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    In "Echoes of the Past: Unveiling Women's Roles on Greek Funerary Monuments Amidst thePeloponnesian War," readers embark on a profound journey delving into the intricate tapestryof gender and mortality in ancient Greece. This scholarly exploration immerses readers intothe enigmatic world of Greek funerary monuments, where women's roles, often relegated tothe shadows of historical narratives, come vibrantly to life.The narrative intricately weaves through the tumultuous backdrop of the Peloponnesian War,providing a unique lens to examine the evolving societal dynamics. The author skillfullyuncovers the stories etched in stone, revealing the resilience, aspirations, and challenges facedby women in a patriarchal society. Each chapter peels back layers of history, offering nuancedinsights into the roles these women played, their societal contributions, and the impact ofmortality on their existence.Through meticulous research and engaging prose, the book unveils the untold tales of mothers,daughters, and wives, painting a vivid picture of their daily lives and aspirations amidst thechaos of war. Readers are transported to an ancient world where the clash of empires providesa backdrop for the quiet yet profound struggles of ordinary women. This compelling narrativenot only sheds light on the past but also sparks contemplation on the enduring themes ofgender, mortality, and societal expectations, resonating across cultures and centuries."Echoes of the Past" stands as a testament to the enduring power of historical inquiry, offeringreaders a captivating glimpse into the lives of ancient Greek women and inviting reflection onthe timeless complexities of human existence.


    In 'Unlocking Investment Potential: Exploring Board Effectiveness and Its Impact onFirm Efficiency,' readers embark on a profound exploration of corporate governanceand its influence on investment opportunities. This insightful work delves into thedynamics of board effectiveness and its direct correlation with firm efficiency, providinginvaluable insights for investors, analysts, and corporate decision-makers.The narrative unfolds with a meticulous analysis of board effectiveness, illuminating thepivotal role played by boards of directors in shaping a company's strategy, riskmanagement, and overall performance. Through in-depth research and real-world casestudies, the book examines the qualities and practices that characterize effective boards,ranging from diverse expertise and independence to strategic vision and ethicalleadership.Readers are guided through the impact of board effectiveness on firm efficiency,exploring how well-governed companies are better positioned to capitalize oninvestment opportunities. The book dissects the relationship between sound corporategovernance, investor confidence, and stock performance. It showcases how companieswith effective boards are not only more resilient in the face of economic challenges butalso more attractive to investors seeking sustainable and profitable ventures.'Unlocking Investment Potential' emphasizes the importance of transparency,accountability, and ethical decision-making within corporate governance structures. Itunderscores how these factors contribute to building investor trust and unlocking thefull potential of investments. Through practical insights and expert analysis, readersgain a deep understanding of the intricate interplay between board effectiveness, firmefficiency, and investment attractiveness.This comprehensive exploration stands as a valuable resource for investors seeking tomake informed decisions, corporate leaders striving for excellence, and researchersdelving into the nuances of corporate governance. As readers engage with this work,they gain essential knowledge to assess investment opportunities with a discerning eye,ensuring alignment with well-governed and efficient firms that possess the potential todeliver sustainable returns.


    In 'Cracking the Code: Evaluating the Power of Company Fundamentals in Predicting Cross-Sectional StockReturns,' readers delve into the intricate world of stock market analysis, exploring the underlying principles thatdrive investment decisions. This insightful work offers a comprehensive examination of company fundamentalsand their predictive power in the realm of cross-sectional stock returns.The narrative unfolds with meticulous precision, dissecting the various components of company fundamentals -from financial statements to market performance indicators. Through rigorous analysis and empirical evidence,the book evaluates the effectiveness of these fundamentals in predicting stock returns across different sectorsand market conditions.Readers are guided through the complex maze of financial metrics, learning how to decipher the hidden patternswithin company data. The book emphasizes the importance of critical evaluation and a deep understanding offundamental factors, showcasing their impact on stock prices and investor decisions. Through real-world casestudies and expert insights, readers gain practical knowledge, empowering them to make informed investmentchoices.'Cracking the Code' serves as a valuable resource for investors, analysts, and financial professionals,demystifying the process of evaluating company fundamentals. It challenges conventional wisdom, shedding lighton the nuances of stock market dynamics and offering a roadmap for navigating the complexities of crosssectionalstock returns. As readers immerse themselves in this comprehensive analysis, they acquire the toolsand knowledge necessary to decode the intricate patterns of the stock market, empowering them to makestrategic investment decisions with confidence.


    Narrating My Journey: Identity and Work Dynamics in the Context of Sickle Cell Disorder" is apoignant and illuminating exploration of the personal journey of individuals living with Sickle CellDisorder (SCD). This book offers valuable insights for healthcare professionals, researchers,and anyone interested in understanding the intersection of identity and employmentexperiences in the context of a chronic illness like SCD.Within the pages of this book, readers will embark on a deeply personal and empoweringjourney. It delves into the lived experiences of individuals with SCD, highlighting the challengesthey face in both their personal identity formation and their professional lives.One of the defining features of this work is its focus on the narratives and voices of individualswith SCD. It recognizes the importance of storytelling and personal narratives in shedding lighton the unique challenges and triumphs of those living with this chronic condition.Additionally, "Narrating My Journey" explores the complex dynamics between SCD and work. Itaddresses issues such as workplace accommodations, discrimination, and the impact ofchronic pain on employment. The book underscores the importance of creating inclusive andsupportive work environments for individuals with SCD.Furthermore, this book emphasizes the resilience and strength of individuals with SCD as theynavigate the complexities of identity and work. It showcases stories of empowerment andtriumph, illustrating how individuals can forge meaningful identities and successful careersdespite the challenges posed by their health condition.Overall, "Narrating My Journey: Identity and Work Dynamics in the Context of Sickle CellDisorder" is a compelling and inspiring resource. It celebrates the voices and experiences ofindividuals with SCD, offering valuable insights for improving awareness, support, andopportunities for those living with this chronic illness.


