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Böcker utgivna av Guilford Publications

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  • - A Practitioner's Guide

    This comprehensive volume is widely regarded as the definitive practitioner resource and text in the field of biofeedback and applied psychophysiology. Leading experts cover basic concepts, assessment, instrumentation, clinical procedures, and professional issues. Chapters describe how traditional and cutting-edge methods are applied in treatment of a wide range of disorders, including headaches, temporomandibular disorders, essential hypertension, pelvic floor disorders, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), tinnitus, and others.


    This definitive text, now revised and expanded, has introduced thousands of students and practitioners to the theory and practice of social work with groups. Leading authorities outline major models of group work and address critical issues in planning, implementing, and evaluating interventions. The Handbook describes applications in all the major practice settings--mental health, prevention, child welfare, substance abuse, health care, aging, corrections, and more--as well as organizational and community settings. A strong focus on empowerment, social justice, and diversity is woven throughout. The empirical foundations of group work are reviewed, and innovative research methods discussed.New to This Edition:*Incorporates over a decade of advances in the field*Heightened focus on practitioner-researcher collaboration.*Two chapters on substance abuse prevention with youth.*Chapters on social justice work, evidence-based practice, offender reentry, intimate partner violence, intergroup dialogue, working with immigrants and refugees, qualitative methods, and intervention research.*Major updates on existing topics, such as cognitive-behavioral group work, psychoeducational groups, health care settings, and technology-mediated groups.*Integrative epilogue that synthesizes key themes.

    1 031

    A comprehensive update, the fourth edition of this leading text features numerous chapters by new authors addressing the latest trends and topics in the field.

  • - What Clinicians Need to Know
    av Eliana Gil
    461 - 597

    From leading expert Eliana Gil, this book provides child clinicians with essential knowledge and tools for evaluating and working with posttraumatic play. Such play, which is often repetitive and disturbing, may help resolve traumatic experiences--but can also become toxic. The book guides the clinician to determine what is going on with a given child and intervene sensitively and effectively. Evocative case material is interwoven with up-to-date information on the developmental impact of trauma and ways to facilitate childrens natural reparative capacities. A reproducible assessment checklist to help clinicians differentiate between useful and dangerous posttraumatic play can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2 x 11 size.

  • av Jodene Goldenring Fine, Irene C. Mammarella & Cesare Cornoldi

    Increasing numbers of children and adolescents are being diagnosed with nonverbal learning disabilities (NLD), yet clinicians and educators have few scientific resources to guide assessment and intervention. This book presents up-to-date knowledge on the nature of NLD and how to differentiate it from DSM-5 disorders such as autism spectrum disorder and developmental coordination disorder. Effective strategies for helping K-12 students and their families address the challenges of NLD in and outside of the classroom are illustrated with vivid case material. The authors thoughtfully consider controversies surrounding NLD, discuss why the diagnosis is not included in the current DSM and ICD classification systems, and identify important directions for future research.


    Providing a comprehensive perspective on human desire, this volume brings together leading experts from multiple psychological subdisciplines. It addresses such key questions as how desires of different kinds emerge, how they influence judgment and decision making, and how problematic desires can be effectively controlled.

  • av Steven R. Pliszka

    Accessible and succinct, this book has given thousands of clinicians and students the basic understanding of neuroscience that is essential in contemporary mental health practice. Steven R. Pliszka synthesizes current knowledge on the neurobiological bases of major psychiatric disorders. He explores the brain systems that underlie cognition, emotions, and behavior; how disturbances in these systems can lead to psychopathology; and the impact of genetic and environmental risk factors across development. The book also addresses the ways that both pharmacological and psychosocial treatments act on the brain as they bring about a reduction in symptoms. Illustrations include 93 black-and-white figures and 14 color plates. New to This Edition *Incorporates over a decade of important advances in brain science. *Heightened focus on brain networks. *Cutting-edge discussions of genetics and epigenetics, the biological impact of stress, neurotransmitters, novel depression treatments, and other timely topics. *Detailed chapters on autism spectrum disorder and dementia. *Numerous new and revised figures.


    This book helps clinicians harness the benefits of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for children and adolescents with high-functioning autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Leading treatment developers describe promising approaches for treating common challenges faced by young people with ASD--anxiety and behavior problems, social competence issues, and adolescent concerns around sexuality and intimacy. Chapters present session-by-session overviews of each intervention program, review its evidence base, and address practical considerations in treatment. The book also discusses general issues in adapting CBT for this population and provides a helpful framework for assessment and case conceptualization informed by DSM-5.

