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  • av Nancy Duarte

    Readers will learn to understand the story behind the data and how to influence the people with a DataStory.

  • av Rohit Bhargava

    Wall Street Journal Bestseller"A useful, forcefully written, and wide-ranging study of inequities-and how to fix them." -Kirkus ReviewsWhat if we could go beyond the conversation about diversity and take real action?In early 2021, more than two hundred widely respected experts gathered virtually for the world's most ambitious conversation about diversity. Our aim was to do more than spotlight injustice. We challenged ourselves to imagine how to fix it. The dialogue brought together casting directors, bookstore owners, disabled leaders, healthcare professionals, students, VCs, standup comedians, chief diversity officers, pro gamers, archaeologists, government insiders, startup founders, and even a master puppeteer.Now for the first time, these solutions are compiled into one groundbreaking volume organized into twelve powerful themes including: storytelling, technology, identity, retail, education and more. Each chapter paints a revealing picture of the world, how it is, how it could be and what needs to happen for us to get there. For newcomers to the topic of diversity, and DEI experts alike, this book offers a much-needed actionable blueprint for creating a more inclusive world for us all.

  • av Sangram Vajre

    Instant Bestseller on Amazon in Marketing and Sales! FACT: Less than ONE percent of all leads become customers. As a business, how can you break that trend and achieve client fidelity? In this book we reveal the secrets behind the framework that will sell and retain your customers. Did you know that less than one percent of all leads become customers? It is a true and shocking stat, but there is a way to stop the waste and flip this around. In this highly anticipated book, we reveal the secrets behind our signature TEAM - Target, Engage, Activate, and Measure - framework to transform your approach to market, increase sales, and retain your ideal customers. Account-Based Marketing (ABM) is the new B2B. It's time to challenge the status quo of B2B Marketing and Sales, and transition to what the business arena already expects as the updated B2B model. A transformation like this can only happen through an account-based approach that unites marketing, sales, and customer success teams (go-to-market teams) as #OneTeam. In summary, the TEAM framework coupled with the account-based approach enables your company to focus on the target accounts, engage them in a meaningful way, activate the sales team with top tier accounts proactively, and finally measure success based on business outcomes over vanity metrics. It's time to take the lead and transition your business to ABM. The process is simple when you have the right book - ABM is B2B. What are you waiting for?

  • av Denise Koessler Gosnell

    Silicon Valley is not the glossy utopia our promising youth has been sold; it's a modern-day Colosseum where overclocked misfits battle for their shot at unicorn status and glory. Forget the embroidered zip hoodies and free kombucha fantasies--in Let Go, two renegade insiders cut through the buzzwords and bullsh*t. They show that your dreams of changing the world are possible, but success has a high price and the person you were before may not like the person you become. This book dishes out hard-earned strategies to help you not just survive but thrive in a world that chews people up and spits them out in the name of "innovation."Inside these pages, you'll meet brilliant oddballs racing to launch the next big product, engineers treating the next line of code as their personal Everest, and leaders juggling corporate politics while one breath away from the company's last gasp. Along the way, the authors deliver sharp, painfully relatable anecdotes and practical strategies that show you how to: Tame your ego to navigate corporate politics like a proEmbrace the misfits and survive toxic colleaguesMoneyball the market to build products people wantGet money or get outPacked with insights, humor, and hard-won hope, this essential guide is for anyone daring to dream big in the tech world--and still wanting a life left to enjoy.