    Unlocking a New Dawn: Women and the Transition from Incarceration in New SouthWales, Australia" is a compelling exploration of resilience, redemption, and societalreintegration. This illuminating work delves deep into the lives of women in theaftermath of incarceration, providing an intimate portrayal of their journey towardrehabilitation and empowerment.Against the backdrop of New South Wales, this book takes readers on a transformativeodyssey, unraveling the intricate challenges faced by women as they navigate thecomplex transition from prison life to societal reintegration. The narrative is richlywoven with personal narratives, highlighting the strength and determination of thesewomen in overcoming societal stigmas and personal hurdles.The author masterfully examines the myriad factors that influence successfulreintegration, from access to education and employment opportunities to mental healthsupport and community acceptance. Through poignant storytelling and rigorousresearch, the book sheds light on the transformative power of rehabilitation programs,emphasizing the importance of a supportive environment in enabling these women toreclaim their lives."Unlocking a New Dawn" not only exposes the harsh realities of the criminal justicesystem but also celebrates the resilience of the human spirit. It challenges societalperceptions and prejudices, urging readers to confront their biases and empathize withthe struggles faced by these women. As the dawn of freedom breaks on the horizon, thisbook serves as a beacon of hope, inspiring readers to advocate for a more compassionateand inclusive society where every individual, regardless of their past, can unlock thedoor to a brighter, more promising future.


    Balancing the Unpredictable: Advancing Biomedical Studies on Bipolar Disorder" is an illuminating exploration ofthe ongoing efforts to advance biomedical research on Bipolar Disorder (BD). This book is a valuable resource forresearchers, healthcare professionals, and anyone interested in gaining deeper insights into the scientific aspects ofBD.Within its pages, readers will embark on a comprehensive journey through the complex world of BD research. Itdelves into the latest developments in biomedical studies, shedding light on the multifaceted nature of this disorder,which encompasses both genetic and neurobiological factors.One of the defining features of this work is its emphasis on the unpredictable nature of BD. It recognizes that BDpresents a unique challenge due to its variability and the diverse ways it manifests in individuals. The bookunderscores the importance of innovative research to unravel the mysteries of BD and develop more effectivetreatments.Additionally, "Balancing the Unpredictable" explores cutting-edge research methods, including neuroimaging,genetic studies, and molecular biology techniques, that have advanced our understanding of BD. It highlights thepromising findings and potential breakthroughs in the field.Furthermore, this book underscores the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in BD research, recognizing thata holistic approach that incorporates genetics, neuroscience, and clinical insights is essential for progress. Itencourages researchers and clinicians to work together to balance the unpredictable aspects of BD.Overall, "Balancing the Unpredictable: Advancing Biomedical Studies on Bipolar Disorder" is a compelling andinformative resource that celebrates the strides made in BD research while acknowledging the challenges that lieahead. It inspires hope for improved diagnostics and treatments for individuals living with BD and encouragescontinued dedication to unraveling the complexities of this disorder.


    In 'Unlocking Potential: Exploring Learning Strategies of Women with DiagnosedADHD in Higher Education,' readers embark on a transformative journey into the uniquechallenges faced by women with ADHD in the realm of higher education. This insightful workdelves deep into the lives of these resilient individuals, shedding light on their innovativelearning strategies and the remarkable ways they navigate the academic landscape.The narrative unfolds with sensitivity and depth, exploring the intersection of ADHD,gender, and education. Through engaging personal narratives and rigorous research, the bookexplores the multifaceted experiences of women with diagnosed ADHD. It examines theircoping mechanisms, creative learning strategies, and the invaluable support networks thatenable them to thrive academically despite the hurdles they face.Readers are invited to witness the triumphs and tribulations of these women as theypursue higher education. The book celebrates their tenacity and resourcefulness, emphasizingthe importance of recognizing diverse learning styles and fostering inclusive educationalenvironments. Through poignant storytelling and scholarly analysis, the author challengesconventional perceptions of ADHD, highlighting the strengths and talents that oftenaccompany this condition.'Unlocking Potential' not only amplifies the voices of women with ADHD but alsoserves as a guiding light for educators, policymakers, and support networks. It advocates forpersonalized, empathetic approaches to education that accommodate the unique needs of everylearner. As the pages unfold, readers gain a deep appreciation for the resilience of thesewomen, leaving them inspired to champion inclusivity, understanding, and the unlocking ofuntapped potentials within the realm of education


