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  • av E E Warren

    It all started with a blackout, a full moon, and a sprinkling of magic. As a power outage plunged the East Coast into darkness, a diverse group of new witches arose along with the full moon. Meanwhile, amidst the chaos, a malevolent force spanning both the ancient past and the recent past seeks opportunities in the present wherever it can find them. Some fall prey to it. Havens like Treasure Trove and Cuppa Love stand strong, offering love, friendship and protection from the coming storm for those who seek it. Join us as we face ghosts, a cursed ring and the evil force that lurks beyond, waiting. The journey begins now. Will you answer the call?

  • av Mamie Jean Calvert

    Based on a true story, an unsolved murder has stumped a small-town sheriff for years...but when young women start turning up dead, killed in the same grisly way as that previous crime, the Sherriff starts pointing the finger at Agent Houston, the new guy in town.

  • av Steve Sugarman

    Dans le grenier de l'ancienne maison MacGregor, la petite Elsie découvre d'étranges blocs de bois sculptés de runes indéchiffrables qui l'obligent à les aligner, la transformant ainsi que les autres en statues. Un étranger finit par briser la malédiction, ramenant les victimes à leur forme humaine et scellant les blocs, laissant le village avec une légende obsédante de la maison maudite et de son mystérieux sauveur.

  • av Kallen Samuels

    A ring of reverse gravity encircles the globe. The shocking reason lies hidden within the world's outcasts. "An extraordinary work of science fiction worldbuilding" - The BookLife Prize, Publishers Weekly

  • av Shane Bloom
    360 - 376,-

  • av Jessica Vendetti

    Join Marigold and her Forest Friends as they celebrate Valentine's Day. Marigold and her Forest Friends express their love and friendship through cards and gifts. It's a day of love, laughter, and adventure at Marigold Mountain!

  • av Matthew Wener
    246 - 266,-


    Добре дошли в " Най-Вълшата Готварска Книга За Печене И Мънч", кулинарно убежище, където възхитителният аромат на прясно изпечени лакомства и радостта от похапването се съчетават в перфектна хармония. В омагьосващия свят на тази готварска книга ви каним да се впуснете в пътешествие, което надхвърля обикновеното, прославяйки изкуството на печенето и истинското удоволствие, получено от вкусването на апетитни творения.В сърцето на всеки дом се крие кухня и в тази кухня се случва магия. "Най-Вълшата Готварска Книга За Печене И Мънч" не е просто компилация от рецепти; това е празник на топлината и щастието, които проникват във въздуха, когато фурните се запалят и купите за смесване влязат в действие. Тук се гордеем с представянето на щателно подбрана колекция от 100 сладки закуски, всяка от които е предназначена да превърне обикновените моменти в необикновени спомени.Представете си кухня, изпълнена с примамливите аромати на прясно изпечени изкушения - симфония от канела, шоколад и маслена доброта. Тази готварска книга е вашето ръководство за пресъздаване на тези моменти, за да вдъхнете дома си с неустоимия чар на домашно приготвените лакомства. Независимо дали сте опитен пекар или начинаещ в кухнята, всяка рецепта е създадена да бъде достъпна, като гарантира, че радостта от печенето е достъпна за всеки.Докато прелиствате тези страници, ще намерите разнообразен набор от рецепти, които отговарят на всеки вкус и повод. От хрупкави крекери, които щракват с всяка хапка, до дъвчащи бисквитки, които се топят в устата ви, и от пикантни усещания, които дразнят небцето ви, до сладки удоволствия, които задоволяват най-дълбоките ви желания - "Най-Вълшата Готварска Книга За Печене И Мънч" е съкровищница от кулинарни изкушения, които ви очакват да бъдат изследвани