  • av Sri Kaza

    When big businesses dominate the headlines, leveraging their scale to outpace the competition, small business owners often feel like they're fighting an uphill battle. But what if the very qualities that make your business small could become your greatest strengths?Unconvention shatters the myth that success is about scaling up, cutting costs, or mimicking corporate giants. Drawing on data from tens of thousands of small businesses and years of hands-on experience, this book reveals a powerful, counterintuitive truth: underdog, owner-operated businesses possess unique advantages that can outmaneuver even the largest corporations.Through compelling stories and insights, Unconvention explores how small businesses survived and thrived during challenges like the COVID-19 pandemic, even as over 30% of small businesses were forced to close while large enterprises received preferential treatment. These stories illustrate how successful entrepreneurs stayed true to their convictions and leveraged their distinct strengths to win.This book provides a roadmap for entrepreneurs to unlock their full potential using The Underdog's Principles: Positioning: Serve a focused set of customers who value your uniqueness.Proximity: Build deep, personal relationships that create loyalty and understanding.Purpose: Create a meaningful business driven by values beyond just profits.Unconvention celebrates the small business owner who succeeds not by competing on price or scale, but by embracing authenticity, boldness, and a relentless focus on their unique purpose.For entrepreneurs navigating the challenges of corporate competition, this book is both a strategy guide and a source of inspiration. Whether you're a startup founder, small business owner, or aspiring entrepreneur, Unconvention offers practical insights to help you thrive in today's competitive landscape.Stop trying to play by someone else's rules. It's time to rewrite the playbook and unleash the power of your owner-operated business.

  • av James Stellar

    Higher education has a long history of transferring knowledge--facts and theories--into students' minds. However, it has less of a history of providing students with direct experiences, such as internships, that lead to felt knowledge of the field and relevant skills. It is this combination of academic and felt knowledge that fosters the growth students need, which we refer to as "professional wisdom."This growth state is supported by basic neuroscience. Humans possess a crowning achievement of evolution in the neocortex, allowing us to perform amazing feats of cognitive symbolic logic, such as language and planning. Beneath the neocortex lies an older part of the brain that regulates emotional computation--the limbic system. This system provides a perspective of value, helping us determine whether a plan or activity is beneficial. Interestingly, neuroscience shows that the limbic system reacts most strongly to actual experiences, and it requires reflection to process these experiences into the higher cognitive regions of the brain.When applied to higher education, this insight suggests that combining academic study with hands-on experiences--such as cooperative learning and internships--can lead to a lifelong career where students remain passionate and engaged. A major paired with an enjoyable, real-world experience in college helps students connect knowledge with purpose, fostering long-term satisfaction and success.While some individuals, especially in academic administration, refer to this as "educating the whole student," we describe it as cognitive-emotional integration, the foundation of professional wisdom. In this book, we explore the current experiences in higher education that foster this development, from cooperative learning to internships and beyond. We also offer two neuroscientists' perspectives on how cognitive-emotional integration aligns with the brain's natural processes.With this understanding, we believe colleges and universities have an obligation to their students: to cultivate environments that challenge them both inside and outside the classroom. Without this, we risk graduating learners unprepared for the demands of the modern workforce.