    In 'Trading Beyond Markets: Exploring Alternative Exchange Mechanisms,' readers embark ona captivating exploration of the evolving landscape of exchange mechanisms beyond traditionalfinancial markets. This groundbreaking work meticulously dissects the innovative methods,digital platforms, and decentralized systems that redefine the way assets are traded andexchanged. Financial experts, technologists, economists, and investors will find this bookinvaluable, offering profound insights into the disruptive technologies and decentralized modelsshaping the future of global exchanges.The narrative begins by unraveling the core concepts of alternative exchange mechanisms,emphasizing their divergence from conventional stock exchanges and over-the-countermarkets. Readers gain a deep understanding of blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies, peerto-peer networks, and decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms, exploring how theseadvancements facilitate direct asset transfers and trading without intermediaries.Cryptocurrencies and digital assets take center stage as the book delves into the decentralizedworld of virtual currencies. Readers are introduced to the foundational principles ofcryptocurrencies, including blockchain technology, cryptographic security, and consensusalgorithms. The book explores how digital assets such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and stablecoinsare traded on digital exchanges, highlighting their volatility, liquidity, and market dynamics.Decentralized Finance (DeFi) becomes a pivotal focus, showcasing the disruptive potential ofblockchain-based financial services. Readers gain insights into decentralized lending,borrowing, yield farming, and liquidity provision, exploring the innovative protocols and smartcontracts that underpin these services. The book also delves into the risks and challengesassociated with DeFi, emphasizing the importance of security, regulatory compliance, andinvestor protection in decentralized financial ecosystems.The book explores the emerging trends in alternative exchange mechanisms, including nonfungibletokens (NFTs), tokenization of real-world assets, and decentralized autonomousorganizations (DAOs). Readers gain a comprehensive view of the creative applications ofblockchain technology, from digital art and collectibles to real estate and supply chainmanagement, showcasing how assets are being tokenized and exchanged in novel ways.Through case studies, expert interviews, and critical analysis, the book provides a holistic viewof the opportunities and risks associated with trading beyond traditional markets. Readers gaininsights into the future of finance, exploring how blockchain technology, decentralizedplatforms, and innovative exchange mechanisms are reshaping the global financial landscape.'Trading Beyond Markets' serves as a vital resource for anyone seeking to navigate thedecentralized future of trading, empowering them to understand, adapt, and thrive in the rapidlyevolving world of alternative exchange mechanisms.


    Harmonizing the Inner Self: Self-Management Amidst Bipolar Disorder" is a compellingand enlightening exploration of the personal journey of individuals living with BipolarDisorder (BD). This book serves as a valuable resource for those affected by BD, theirloved ones, and mental health professionals seeking a deeper understanding of selfmanagementstrategies.Within the pages of this book, readers will embark on a transformative journey into thelives of individuals living with BD. It delves into the unique challenges, emotionalexperiences, and self-management techniques that allow them to harmonize their innerselves amidst the complexities of this disorder.One of the defining features of this work is its emphasis on self-management. It recognizesthat individuals with BD often play a central role in their treatment and well-being. Thebook celebrates the resilience and strength of those who actively engage in self-care,medication management, therapy, and lifestyle choices to manage their conditioneffectively.Additionally, "Harmonizing the Inner Self" explores evidence-based self-managementstrategies, including mood tracking, stress reduction, and the importance of a consistentroutine. It underscores the significance of a holistic approach that encompasses bothmedical and psychological aspects of BD management.Furthermore, this book offers hope and inspiration to individuals living with BD byshowcasing personal stories of triumph and resilience. It illustrates how individuals can notonly manage their symptoms but also lead fulfilling and meaningful lives by harmonizingtheir inner selves.Overall, "Harmonizing the Inner Self: Self-Management Amidst Bipolar Disorder" is acompassionate and empowering resource. It aims to reduce stigma, increase understanding,and inspire individuals with BD to take an active role in their own well-being.Additionally, it serves as a guide for mental health professionals and loved ones inproviding meaningful support to those living with this disorder.

  • av Annie Tasha

    In 'Unlocking Prosperity: How Stocks and Property Shape Wealth inAustralian Households,' readers are taken on a revealing journey into thefinancial landscape of Australian households. This insightful work exploresthe intricate relationship between stocks, property, and wealthaccumulation, providing valuable insights into the factors that shapeprosperity in the Land Down Under.The narrative unfolds with a meticulous analysis of investment patterns,shedding light on how Australian households strategically allocate theirresources between stocks and property. Through comprehensive researchand real-life examples, the book delves into the investment decisionsmade by individuals and families, offering a nuanced understanding of thediverse strategies employed to build and preserve wealth.Readers are guided through the factors influencing investment choices,from market trends and economic indicators to personal preferences andrisk appetite. The book explores the impact of property markets, bothresidential and commercial, and stock market dynamics on householdwealth. It delves into the risks and rewards associated with theseinvestments, equipping readers with essential knowledge to makeinformed financial decisions.'Unlocking Prosperity' not only provides a detailed analysis of wealthaccumulation strategies but also emphasizes the broader implications forthe Australian economy. Readers gain insights into the role of investmentsin economic growth, job creation, and financial stability, fostering a deeperunderstanding of the interconnectedness of individual prosperity andnational economic well-being.