    مرحبًا بكم في عالم الأذواق والحكايات الساحر من اسكتلندا، رحلة الطهي التي تتجاوز المألوف وتغمرك في تراث كاليدونيا الغني والممتع. في كتاب الطبخ هذا، نبدأ رحلة استكشافية لتذوق الطعام عبر المناظر الطبيعية المذهلة والمنسوجات الثقافية في اسكتلندا، حيث يروي كل طبق حكاية، وكل قضمة هي احتفال بالتقاليد والنكهة وروح المرتفعات. بينما نقلب الصفحات، تخيل الجبال المغطاة بالضباب، والبحيرات الشاسعة، والتلال المتموجة التي تلهم قلب وروح المطبخ الاسكتلندي. "أذواق وحكايات من اسكتلندا" هي أكثر من مجرد مجموعة من الوصفات؛ إنها بوابة إلى قلب الأمة، حيث تنسج تقاليد الطهي في نسيج الحياة اليومية. انضم إلينا ونحن نستكشف المكونات الفريدة والتقنيات العريقة والقصص وراء 100 وصفة لذيذة تعرض تنوع وعمق فن الطهي الاسكتلندي. من الدفء الخثّي للسكوتش الفاخر إلى الراحة القلبية للأطباق التقليدية مثل هاجيس وكعك الغريبة، كل وصفة هي فصل في قصة تراث الطهي في اسكتلندا. سواء كنت طاهيًا متمرسًا أو طباخًا منزليًا فضوليًا، يدعوك كتاب الطبخ هذا لتذوق جوهر اسكتلندا، وصفة واحدة في كل مرة. لذا، فلتبدأ الرحلة - رحلة عبر الأذواق والحكايات التي تحدد تراث كاليدونيا اللذيذ. أتمنى أن يكون مطبخك مليئًا برائحة الخلنج، ودفء الضيافة، والمتعة التي تأتي من اكتشاف الأسرار اللذيذة المخبأة داخل صفحات هذا الاستكشاف الطهوي.

  • av Michele Zimmerman

    BECAUSE is a back to basics Bible Study designed for those who are beginning or curious about a faith walk in Christ Jesus. It's able to be used as a group or self study. There are 10 chapters that can be broken down to once a week or whatever is the most convenient for your individual needs. In BECAUSE I will cover the answers to why we Christians believe what we do and the parallels of the Old Testament that point to Jesus in New Testament. This includes understanding the importance of the cross of Jesus Christ; why He was sent, why He had to die, and why that matters for our future hope. I cover what it means to be adopted as a child of God and the importance of the Spiritual Disciplines of Bible Study, Ministry, Prayer, Fasting and Discipleship. The Bible is relevant! The word of God is our offensive tool and we need to understand what it says so we can fight our spiritual battles with the power of BECAUSE IT IS WRITTEN


    Καλώς ήρθατε στο ιαπωνικό βιβλίο μαγειρικήσ για vegans, μια γαστρονομική οδύσσεια που ξεπερνά τα όρια των διατροφικών προτιμήσεων, προσκαλώντας σας σε έναν κόσμο όπου η τέχνη της φυτικής ζωής εναρμονίζεται αβίαστα με τις διαχρονικές γεύσεις της ιαπωνικής κουζίνας. Στην ταπετσαρία της γαστρονομίας, όπου η απλότητα γίνεται μορφή τέχνης, αυτό το βιβλίο μαγειρικής αναδεικνύεται ως καθοδηγητικό φως, φωτίζοντας το μονοπάτι για να απολαύσετε την απλότητα 100 ιαπωνικής έμπνευσης, φυτικές απολαύσεις.Σε μια κοινωνία που εκτιμά ολοένα και περισσότερο το προσεκτικό και συμπονετικό φαγητό, αυτό το βιβλίο μαγειρικής αποτελεί απόδειξη της πεποίθησης ότι τα νόστιμα γεύματα που τρέφουν την ψυχή δεν χρειάζεται να συμβιβάζονται με αρχές ή γεύση. Είτε είστε έμπειρος λάτρης των vegan είτε αρχάριοι στον τρόπο ζωής που βασίζεται στα φυτά, θεωρήστε αυτό το βιβλίο μαγειρικής την πύλη σας σε ένα βασίλειο όπου οι γαστρονομικές παραδόσεις και η σύγχρονη συνείδηση συγκλίνουν.Καθώς ξεκινάμε αυτό το γαστρονομικό ταξίδι, οραματιστείτε την κουζίνα όχι απλώς ως χώρο προετοιμασίας γευμάτων αλλά ως καμβά όπου ξεδιπλώνεται η δημιουργικότητα. Κάθε μία από τις 100 συνταγές που περιέχονται σε αυτές τις σελίδες είναι μια πρόσκληση για να εξερευνήσετε την περίπλοκη ισορροπία γεύσεων, υφών και τεχνικών που καθορίζουν την ιαπωνική μαγειρική. Από τα πλούσια σε umami βάθη του miso μέχρι τον λεπτό χορό της σόγιας, κάθε πιάτο αποτίει φόρο τιμής στον πολιτιστικό πλούτο της Ιαπωνίας, ενώ τηρεί τις αρχές της φυτικής ζωής.Ο όρος Japaneasy περιλαμβάνει περισσότερα από μια απλή προσέγγιση στο μαγείρεμα. ενσωματώνει μια φιλοσοφία που αγκαλιάζει την απλότητα που είναι εγγενής στις ιαπωνικές γαστρονομικές παραδόσεις. Κάθε συνταγή είναι μια γέφυρα μεταξύ αυθεντικότητας και καινοτομίας, παράδοσης και προσαρμογής. Έτσι, με την ποδιά φορεμένη και τα μαχαίρια ακονισμένα, αφήστε την κουζίνα να γίνει το καταφύγιό σας και αυτές οι συνταγές ο οδηγός σας καθώς διασχίζουμε τον κόσμο των ιαπωνικών χορτοφαγικών απολαύσεων.

