av Christine Thompson-Wells
We are delighted to bring to you our next and latest book on the 'Magic of Chelsea'. With just one day on our schedule to collect our information before the flight back to Australia, it was a busy day spent, but a beautiful day as you will see by the photographs and information we have put into this book. We, my husband, and I, are members of the Royal Horticultural Society, and we both look forward to the show each year. We find the stands informative, and this information keeps us up to date with horticultural, industry and new trends in the development of new varieties of plants, and indeed, the ornamental aspects in the creative arts that the show represents. Having this information allows us to take, those people, who would love to attend the show, but for some reason cannot; the book allows those people to enjoy the benefits the show commits to. As one reader of our last year's book has said, '...the text and photography gave me some insights into the Show that I didn't have before...!' It is these little insights into how the words and pictures within the books we produce can give our readers a knowledge and benefit, they may not have had before, that keeps mewriting and my team happy; we do our work with purpose and that is very gratifying and important. And to this year's edition of 'The Magic of Chelsea,' it has been so amazing to look and search through the information held within this book. There have been many 'light bulb' moments, when I think, and may speak to myself, 'Yes, I remember that...!' or 'Oh, I'd forgotten about that, that was funny...!' And so it is that the memories come tumbling back and into my thinking. It is always the flowers that seem to create the excitement in me as I search through the photographs on the computer. I think this year, it was the flag iris; they were magnificent as you will see within the pages. Also, the clean and satisfying forms of different art forms and the cleverness that some people have within the thinking and the skills they have developed and many over their lifetime.It is now with great pleasure and excitement that we at How2Books, bring to you this latest book of 'The Magic of Chelsea', which contains one hundred and sixty-seven pages and over two hundred and sixty beautiful photographs. The Magic of Chelsea, It is now with great pleasure and excitement that we at How2Books, bring to you this latest book of 'The Magic of Chelsea', which contains one hundred and sixty-seven pages, and over two hundred and sixty beautiful photographs.Christine