  • av Dutch Marie

    In 'Unleashing Market Quality: The Dynamic Intersection of AlgorithmicTrading and Market Fragmentation,' readers are plunged into thesophisticated world where advanced technology, algorithmic tradingstrategies, and market fragmentation intersect. This pioneering workmeticulously explores the intricate relationship between algorithmic tradingpractices and the evolving landscape of fragmented financial markets.The narrative begins with an in-depth exploration of algorithmic trading,illuminating the complexities of high-frequency trading strategies,quantitative models, and machine learning algorithms. Readers gainvaluable insights into the algorithms' ability to process vast amounts of data,execute trades at lightning speed, and adapt to market conditions in realtime.The book delves into the technological innovations and tradinginfrastructures that empower algorithmic traders, showcasing how theseadvancements revolutionize market interactions.Market fragmentation takes center stage as the book navigates the diversetrading venues, order types, and liquidity pools that characterize modernfinancial markets. Readers are introduced to the intricacies of marketfragmentation, exploring how it impacts trade execution, market liquidity,and price discovery. The book sheds light on the challenges andopportunities posed by fragmented markets, emphasizing the need forsophisticated algorithms to navigate this complex environment effectively.'Unleashing Market Quality' also delves into regulatory considerations,examining how regulators respond to the challenges posed by algorithmictrading and market fragmentation. The book explores regulatoryframeworks, market surveillance practices, and industry standards aimed atmaintaining market integrity and investor confidence.


    Men and women have distinct preferences for certain traits in their romantic partners, which canbe elegantly explained by evolutionary theories of sexual selection. Specifically, men andwomen highly value the mate characteristics of warmth, attractiveness, and resources in arelationship partner, which all enhance their reproductive fitness. By manipulating differentcombinations of these attributes, the current research aimed to examine thresholds of acceptanceand desirability in different temporal relationship contexts. It also explored the effect of apreviously unexplored cue to health, a physical disability, on mating preferences. In Study One,568 participants were shown a photograph of a stimulus person, either with or without aphysical disability, paired with manipulated descriptions of economic status and warmth. Theywere asked to indicate their willingness to engage in both a short-term and long-termrelationship with the individual in the vignette, as well as complete questionnaires onsociosexuality and social desirability. The results showed the importance of warmth in the longtermfor both men and women, the value of economic status for women in the long-term, thesignificance of health on short-term relationships, and predicted individual variations accordingto sociosexual orientation. However, when the effects of social desirability were taken intoconsideration, health was not found to have an effect on the reported desirability of short-termrelationships. Study Two used a slightly different methodology to replicate the findings fromStudy One with a different sample of 566 participants, and explored the impact of heritability onboth short-term and long-term relationship preferences. The results from Study Two generallyreplicated the results from Study One, with the exception of health. The impact of a physicaldisability, whether inherited or not, was not found to be significant in Study Two, nor did socialdesirability. By exploring the evolutionary logic behind disability-based prejudice inrelationships, the current studies aimed to contribute to the existing knowledge on matepreferences and deepen our understanding about the contemporary negative attitudes towardsrelationships with individuals with disabilities.


    In the mid-2000s, the construct of workplace engagement had been visible in the literature forover a decade, with no consensus on its measurement. The benefits of increasing engagementwere consistently reported however measures were developed and used across differentcontexts, with potential underlying differences due to context remaining unaddressed. Thefirst aim of this thesis was to investigate existing engagement measures and their comparativerelevance across two contexts: business and medical. The medical context was chosen fordetailed investigation because of the importance of engagement-related factors such asburnout in medical professions, and because of the lack of empirical research on engagementin this context. The second aim of the thesis was to develop an engagement measurespecifically for use in medical settings. The third aim of the thesis was to explore therelationships between engagement and related constructs of interest in the literature.In the first, Pilot Study 1, items said to measure engagement were identified. In Study2, the measures were tested for their perceived relevance to engagement with 217 businessand 192 medical respondents. Results demonstrate engagement may be differentially viewedand defined in these contexts. In Study 3, data were drawn from public hospitals across NewSouth Wales, Australia, from 392 nurses and 154 doctors. The first known measure forengagement in medical contexts was developed, a higher order construct including jobsatisfaction, dedication and focused time use, consistent with a consensus on engagementoccurring later in the literature. A path model was developed assessing related constructs notfound in other engagement models, climate, empowerment, intrinsic motivation andemotional exhaustion. The model consolidates findings and provides further evidence ofdifferences in the way engagement operates in business and medical contexts. Engagement inmedical contexts is an important aspect of current research due to a global healthcare crisis.


    Empowerment and Resilience" is a compassionate and informative guide that standsas a beacon of hope for those facing the challenges of breast cancer. In this empoweringbook, you'll embark on a transformative journey, equipping yourself with knowledge,support, and resilience to navigate the complex landscape of breast cancer.A breast cancer diagnosis can be a life-altering moment, filled with fear anduncertainty. This book offers a roadmap to help individuals facing breast cancer and theirloved ones navigate the emotional, physical, and psychological aspects of this journey.Drawing on the latest medical research and personal narratives from survivors,"Empowerment and Resilience" covers a wide range of topics, from understanding thedisease and treatment options to managing side effects, making informed decisions, andseeking emotional support. You'll gain insights into the importance of early detection andself-care, as well as the impact of breast cancer on mental health and relationships.With stories of courage and resilience, you'll meet individuals who have triumphedover breast cancer, finding strength they never knew they possessed. The book providespractical tips for coping with treatment, addressing body image concerns, and maintaining asense of normalcy during the journey