  • av Scott Stanley
    170 - 326,-

  • av Reza Nazari

    **10 Pruebas Completas de Práctica de Matemáticas CHSPE** ¿Estás preparándote para el examen CHSPE y quieres asegurarte de que estás listo para la sección de matemáticas? Este libro, "10 Pruebas Completas de Práctica de Matemáticas CHSPE", es tu herramienta esencial para lograr el éxito en la prueba. **Características Destacadas: ** 1. **Pruebas Detalladas: ** Incluye diez pruebas de práctica completas, cada una diseñada con cuidado para reflejar la estructura y el nivel de dificultad del examen CHSPE. 2. **Explicaciones Claras: ** Cada pregunta viene con explicaciones detalladas para que comprendas los conceptos y estrategias detrás de la solución. Esto te permite aprender de tus errores y fortalecer tus habilidades. 3. **Cobertura Integral: ** Cubre todos los temas clave que se evalúan en la sección de matemáticas del CHSPE, desde conceptos fundamentales hasta problemas más avanzados. 4. **Estrategias Efectivas: ** Aprenderás estrategias efectivas para abordar diferentes tipos de preguntas, lo que te ayudará a enfrentar el examen con confianza y eficiencia. **Beneficios Clave: ** - *Preparación Realista: * Acostúmbrate al formato del examen CHSPE y las condiciones del día del examen. - *Identificación de Fortalezas y Debilidades: * Las explicaciones detalladas te ayudarán a identificar áreas específicas que necesitas reforzar. - *Confianza para el Día del Examen: * Practicar con pruebas realistas te dará la confianza necesaria para abordar la sección de matemáticas del CHSPE. Prepárate de manera efectiva para la sección de matemáticas del examen CHSPE con estas pruebas de práctica completas. ¡Asegura tu éxito académico y obtén tu copia ahora!


    ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿.¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿.¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿ 3 -8 ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ .

  • av Miguel Hartford

    Exploring STEM Book Description STEM is Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Exploring STEM is a short chapter book that provides details and insight for middle and high school students to understand STEM careers. It exposes them to careers that they are familiar with such as doctors, nurses, scientists, computer experts, architects, engineers and others. It also gives information about careers that many students may not be familiar with, such as radiologists, x-ray technicians, scrum masters, dental hygienists and more. It is important to know that STEM produces the highest paid college majors, and some of the most successful careers and people in the world! Exploring STEM provides students with the necessary avenues to take if they are interested in having STEM careers later in life.This book provides a great blueprint for students to embark into the world of STEM and explore their options, as well as knowing the proper plan to achieve their STEM goals. Students will be given the necessary information to begin their careers from middle school through college.Children will learn how these careers work, and which major they should choose in college, as well as some STEM careers that do not require college degreesReaders can benefit from this book as they are exposed to the different STEM careers, some of which are common and some that they will just be learning about for the first time.This book provides an enlightening learning experience forExploring STEMboth children and adults!

