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    Княги́ня Ли́говска́я - незавершённый социально-психологический роман с элементами светской повести, начатый Михаилом Лермонтовым в 1836 году. Работа над произведением, в котором отразились личные переживания автора, прервалась в 1837 году. Интрига романа развивается в нескольких направлениях одно из них строится вокруг встречи главного героя - офицера Григория Печорина - с былой возлюбленной Верой Дмитриевной Лиговской; другое посвящено его конфликту с небогатым чиновником одного из петербургских департаментов Красинским. Отдельная сюжетная линия связана со взаимоотношениями Печорина и Лизаветы Николаевны Негуровой.В рукописи зафиксированы автографы не только Лермонтова, но и литератора Святослава Раевского, принимавшего участие в создании отдельных глав, а также троюродного брата поэта - Акима Шан-Гирея. Произведение знаменует собой постепенный переход автора от романтического максимализма к реалистическим художественным принципам. Некоторые идеи и замыслы, начатые в Княгине Лиговской, впоследствии воплотились в Герое нашего времени.При жизни Лермонтова роман ни разу не публиковался. Впервые напечатан историком литературы Павлом Висковатовым в журнале Русский вестник (1882, том 157, № 1). (

  • av Stephen Leacock
    270 - 446,-

  • av Stephen Leacock

  • av Stephen Leacock
    286 - 446,-

  • av Stephen Leacock


    Необычная особенность автора знакомить читателя со всеми персонажами своих историй. При этом, с одной стороны он детально рассказывает какие-то аспекты жизни героя, которые поначалу кажутся совсем незначительными, с другой стороны он не разводит лишние сантименты. Иван Сергеевич, человек проживший весьма честную и скромную жизнь, без взлетов и падений, бурь и страстей до определенного момента ведет весьма уединённый образ жизни. В один прекрасный день он привозит домой маленького ребенка, происхождение которого овеяно тайно и прояснять её своим домочадцам он не намерен. Сама же история началась не задолго до этого, когда наш герой оказывается втянут в личные проблемы князя Михаила. Точнее будет сказать, что Иван Сергеевич, как человек бездетный, бессемейный, сам добровольно втянулся в...СОДЕРЖАНИЕЕлена Легенда Мимоездом Доктор Крупов Сорока-воровка Поврежденный

  • av Stephen Leacock
    286 - 446,-

  • av Stephen Leacock

  • av Patricia Wentworth
    286 - 446,-

  • av G K Chesterton

    Heretics is a collection of 20 essays by G. K. Chesterton and published by John Lane in 1905. archaeology While the loci of the chapters of Heretics are personalities, the topics he debates are as universal to the "vague moderns" of the 21st century as they were to those of the 20th. He quotes at length and argues extensively against atheist Joseph McCabe, delivers diatribes about his close personal friend and intellectual rival, George Bernard Shaw, as well as Friedrich Nietzsche, H. G. Wells, Rudyard Kipling and an array of other major intellectuals of his day, many of whom he knew personally. The topics he touches upon range from cosmology to anthropology to soteriology and he argues against French nihilism, German humanism, English utilitarianism, the syncretism of "the vague modern", Social Darwinism, eugenics and the arrogance and misanthropy of the European intelligentsia. Together with Orthodoxy, this book is regarded as central to his corpus of moral theology. ( Chapters1. Introductory Remarks on the Importance of Orthodoxy2. On the Negative Spirit3. On Mr. Rudyard Kipling and Making the World Small4. Mr. Bernard Shaw5. Mr. H. G. Wells and the Giants6. Christmas and the Esthetes7. Omar and the Sacred Vine8. The Mildness of the Yellow Press9. The Moods of Mr. George Moore10. On Sandals and Simplicity11. Science and the Savages12. Paganism and Mr. Lowes Dickinson13. Celts and Celtophiles14. On Certain Modern Writers and the Institution of the Family15. On Smart Novelists and the Smart Set16. On Mr. McCabe and a Divine Frivolity17. On the Wit of Whistler18. The Fallacy of the Young Nation19. Slum Novelists and the Slums20. Concluding Remarks on the Importance of Orthodoxy