    This book builds the foundation of a methodology for the quantitativeanalysis of the folk narrative system. Just as anthropology uses analyses ofdifferent cultures to examine the human past; researchers could use analyses of ouroldest form of literature, the folk narrative, to examine aspects of worldwideculture and changes in culture over time. This bookdevelops a quantitative methodology based in part on small, grammaticallydefined units. For this type of analysis to be viable, careful consideration of manyaspects of the folk narrative system is required.Chapter One presents the qualities of the folk narrative that make it anapposite choice for investigations of worldwide cultures and cultural changes overtime. These qualities include: the fundamental importance and cross-cultural natureof the folk narrative; the reliable development of narrative ability in all humans;the ability of the folk narrative to convey information; and the large number ofcollected folk narratives as a resource.Chapter Two explores different styles of literary analysis with a focus onstructural content analysis and the types of information that have resulted from theuse of these different styles. Multiple types of structural analysis by both folkloristsand linguists are considered. The grammatical unit chosen for the methodologypresented in this paper - nominative case - is a specifically and externally defined,countable unit that is able to operate cross-culturally and that has connection tomeaning on a larger scale.Chapter Three is a paper in which nominative case in a random set of taleswas counted. This paper operates as a test of the unit and also serves to corroboratethe idea that the difference between the predominant gender in tales told by males and females is large enough to impact on a data set which does not control forgender.Chapter Four lays the groundwork for the expansion of the methodologyfrom a random set of tales in a large, academic library to a worldwiderepresentative data set using Murdock's compilation of cultural divisions(Murdock). In addition, the presented methodology is expanded to include themany interactive parts of what is termed the folk narrative system. Certain parts ofthe folk narrative system which should be considered are outlined but it is notedthat there are probably many more parts of the system which can be studied. Theexpansion of the methodology to an investigation of the folk narrative as a systemenables the quantitative analysis to remain connected to the matrix of culture, text,storyteller, environment and other factors. The result of any specific study is seenin the context of other influences that change as the investigated parts change. Thischapter concludes with a discussion of the way in which this methodology enablesone to access a wide range of information.


    Work and Non-Work Adjustment" is a comprehensive exploration of the intricaterelationship between our professional and personal lives. In this enlightening book, readersembark on a journey to understand how to achieve harmony, balance, and well-being in aworld where the boundaries between work and non-work often blur.Modern life is marked by the demands of a fast-paced work environment, withexpectations that extend beyond the traditional 9-to-5. Juggling career responsibilities, familycommitments, and personal pursuits can be challenging, and achieving a sense of equilibriumcan seem elusive. However, this book serves as your guide to navigate this intricate terrainsuccessfully.Drawing on the latest research in psychology, sociology, and organizational science,"Work and Non-Work Adjustment" delves into the factors that impact our ability to balanceour professional and personal lives. You'll explore the psychological and emotional aspects ofwork-related stress, job satisfaction, and fulfillment while gaining valuable insights intobuilding resilience and coping strategies.With practical advice and evidence-based techniques, this book empowers you toenhance your work-life integration, reduce burnout, and improve your overall well-being.Discover how to set clear boundaries, manage time effectively, and prioritize self-care,ensuring that your personal life and career are in sync.


    The temptation of attractive alternative partners is a notorious threat to relationships. Individuals in committed relationships therefore employ cognitive strategies to resist the lure of attractive alternatives. The primary aim of this dissertation was to investigate whether implicit attitudes towards romantic partners were associated with automatic attentional biases regarding attractive relationship alternatives. The secondary aim was to replicate existing findings on attentional biases using a new set of photo stimuli. The study was completed online (N = 374) and assessed: (1) participants' implicit partner attitude; (2) participants' explicit partner attitude; (3) participants' relationship commitment, relationship satisfaction, sociosexual orientation and self-control; and (4) participants' tendency to automatically disengage attention from photos of attractive opposite-sex faces. Results indicated that individuals with more positive explicit partner attitudes were faster to disengage attention from attractive alternatives. However, contrary to expectation, individuals with more positive implicit partner attitudes were slower to disengage attention from attractive alternatives. Implicit partner attitudes were not associated with an individual's explicit partner attitude. As expected, higher levels of commitment and satisfaction were associated with reduced self- reported attention to romantic alternatives. However, commitment, satisfaction, and sociosexual orientation were unrelated to attentional disengagement. Surprisingly, results indicated that self-control was positively related to attentional adhesion for singles, but no such relationship was found for those in a relationship. The fact that both implicit and explicit partner attitudes were related to attentional disengagement, albeit in different directions, is suggestive of the important role of partner attitudes in attentional biases to attractive alternatives.

  • av Sam Dex

    This research is an examination into the ways online abuse functions in certain online spaces.By analyzing text-based online abuse against women who are content creators, this researchmaps how aspects of violence against women offline extends online. This research examinesthree different explorations into how online abuse against women functions. Chapter twoconsiders what online abuse against women looks like on Twitter as a case study. This chaptercontends that online abuse can be understood as an unintentional use of Twitter's design.Chapter three focuses specifically on the textual descriptions of sexual violence women who arejournalists receive online. Chapter four analyzes Gamergate, an online movement thatspecifically looks to organize online abuse towards women. Chapter five concludes bymeditating on the need to look at a bigger picture that includes cultural shifts that dismantle thenormalization of violence against women both on and offline.

