill¿r ¿sas amil kimi qiym¿tl¿ndirilmi¿dir. Bu bax¿mdan da Naxç¿vana dair ¿lyazma m¿tnl¿r aräd¿r¿lmaqla yanä¿, onlar¿n yaratd¿¿¿ mühüm amill¿r geni¿ ¿¿kild¿ s¿ciyy¿l¿ndirilir. Kitab¿n dig¿r bir xüsusiyy¿ti ondan ibar¿tdir ki, kitab müxt¿lif nüfuzlu elmi jurnallarda çap olunmu¿ m¿qal¿l¿r ¿¿klind¿ yerl¿¿dirilmi¿ v¿ h¿r hans¿ bir mövzuya aid oldu¿u ayr¿-ayr¿ ¿¿kild¿ verilmi¿dir.

  • av Shuxrat Jumayevich Teshayev

    Ushbu monografiyada polipragmaziya täsirida, buyrakning zararlanishi bilan bog¿liq, organizmda rivojlanadigan patologik holatlarni kamaytirish, tashxislash, davolash va asoratlarini oldini olishda zamonaviy tibbiy xizmat ko¿rsatish darajasini yangi bosqichga ko¿tarish va sifatli tibbiy xizmat ko¿rsatishda zamonaviy texnologiyalarni qo¿llashni takomillashtirish bilan kasalliklar asorati natijasidagi nogironlik va o¿lim ko¿rsatkichini kamaytirish imkonini beradi.Hozirgi kunda jahon sog¿liqni saqlash tashkiloti mälumotlariga ko¿ra sivilizatsiyaning jadal rivojlanishi bilan birga dori vositalarini noto¿g¿ri qo¿llash orqali kasalliklar ham oshib bormoqda. Bularning ichida yallig¿lanishga qarshi dori vositalari polipragmaziyasi inson hayotiga sezilarli xavf tug¿dirmoqda.

  • av Dilnavoz Akramovna Abdieva
    1 036,-

    In the process of the economic reforms in Uzbekistan much attention is drawn to the development of the textile industry and its sewing-knitting sector. In this regard, this paper deals with organization of regional cotton-textile clusters, production of products in accordance with international quality standards, as well as marketing research for their export, the importance of prospective choice of markets by segmenting them in the effective implementation of tasks in this field. The monograph provides the findings and conclusions of the scientific research on the development of a marketing strategy for the export of sewn and knitwear products, as well as the increase of its efficiency.

  • av Shahlo Haydarova

    O'quv qo'llanmada maktabgacha ta'lim tashkiloti tarbiyalanuvchilarini vatanimizning milliy qadriyatlarini bolalar ongiga singdiruvchi sayohat milliy, tarixiy qadamjolarga, zamonaviy korxona va tashkilotlarga sayohatlar uyushtirishni tashkil etish bo'yicha tavsiyalar berilgan. Bolalarni milliy tariximiz bilan yaqindan tanishtirish, tarixiy obidalarga sayohatlar uyushtirish va buyuk ajdodlarimizning tarixda o'chmas izlari bilan ularni tanishtirish, ularga nisbatan faxr-u iftixor va hissini uyg'otish, ularga munosib avlodni rivojlantirish, kelgusi hayotga hurmat, kasbga yordam berish maqsadini ko'zlaydi. Ushbu o'quv qo'llanma maktabgacha tälim tashkilotlarida faoliyat olib borayotgan pedagog-tarbiyachilar va ota-onalar uchun tavsiya etiladi.

  • av Gulandom Mirxanova

    Ushbu monografiya filologiya fakulteti talabalari, o'quv leksikografiyasiga qiziquvchilar ommasiga mo'ljallangan. Unda o'quv lug'atchiligining shakllanishi, sinonim so'zlar o'quv lug'atlarining yaratilishi va taraqqiyoti, öquv lug¿atlari va özbek tilshunosligida sinonimlarni öqitishga bag¿ishlangan lug¿atlar tarixi, sinonim lug¿atlar va ularning tarixiy taraqqiyoti, zamonaviy öquv lug¿atchiligida sinonim lug¿atlarni takomillashtirish muammolarining lingvistik asoslari tavsiflangan.