  • av Dr Rebecca Heiss

  • av The Triumphs of Transformation Curated Authors

  • av Rohit Bhargava

    Una gua concisa e ilustrada hacia elpensamiento innovador en un mundo lleno de ruido.Cambie su perspectiva Sea ms no obvio.El pensamiento obvio nos frena atodos. Nos atrapa en una rutina, incapaces de imaginar otras perspectivas o decrear ideas realmente originales. Qu se necesita para ampliar nuestropensamiento, ser ms empticos y hacer realidad nuestras mejores ideas?En PensamientoNo Obvio,el exitoso futurista Rohit Bhargava y el pionero inversor de riesgo Ben duPontse unen para ofrecer un mtodo conciso, con cuatro pasos que cualquiera puedeusar para mejorar su flexibilidad mental y aprender a ver lo que otros nopueden.Qu puede el campo de juegos mspeligroso del mundo ensearnos acerca del poder de adoptar una curiosidadradical? Por qu la extravagante ciencia de la enigmatologa ofrece unafrmula perfecta para descubrir el lado oculto de algo? Cmo puede un encuentrode siete minutos reinventar la manera en la que usted construye su red y seconecta con otros?Desde los termiteros deZimbabue hasta una ignota isla australiana que aparentemente desapareci de unda para otro, este libro combina historias fascinantes con leccionescotidianas altamente prcticas para ayudarle a transformar su forma de pensar.Durante la ltima dcada RohitBhargava ha estado publicando su serie de libros de tendencia noobvia, que son nmero uno en las listas del Wall Street Journal, en losque resalta con precisin docenas de tendencias en cultura, negocios y sociedad.En ese tiempo, el capitalista deriesgo Ben DuPont era el anfitrin de una elegante cena anual noobvia en la que reuna una inusual mezcla de senadores de EE. UU.,directores generales y premios Nobel con empresarios, msicos y estudiantes enun encuentro nico para compartir ideas audaces.Ahora, por primera vez, este donico est uniendo sus mundos para ofrecer una gua paso a paso acerca de cmose forman realmente las ideas no obvias, y cmo todos podemos tener ms destas.Aprendacmo:Crear espacio para nuevas ideas y formasde pensar.Descubrir perspectivasentrenandosus poderes de observacin.Afinar su enfoque para aislar los detalles msimportantes.Definir un giro para convertir su forma depensar en original y nica.Por susiniciales en ingls, estos cuatro son los componentes del marco SIFT: unrevolucionario mtodo diseado para desbloquear su potencial creativo en cuatrosimples pasos. Ya sea que usted suee con el xito empresarial, busqueinspiracin creativa, o simplemente desee romper las cadenas del pensamientoconvencional, PensamientoNo Obvio essu clave para liberar el potencial de sus mejores ideas.En apenas 200 pginasilustradas y con un diseo visual fcil de leer, ste no es su tpico eintimidante libro de grandes ideas empresariales. Es una gua fcil de leerpara aprender a ser ms observador y a sistematizar inspiracin del mundo quelo rodea. Est listo para adentrarse en un futuro en donde usted pueda ver loque otros no ven para que pueda hacer lo que otros no pueden?El mundo necesita mspensadores no obvios. Este libro es una gua para que usted se convierta enuno.

  • av John Phillip Bamforth

  • av Craig Brimm

  • av Jonathan Cronstedt

    USA TODAY BESTSELLER!!Scale your company and prepare it for exit with the Billion Dollar Bullseye formula, inspired by Jonathan "JCron" Cronstedt's remarkable two-billion-dollar valuation journey as the president of Kajabi.As a visionary entrepreneur, JCron shares his invaluable insights and strategies for scaling businesses to unprecedented heights and how to navigate the resulting options intentionally. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or an aspiring business owner dreaming of your own billion-dollar bullseye, this book provides the blueprint for achieving your goals.You'll learn . . .How the seven Billion-Dollar Bullseye Principles empower you to scale as big and as fast as you desire: Purpose, Profit, Product, Prestige, Promotion, Persuasion, and PeopleHow to achieve rapid growth strategically with actionable tactics from real-world experiences and expert insights that guide you through the complexities of scaling and exiting with confidence and successHow to avoid common pitfalls by sidestepping the top mistakes and challenges faced by entrepreneurs (including JCron), ensuring a smoother path to successHow to equip yourself for continued learning, growth, and success with a curated reading list to expand your knowledge and refine your entrepreneurial skillsWith the principles that make up the seven rings of the Billion Dollar Bullseye, it is possible to scale as big as you want, as fast as you want, and exit (if you want) on your terms. Unlock your potential, defy the odds, and make a fortune while reshaping the narrative of entrepreneurship.