  • av Kevan Joey

    Parenting with Pride: LGBT Parents' Perceptions and Experiences" is an insightful andcompassionate exploration of the unique journey of LGBT parents as they navigate thecomplexities of parenthood in today's diverse world. This book delves into the deeplypersonal and often inspiring stories of LGBT individuals and couples who have embarked onthe path of parenthood, shedding light on their diverse experiences, challenges, and triumphs.Drawing from a rich tapestry of personal narratives, research, and societal insights,"Parenting with Pride" offers an in-depth examination of the diverse landscape of LGBTparenting. It explores the emotional and practical aspects of family building, from adoptionand surrogacy to co-parenting and blended families.One of the key strengths of this book is its commitment to inclusivity. It recognizes thatLGBT parents come from various backgrounds, identities, and circumstances, and ithighlights the importance of understanding the intersections of identity, race, and socioeconomicfactors in shaping their experiences.Moreover, "Parenting with Pride" addresses the legal and social challenges faced by LGBTparents, including issues related to legal recognition, discrimination, and support systems. Italso provides insights into the resilience and creativity of LGBT parents in building lovingand nurturing environments for their children.This book serves as a valuable resource for LGBT parents, prospective parents, and anyoneinterested in understanding the unique joys and struggles faced by LGBT families. It fostersempathy, promotes inclusivity, and encourages society to embrace the diversity of modernfamilies.

  • av Kevan Joey

    Pride and Progress: Navigating the LGBT+ Journey" is a compelling and enlighteningexploration of the diverse and evolving experiences of the LGBT+ community. This thoughtprovokingbook offers an in-depth examination of the historical, cultural, and social aspects ofthe LGBT+ journey, providing a comprehensive understanding of the challenges, triumphs, andongoing progress within the community.Drawing from a rich tapestry of personal narratives, academic research, and societalinsights, "Pride and Progress" dives into the multifaceted landscape of LGBT+ identities. Itsheds light on the historical struggles for equality and acceptance while celebrating theresilience and achievements of LGBT+ individuals and their allies.One of the key strengths of this book is its commitment to inclusivity and diversitywithin the LGBT+ spectrum. It delves into the experiences of individuals across differentgenders, sexual orientations, and cultural backgrounds, emphasizing the importance ofintersectionality in understanding the complexities of the LGBT+ journey.Moreover, "Pride and Progress" explores the evolving legal and social landscapesurrounding LGBT+ rights, including the advancements in marriage equality, antidiscriminationlegislation, and the ongoing battles for acceptance and recognition.This book serves as a vital resource for individuals seeking to deepen their knowledgeof LGBT+ history, struggles, and triumphs. It also provides a roadmap for fostering empathy,allyship, and support for the LGBT+ community.Whether you are a member of the LGBT+ community, an ally, or simply someonecurious about the lived experiences of LGBT+ individuals, "Pride and Progress" offers acompassionate and informative guide. It encourages readers to celebrate diversity, promoteequality, and continue the journey towards a more inclusive and accepting societ

  • av Kevan Joey

    profound impact that books have on our culture, identity, and shared human experience. Thisthought-provoking book delves into the multifaceted ways in which books shape and enrich ourlives, shedding light on their enduring significance in an ever-evolving world.Drawing from a diverse array of perspectives and case studies, "Cultural Treasures" examineshow books serve as repositories of knowledge, carriers of stories, and catalysts for socialchange. It explores their role in preserving cultural heritage, promoting literacy, and fosteringintellectual discourse.One of the standout features of this book is its ability to capture the essence of books as culturalartifacts. It discusses the power of literature to reflect the values, beliefs, and aspirations ofsocieties throughout history and across the globe. Readers will gain insight into how booksconnect generations, bridge cultural divides, and contribute to a collective sense of identity.Moreover, "Cultural Treasures" delves into the evolving landscape of books in the digital age. Itexamines the intersection of technology and literature, exploring how e-books, audiobooks, anddigital libraries are shaping the way we access and engage with written content.This book is not only a celebration of books but also a reflection on their evolving role insociety. It addresses the challenges and opportunities faced by the publishing industry, libraries,and educators in a rapidly changing world.Whether you are a bibliophile, a student of literature, or simply curious about the profoundimpact of books on culture and society, "Cultural Treasures" offers a comprehensive andinsightful guide. It illuminates the enduring value of books in our lives, encouraging readers toappreciate their role as cultural treasures that enrich our world and contribute to the tapestry ofhuman history."Cultural Treasures" is a testament to the enduring legacy of books and their ability to transcendtime and space, making them an integral part of our shared cultural heritage

  • av Kevan Joey

    Banks accredited by their regulator to use the Advanced Internal Ratings Based (A-IRB)approach are required to provide their own estimates for calculating their minimum creditcapital; these estimates rely on statistical and analytical models to predict Probability ofDefault (PD), Loss Given Default (LGD) and Exposure at Default (EAD). This thesisfocusses on estimating EAD for banks granting revolving loans to large corporates andleverages the Global Credit Data (GCD) database.This thesis briefly discusses why risk management, particularly credit risk management, isimportant for banks and we survey the existing EAD modelling literature which to datehas had less focus than PD and LGD modelling.Our prosed methodology models both loan balance at default (EAD) and changes in loanlimit at default as random variables, modelling their joint dynamics via a two stage model- the first stage estimates the probability that limits decrease while the second stageestimates EAD conditional on changing limits. To the best of our knowledge, our approachis the first to estimate EAD and changes in loan limit directly for large corporate revolvingfacilities using the GCD database.Our model suggests that the key drivers of EAD include: limit; balance; utilisation; riskrating; and time to maturity. We also find evidence that banks actively manage limits inthe lead up to default, and that these changes in limits have substantial effects on theoutcomes of realised EAD.

