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Böcker utgivna av Impolitic Press

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  • av Helen O'Sullivan

    Living close to nature, the gollogans must confront all the difficulties of life in the wild. In this second book of the Gollogans series, young gollogan Daffi is fed up with her woodland life and convinces her friends Monty and Bretia to find a "giant" house to live in. But can all the giants be trusted? And what might happen if things go wrong? "The Gollogans in Winter is an exciting tale filled with adventure, mischief, and hope that willkeep young readers (and adults) engrossed to the end. Beautifully written, with subtlemessages of positivity, friendship, working together and trust, it educates on the plights ofour natural surroundings while keeping children enraptured with an engaging storyline andloveable characters. Helen O'Sullivan has created an enchanting world, made all the morecaptivating by her storytelling. I can see this becoming a series children will read again andagain." Pauline Tait, author of 'The Fairy in the Kettle.'

  • av Leonard Nowak

    Witamy w ¿wiecie crème brûlée, gdzie soczysty krem ¿¿czy si¿ z karmelizowan¿ cukrow¿ skórk¿ w harmonijnym täcu smaków i tekstur. W tej ksi¿¿ce kucharskiej zapraszamy Ci¿ w zachwycaj¿c¿ podró¿ wype¿nion¿ nieodpartymi kremowymi kreacjami, które wynios¿ Twoj¿ zabaw¿ w desery na nowy poziom. Niezale¿nie od tego, czy jeste¿ döwiadczonym cukiernikiem, czy pocz¿tkuj¿cym kucharzem domowym, ta kolekcja 100 dekadenckich przepisów na crème brûlée zostäa zaprojektowana tak, aby inspirowä i zachwycä Twoje kubki smakowe.Wejd¿ do naszej kuchni z kremem brûlée i podzielimy si¿ z Tob¿ sekretami uzyskania idealnej, jedwabi¿cie g¿adkiej podstawy kremu i kusz¿co chrupi¿cej karmelizowanej góry. Od tradycyjnego waniliowego crème brûlée po innowacyjne pö¿czenia smakowe, takie jak czekoladowa pomaräcza i miód lawendowy - znajdziesz przepis, który zaspokoi käde pragnienie. Uwzgl¿dnili¿my tak¿e warianty dostosowane do preferencji dietetycznych, takie jak opcje wegäskie, bezglutenowe i bezmleczne, aby kädy móg¿ delektowä si¿ magi¿ tego ponadczasowego deseru.Do kädego przepisu dö¿czymy szczegó¿owe instrukcje, pomocne wskazówki i wspaniäe zdj¿cia, które poprowadz¿ Ci¿ przez cäy proces, dzi¿ki czemu Twój crème brûlées wyjdzie bezb¿¿dnie za kädym razem. Odkryj techniki nadawania niepowtarzalnych smaków, tworzenia idealnej warstwy brûlée i prezentowania swoich potraw z polotem. Niezale¿nie od tego, czy organizujesz przyj¿cie, ¿wi¿tujesz specjaln¿ okazj¿, czy po prostu delektujesz si¿ s¿odk¿ rozkosz¿, te przepisy zachwyc¿ i zachwyc¿ zarówno Ciebie, jak i Twoich göci

  • av Elisha J Nixon-Cobb

    >As a non-medical professional who knew very little about erectile dysfunction (ED), my interest in erectile dysfunction evolved during my initial visit Johns Hopkins Medical Center in Baltimore. After speaking to Dr. Arthur Burnett, a urologist, I realized I needed more information in the field of urology on how erections occur and the treatment solutions available to men with erectile issues. To become more informed, I attended every visit to the urologist with my husband who was diagnosed with priapism. I also began to read several books and many articles on erectile dysfunction that emphasized the role of a partner in relationships with a man with ED. In addition I interviewed African American men who were currently experiencing erectile issues or who had sought treatment for erectile dysfunction, whose experiences are included in the book. Erectile Dysfunction: A Guide for Partners is a product of my learning that will support partners of men with ED, help couples understand how the penis works, and some of the health issues that affect penile function. The best news is that the book provides available treatment options, some of which have proven effective for your situation. With this information, you and your partner can begin to engage in an honest and open discussion that can lead to an enjoyable fulfilling sex life.

  • av Pete O'Brien

    Twenty-eight-year-old Caitlin Ulmer has just graduated from Stanford with a PhD in Virology and after twenty-one years in academic harness is burned out. When she and her oddball posse of girlfriends visits a Buffalo Wild Wings at a San Jose shopping mall on the 4th of July to watch the annual Nathan's Coney Island hot dog eating contest, she is both amazed and confused by what she witnesses there. Why is it that World Eating League phenom Tommy Filbert manages to ingest an astonishing seventy-six frankfurters in a mere ten minutes while the women's champion can only consume fifty-seven? Cait stands six-foot-two inches tall, won a California state volleyball championship while in high school and a Pac-12 women's rowing crown while an undergrad at Stanford, has always been able to drink most men under the table, and has for years been accused by her friends of having a hollow leg. Suddenly, Cait knows exactly what she wants to do with her immediate future. In spite of the resistance that she knows she will encounter from her controlling parents and plastic-surgeon fiancé, she'll take a year off before returning to the Virology lab at Stanford and dedicate herself to a training regimen that will put her in the position to challenge Tommy Filbert for that Coney Island crown. As has always been the case with Cait, second best won't do. If she does this, she'll need to win it all.

