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Böcker utgivna av I Love Mel

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  • av Abinayaa Kularanjan Gopinath

  • av Joe Wells

    Set in 1947 The Case of the Grease Monkey's Uncle tells the story of James Arbuthnott and Archibald Cluff, two recently demobbed soldiers and their first case for the Arbuthnott and Cluff Detective Agency. An unlikely pairing, James was the taller of the two, with wavy fair hair and a moustache to match, very much the Officer and Gentleman and although of Scottish descent he had no trace of an accent, educated at Eton he had that distinguished confident air that immediately says, good breeding whilst his colleague was shorter and an altogether rougher diamond with ginger hair, from the East End of London, it would be true to say that one was tall and good looking whilst the other was not so lucky in the looks department and was built like a brick out house. Their first case involves the mysterious disappearance of the Uncle of William Trubshaw and involves, criminality, murder, intrigue, heroism and occasionally downright stupidity.

  • av Gary McConville

    Canine companions Bailey and Everest's lives are torn apart when the Professor's evil colleague tries to steal his invention and Everest is dognapped by the criminal gang. Can his best friend Bailey and a pack of local dogs along with one lone wolf come to his rescue? Will the Professor get his invention back and what will the future hold for this four-legged crime-busting pack.

  • av William Lau

    This book is designed to help those learning and teaching Computer Science. The aim of the book is to help students build fluency in their Python programming. The book would suit students who have already been introduced to the three basic programming constructs of structured programming, namely sequence, selection and iteration. The learning curve for programming can be quite steep and this book aims to ease this transition by encouraging practise and gradually introducing more complex concepts such as lists and 2D lists, file writing and using procedures and functions. Originally, the book was written for my 14-16 year old students studying for their GCSE Computer Science programming exam. However, I hope a wide range of students and teachers will find this book useful.

  • av Anjie Enabor

  • av Elma Hilde & Cherry Publishing

  • av Elma Vangard

    Menant une vie paisible à Londres, Annie se retrouve contrainte à rejoindre ses parents en Écosse, parents avec lesquels elle entretient une relation compliquée depuis l'accident qui a laissé sa soeur handicapée. Qui aurait cru que ce jeune Écossais en kilt égaierait son Noël ? D'autant que le beau Tom est si jeune qu'il pourrait largement être son petit frère ! Seulement, ce bel accent cache une vérité tout autre... Annie saura-t-elle y faire face ?

  • av Heather S. Wood

    - Ray ! Tu es là, super... Il manquait plus que ça ! Eh bien il me reste plus qu'à faire les présentations.Isa pointe successivement son doigt vers moi et le mec.- Ray, voici Connard et Connard, voici Ray, ma charmante colocataire qui me détestait bien avant tout ce cirque. Ray, profites-en pour être aussi désagréable que tu sais l'être, Connard ici présent le mérite, lui !Et elle s'enferme dans la salle de bain en claquant la porte.Je regarde enfin le visage du type. Finalement, peut-être qu'il mérite mon respect puisqu'il est parvenu à vraiment énerver Isa alors que je pensais être la seule à pouvoir m'en vanter. Il paraît même rapide et efficace à ce petit jeu. Je lui fais donc une petite grimace d'approbation en tordant la bouche et en haussant les sourcils et il me sourit. Il est franchement beau et, avec ce sourire charmeur en plus, tout à fait le genre de type qu'Isa adore. Il n'a pas l'air particulièrement mal à l'aise à moitié à poil au milieu de notre salle à manger.

  • av Gregory Michael Adam Macur

    A collection of English Teaching Activities, audited and peer reviewed by teacher trainers and teachers alike. Supported by peer reviewed research and written in a digestible, pragmatic and instantly useful manner. This book will give you all of the activities to teach both first and second language learners, domestically or internationally, to a high level.

  • av Jacob Griffin Hall

  • av Rosemary Hillyard

    Handsome 29-year-old solicitor Edward Oscar Croft is perpetually late. His charm and wit generally enable him to avoid trouble, until he rushes to attend a very important court case by jumping on an underground train. The nightmare scenario that follows pitches him helplessly back one hundred years. Bearing a remarkable resemblance to a man named Edward Dinsdale, he is greeted as a member of the upper-class Dinsdale family, who are facing a tragic funeral from a devastating fire one week earlier. Invited to join the family by pretending to be a distant cousin, Edward finds his desire to return to his former life weakening as he becomes embroiled in their lives, and the life of one woman in particular. Torn between the delights of the Edwardian era and his modern-day achievements, Edward cannot decide which life to choose. But fate has determined his destiny...

  • av Tony Garrod

    Jack in reality is the story of Jack, who, after waking up late for work one morning, finds himself in a hospital bed and lucky to be alive after an experience he is unable to make sense of. . As he recovers at home, his world begins to feel unfamiliar; something is wrong, but to the people around him, everything is normal.. He struggles to find a rational explanation as he experiences unearthly events, testing his sanity through the twists and turns until his very existence feels like a ride with no destination. As he finally learns the truth, he discovers he has a purpose he never believed he would possess. TRULY IMMERSIVE, JACK IN REALITY WILL INDUCE MIND TWISTING AT EVERY UPHEAVAL. A PSYCHOLOGICAL THRILLER WITH AN OTHER WORLDLY ROMANCE THAT WILL LEAVE YOU QUESTIONING REALITY LONG BEFORE CONSUMING THE FINAL PAGE.

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