  • - A Handbook for Humans
    av Norty Cohen

    The best originals are thieves. Even Picasso evolved from cave drawings.Originals are curators. They take what's out there - and build on it to create something new.But now, with a simple click of the keys, Artificial Intelligence can usurp your knowledge, your intuition and eventually, your chosen profession.So it's time for you to take control.You can become a curator - use your HI - Human Intelligence to beat AI and potentially save your job.You were born with creativity. Maybe you started coloring within the lines in kindergarten - or got lost following the rules.Those rules won't work anymore - since the programmers are working overtime to anticipate your thoughts and fill in the blanks.As a curator, you're in a better position to build ideas that take it to the next step. Learn the tricks for prompting creativity - building skills to build your tool set - throughout this colorful workbook.You'll learn how settling for AI's output means settling for mediocrity.Asking questions that lead your Human Brain to something new - coloring outside the lines once again like you did as a child.Give me a new ending for Goldilocks and the Three Bears that includes insurance coverage for the house.Tell me a lie that I might believe.What would my car say to my dog? What would my dog say back to my car? Asking AI logic brings the same answers everyone else gets. It's going to get old fast. So here's your cue. You can add that spark and fly over the ocean of mediocrity. AI will do the basics. You can do better. Since everyone can collaborate with AI to replace human functions - how HUMANS DIFFERENTIATE WILL TAKE HI: HUMAN INTELLIGENCE.

  • av Nick Bostrom

    "If the AI transition goes well, human labor becomes obsolete. Furthermore, at technological maturity, human nature becomes entirely malleable. We will thus enter a condition of 'post-instrumentality', in which our efforts are not needed for any practical purpose. In such a solved world, what is the point of human existence? What gives meaning to life? What do we do all day? Deep Utopia shines a new light on these old questions, giving us glimpses of a different kind of existence, which might be ours in the future." -- Dust jacket.

  • av Jason Silver

    You don't need a new job to get your dream job. You already have it.Work can be one of the biggest drivers of positivity in your life, but no one ever really explains how to be successful without sacrificing everything outside of the office. When you enjoy your work, you're more successful and any joy you feel on the job spills over into the rest of your life as well.Whether you're frustrated at work or simply looking for better ways to do a job you enjoy, Your Grass Is Greener offers an actionable guide to improve the work you already do, using skills you already have. Each chapter reframes a common workplace challenge and provides a tangible tactic you can put to work right away.You'll learn how to: Do five days of work in four (without working until midnight)Enjoy your day-to-day work more (without changing jobs)Progress faster (without waiting for a promotion)Your Grass Is Greener is not about how to redefine your cosmic purpose or find a mythical new job you're somehow supposed to enjoy for the rest of your career. Instead, it's about how to transform your underlying approach to work so any job you do instantly gets better. Just imagine how it would feel to avoid frustrating miscommunications, speed up slow decision making and advance your career faster while enjoying it more along the way.


    Being The Only is not a weakness, it is your greatest strength.The Power of the Only is for anyone who has ever felt the tug to do more, to be more, but held back because they didn't feel ready--or because the voices around them said they couldn't. It's for those who want to unlock their full potential but aren't sure how to overcome the internal and external barriers standing in their way.In this interactive coaching book, Angela Chee--renowned media and communication coach, keynote speaker, and host of the acclaimed podcast--shares her journey as a pioneering Asian American woman in the media alongside empowering stories of others who have embraced the power of being the "only" in a room. Through research studies, actionable strategies, and heartfelt insights from trailblazing leaders--including CEOs, founders, filmmakers, and her everyday clients--Angela demonstrates being an "Only" is not a weakness, but your greatest strength.The book introduces the Five Principles of The Power of the Only and shows you how to own your voice and thrive in any environment: 1. Own Your Opportunity. See your "only" as a gift, not a burden.2. Own Your Power. Recognize you already have everything you need inside you to succeed.3. Own Your Voice. Know what you say matters.4. Own Your Communication. Communicate with confidence, clarity and connection.5. Own Your Future. Focus on thriving, not just surviving. You bring others in and carve a new path to follow.Each chapter is filled with reflective exercises and practical tips to help you implement these principles in your own life. Whether you're leading in the boardroom, stepping onto the stage, or striving to live more authentically, this book will guide you to embrace your individuality, communicate with confidence and break through the barriers holding you back.Timely, deeply relatable and a must-read for anyone seeking to navigate the complexities of identity, leadership, and visibility in today's competitive landscape.By the end of this book, you will have the awareness and tools to step into your "only"--the version of you that no longer holds back. The world needs "Onlys" to show up and own their power, because when they do, the impact is exponential--transforming individuals, organizations, and society.