  • av Darlis Stefany

    Dexter Jefferson, el aclamado bajista de la banda BG.5, tiene la palabra "desastre" adherida a su nombre, y prueba de ello son los sinfines de artículos publicados en Internet que se encuentran complicando su vida y los pasos hacia lo que considera su felicidad.Darse por vencido no es algo que forme parte de su naturaleza; es por ello que, cuando inesperadamente se topa con una niña que le recuerda à sus orígenes, §l no duda en cambiarles la vida a ambos, prometiéndose a sí mismo darle un hogar y sintiéndose listo para ser su papá.Con un objetivo claro, él se siente preparado para hacer las cosas bien, pero eso se complica cuando su decisión lo lleva a reencontrarse con la misteriosa chica que no recuerda, pero que inesperadamente cambió su vida y de la que se está enamorando; solo hay un problema: ella está prohibida, su relación tiene que ser profesional.Sin embargo, no hay imposibles para Dexter, y él está dispuesto a darlo todo para conseguir su final feliz. Está comprometido a ser el mejor desastre de sus vidas y a demostrar que la "D" es por Dexter.

  • av Anindita Rath

    Delve into the enchanting pages of "Pages From Her Life" and allow the verses to take you on a vivid journey of emotions as if she were speaking directly to you. Through the poet's words, you'll embark on a profound journey through a spectrum of emotions that encapsulate the girl's experience. "Pages From Her Life" transcends being just a collection of poems; it is an intimate conversation with the human heart. It invites you to empathize, reflect, and connect with the intricate emotional landscape of the girl's world, leaving you with a profound understanding of the universal journey we all go through.

  • av Angela K James

    Everyone needs a friend.Even a mole who lived underground.Even a frog who lives in a pond.Even a dog who lives in a house.They all need a friend.And the friends all come together in the garden.

  • av Jean Robert Revolus

    En "Versos sin guión: Una vida enigma", conocerás a un protagonista extraordinario que desafía la categorización fácil. Bohemio de corazón, navega por las complejidades del amor, la identidad y las expectativas sociales con una resiliencia que cautiva y confunde. Lejos de ser una historia sencilla, este libro pretende desentrañar las complejidades de un hombre que enfrenta las adversidades de la vida con una resolución estoica, pero suspira por un amor que sigue siendo tentadoramente esquivo. La narrativa ofrece un rico tapiz de experiencias humanas, invitando a los lectores a profundizar en la naturaleza transformadora del amor y el coraje que exige. A medida que el protagonista viaja a través de innumerables relaciones, aprende lecciones invaluables sobre la vulnerabilidad y el acto esencial de ser fiel a uno mismo en un mundo conformista. Sin embargo, esta no es sólo su historia; es una invitación para que usted, el lector, reflexione sobre su propia vida y sus elecciones. "Unscripted Verses" lo alienta a explorar sus propias narrativas y cómo se cruzan con experiencias humanas más amplias, ofreciendo una lente para ver las complejidades compartidas que nos definen a todos. Este libro es una exploración convincente de la resiliencia humana, el amor y el espíritu insaciable que reside dentro de nosotros. A medida que pase sus páginas, obtendrá una comprensión más profunda de su propio potencial de valentía, gracia y, lo más importante, las posibilidades ilimitadas que surgen al aceptar su viaje humano único.


    Welcome to the serene embrace of "Nature's Colouring Retreat: With Poems".


    Enjoy the world of "Artful Animals: A Poetic Colouring Delight. Filled with poems and exciting colouring pages.

  • av Alberta Education

    The Kazky workbook helps broaden vocabulary by introducing the diminutive form of nouns and the comparative form of adjectives.Kazky is the 5th book in the Tut i Tam series which was developed to foster learning of Ukrainian by elementary school children who have some degree of fluency in Ukrainian, according to linguistic principles which suggest that aural and oral language development should precede the introduction of reading and writing of the language being learned. Its thematic approach also suggests an integration of the various disciplines in a language arts program designed to facilitate communication through listening, speaking, reading, writing, and viewing.