  • - A Guide to Development, Analysis, and Reporting
    av Grant B. Morgan & Robert L. Johnson

    Synthesizing the literature from the survey and measurement fields, this book explains how to develop closed-response survey scales that will accurately capture such constructs as attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors. It provides guidelines to help applied researchers or graduate students review existing scales for possible adoption or adaptation in a study; create their own conceptual framework for a scale; write checklists, true-false variations, and Likert-style items; design response scales; examine validity and reliability; conduct a factor analysis; and document the instrument development and its technical quality. Advice is given on constructing tables and graphs to report survey scale results. Concepts and procedures are illustrated with Not This/But This examples from multiple disciplines. User-Friendly Features *End-of-chapter exercises with sample solutions, plus annotated suggestions for further reading. *Not This/But This examples of poorly written and strong survey items. *Chapter-opening overviews and within-chapter summaries. *Glossary of key concepts. *Appendix with examples of parametric and nonparametric procedures for group comparisons.

  • - Skills and Strategies for Effective DSM-5 (R) Diagnosis
    av Kathryn Flegel & James Morrison
    641 - 1 157

  • - Research-Based Instruction in Grades K-6

  • - Forms, Guidelines, and Resources to Make Your Practice Work Ethically, Legally, and Profitably
    av Edward L. Zuckerman
    1 027


    Illustrated with rich case examples, this widely used practitioner resource and text presents a range of play approaches that facilitate healing in a shorter time frame. Leading play therapists from diverse theoretical orientations show how to tailor brief interventions to each child&

  • - Flexible Approaches in an Era of New Standards

    Recent educational reform initiatives such as the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) largely fail to address the needs--or tap into the unique resources--of students who are developing literacy skills in both English and a home language.

  • - Flexible Approaches in an Era of New Standards

    Recent educational reform initiatives such as the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) largely fail to address the needs--or tap into the unique resources--of students who are developing literacy skills in both English and a home language.

  • av Suzanne Mouton-Odum & Ruth Goldfinger Golomb

    Sensory processing difficulties can lead to puzzling, hard-to-treat emotional and behavioral challenges in children and adolescents. For example, children who cant filter normal background sounds may seem anxious, those oversensitive to touch may seem phobic, and those who seek sensory input may appear hyperactive. Filled with case vignettes, this highly informative guide helps mental health clinicians recognize and address sensory dysregulation that may co-occur with or be misdiagnosed as anxiety disorders, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and other psychological or behavioral problems. In rich detail, the authors illustrate how to modify cognitive-behavioral therapy and other evidence-based interventions to meet this populations unique needs and make treatment more effective. Reproducible clinical tools can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2 x 11 size.

  • - Positive Psychology Interventions in Schools
    av Shannon M. Suldo

    Grounded in cutting-edge research, this book shows how interventions targeting gratitude, kindness, character strengths, optimistic thinking, hope, and healthy relationships can contribute to improved academic and social outcomes in grades 3-12. It provides a 10-session manual for promoting subjective well-being--complete with vivid case examples--that can be implemented with individuals, small groups, or whole classes. Factors that predict youth happiness are discussed, evidence-based assessment tools presented, and ways to involve teachers and parents described. In a large-size format with lay-flat binding for easy photocopying, the volume includes 40 reproducible handouts and forms. Purchasers get access to a companion website where they can download and print these materials, plus online-only fidelity checklists and parent and teacher notes. This book is in The Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools Series, edited by T. Chris Riley-Tillman.

  • - Acceptance, Change, and Dialectics
    av Charles R. Swenson
    547 - 1 027

  • - A Visual Guide to Map Design for GIS
    av John Krygier & Denis Wood

    Lauded for its accessibility and beautiful design, this text has given thousands of students and professionals the tools to create effective, compelling maps. Using a wealth of illustrations--with 74 in full color--to elucidate each concisely presented point, the revised and updated third edition continues to emphasize how design choices relate to the reasons for making a map and its intended purpose. All components of map making are covered: titles, labels, legends, visual hierarchy, font selection, how to turn phenomena into visual data, data organization, symbolization, and more. Innovative pedagogical features include a short graphic novella, good design/poor design map examples, end-of-chapter suggestions for further reading, and an annotated map examplar that runs throughout the book. New to This Edition *Expanded coverage of using mobile digital devices to collect data for maps, including discussions of location services and locational privacy. *New and revised topics: how to do sketch maps, how map categories and symbols have changed over time, designing maps on desktop computers and mobile devices, human perception and color, and more. *Separate, expanded chapter on map symbol abstraction. *Additional case studies of compelling phenomena such as childrens traffic fatalities based on race, the spread of tropical diseases, and the 2012 presidential election. *Many additional color illustrations.