  • av Courtney Goodman

    Pitt Bull In Pajamas is a story about a rescued Pitt Bull who is perfect in every way except for one small problem...he loves to wear his family's clothes. This book is for parents and educators who are ready to take story time to the next level and support their child's language development. Written by Courtney Goodman, a Board Certified Behavior Analyst, "Pit Bull in Pajamas" includes notes for parents and educators on each page to help engage their child and encourage them to be an active participant in story time. Through the use of questions based on the verbal behavior milestones assessment and placement program (VB-MAPP-an assessment designed to help children develop their verbal skills) "Pit Bull in Pajamas" allows educators and caregivers to work on language development while enjoying quality time reading with their child.

  • av Christine M Whitehead
    356 - 466,-

  • av Chukwuemeka Charles Asiegbu

    So the need for the creation of the heaven and the earth wouldn't have risen if the existence of man is not in the picture or considered. It is apt therefore to say that the heaven and the earth were created for man and as a matter of fact God did not need any of them for none of them could contain Him! Simply because God cannot live in any space and cannot exist within the parameters and realms of time.God creation of man with a Will inherent in him is the inception of the art of "Human Right" instilled and enshrine in man. In this Will, given to man is the privilege to make choice. The ability to make choice makes man an entity of its own, which means he stands out as an independent individual that has the right to take decision on what he wants and desired.God created man and gave him such a tenacity and temerity in order for man to have the ability to exercise himself within the peripheries of his own Will. One wonders why God didn't make man like a robot.

  • av Johan Germonpré

    How did life originate? What is the future of humanity and our planet? Is there a purpose? Does our life have meaning? Is there life after death?In this revealing book, answers are sought through the most recent sciences: quantum mechanics, evolution and relativity.The sublime story of the universe and life unfolds before us six laws of evolution, which also manage the future of humanity. A revolutionary, hopeful approach for the climate crisis!Many recent experiments show that biological evolution cannot be explained without looking at the evolution ofthe 'inside'; an ascent from consciousness to self-consciousness. From the big bang, until now. Modern spirituality and the major world religions are suported here. This book is a story of connection. Between cultures, sciences, humanism and the major world religions. Scientific knowledge is not required to readthis book.

  • av Jessica Vendetti

    "Únete a Marigold y sus Amigos del Bosque mientras celebran el Día de San Valentín. Marigold y sus Amigos del Bosque expresan su amor y amistad a través de tarjetas y regalos. ¡Es un día de amor, risas y aventuras en la Montaña de Marigold!"

  • av Wura Ladipo-Ajayi

    Follow the story of Iggy the eaglet and his friends as they come of age and go through life's moments, discovering the important things in life and self. Follow their journey of learning, growth, family, friendship and love. In this book, Iggy learns the importance of community, and patience through fishing.

  • av Abraham Lincoln
    246 - 476,-

  • av J E Joyce

    Welcome to Rapids Bay Minnesota, where the Viking blood runs strong, secrets don't last long, and the best place to kick back is The Spirit of Hops Brewstillery. Half brewery, half distillery, all hometown watering hole goodness fit for the Gods.CharlieLife's too short. Cliché? Yes, but some things are universal truths regardless of how many pumpkin spice-toting basic white girls paint said truths on barn wood and hang them in their kitchens. That basic truth has been my motto for most of my life and has rarely steered me wrong. It may have also steered me into some interesting shenanigans and awkward situations, but those just make for the best stories. As the bar manager for Spirit of Hops Brewstillery in my hometown, those stories have always given me something to chat about with customers. But when the new brewer and his little girl show up, those stories seem just a prologue to the newest adventure I hear calling my name. Life's too short, why not seize the day and see what comes, right?CallumIf there is one thing I have learned in these last six years watching my little girl grow up, it's that a year is both somehow forever and gone in an instant. Life is too short, and that's not something to be taken lightly. Moving to Rapids Bay, MN to take over as a brewer for Spirit of Hops was the right move for us. I needed a fresh start, my daughter needed a chance to grow up without ghosts of the past, and we both needed a change in scenery. Georgie and Work, that's my world and in that order. But life doesn't like the best-laid plans and when opportunity literally comes crashing into you, you have to take a chance, right?