  • av Sam Dex

    Reptilian Realities: Examining the Impacts of Climate Change on Australia's Cold-Blooded Denizens" is a compelling and comprehensive exploration of the profoundconsequences of climate change on Australia's unique reptilian inhabitants. Thisenlightening book takes readers on a journey through the changing landscapes andhabitats of these cold-blooded creatures, offering a deep understanding of the challengesthey face in an era of environmental upheaval.Through meticulous research, scientific insights, and vivid narratives, this book unveilsthe intricate relationships between reptiles and their shifting ecosystems. It delves intothe various ways in which climate change, including rising temperatures, alteredprecipitation patterns, and habitat loss, affects the behaviors, populations, anddistribution of these remarkable creatures.Readers will gain valuable insights into the resilience and adaptability of Australianreptiles in the face of environmental challenges. "Reptilian Realities" offers a holisticview of the conservation efforts and innovative strategies employed to safeguard thefuture of these species, highlighting the critical role of scientific research and publicawareness in addressing climate-induced threats.This book is not just for herpetologists and conservationists; it is a must-read for anyoneconcerned about the impact of climate change on biodiversity and ecosystems. Itunderscores the importance of protecting and preserving Australia's reptilian denizens asintegral components of the country's natural heritage."Reptilian Realities" invites readers to delve into the intricate web of life that exists inAustralia's unique ecosystems, emphasizing the urgent need to mitigate the effects ofclimate change on its cold-blooded inhabitants. It is a compelling and essential read forthose who seek to understand and appreciate the intricate dance between reptiles andtheir changing environment in the face of a warming world.

  • av Sam Dex

    Unraveling Mental Health Collaboration: Confronting Uncertainty in Professional Practice" isa groundbreaking exploration of the intricate world of mental health care and the vital roleprofessionals play in this field. In an era marked by unprecedented challenges anduncertainties, this book delves deep into the heart of collaboration among mental healthprofessionals, offering an insightful examination of their collaborative practices andstrategies.Through meticulous research and compelling narratives, this book unravels the complexitiesfaced by mental health practitioners as they navigate the uncertain terrain of their profession.From therapists and counselors to psychiatrists and social workers, it delves into the variousperspectives and approaches employed by these dedicated professionals to provide the bestpossible care for their patients.Readers will gain a profound understanding of the intricate dynamics at play whenprofessionals from diverse backgrounds and disciplines come together to address themultifaceted needs of individuals struggling with mental health issues. Drawing on real-worldcase studies and interviews, this book sheds light on the challenges and triumphs experiencedby those who strive to collaborate effectively in the face of uncertainty."Unraveling Mental Health Collaboration" offers practical insights, strategies, and tools formental health professionals to enhance their collaborative skills, ultimately improving thequality of care provided to those in need. It invites readers to embark on a journey ofdiscovery, encouraging them to rethink traditional approaches and embrace innovativemethods to confront the ever-evolving challenges of mental health care.This book is an invaluable resource for mental health practitioners, educators, and anyoneinterested in gaining a deeper insight into the collaborative efforts required to address thecomplexities of mental health care in today's uncertain world. It is a compelling exploration ofthe human side of mental health, highlighting the dedication and resilience of professionalswho work tirelessly to make a positive impact on the lives of individuals and communities.

  • av James Gun

    Delving into the depths of human consciousness, Philosophy of the Dreaming Mind'embarks on a thought-provoking journey into the enigmatic realm of dreams. This insightful exploration navigates the intricate tapestry of the dreaming mind, unraveling its mysteries and pondering its significance.Guided by profound contemplation, this book examines the nature of dreams as a gateway to uncharted territories of thought and emotion. It contemplates the surreal landscapes and narratives that unfold in slumber, and contemplates their potential connections to waking reality. With a blend of introspection and philosophical inquiry, the book scrutinizes the ways in which dreams challenge our perceptions of time, reality, and self.In 'Philosophy of the Dreaming Mind', readers are invited to engage with the complexities of dreams, from their symbolic language to their potential role in shaping our understanding of existence. Through thought-provoking analysis and compelling examples, the book sparks discussions about the intersection of the unconscious and conscious mind.This exploration isn't limited to the individual dreamer; it extends to the broader cultural, psychological, and philosophical implications of dreaming. As the boundaries between dream and wakefulness blur, the book prompts us to reevaluate our perceptions of reality, inviting readers to embark on an intellectual journey that traverses the landscapes of both the night and the mind.