  • av Yorqinoy Mirzayeva
    1 206,-

    This textbook was published in 1965 by K.M.Rozhdestvensky, Z.T.Toirov, A.A.Sheveleva, which can meet the requirements of the modern educational program of modern higher and secondary special educational institutions, brought by scientists in foreign countries and in the field of silk production of our republic enriched with ongoing scientific research and internet data collected so far. This textbook is the first edition in the Latin-English alphabet. Faculty of zooengineering, senior teacher of the department of silk and mulberry production, Doctor of Philosophy in Agriculture (PhD) Mirzaeva Yorkinoy Yarkulovna. It was translated from Uzbek to English by Umida Khaknazarova, a master's student of Sericulture at Tashkent State Agrarian University.

  • av Zukhriddin Tillanazarov

    The history of the formation of corporate governance dates back to the Middle Ages and even earlier. it can be said that it started during the times. The first shares in the world were issued in 1553 by the "Moscow-England Company", a merchant association that had trade relations with the Moscow state. They very quickly began to gain significant priority: they acquired rights such as duty-free trade, the creation of trade networks in Russian territories, and even the use of Anguilla money in business. The British government, together with the Moscow state, provided the companies with the monopoly right of trade. In the middle of the 18th century, almost all foreign merchants traded with Russia through Moscow companies. The monopolistic position of the companies made them rich. These were the times when Russian merchants gradually became poor. As a result, Shokh Alexei Mikhailovich ordered all members of the companies to leave the Moscow state, using the political situation related to the assassination of King Charles.

  • av Aziza Amonova

    Leader Youth of Uzbekistan today is considered advanced in every field. Many opportunities are being created for young people in our country. Our honorable President is creating favorable conditions for young people. This anthology includes examples of creativity of the youth of Uzbekistan. In this anthology, the leading young people of Uzbekistan have presented examples of their creativity in the field of scientific research, literature and art.

  • av Turdiqulov Sherzod Duminovich

    So¿nggi yillarda jahon tilshunosligida tilning millat tarixiy tajribasi, madaniy taraqqiyotidan mälumot tashuvchi onomastik birliklari va ularning madaniy kodning madaniy semantikasi bilan aloqasini o¿rganishga bag¿ishlangan tadqiqotlarga keng o¿rin berilmoqda. Zotan, onimlar ¿ tilning avlodlar tajribasiga doir bilimlarni to¿plash, jamlashdan iborat kumulyativ vazifasini voqelantiruvchi unsurlarga hatto jamiyatning siyosiy-mafkuraviy hayotida ahamiyatli unsurlar sifatida qaralmoqda. Toponimik obyektlar millat tarixi va madaniyatining shakllanish bosqichi, millatning millat sifatida ravnaq topishiga guvoh birliklar hisoblanadi. Zotan, ¿Har bir xalq, har qaysi mustaqil davlat o¿z milliy manfaatlarini täminlash, bu borada avvalo o¿z madaniyatini, azaliy qadriyatlarini, ona tilini asrab-avaylash va rivojlantirish masalasiga ustuvor ahamiyat qaratishi lozim¿. Xususan, teologik bilimlar va teonimlar bilan bog¿liq joy nomlari tizimini struktur, etnolingvomadaniy jihatdan tadqiq qilish va ularning etimologiyasi, genezisiga doir mälumotlarni aks ettiruvchi leksikografik asarlarni yaratish ana shunday dolzarb masalalar sirasiga kiradi.

  • av Fayzullo Sayramov

    The flora of Uzbekistan is rich in medicinal, food, fodder and fibrous plants. In the local flora, the families of cockatoos, admins and cornerbacks are leading, and information on the main species of industrial importance is presented in this guide.The importance of plant adaptation to arid conditions, adaptation characteristics, polymorphism of species, and causes of particulation have not been fully studied. At the moment, the creation of a stable raw material base requires the study of knowledge about the biology of flowering and fruit formation of plants, the structure of fruits, germination biology, the ability of plants to quickly take root, their degree of chemorphism.