  • av Pete O'Brien

    Meet twenty-one-year-old Jeff Land, winner of a national furniture design award in his third year at the Parsons School of Design in New York City. He plays drums and sings for the locally popular band, Whack Job, bears a striking resemblance to Kurt Cobain, and it would seem like the world should be his oyster. But alas, the timing of his birth would tend to suggest differently. Regardless of the wealth of talent he embodies, contemporary society has deemed him and his ilk overrepresented in the current job market. Maybe not in the world of Rock & Roll (which short of winning some cosmic lottery will never pay the bills), but most certainly in the world of furniture manufacture where he seems doomed to labor in the trenches as an underappreciated design minion for the remainder of his productive life. Enter Parsons graduate student Amy Brock, who brings Jeff a business proposition he believes he'd be a fool to reject. The daughter of an immigrant Vietnamese mother and billionaire industrialist Caucasian father, she doesn't have Jeff's talent but does have the advantage of gender, a bold self-confidence, and the kind of bi-racial bonafides currently in high demand in the commercial business world. All those things plus the potential financial backing of her father seem to make her the ideal business partner save for the fact that she also has a Bulgarian stepmother and a stepsister, both hatefully jealous of her. They would do anything to see her venture fail. Whack Job is a rollicking, irreverent romp through Jeff's New York City world of ambition and challenge as he struggles to overcome obstacles constantly thrown in his path while seeking to find a balance between his music and his exciting new enterprise. For a kid from the upstate New York sticks, it's a bigger chunk of life than he'd ever imagined biting off, let alone chewing.

  • av Pete O'Brien

    When Theodore "Teddy" Epps-freakishly wounded Gulf War veteran and mayor of Ignorance, Pop. 6587-declares his intention to run for the seat in the United States Congress currently occupied by twenty-term incumbent Jebediah Maxwell, the congressman's wife sends retired FBI agent turned private investigator Pamela Nichols to their home district to engineer some means of discrediting him. Pam's task is simple: Find a weakness she can exploit that will drive a wedge between a blindly ambitious and avaricious Teddy Epps and Ignorance's ultra-conservative electorate.Add to that mix:a) The mayor's miserly and irascible 97-year-old father, Elmer.b) A group of Elmer's one-percenter buddies with a developed penchant for illegal substances, all of whom are determined to live to be a hundred-twenty years old.c) a frustrated local librarian lately divorced from the town's high school football coach and the recent workplace victim of a book banning purge instigated by Ignorance's fundamentalist Christian element.d) Private investigator Pam Nichols' phony offer to pay Elmer ten-million-dollars for two thousand acres of farmland he owns, ostensibly to build a huge organic pig farm just two miles downwind of town, the stench from which would render Ignorance all but uninhabitable. To these specific ingredients add a predictable measure human nature, shake, and pour yourself an adult dose. The resultant cocktail is guaranteed make you either giddy drunk from all the good fun, or apoplectic, depending upon where you sit on either side of the Great American Ideological Divide. As the sign outside the tiny town says...IGNORANCE IS BLISS

  • av Michael Karpati

    Hercules has been found murdered, an act which could have great repercussions for all the pantheons. Jim Craydon is a private investigator who has taken it upon himself to find out what happened - and why. But he is not alone...Loki, the god of Mischief, Artemis, the goddess of the hunt, and Isis, the goddess of wisdom have likewise begun their own investigations into what has occurred. Which of them reaches the truth first could decide the fate of the pantheons, as could discovering what actually happened to the great demigod.

  • av Nicola Tyche

    For ten years, her kingdom has warred against the Shadow King. Now, she's his queen.Treachery Within ...Reaping the consequences from her decision to ally with her kingdom's greatest enemy to avoid war, Norah Andell, queen of Mercia and salara of Kharav, faces opposition from both realms and struggles to hang on to the fragile peace between them. Treachery lurks in the shadows, intent on subverting everything she has worked to build, and threatens to plunge the kingdoms back into a deadly war.A King Divided ...The Shadowlands are a warrior kingdom, and Mikael Ratha Shal their ruthless king. Battle and blood have made them strong. Kingdoms fall to them; men fear them. But his new queen strives for peace and compassion, and while he has her hand, he wants her heart-even though her heart still holds love for another. Norah tests the limits of his mercy, where he risks not only the allegiance of his kingdom, but also his crown.A Rising Threat ...With the joining of Mercia and the Shadowlands, the loyalty of old allies crumbles. All the while an unexpected threat is rising. Leading a rebellion in the nearby kingdom of Rael, a usurper seizes the throne and is crowned king. As thousands flock to his banner and his righteous cause, he turns his vengeful eyes on Mikael and the Shadowlands. Norah must choose to heed the demands of her own kingdom and return home to safety, or risk their dissent and stand with the enemy she now calls her husband.

  • av Yashendra Kshirsagar

    Manatil Vadale is an eclectic collection of modern poems on diverse themes like Life, Friendship, Love, Mindfulness, Nature, and Inspiration. The poems are an expression of my inner journey through life and its magical moments. The poems have a theme of mindfulness and meditativeness running through the compositionsAbout the Author : Yashendra Kshirsagar is awarded by Limca book of records, he has written longest poem ever in Marathi.

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