  • av Anne Marie Anderson

    What if I'm not ready? What if I fail?Have you ever felt the pull to pursue something bigger, yet found yourself stuck, watching opportunities pass by as you second-guess your potential? You're not alone. The barriers of fear, self-doubt, and the ever-present excuses of "not enough time" or "not enough money" often keep even the most ambitious dreams at arm's length. But here's the truth: your dreams don't have to wait any longer.In Cultivating Audacity, three-time Emmy Award-winning broadcaster and keynote speaker Anne Marie Anderson challenges you to stop putting your dreams on hold. Anderson shows you how to overcome the all-too-common barriers that stand in your way--whether it's fear, lack of resources, or self-doubt. It's time to break through these hurdles and take the bold risks that lead to a life you're excited to wake up to every day.This book isn't just about being daring for the sake of it--it's about taking meaningful, calculated risks that push you toward your goals. You'll find practical strategies, empowering stories, and transformative insights designed to help you take the next step with confidence. Cultivating Audacity will teach you how to: Separate "worth it" from "reckless" risksIdentify and confront the key barriers holding you backBuild a functional support system with purpose and intentionAudacity isn't a trait reserved for the naturally fearless. It's something you can cultivate, one bold step at a time. This book will be your guide to facing life's challenges head-on and seizing the opportunities that will create a career and life filled with meaning and purpose.It's time to stop standing still. Your bold, audacious life awaits. Let's dive in and cultivate the courage to pursue it.

  • av Sultan Meghji

    In The Non-Obvious Guide to Artificial Intelligence, Sultan Meghji, a trailblazer in the realms of AI, Biotech, Cybersecurity, Quantum Computing, and Web3, offers a comprehensive and insightful exploration into the complex world of artificial intelligence. Drawing from his extensive experience as the inaugural Chief Innovation Officer at the FDIC and as a distinguished scholar and professor, Meghji demystifies the intricacies of AI and its profound impact on various sectors.Through practical examples, case studies, and expert analysis, Meghji navigates readers through the fundamental concepts of AI, from its historical roots to its cutting-edge applications in today's digital landscape. With clarity and depth, he explores the ethical implications, societal challenges, and potential future developments of AI, providing readers with the knowledge and tools to navigate this rapidly evolving field.Whether you're a novice seeking to understand the basics of AI or a seasoned professional looking to stay ahead of the curve, The Non-Obvious Guide to Artificial Intelligence is an essential resource for anyone seeking to unlock the full potential of this transformative technology.

  • av Peter J Brews

    A THOUGHT-PROVOKING EXPLORATION OF OUR WORLD'S ECONOMIC PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTUREIn a journey over centuries only recently marked by prosperity, Lead, Follow, or Fail captures the socio-economic forces that have shaped our world.Dividing economic history into three eras--Pre-Industrial, Industrial, and Post-Industrial--Peter Brews chronicles the evolution of productivity and how nations, organizations, and individuals fall into the roles of Failures, Followers, or Leaders. Failures in the Pre-Industrial Era are plagued by scarcity, Followers are on their way to abundance through industrialization, and Leaders maintain Post-Industrial competitiveness through unrelenting innovation at the leading edge of global commerce.Understanding the transition across these eras and how Leading, Following, and Failing differ also offers insights into what our economic future will hold. After considering the implications of a world more economically diverse than ever before, three future scenarios--Balanced Global Growth, Unbalanced Global Growth, and Global Meltdown--conclude the book.Armed with the knowledge of what it takes to build and sustain competitiveness whether Leader, Follower, or Failure, readers also learn what we all must do so Balanced Global Growth prevails, and the 21st century is a triumph for us all.