  • av Hamroyeva Maftuna Rasulovna

    VA TOPSHIRIQLAR (YANGI TAVSIYALAR)Mazkur monografiya joriy ona tili darsliklaridagi morfemika bo¿limini yangi usul va vositalar bilan o¿qitish masalalariga bag¿ishlangan. Ushbu mavzuni o¿qitishagi interfaol tälim metodlari hamda innovatsion tälim texnologiyalaridan eng maqbul deb hisoblangan metodlarning afzalliklari, imkoniyatlari va qulayliklari yoritilgan, shuningdek, amaliy ishlar olib borilgan. Darsliklarda mavjud topshiriqlarga, grammatik qoidalarga yangicha yondashuv bilan o¿rganish masalalari ko¿rib chiqilgan, yurtimizda va xorijda til tälimida ulardan foydalanish tajribasi o¿rganilgan.Ushbu kitob tilshunos, boshlang¿ich ta`lim mutaxassislariga, shuningdek, filologiya va pedagogika yo¿nalishlarida tahsil olayotgan talaba hamda magistrantlarga, qolaversa, ilmiy izlanuvchi kitobxonlar ommasiga mo¿ljallangan.

  • av Diyora Umarqulova

    This book offers a diverse compilation of thought-provoking articles encompassing the fields of psychology, pedagogy, literature and language learning. The collection delves into various aspects of these disciplines, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of their interconnections and the broader implications for personal and academic growth. Each article provides unique insights and valuable perspectives, making this book a valuable resource for researchers, educators and individuals interested in personal growth and interdisciplinary approaches to knowledge acquisition.

  • av Jónás Dániel

    Írásomban ¿ napjaink er¿szak-kutatási kísérleteihez kapcsolódva ¿ olvasom újra a klasszikus modernség irodalmának megosztó szövegeit, kifejezetten az er¿szak-tematikára fókuszálva.F¿leg két korai Csáth-kötet (A varázsló kertje, 1908 és Délutáni álom, 1911) bevonásával szeretnék arra rámutatni, hogy Csáth Géza nemcsak az irodalmi ¿bulvár¿ h¿seként, feleség- és ¿anyagyilkosként¿ meghatározó alak, hanem, mint Poe-i, kafkai magasságokba ér¿ horrorisztikus történeteket elmesél¿ szerz¿, akinek életm¿ve ¿ halála után közel száz évvel is ¿ kapcsolódik napjaink irodalom- és kultúratudományi kutatási trendjeihez.Az újraértelmezés egyik alapját Jan Philipp Reemstma német irodalomtörténész er¿szak-fenomenológiája adja, mely a vizsgált fogalmat (er¿szak és archetípusai) testi vonatkozások szerint kategorizálja. Három csoportot különböztet meg: lokatív (a másik testét tömegként kezel¿), raptív (a test használata), valamint autotelikus (lelki er¿szakhoz való kapcsolódás).A Csáth-novellisztikán keresztül ezen kategóriákhoz leginkább a n¿i testen való viszony, valamint a valós-fiktív-imaginárius síkok vizsgálata kapcsolódhat.

  • av John Haughton

    Walter Macken has produced a vast array of works covering the widest possible range of issues, causes, historical records interpersonal dialogues, dealing with the taboo subjects whether ethical, political, religious or philosophical. It is not possible in a short story to do justice to the diversity of the works and subjects covered by this great and wonderful Irish writer. The writer of this short story has on his desk fourteen volumes of Walter Macken¿s work as well as his son Ultan Macken¿s biography, ¿Walter Macken Dreams on Paper¿ and ¿Walter Macken Critical Perspectives¿, the work of a series of critics edited by Sandra Heinen and Katharina Rennhak. This writer proposes therefore to take a representative but short extract from some of the fourteen volumes referred to above so that the reader can get a representative flavour of the subject. Walter Macken was a writer of short stories, novels and plays written and inspired by his home-land, the West of Ireland, the Galway and Connemara area in particular. Originally an actor, principally with the Taibhdhearc in Galway, which had been set up to promote the native Irish language in writings and dramatic productions.

  • av Shohjahon Olimov

    We all know that when reforms and innovations are implemented on their own, the end result may not be as expected or the expected result may be achieved later. Therefore, in the establishment of a new economic system and relations, all sectors will be supported by the government to the extent necessary, which will guarantee the effectiveness of the ongoing reforms.The gradual implementation of economic reforms and renewals in our country, and the state's role as the main reformer in this process, is a unique impetus for the country's transition to a market economy. This process requires making many new and important decisions for the economy of our country regarding attracting investments and regulating their management.

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