  • av Mary R. T. Kennedy

    Although executive function difficulties are often addressed in school-age children, there are few resources showing professionals how to help these individuals when they are older. This book presents a dynamic coaching model that helps college students become self-regulated learners by improving their goal-setting, planning, time management, and organizational skills. Ideal for use with students with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), learning disabilities, acquired brain injury, and other challenges, Mary R. T. Kennedys approach incorporates motivational interviewing and emphasizes practical problem solving. User-friendly features include numerous concrete examples, sample dialogues, and print and online resource listings. In a large-size format for easy photocopying, the book contains 21 reproducible forms. Purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials for repeated use.

    1 301

    This definitive text, now revised and expanded, has introduced thousands of students and practitioners to the theory and practice of social work with groups. Leading authorities outline major models of group work and address critical issues in planning, implementing, and evaluating interventions. The Handbook describes applications in all the major practice settings--mental health, prevention, child welfare, substance abuse, health care, aging, corrections, and more--as well as organizational and community settings. A strong focus on empowerment, social justice, and diversity is woven throughout. The empirical foundations of group work are reviewed, and innovative research methods discussed.New to This Edition:*Incorporates over a decade of advances in the field*Heightened focus on practitioner-researcher collaboration.*Two chapters on substance abuse prevention with youth.*Chapters on social justice work, evidence-based practice, offender reentry, intimate partner violence, intergroup dialogue, working with immigrants and refugees, qualitative methods, and intervention research.*Major updates on existing topics, such as cognitive-behavioral group work, psychoeducational groups, health care settings, and technology-mediated groups.*Integrative epilogue that synthesizes key themes.

  • - A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach
    av Steven (Steven Taylor, Canada) Taylor, Department of Psychiatry, m.fl.
    627 - 827

  • - Helping Parents Help Their Kids
    av Cathy Creswell, Kerstin Thirlwall, Monika Parkinson & m.fl.
    477 - 997

    Parents can play a strong role in helping their children overcome anxiety disorders--given the right tools. This innovative, research-based book shows clinicians how to teach parents cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) techniques to use with their 5- to 12-year-old. Session-by-session guidelines are provided for giving parents the skills to promote childrens flexible thinking and independent problem solving, help them face specific fears, and tackle accompanying difficulties, such as sleep problems and school refusal. User-friendly features include illustrative case studies, sample scripts, advice on combining face-to-face sessions with telephone support, and pointers for overcoming roadblocks. Several parent handouts can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2 x 11 size.

  • - Knowing What to Do and How to Do It
    av Ellen F. (private practice, NY) Wachtel & New York
    501 - 1 027

  • - A Casebook

    This volume presents 12 highly instructive case studies grounded in the evidence-based psychodynamic therapy model developed by Richard F. Summers and Jacques P. Barber.

  • - PDM-2
    1 721

    Now completely revised (over 90% new), this is the authoritative diagnostic manual grounded in psychodynamic clinical models and theories. Explicitly oriented toward case formulation and treatment planning, PDM-2 offers practitioners an empirically based, clinically useful alternative or supplement to DSM and ICD categorical diagnoses.

  • - Treatment Applications

    Featuring a wealth of clinical examples, this book facilitates implementation of Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) in a range of contexts. It demonstrates how assessment strategies and treatment components can be tailored to optimally serve clients&

  • - Building Skills and Motivation
    av Margaret H. Sibley

    This user-friendly manual presents an innovative, tested approach to helping teens overcome the frustrating organizational and motivation problems associated with executive function deficits and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The Supporting Teens Autonomy Daily (STAND) approach uses motivational interviewing (MI) to engage teens and their parents in building key compensatory skills in organization, time management, and planning. Parent training components ease family conflict and equip parents to support kids independence. Ready-to-use worksheets and rating scales are provided; the book has a large-size format for easy photocopying. Purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print all 45 reproducible tools.

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