  • av Rohit Bhargava

    INSPIRED BY THE #1 WSJ BESTSELLING NON-OBVIOUS SERIES!"Breakthrough!" ―Tony Robbins, #1 NY Times Bestselling Author"Must read!" ―Sal Khan, Founder & CEO of Khan Academy“Eye-opening!” ―Dorie Clark, Bestselling author of the Long Game“Delightful.” ―Adam Grant, #1 NY Times Bestselling authorShift Your Perspective. Be More Non-Obvious.In Non-Obvious Thinking, bestselling futurist Rohit Bhargava and pioneering venture capitalist, Ben duPont come together to offer a concise four step method to think bigger.From the termite mounds of Zimbabwe to an undiscovered Australian island that seemingly disappeared overnight, this book blends fascinating stories with highly actionable daily lessons. This is not an intimidating theory-filled business book. It’s a digestible roadmap to being more observant and unlocking the potential of your best ideas.Learn how to:Create space for new ideas and thinking.Uncover insights by training your powers of observation.Hone your focus to isolate the details that matter most.Define a twist to make your thinking original and unique.These are the four components of the SIFT framework– a groundbreaking method designed to unlock your creative potential in four simple steps. Whether you're dreaming of entrepreneurial success, seeking creative inspiration, or simply aiming to break free from conventional thought, Non-Obvious Thinking will help you learn to see what others miss.The world needs more non-obvious thinkers. This book is your guide to becoming one yourself.

  • av Jonathan Raymond

    Society¿s current narrative of work/life balance is focusing on the wrong thing. It¿s not about benefit packages, flexible work hours or ping pong but rather changing the experience of work itself. As a leader, your number one priority should be to create a work environment where personal and professional growth are one in the same.

  • av Josh Bersin

    In this leadership book, renowned industry analyst Josh Bersin introduces a new way to think about organizational design, employee engagement, and employee development. Distilled from decades of research and management theory into seven practical yet profound management principles, Bersin outlines how business leaders can create enduring companies that thrive with improved customer satisfaction, employee retention, and business agility.  Irresistible businesses grow faster, they're more profitable, and they innovate and lead their markets. Most importantly, their employees, customers, and stakeholders are drawn to them like magnets.  Leaders have an outsized impact on culture, engagement, and productivity. Irresistible helps leaders at all levels understand how to scale a business through a new organization model - the "network of teams."  Bersin's model emphasizes that effective companies operate as networks, not hierarchies. When focused leadership empowers small teams, the result is increased speed, agility, and traction - along with a sense of purpose, mission, and clarity of roles.  Leaders of irresistible companies understand that by unleashing the power of the human spirit, their companies can go faster and farther than their competitors by empowering people and creating employee-centric cultures. If you can make your company - large or small -- irresistible, your employees will contribute, innovate, and grow more than you thought possible.  Bersin shares eye-opening examples from his consulting work with HR and executive business teams around the world. Each chapter includes tips and discussion questions to bring these organizational behavior lessons to life. Inspiring yet highly pragmatic, this business book is a leader's handbook for today's unpredictable business world, where people and culture are more important than ever.  Bersin's human resource management book challenges companies to rethink their current approach to organizational design, leadership development, and human resources strategy. A top business book for organizations large and small, Irresistible belongs on the bookshelf of every executive, supervisor, and entrepreneur.

  • av Elliott Parker

    There's a problem with innovation inside of big companies. And it's not what you think. Corporations are better managed than ever, but they're less capable of delivering the breakthroughs that change our world for the better. Big companies are too often focused on efficiency instead of resiliency. They're optimized for safety and predictability, for maintenance of the status quo. Their focus on capital efficiency leads them to engage in an illusion of innovation: activity that feels like innovation but leads to value destruction, not progress. This book explains why meaningful innovation naturally emerges from deliberate inefficiency and how large corporations can harness the power of small teams-startups-to drive radical change through systematic experimentation. The Illusion of Innovation explores:What the Federal Witness Protection Program reveals about the power of individualsHow the Amazon river basin relies on random evolution to build resiliencyHow the NBA's shift to the three-point rule demonstrates the importance of thoughtful experimentsHow one-thousand-year-old businesses survive crisesWe need scaled corporations to recover their problem-solving capacity. This means questioning decades of embedded assumptions about why corporations exist and finding ways to run faster, cheaper, and weirder experiments. It's time to build again.