  • av Stephen Leacock

    CONTENTSI The Great Elizabethan Navigators II Hearne's Overland Journey to the Northern Ocean III Mackenzie Descends the Great River of the North IV The Memorable Exploits of Sir John Franklin V The Tragedy of Franklin's Fate VI Epilogue. The Conquest of the Pole About the author: Stephen P. H. Butler Leacock FRSC (30 December 1869 - 28 March 1944) was a Canadian teacher, political scientist, writer, and humorist. Between the years 1915 and 1925, he was the best-known English-speaking humorist in the world. He is known for his light humour along with criticisms of people's follies.Early in his career, Leacock turned to fiction, humour, and short reports to supplement (and ultimately exceed) his regular income. His stories, first published in magazines in Canada and the United States and later in novel form, became extremely popular around the world. It was said in 1911 that more people had heard of Stephen Leacock than had heard of Canada. Between the years 1915 and 1925, Leacock was the most popular humorist in the English-speaking world.A humorist particularly admired by Leacock was Robert Benchley from New York. Leacock opened correspondence with Benchley, encouraging him in his work and importuning him to compile his work into a book. Benchley did so in 1922, and acknowledged the nagging from north of the border.Near the end of his life, the US comedian Jack Benny recounted how he had been introduced to Leacock's writing by Groucho Marx when they were both young vaudeville comedians. Benny acknowledged Leacock's influence and, fifty years after first reading him, still considered Leacock one of his favorite comic writers. He was puzzled as to why Leacock's work was no longer well known in the United States. His works can be described as a balancing act between cutting satire and sheer absurdity. He also wrote extensively on his chosen fields of study, political science and political economy. Leacock was professor, but in his works he reflected with wit and ingenuity on everyday situations.During the summer months, Leacock lived at Old Brewery Bay, his summer estate in Orillia, across Lake Simcoe from where he was raised and also bordering Lake Couchiching. A working farm, Old Brewery Bay is now a museum and National Historic Site of Canada. Gossip provided by the local barber, Jefferson Short, provided Leacock with the material which would become Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town (1912), set in the thinly-disguised Mariposa.Leacock was awarded the Royal Society of Canada's Lorne Pierce Medal in 1937, nominally for his academic work. (

  • av Stephen Leacock

    Lesser books have gotten greater reviews but the measure of a book's quality is not by the stars it receives but by the mirth it delivers to its readers. Stephen Leacock's book or rather contribution to human knowledge shall remain etched in the crests and troughs of mine. Every now and then as I shuffle through my memories I shall always relive this collection with a chuckle if not instantaneous laughter. That being said, the story 'With the photographer' seems relevant even in today's age of the gram. I suspect that human nature was really so predictable to this under rated humorist that he truly saw things Behind the beyond! (Amar Viswanathan)About the author: Stephen P. H. Butler Leacock FRSC (30 December 1869 - 28 March 1944) was a Canadian teacher, political scientist, writer, and humorist. Between the years 1915 and 1925, he was the best-known English-speaking humorist in the world. He is known for his light humour along with criticisms of people's follies.Early in his career, Leacock turned to fiction, humour, and short reports to supplement (and ultimately exceed) his regular income. His stories, first published in magazines in Canada and the United States and later in novel form, became extremely popular around the world. It was said in 1911 that more people had heard of Stephen Leacock than had heard of Canada. Between the years 1915 and 1925, Leacock was the most popular humorist in the English-speaking world.A humorist particularly admired by Leacock was Robert Benchley from New York. Leacock opened correspondence with Benchley, encouraging him in his work and importuning him to compile his work into a book. Benchley did so in 1922, and acknowledged the nagging from north of the border.Near the end of his life, the US comedian Jack Benny recounted how he had been introduced to Leacock's writing by Groucho Marx when they were both young vaudeville comedians. Benny acknowledged Leacock's influence and, fifty years after first reading him, still considered Leacock one of his favorite comic writers. He was puzzled as to why Leacock's work was no longer well known in the United States. His works can be described as a balancing act between cutting satire and sheer absurdity. He also wrote extensively on his chosen fields of study, political science and political economy. Leacock was professor, but in his works he reflected with wit and ingenuity on everyday situations.During the summer months, Leacock lived at Old Brewery Bay, his summer estate in Orillia, across Lake Simcoe from where he was raised and also bordering Lake Couchiching. A working farm, Old Brewery Bay is now a museum and National Historic Site of Canada. Gossip provided by the local barber, Jefferson Short, provided Leacock with the material which would become Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town (1912), set in the thinly-disguised Mariposa.Leacock was awarded the Royal Society of Canada's Lorne Pierce Medal in 1937, nominally for his academic work. (