  • av James Gun

    Prostate cancer is the second most common diagnosed cancer and the third mostcommon cause of death related to cancer among men in developed countries. Severalepidemiological studies, prospective cohort studies and animal tumour models state aninverse relationship between selenium status and cancer incidence. Semethylselenocysteine(SeMSC), present in garlic, onions, leeks and broccoli, has beenshown to be the most effective anti-carcinogenic selenium form in animal models. The aimof the work presented in this thesis was to investigate the influence of seleniumcompounds (Se-methylselenocysteine and selenomethionine) on prostate cancerprogression and metastasis using various human cell lines (LNCaP, DU145 and PC3).Standard 2D gel and SILAC (stable isotope labelling with amino acids in cell culture)proteomics were used, in combination with mass spectrometry, to identify seleniumresponsiveproteins. Resulting proteins were clustered and modelled around the prostatecancer signalling pathway. IMPDH2, GPI, EZR and RGS10 were validated by western blot,while PDIA3 and DDX5 showed a selenium response under serum depleted conditions.Some proteins require more scrutinizing (galectin-1, XRCC5, TAGLN2, DDX5 and FLT) asconflicting results were obtained during validation. Preliminary analysis using 2D gelproteomics revealed galectin-1 to be selenium-responsive in PNT1A cells, although thiscould not be confirmed by Western blot or an in-house ELISA. Previously, it has beenshown that SeMSC decreased the expression of collagen I and increased that of collagenIV and collagen VI. A LNCaP 3D gel suspension model was developed to allow furtherinvestigation of extracellular matrix components using fluorescence microscopy. Inaddition, the effect of selenium exposure on the migration and invasion of PC3 cells wasinvestigated using a transwell kinetic assay and revealed a dose response increase,especially under low baseline selenium concentrations. In order to optimize futureselenium in vitro projects the dynamics of several selenium biomarkers were investigatedusing different conditions, enabling better comparison between cell lines and/or seleniumcompounds.

  • av James Gun

    Resilience and well-being share an intricate symbiosis. Resilience acts asa foundation upon which well-being is built. When adversity strikes, resilientindividuals are better equipped to preserve their well-being by adapting tochange, seeking support, and maintaining a positive outlook. Conversely, a highlevel of well-being enhances resilience, as individuals with a strong sense ofpurpose and fulfillment possess the inner resources to overcome challenges withdetermination and a constructive mindset.Nurturing both resilience and well-being involves a multifacetedapproach that combines personal growth, social support, self-compassion, andthe pursuit of activities that bring joy and fulfillment. It is a lifelong journey thatdemands self-reflection, continuous learning, and a commitment to fostering aholistic and balanced lifestyle.In essence, resilience and well-being are the twin beacons guidingindividuals towards a life marked by strength, joy, and meaning. By cultivatingresilience, one can weather life's storms without losing sight of well-being,while a dedication to well-being enhances the capacity to bounce back fromadversity. Together, they form a harmonious dance that empowers individualsto navigate the unpredictable terrain of existence with grace and resilience.

  • av James Gun

    Embarking on a journey toward emotional well-being and resilience requiresacknowledging the significance of mental health help-seeking. In a world that increasingly values holistic health, seeking assistance for mental well-being is not only a sign of strength but also a vital step towards leading a fulfilling life. This process involves recognizing that everyone faces moments of emotional turbulence, and reaching out for support is an empowering choice. Navigating the intricate landscape of mental health can be daunting, often hindered by societal stigmas, self-doubt, or unfamiliarity with available resources. However, embarking on this path showcases a determination to reclaim control over one'semotional narrative. It signifies a proactive stance towards personal growth, fostering healthier relationships, and embracing resilience in the face of life's challenges. Seeking mental health assistance is an act of self-compassion, fostering a deep understanding of one's emotions and triggers. It provides an opportunity to work collaboratively with professionals who possess the expertise to guide individuals through intricate emotional landscapes. This process isn't just about addressing crises; it's a proactive measure for cultivating emotional intelligence, learning effective coping mechanisms, and gaining insight into one's thoughtpatterns and behaviors. Furthermore, mental health help-seeking is a testament to the evolving dialogue surrounding mental well-being. It challenges outdated notions that seekinghelp is a sign of weakness, replacing them with the realization that it is a courageous step towards a more fulfilling and authentic life. As more people share their stories and advocate for mental health awareness, the barriers that once stood tall are gradually eroding, fostering an environment where seeking help is not just accepted but encouraged. In essence, mental health help-seeking is an embodiment of self-care, personal growth, and a commitment to overall well-being. It is a path that is as unique as each individual, a process that unfolds with patience, support, and an unwavering belief in the transformative power of embracing one'svulnerabilities.

  • av James Gun

    Pregnancy is a remarkable journey filled with anticipation, joy, and wonder. However, it's also atime when expectant parents must navigate a complex landscape of potential risks. "Understanding Risks in Pregnancy" is a comprehensive guide that sheds light on the various factors and challenges that can affect both the mother and the developing baby during this crucial time.In this informative and compassionate book, we delve into the world of pregnancy-related risks, exploring everything from common complications like gestational diabetes and preeclampsia to the impact of lifestyle choices, environmental factors, and genetic predispositions. With the help of expert advice, scientific research, and real-life stories from women who have faced these challenges, readers will gain a deep understanding of the risks associated with pregnancy."Understanding Risks in Pregnancy" not only identifies potential dangers but also provides practical guidance on how to mitigate them. From the importance of prenatal care and healthy lifestyle choices to understanding the signs and symptoms of complications, this book empowers expectant parents with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions about their pregnancy journey.

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