  • av Jeffrey Abramowitz

    Life is a series of choices. And sometimes, those choiceslead to consequences of life-changing proportions. For Jeffrey Abramowitz,choices and consequences led to a five-year sentence in a cinder-block buildingcalled Justice. Tracing his journey that took an unexpected detour, Abramowitzgives readers an unfiltered glimpse into the realities of life in a US federalprison-the struggle to adapt, survive, and most importantly, find purposedespite deep regret and pain. This search for purpose led him to theintersection of justice, education, and workforce development and forced him toevaluate just how effective (or ineffective) the systems for reentry are. Shedding the visible shackles worn inside prison, Abramowitz faced theinvisible but tangible shackles of reintegrating into society as a convictedfelon-a challenge that fuels the ever-revolving doors of US prisons. A Matterof Time is a call for educators, criminal justice administrators, returningcitizens, legislators, and employers to recognize the innate humansusceptibility to make poor choices-and the immense capacity to learn fromthose mistakes. Having dedicated his life to empowering those within thejustice system, Abramowitz shares his path from pain and remorse to creating alife of meaning and happiness.

  • av Joshua Berry

    While most people think being naive is a bad thing (especially in business), an intentional, chosen naivete leads to better business and a more fulfilled life. Through reading Dare to Be Naive, you'll learn how to generate two types of ROI - a positive Return on Investment and profound Ripples of Impact.

  • av Rohit Bhargava

  • av Henna Pryor

    Awkwardness isn't a weakness to fix--it's your greatest asset for professional and personal growth. In a time of blurred realities and filtered faces, embracing your awkwardness may seem counterintuitive. As two-time TEDx speaker and executive coach Henna Pryor shows, relishing your "good awkward" is essential to becoming more bold, boosting your confidence, and taking the necessary professional risks at work that help you be braver and meet your true potential. If your biggest goals have felt elusive or you're eager to find a fresh edge in the crowded marketplace, Good Awkward can teach you how to create a new outlook on moments that once caused embarrassment or cringe and use them as a force for good, so you can become the bravest you.

  • av Curt Schwab

    Change keeps accelerating. Half of key business decision-makers say constant, disruptive change is now a major challenge. Dizzy from a kaleidoscope of fashionable strategies, from digital transformation to hybrid work to disruptive innovation, leaders need a new approach.It's time to embrace a holistic approach to change — to re-architect your business to be fully responsive. A responsive organization, faced with change, doesn't just withstand or flex — it embraces change and continuously exploits it for competitive advantage.The responsive organization stands on three pillars.First, a customer-centric mindset. Gather data relentlessly; spread insights across the organization.Second, operational excellence. Redesign processes for both efficiency and flexibility, with change in mind.Third, enterprise agility. Evolve continuously to deliver more value to customers.You'll learn from groundbreaking organizations that embraced these qualities. Like the credit union where cross-functional teams identified and then eliminated a key customer pain point: blocking questionable charges on debit cards. As it transformed processes and flexed systems, customer satisfaction spiked and service calls dropped by half.Read how a massive health services company reengineered its scheduling systems to boost efficiency — and responded in scant weeks to the challenge of COVID-19. Or the huge tech company division that embraced agility and streamlined product and marketing decisions even as it doubled in size.Four practical steps, iterated over and over, advance the responsive transformation.1. Start with a vision that enables coordinated action.2. Add systems thinking for a holistic perspective on change.3. Empower teams to make decisions quickly and effectively.4. Embrace feedback loops that enable rapid course corrections.The most responsive 15% of companies consistently deliver better business results, from sales growth to share price. Responsiveness changes everything. We'll show you how to embrace it and turn change into your biggest competitive advantage.

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