  • av Rider Henry Haggard

    The People of the Mist is a classic lost race fantasy novel. It is the tale of a British adventurer seeking wealth in the wilds of Africa, finding romance, and discovering a lost race and its monstrous god.In the novel Penniless Leonard Outram attempts to redress the undeserved loss of his family estates and fiancee by seeking his fortune in Africa. In the course of his adventures he and his Zulu companion Otter save a young Portuguese woman, Juanna Rodd, together with her nursemaid Soa, from slavery. Leonard and Juanna are plainly attracted to each other, but prone to bickering, and their romance is impeded by the watchful and jealous Soa. The protagonists seek the legendary People of the Mist, said to possess a fabulous hoard of jewels. Finding them, they immediately become embroiled in the turbulent political affairs of the lost race, which is riven by a power-struggle between the monarch and the priesthood of its giant crocodile god. The heroic Leonard can do little more than react to events. The action climaxes in a hair-raising escape by toboggan down a steep glacier.

  • av &1080, &1072, &1088, m.fl.
    316 - 526,-

  • av &1089, &1080, &1072, m.fl.

    СОДЕРЖАНИЕПоездка в Соловецкий монастырь Печорский князь Берестяная книга БиографияСергей Васильевич Макси́мов (25 сентября (7 октября) 1831 - 3 (16) июня 1901) - русский этнограф-беллетрист. Брат писателя Николая и хирурга Василия Максимовых. Публиковался с 1853 г., преимущественно в Библиотеке для чтения. Начинал с очерков из народного быта. Ободрённый Тургеневым, Максимов в 1855 году предпринимает литературно-этнографическую экскурсию - пешеходное странствование по Владимирской губернии, посещает затем Нижний Новгород, Вятскую губернию. Этот опыт изучения народного быта отразился в очерках Крестьянские посиделки Костромской губернии, Извощики, Швецы (то есть портные), Сергач (вожак медведя), Вотяки, Нижегородская ярмарка, Соцкой, Булыня (скупщик льна), Маляр, Кулачок, Повитуха, Колдун и др., впоследствии вошедших в книгу Лесная глушь (СПб., т. 1-2, 1871).Когда по мысли великого князя Константина Николаевича морским ведомством был организован целый ряд этнографических экспедиций в различные края России (1855), Максимову достался Север он отправился к Белому морю, добрался до Ледовитого океана и Печоры и напечатал ряд статей в Морском сборнике, Библиотеке для чтения и Сыне Отечества, составивших затем книгу Год на Севере (1859, СПб.; 3 изд., 1871). Это произведение отмечено малой золотой медалью Императорского русского географического общества....(

  • av &1089, &1080, &1072, m.fl.

  • av &1080, &1084, &108, m.fl.

  • av &1086, &1090, &1085, m.fl.

  • av &1086, &1090, &1085, m.fl.
    346 - 490,-

  • av &1086, &1090, &1085, m.fl.
    346 - 526,-

  • - The Inner Teachings of the Master
    av William W Atkinson

    Most Christians, think of words like "meditation," and "mysticism" as words related merely to Eastern Religions and philosophies. However as this volume asserts concepts such as mysticism was and is a vital part of Christian spirituality. The author, William W. Atkinson also examines the concept of reincarnation in the origins of Christianity and by doing so offers us an interesting new look at Christianity in the context of its universality and its relation with those of Eastern religions.

  • av &1086, &107, 1050, m.fl.

  • av &1086, &107, 1050, m.fl.
    346 - 526,-

  • av &1089, 1050, &1072, m.fl.

  • av &1089, 1050, &1072, m.fl.

  • av &1089, 1050, &1072, m.fl.

  • av &1089, 1050, &1072, m.fl.

  • av &107, &1077, 1041, m.fl.

  • av &107, &1077, 1041, m.fl.
    350 - 526,-

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