- An Anthology of Authors and Artists Festival Writers
<i><p>-We are part of Nature.</p><p> </p><p>-We need to interact with the natural world as living kin, not dead resource.</p><p> </p><p>-We can do it.</p></i><p> </p>These are the messages that thread their way through this <b>volume of poems, essays, and art.</b> A coalition of creatives from the <i>Authors and Artists Festival</i>, each honoring nature in their unique ways. <b>Indigenous poets, scientists, farmers, academics, and activists--- from the US, Indigenous American Nations, the Middle East, Europe, Canada, and Asia tell a story of our relationships with Nature in all her forms. </b><p></p>From poets'' and artists'' close observations of plants, rivers, and sky we move to question human identity through relationships with animals and the larger web of life. From there we indulge grief, fear, and anger to finally find hope together. Stories of art, science, adventure, and faith conclude with the enchanted nature of our entanglement in the natural web, and an affirmation of Indigenous cultural knowledge. <p></p>Please join us to Honor Nature in 40 voices that mirror her diversity-- there''s more than one thing in this collection for everyone who cares about the natural world and our place within.