  • av Dale Glenn

    Step into 1933 and the heart of the Great Depression in Hell's Neck, Indiana. Elmer "Doc" Gentry, a widowed father, farmer, and house calling doctor runs for state legislature when he discovers corruption at the KKK-controlled State House. When a late-night rap on his door reveals a gross injustice suffered by the black community across the river, Doc sets out on a dual mission to rectify their injustice and find the missing funds meant for President Roosevelt's New Deal program.Ignoring a midnight, torch-lit parade by a mob in white robes and threats to his life, Doc and his family unite the black settlers of nearby Lyles Junction with his white Hell's Neck neighbors in battling racial injustice, poverty, and political corruption. With courage, faith, fortitude and the aid of inquisitive newspaper editor Jackson Stout, Doc's pursuit reaches a torrid climax at the annual Watermelon Festival at summer's end where he is surprised to find help from an unexpected source and his suspicion of an old dancehall/speakeasy on the Wabash River is confirmed.In this time of racial injustice, tribalism, poverty, and polemic political leadership, this story of heart-rending compassion, forgiveness and redemption is a historical antecedent to the problems our nation faces today. It poses the question: How are we ever going to get along if we never get to know each other?

  • av Akil O Smith

    NOW AN AWARD WINNING NOVELAre you looking for a pulse-pounding ride through space and time where epic adventures will leave you breathless with anticipation?Look no further!Introducing: "Alam Beginnings", a thrilling science fiction novel set in the mid-80s. In the far reaches of the Andromeda galaxy, a relentless conflict rage between the ruthless Rigions and the courageous Zorians. Countless worlds have fallen to the brutal attack of the Rigions, leaving entire generations scattered and fleeing for their lives. But amidst this chaos, a flicker of hope emerges-the birth of Alam, a legendary being prophesied to bring balance to the universe.Shawn, a young boy who has already weathered unimaginable loss, as he wrestles with the sudden return of his mother, believed dead but now alive under mysterious circumstances. His world is turned upside down as he moves in a web of fear and uncertainty, finding peace only in his steadfast friend Tiyshio, who harbors a secret that makes him a target for the ruthless Rigion people.As Shawn's mother's true identity is revealed, suspicion grips him, casting doubt on those closest to him and solving a tangled web of deception. Tiyshio, sensing a greater conspiracy at play, is determined to protect Shawn from the dangers that lurk in the shadows. But as alliances shift and betrayals reveals, Shawn is left with a haunting question: who can he truly trust?◆Features of "Alam Beginnings" Fascinating Characters: This narrative has rich character development spotlighting Shawn, Tiyshio, Shawn's mother, and the contrasting Zorins and Rigion entities.Family Connection: The story explores the depths of familial bonds and concealed truths as Shawn's mother emerges from the shadows, adding layers of complexity to the story's dynamic cast of characters.Suspenseful Plot: It is not just a science fiction but this narrative is filled with twists and turns as secrets are uncovered, alliances are tested, and the true nature of the universe is revealed, keeping readers engaged until the very end.Immersive World-building: The narrative of this science fiction takes the readers to a richly imagined galaxy torn apart by warring races, where ancient prophecies also exist.Emotional Depth: The story resonates with human behaviors exploring complex emotions of the characters as they struggle with issues like trust, loyalty, and the search for truth in a universe filled with deception and danger.Epic Adventure: This is an epic thrilling journey across galaxies as Shawn and Tiyshio confront their deepest fears and powerful adversaries.Grab your copy now and find the truth!

  • av Anece F McCloud
    246 - 370,-

  • av Samson Pollak
    200 - 306,-

  • av Timothy Keith
    280 - 326,-

  • av M R Badillo

    Echoing the strength and valor of the heathen path, the poems in Bone Dust journey to mountaintop halls where the Old Gods reign, to the rolling hills of the land spirits, and down to where the ancestors dwell in Helheim.

  • av Tiara Turner

    "Crowning Glory" celebrates the beauty of black hair in its myriad styles, highlighting the rich diversity and significance it carries. The narrative weaves through different hairstyles, echoing the desire for acceptance and embracing the beauty of black girls as they express themselves through their hair.

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